View Full Version : I Want to Build a Beaky Armor Army

Chris Copeland
10-02-2012, 09:22 PM
I love Beakies. I just think they look SO cool. I've been playing Tyranids for the last five years and I'm ready to make an Imperial army. I figure that I might as well go to the trouble to make a Beaky Marine army as any other. I'm leaning towards Beaky Dark Angels since DA figs are SO easy to pick up right now.

I've also noticed that Heresy stuff is all the rage these days, My local group is talking about running a big Horus Heresy campaign with only proper models and paint schemes allowed...

All of the above brings me to the point where I need to ask some questions:

What makes armor Mk 6? Is it just the beaky head? Most stuff I can easy get has the aquilla on the chestplate. Does that make it NOT Mk 6?
If I put a beaky head on a regular Space Marine body does it count as Mk 6?
Do the knees matter? Most drawing I've seen of Mk 6 armor show straight knees but most models I can easily get have round knee caps...
Is Mk 6 army Heresy-era? Could I do a black color scheme Dark Angel army and count them as a Heresy-era army?
Again, can I legitimately make Mk 6 Heresy-era Marines with commonly available Space Marine bodies but with beaky heads on them?

I look forward to hearing from y'all... Cope

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
10-02-2012, 09:34 PM
Aquila on the chest isn't Heresy, unless you're Emperor's Children. It became allowed for all chapters very late into the heresy, though.

Straight knees are Mk6, smooth roundcap knees are Mk7 Mk6 chestplates are kinda weird, recommend looking them up on FW - still, it's one of the more variable bits, the marks of armour aren't super-consistent, more like a general classification. Easy-ish to convert, though. Vambraces are kinda different, a bit thicker. Backpack's also different, but apparently FW are retconning Mk7-like backpacks in as Mk4 backpacks, so Mk7packs might work. Often had studded left shoulderpads.

Doable with some conversion, I'd guess. File down/greenstuff the knees, add studs to a shoulderpad + beakie head and it'd be passable I think.

Chris Copeland
10-02-2012, 10:14 PM
I see (looking at http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Power_Armour#.UGuwqPl257F) that some previous Marks had rounded knees... that tells me that I could have Mk 6s with rounded knees because they might be mixing and matching previous Marks in with Mk 6s... so that leaves the eagles on the chests and the backpacks...

When did the Dark Angels move away from black armor? I'm thinking about making my Beaky Marines as late-Heresy/early-post-Heresy Dark Angels... all black armor, beaky heads...

10-02-2012, 11:16 PM
What makes armor Mk 6? Is it just the beaky head? Most stuff I can easy get has the aquilla on the chestplate. Does that make it NOT Mk 6?
MK6 has NO aquila in chestplate
If I put a beaky head on a regular Space Marine body does it count as Mk 6?
Do the knees matter? Most drawing I've seen of Mk 6 armor show straight knees but most models I can easily get have round knee caps...
Yes, straight knees or studded legs only.
Is Mk 6 army Heresy-era? Could I do a black color scheme Dark Angel army and count them as a Heresy-era army?
mk6 Is post-heresy.
Again, can I legitimately make Mk 6 Heresy-era Marines with commonly available Space Marine bodies but with beaky heads on them?
When did the Dark Angels move away from black armor? I'm thinking about making my Beaky Marines as late-Heresy/early-post-Heresy Dark Angels... all black armor, beaky heads..
After heresy, legion was split into chapters. Relictors kept the old (black, red stripe) scheme. DA went green, except 1st and 2nd companies (remained black, then 1st went bone-colour)
The most common post heresy armour is full beakie, black armour, red stripe (RT colours)


10-02-2012, 11:44 PM
I built an army along these lines using GW parts. It took a lot of parts swapping and bits orders to get there.

Essentially I used:

Beaky helmet: found in the tactical and assault squad boxes;
Legs without kneecaps: found in the tactical (standing), assault (running) and devastator/command (kneeling) sets. There have since been some fancier ones released in the specialist chapter sets
Chestplate: the only ones available came from the old space wolves set. I cheated and used type 5 (crossed cables) from the assualt & tactical sets.
Studded left shoulder pads: these were harder to come by so only the sergeants got these (assault & tactical sets). Also I was creating my own chapter and so the standard marines got textured (Black Templar) pads.

