View Full Version : Trying to get serious about Ork Dakka:)

10-03-2012, 10:19 AM
After mucking about for quite some time with my orks I have finally settled on a paint scheme (bad moons, and test boy came out well) and now trying to put things together for a fun list that could also potentially do well in a tournament setting. Basically this list is just pure dakka that doesn't really need to move until perhaps later in the game to grab objectives and perhaps use the 'ere we go power. Traded out a 3rd dakkajet for a blitza bommer for more ork fun and another possible way to deal with heavy armour. Was thinking of dropping the meks heavy armour for red paint on the blitza bommer. But as I haven't had a lot of time lately to play games to test out the list I thought I might ask your fine opinions on the list.Thanks in advance!

HQ: Old Zogwort (for the fun ork powers and the possible curse:) )

Big Mek with SAG, ammon runt, and heavy armor


10 lootas x 3

Fast attack:

Dakkajets (with 3rd super shoota and fighta ace) x 2

Blitza Bommer


20 Shoota Boyz (2 big shootas and with Nob with PK, heavy armour to maybe help survive challenges, and bosspole) x 3

Gretchin (18, with runtherd) to help fire the defense gun and or be fodder for enemy or the SAG:) )

Heavy Support:

Big Guns (2 kannon, with 1 additonal crew) x 2


Aegis Defense Line with Icarus Lascannon

10-05-2012, 12:38 AM
There is just not enough Boyz.

While great for the pts, Lootas run quickly. You need to protect them somehow.

Most do that by 60 boyz assaulting drawing enemy fire.

Icarus is hopeless, I would get the quad gun any day. And who will fire the gun? That unit shoots flyers, remember!

You have two expensive HQ, none are really worth their pts.

Maybe cut it to one if you want a fun choice, or get a Mek with CFF for the lootas.

10-07-2012, 12:14 PM
What points total is this? It would help to know before giving suggestions.

The Icarus won't really do much when it's only BS3, you would be better off with the Quad Gun as it fires more shots and is twin-linked, meaning you'll probably get 3 S7 hits a turn rather than 0.5 S9 hits a turn.