View Full Version : What color are Pre-Heresy Deathguard really?

White Tiger88
10-03-2012, 07:14 PM
Well after looking at about 8 different pictures i can't seem to figure exactly what color the deathguard where! There main armor color so far has been said to be Grey,White,bone........only thing that doesn't seem to change is the green Trim on shoulder pads. Does anyone have suggestions on what i should go with here i am considering going with a bone\grey mix but i am really starting to get confused here!

10-03-2012, 07:29 PM
Well after looking at about 8 different pictures i can't seem to figure exactly what color the deathguard where! There main armor color so far has been said to be Grey,White,bone........only thing that doesn't seem to change is the green Trim on shoulder pads. Does anyone have suggestions on what i should go with here i am considering going with a bone\grey mix but i am really starting to get confused here!

Unpainted w green trim . Grayish metallic I would think, and dull, not shiny.

White Tiger88
10-03-2012, 07:39 PM
Lovely.... so i have to figure out how to mix a nice non-metallic greyish silver. Which of these two look closer it would give me something to work off.


This one appears more dark grey....


well this image has it as a Light Metalic grey.....Or maybe Bone grey?

10-03-2012, 09:08 PM
I did white and simply inked the crap out of it with a watered dow black and did a light dry brush in areas to make it more grey or metallic.

White Tiger88
10-03-2012, 10:58 PM
I did white and simply inked the crap out of it with a watered dow black and did a light dry brush in areas to make it more grey or metallic.

Funny enough i am starting to think emperor children (well i dont really like them) would be the easiest to paint since for once purple is simple!

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-03-2012, 11:05 PM
What I'd do is:

Basecoat Dawnstone
Light Wash Agrax Earthshade
Layer Administratum Grey
Highlight 1:1 Administratum Grey:White Scar
Highlight 1:2 Administratum Grey:White Scar

That's how I'd do armour from the Flight of the Eisenstein's cover.

10-03-2012, 11:43 PM
Their armour has always puzzled me too. In the earlier 'fluff' (including the white dwarf army list from many years ago which was the reason i started Death Guard) their armour was described as almost unpainted, which I took to be a light grey / bone mix as per the second picture in Elzanith's post. It is the more recent background, including the Black Library books, which describe them as more white.

Personally I am doing my Death Guard using a technique I stole from this guy:
Dheneb stone base, Declan mud wash. I will not do the rust as much though, doesn't look right to me as I am aiming for a early heresy force (just after Istvaan V).

Let us know if that helps.

White Tiger88
10-03-2012, 11:46 PM
after looking at the book covers...and heresy art book they do apear to be Grey.......a Light Grey well space wolves are slightly darker. Then in the next pictures there whitish grey >_@ Ok does anyone with the NEW book have pictures of the deathguard color scheme??? Maybe they have the correct one finally (Or made up there minds on what to make them look like)

Lukas The Trickster
10-04-2012, 12:01 AM
There's a painting guide to them in the back of the new White Dwarf, just dont follow it if you're collecting SoH, the example model looks terrible :rolleyes:

White Tiger88
10-04-2012, 12:06 AM
There's a painting guide to them in the back of the new White Dwarf, just dont follow it if you're collecting SoH, the example model looks terrible :rolleyes:

Ok now i just feel retarded..........Thats a scheme that takes 50 seconds........ I like it! :D thanks Lukas. Also ya...that Son's of Horus model looks terrible D:

Edit: ya im going for grey.....The armor in the white dwarf is way to far off from the books and fluff...i mean where did all that bronze come from??

10-04-2012, 03:41 AM
Too many of the pre-heresy armies wear grey armour, or 'unadorned' armour. Luna Wolves, Space Wolves, Iron Warriors, Word Bearers... I'd be tempted to go more towards the bone/white (maybe invent some sort of metallic bone colour!) rather than just another grey marine.

That's my tuppence worth anyways :)

White Tiger88
10-04-2012, 04:30 AM
Too many of the pre-heresy armies wear grey armour, or 'unadorned' armour. Luna Wolves, Space Wolves, Iron Warriors, Word Bearers... I'd be tempted to go more towards the bone/white (maybe invent some sort of metallic bone colour!) rather than just another grey marine.

That's my tuppence worth anyways :)

if i wasent such a fluff stickler i would do bone....but grey wins the day

Mr. Furious
10-04-2012, 07:08 AM
Last HH book i read said they had unpainted ceramite armor that looked cosmetically beat up but well maintained otherwise.

I would say grey that's almost white would do the trick.