That gave me something very close to complete Mark 6 armour. Of course you could simply buy the Forge World kits and save all the mucking around.

Cpt Codpiece
10-03-2012, 06:28 AM
only the ravenguard had mk VI, the were testing it for the ad mech, as an upgrade to the mk IV (ultimatly it was not an upgrade as some tech was lost during heresy).

the straight greaves are indeed an indicator of mk VI, but mk VII is designed to be backwards compatable with mk VI, so post heresy mk VI and VII can easily be mixed.

chest pieces, they have the cables in a Y pattern, no plastic kit has it but its an easy mod with GS. (ooh never realised the old SW had a mk VI chest).

left pads are definatly studded, and a DA specific one with an icon is on the upgrade/vet/inner circle sprue.

the division of the DA is a strongly contested debate, but some say (including me) calibanites went green in honour of the loss of its forests (meaning the green guys are luthers men), this would explain the psychotic urge to capture anyone who knows the truth.

but your idea of late/post heresy black DA is a one i have dabbled in, and its great fun :) if you like painting black.

10-03-2012, 08:41 AM
only the ravenguard had mk VI, the were testing it for the ad mech, as an upgrade to the mk IV (ultimatly it was not an upgrade as some tech was lost during heresy).

Not true, Mk 6 was a stopgap, after production of Mk 4 ceased and before Mk 7 became available. And Mk 6 was used fairly widely by all Marines on both sides, it certainly was not exclusive to RG.

To the OP, the article on Lexicanum (here (http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Power_armour#.UGxManaI2kI)) pretty much answers these questions.

Short version -- Mk 6 requires ALL of the following:
* "Beaky" helmet
* Shoulderpads with no borders, studs on left (arguably studs on right instead very rarely)
* Y shaped cables on chest (arguably, some suits were modified with an additional chest plate to protect cabling, not sure)
* Legs without separate kneepads
Change ANY of these, and it's not pure Mk 6, but a mixture of Mks

Have you considered doing Mk 5 instead? It's much easier to convert using plastics.

Chris Copeland
10-03-2012, 08:54 AM
It's the beakiness that I'm after. I just think a whole army with nothing but beaky heads would be cool...

10-03-2012, 09:06 AM
To get an authentic pure Mk 6 army, FW is your best option.

Alternatively, if you're willing to do a lot of trading/haunting bitz sites you could get a pile of beaky helmets and put them with various bits of other early Mks.

In the long run, it may just be best to go to FW.

Cpt Codpiece
10-03-2012, 10:08 AM
Not true, Mk 6 was a stopgap, after production of Mk 4 ceased and before Mk 7 became available. And Mk 6 was used fairly widely by all Marines on both sides, it certainly was not exclusive to RG.

according to deliverance lost mk VI 'corvus' was definatly not a stop gap, it was mk V 'heresy' that was the stop gap 'ad hoc' mk of armour.

and the raven guard were given ALL of both mars and earths supplies of mk VI since their losses and dedication at istvaan and the 'gift' the emperor gave corax (they would need the suits if he made it work after all). so no legions had mk VI 'corvus' until after the heresy, or at least till the end of it when supplies could be restocked.

the imperial fist captain tells corax upon delivery of the suits, that they had the entire stocks, and they were named in honour of corax ("why is that because they have a beak?" corax). the fact that mk V was not a true mark of armour was also mentioned.
the techpriests and techmarines created mk 5 as a way to use the supplies they had, using vehicle reinforcment plates and molecular bonding studs as armour plates, and left overs from the TDA project for the helmets.

10-03-2012, 10:27 AM
Not true, Mk 6 was a stopgap, after production of Mk 4 ceased and before Mk 7 became available. And Mk 6 was used fairly widely by all Marines on both sides, it certainly was not exclusive to RG.

To the OP, the article on Lexicanum (here (http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Power_armour#.UGxManaI2kI)) pretty much answers these questions.

