View Full Version : Problems with Internet Companies - is GW causing supply problems?

10-05-2012, 11:29 AM
Wayland games took around 22 days to get a valkyrie I ordered to me. Currently, a valkyrie i subsequently ordered from maelstrom Games is still marked as being 'processed' 1 month and 2 days after i paid. Maelstrom have told me GW has an outstanding order; the last one that arrived was incomplete.

Anyone else having problems with their favourite EFLGS?

10-05-2012, 11:56 AM
I won't take a stand necessarily on whose fault it is, but I do have one point for thought:

A retail store can not sell product unless it is on their shelves. An online retailer should not sell product they don't have in their warehouse. They should tell you the product is out of stock when you order. If they are selling you something under the assumption that they can get it to you quickly enough, then there is a problem in how they operate.

Again, I won't say GW couldn't be at fault. Maybe your retailer placed an order with GW which arrived late, and was missing product that should have been in the box due to a packing error or some sort. But no one should sell you something they don't have. Some places have laws regarding this, they are called Consumer Faith laws or something.

10-05-2012, 11:59 AM
I don't know the situation with either of the stores you're talking about, but this is part of why my favorite online store is SciFiGenre. They're an actual game store, with actual stock, that just happens to also maintain an excellent online storefront and extensive warehouse. I've never had a problem with them.