View Full Version : Saga of one hobbyist - Daemonettes Army

10-06-2012, 11:28 AM
This thread is in no way affiliated with the official BoLS Tale of 4 Gamers blog, except in as far as it is copying the heck out of them.

I've found recently that I haven't had the drive (nor the money) to finish some of my WIP armies, but seeing the guys have decided to start up a To4G (http://bolsconto4g.blogspot.co.uk/) has inspired me to pull my finger out and try to follow along by completing my Slaanesh Daemon army. Here are the rules: 350 points painted a month for 5 months, plenty of WIP and final shots, and no getting distracted by pretty things. Unless they're daemonic pretty things.

So, as a token of some sort of commitment, here is the army list that I'm planning to follow:

HQ slot 1:
Masque of Slaanesh - 100
Herald of Slaanesh mounted in Seeker Chariot, with Unholy Might, Transfixing Gaze and a Chaos Icon - 120

HQ Slot 2:
Herald of Slaanesh with Unholy Might, Pavane of Slaanesh and Soporific Musk - 95
Herald of Slaanesh with Pavane of Slaanesh, Daemonic Gaze and Transfixing Gaze - 90

Fiends of Slaanesh, one with Unholy Might - 100

20 Daemonettes, one with Transfixing Gaze, one with Chaos Icon and one with Instrument of Chaos - 315

20 Daemonettes, as above - 315

20 Daemonettes, as above - 315

Fast Attack:
20 Furies - 300

Total: - 1750 points

I would welcome suggestions from anyone more tactics orientated than I am, however most of it's already bought so it's mainly down to what I kit the characters out with really. Feel free to throw in some suggestions though :)

If I actually manage to complete the army within the 5 month time limit, I plan on treating myself to one of these, rounding it out at 2000 points:

Heavy Support:
Daemon Prince with Mark of Slaanesh, Daemonic Flight, Iron Hide, Unholy Might, Soporific Musk and Pavane of Slaanesh - 250

Still here? Alright, as a reward for making it through this far, here are some pictures of my first model, Herald of Slaanesh number 3. Just a taster of things to come...


10-06-2012, 11:28 AM

12-13-2012, 02:30 PM
So, given that this was supposed to be a challenge to paint 350 points of Daemonettes a month, and I'm still not done with my first 350 points two months on, it's safe to say I'm a bit late. What can I say, I just find it hard to stick to deadlines. I could bore you and say that I do have excuses for not getting it done, but at the end of the day this is the internet and nothing is tangible here except failure.

If I were to give an excuse, one would definitely be not having access to the same camera I would normally use, meaning that the following is the best I can do to show I have been doing something:


Yeah I know. I'll give it a go on my phone, but I'm not sure whether that'll be any better. As some form of blurry penance, I will show you what I intend to use for fiends:


The middle one is in the process of being painted, the left one is in the process of having bits resculpted, and the right one only came through in the post the other day and is awaiting being stripped. I was hoping this model would be on the list of recent models moved into finecase, but hey-ho.

Anyway, I am aware that I suck for being late and then arriving with blurry photos, but there you go. Any suggestions are welcome.