Short version -- Mk 6 requires ALL of the following:
* "Beaky" helmet
* Shoulderpads with no borders, studs on left (arguably studs on right instead very rarely)
* Y shaped cables on chest (arguably, some suits were modified with an additional chest plate to protect cabling, not sure)
* Legs without separate kneepads
Change ANY of these, and it's not pure Mk 6, but a mixture of Mks

Have you considered doing Mk 5 instead? It's much easier to convert using plastics.

Yeah, that isn't totally true...

--MkV was the stop gap primarily used during the heresy, not MkVI. Deliverance Lost makes this pretty clear. MkVI was the upgrade from MkIV, the conical helmet allowing for additional sensory systems. MkVI is most prevalent in the Raven Guard and its successors because they were the ones that were given it both to test and to fill in from their losses from the Isstvaan Massacre. Hence the "Corvus" moniker for the armour.
--The studded shoulders were to honor veterans that had survived the Heresy. As such, it's more of an honorific now, and isn't necessary to create "modern" MkVI.

So...it really depends what you're going for. If you're going for Heresy Era Armies, MkVI is going to exist almost SOLELY within the Raven Guard for the reasons mentioned above. If you're going post heresy, it's going to be most prevalent in the Raven Guard, but other chatpers will see it's use from the spoils of war and rearming post-heresy.

MkIV seems to be the most prevalent armour during the Heresy, with MKII Crusader being 2nd. The MkIII Iron Armor was really only used for boarding and heavy weapons specialists.

Also, Cope, PM me your address. I have a bunch of beaky helms for you.

10-03-2012, 11:16 AM
Yeah, that isn't totally true...

--MkV was the stop gap primarily used during the heresy, not MkVI.

It actually is true, if you go by the original stuff written on the Mks of armour, (in WD 129 and then the Compendium) rather than the johnny-come-lately HH books from BL. Just sayin'

Technically I think they're both stopgaps, it's just Mk 5 is more stopgappy than Mk 6.

Cpt Codpiece
10-03-2012, 11:35 AM
i think the main issue with old v new fluff is major typo in the desecriptions in the compilation where mk 6 mistakenly is referred to as mk 5 corvus, despite mk 5 being refered to as heresy in its own box out (page 23).

the compilation makes no mention of corvus being a stop gap though mearly being rushed into service, almost straight off the factory floor to the ships, as is told also to corax in deliverance lost.

the fluff on the armours in the new HH books is actually quite faithfull to the WD articles covered in the compilation. just expanded upon with the benfits of hindsight.

10-03-2012, 11:37 AM
It actually is true, if you go by the original stuff written on the Mks of armour, (in WD 129 and then the Compendium) rather than the johnny-come-lately HH books from BL. Just sayin'

Technically I think they're both stopgaps, it's just Mk 5 is more stopgappy than Mk 6.

When was issue WD 129 published ? I think the HH is much more fleshed out now than it was way back, especially now FW are in the mix.

Cpt Codpiece
10-03-2012, 11:39 AM
When was issue WD 129 published ?

compilation was done in 91 and had i think 2 years of WD articles in it.

10-03-2012, 12:22 PM
It actually is true, if you go by the original stuff written on the Mks of armour, (in WD 129 and then the Compendium) rather than the johnny-come-lately HH books from BL. Just sayin'

Technically I think they're both stopgaps, it's just Mk 5 is more stopgappy than Mk 6.

Facepalm. The compendium is like, 20 years old. The background has shockingly progressed since then. I really encourage you to read some of the newer stuff to provide better commentary on the fluff pieces. There's been a significant amount of improvement and addition to the background since 1991....

I mean, I don't get the disparaging of the HH books... A) most of them are fantastic, and B) they're really driving some of the direction GW as a whole is taking. There's concerted effort to integrate all the universes together.

Ever heard of a Caestus Assault Ram before FW did them? Me either, but now they've become canon in Fear to Tread.

How about the origination of why Ultramarine's Sarges wear red helmets? Nor I, but that was explained in Know No Fear and is now canon.

