View Full Version : Damn you GW!!!!! <rant included>

10-05-2012, 09:20 AM
Ok i just got reaqlly fed up with GW. Why well because of this;

I always was a big nutter for the Painting guides found on the net or even in the WD nowadays every paintguide seems to be ipad only AND i have to pay for it too!!
Please GW load a backup of yourselfs and revert to your old "whats new today" and old WD's with tons of guides.

since im not planning on buying a ipad soon(ish) im starting to wonder if there are ipad viewers ?? that way i still can view the giudes

10-05-2012, 10:25 AM
The old ones sensibly got taken down when the paint range changed as they referred to now defunct paint colours. The ones in WD since the new paint range came out have been basic (use these colours and this brush)and excellent in my humble opinion. They provide a quick and easy reference guide. Anyone wanting detailed advice on brush strokes and more advanced techniques can pick up the 'how to paint' guide which has most things you will ever want in. I don't really see what the issue is here.

10-05-2012, 12:47 PM
Ok i just got reaqlly fed up with GW. Why well because of this;

I always was a big nutter for the Painting guides found on the net or even in the WD nowadays every paintguide seems to be ipad only AND i have to pay for it too!!
Please GW load a backup of yourselfs and revert to your old "whats new today" and old WD's with tons of guides.

since im not planning on buying a ipad soon(ish) im starting to wonder if there are ipad viewers ?? that way i still can view the giudes

This is a format that is reasonably quick for them to crank out content that they can then charge for. They don't have all the overhead of a print run and don't have to worry overmuch about those scurvy pirates. I share your frustration, but I also realize that this is a format they could get involved in quickly and could possibly be still doing the leg work to get involved in other formats.

Why they couldn't sell .mobi's or watermarked pdfs direct like black library is beyond me. I would think the black library content is far more worthy of concern as a piracy target than some painting guides.

(Cue the discussion of why then these things cost so blasted much...)

Simon Hodgson
10-09-2012, 09:40 PM
its ok and i will tell you why GW has done this with the I Pad

all the top managers and department heads were given I pads so they now belive the rest of the world also now have I Pads !

10-10-2012, 02:01 AM
This has been discussed (to death), it is apple users though fewer in number generate more revenue through the app store then google does through google play. The assumption therefore is that apple users are more likely to pay for content then android users. So if you are going to sell something you may as well choose a market that is motivated to pay for content.