View Full Version : Island of Blood High Elves

10-03-2012, 12:11 PM
Hey everybody,

Not sure where I would put this so I started here. I was curious to see if the High Elves from the Island of Blood set were configured in a good way or if they were good units to use. I am slowly getting into WHFB and wanted to try a good caster army. I am thinking of going either Dark Elves or High Elves (and am heavily leaning towards Dark Elves), but wanted to know if the High Elves from the starter set were worth it.

I hope that a good 2/3's of the units would be useful for something. Is that the case? Thanks!

10-05-2012, 09:32 PM
Swormasters and Seaguard are both excellent, but the units you get in the box are the min. legal size and would probably need expanding (the Seaguard by quite a bit, but imo they're one of the best core choices out there). The reavers are pretty useful, and five's plenty, the griffon rider and mage are really nice models, though not many people run a griffon with the cheapest dragon option only something like 30pts more. The skaven units you get are fun, a few of them are nice one-offs to paint too, and as a starter for an army it's actually pretty decent (skaven can be magic-heavy too if that's what you're after). Sorry it took me so long reply btw, just don't like telling people how to spend there money, but since noone else did ...

10-08-2012, 11:41 AM
I purchased the IoB set. I must say, the High Elf models are great. I once saw a sweet set of Dark Elves tho. They used components from the Dark Elf Battalion box and the Island of Blood set. Use the extra bits in the battalion box and make the High Elf models into Dark Elf ones.
If I had to start from scratch again, I think I'd choose Dark Elves.