You're like a Van Halen fan that refuses to acknowledge Sammy Hagar despite the fact that For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge and 5150 were arguably better and more successful than anything they did with David Lee Roth.

10-03-2012, 12:23 PM
I must admit I don't have a copy of the article anymore, just the Lexicanum article on power armour, which (I think) quotes the article verbatim to some extent. It uses the word stopgap. At the very least it says that Mk 6 was rushed into production and was a compromise between (what is now called) Mk 7 (that was being designed at the time) and earlier Mks, as a new Mk was needed to fill the gap between the end of Mk 4 production and the new design (i.e. Mk 7) caused by the Heresy.

And there's at least one big difference (personally, I'd say there's several more) between the old Compendium article and the HH books: The HH books say that Mk 5 isn't a real Mk, it's a later name for the use of various bits and pieces of armour used together in an ad-hoc fashion; whereas the Compendium article says Mk 5 is actually a Mk.

I a) would rather believe that something called a Mark is a Mark and b) wonder why Mk 5 has the studded shoulderpads that were not otherwise introduced until the (later) Mk 6.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-03-2012, 12:23 PM
'91? Dammit man, I wasn't even alive in '91! Hahahaah!

10-03-2012, 12:30 PM
I must admit I don't have a copy of the article anymore, just the Lexicanum article on power armour, which (I think) quotes the article verbatim to some extent. It uses the word stopgap. At the very least it says that Mk 6 was rushed into production and was a compromise between (what is now called) Mk 7 (that was being designed at the time) and earlier Mks, as a new Mk was needed to fill the gap between the end of Mk 4 production and the new design (i.e. Mk 7) caused by the Heresy.

And there's at least one big difference (personally, I'd say there's several more) between the old Compendium article and the HH books: The HH books say that Mk 5 isn't a real Mk, it's a later name for the use of various bits and pieces of armour used together in an ad-hoc fashion; whereas the Compendium article says Mk 5 is actually a Mk.

I a) would rather believe that something called a Mark is a Mark and b) wonder why Mk 5 has the studded shoulderpads that were not otherwise introduced until the (later) Mk 6.

MKIV Maximus Armour - "This pattern of power armour was developed towards the end of the Great Crusade, using advanced technologies recovered by Astartes forces from scattered Forge Worlds across the Imperium. Despite being intended as the pinnacle of power armour technology, and containing many advanced systems, MkIV armour remains a valued rarity among most Chapters. "

MKV Heresy Armour - "The iconic MkV ‘Heresy’ Armour Set is an archaic pattern of Power Armour, first created during the dark and shadowed days of the Great Betrayal, which saw several layers of inferior-quality materials bonded with adamantium studs. As some Forge Worlds sided with Horus and some remained loyal to the Emperor, the supply lines from the Forge Worlds that manufactured arms and armour for the Legions were heavily disrupted, forcing the Legions to develop the Mk V pattern. "

MKVI Corvus - "Designed as a successor to the advanced MkIV ‘Maximus’ armour that was derailed by the Horus Heresy, MkVI ‘Corvus’ Armour is distinctive for its’ relatively clean appearance and elongated, conical nose – designed to house additional systems including advanced Autosenses. The studded left shoulder pad, taken from the previous MkV pattern, commemorates the glory of those heroes who stood at the Eternity Gate alongside the Emperor himself."

All from FW. I don't know how much more official you can get from that.

MKV wasn't designed. It was a solution to the shortage problem because of the cuts in supply lines, etc. Like Codpiece said, they were basically taking anything they could find, slapping them together, and then securing the material with the adamantite studs. It'd be like me in a zombie apocalypse putting 6 pieces of 10mm Kevlar together because I couldn't find any of the better, thicker pieces, pre-made pieces.

-- Also of Note--
I'll take the actual text that I've read in the HH books than the mishmash of information found on those Lexicanum sites, many of which aren't maintained that well. Yeeesh. I hope you don't cite wikipedia as your primary source on a research paper too!

10-03-2012, 12:39 PM
MKV wasn't designed. It was a solution to the shortage problem because of the cuts in supply lines, etc. Like Codpiece said, they were basically taking anything they could find, slapping them together, and then securing the material with the adamantite studs. It'd be like me in a zombie apocalypse putting 6 pieces of 10mm Kevlar together because I couldn't find any of the better, thicker pieces, pre-made pieces.

In other words, MkV wasn't really MkV, in the sense that if the "marks" had progressed without disruption, the successor to what we know of as MkIV would have been what we call MkVI.

10-03-2012, 01:13 PM
You're like a Van Halen fan that refuses to acknowledge Sammy Hagar despite the fact that For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge and 5150 were arguably better and more successful than anything they did with David Lee Roth.

I'll take the actual text that I've read in the HH books than the mishmash of information found on those Lexicanum sites, many of which aren't maintained that well. Yeeesh. I hope you don't cite wikipedia as your primary source on a research paper too!

Gee dude, insulting attitude much. I expect you to apologise.

Also, I don't give a **** about Van Halen and did better in my degree than I'm almost certain you did.

Cpt Codpiece
10-03-2012, 01:29 PM
from the 91 compilation. typed up from the book.

MK 5
The genral issue of MK IV armour was only half complete when the horus heresy broke out. this threw the entire program of supply into turmoil. in face many of the most recently supplied chapters (not legions?) were forced to continye with older variants, and the confusion was considerable. the space marine armourers (techmarines and artificers) had hardly got used to new armour and many were as yet unable to maintain it properly let alone duplicate it as was orininally intended.

with MK IV newly in servicethe need for large numbers of spares had not been antticipated, so that suits quicly became unuasble due to quite minor battle damage. it was soon found that the new and rather specialised materials used in the construction of the MK IV were unavailable locally and this increasingly became a problem as chapters (again) moved from battle-zone to battle-zone. the imperial forces were soon forced into a fallback position. production of MK IV armoured ceased, a new type of armour was designed almost literally overnight. this was the MK V or heresy suit.

the MK V used as many pre MK IV components as possible. large stocks of these existed and the marine artificers were already familiar with their application. once supplies of the new materials used in the mk IV armour dried up it bacame neccesary to re-use older substances. in the illustration the lighter chest, arm and leg cabling of the mk IV has been replaced by older and heavier style cabling made from more readily available materials. however the cables are now exposed because they are too bulky to fit under the new style chest plate. this was to prove a consistent weak spot in the desgn leading to improvised chest armour.

a distinguishing feature of mk V armour were the heavily studded armour plates. this was an attempt reinforce the mk IV pattern plates when inferior materials were used due to lack of the proper supplies. an extra skin plate was fitted around the armour using molecular bonding studs. the extra weight was considerable, especially if a further chest plate had been added, leading to increased pressure for energy from the power pack. asd a result the wearer either had to turn up the power output and suffer intolerable heat build up, or leave the power supply as it was and accept reduced power levels.

the helmet type illustrated is a spin off from the terminator development program, an early type of pre production helmet, sharing the same type of auto-sense components as contemporary terminator suits. being something of an improvised stop-gap, it is common for mk V suits to vary a great deal. where mk IV helmets, armoured plates and cabling were available these were often used.

despite its inauspicious origin the mk V armour proved remarkably durable and equally importantly it was easy to produce and maintain. huge quantities were shipped out to the space marine chapters (again) during the heresy, including to chapters which subsequently went over to horus. as horus' own supply position became tenuous mk V suits were scavenged from fallen enemies and used by his forces. after the heresy most mk V suits were broken up or dismantled to provide spares. few chapters (again) maintain examples of the design, preferring perhaps to forget the dark days of the heresy. renegade space marine chapters (again) may still be equipped with this armour.

mk VI to follow after i type it up :)

Cpt Codpiece
10-03-2012, 01:53 PM
sorry for double post but wall of text :)

At the same time as production of mk IV armour ceased, work began on a long term development program to replace the mk IV with a more durable type. The mk V, or corvus suit (i think they meant heresy here) was only intended as a stop gap design. The weapon develpment workshops on mars began to experement with a mixture of new and old technology, making the newer materials more durable where possible.

A noteable feature of the resulting armour types (VI and VII) is the provison of dual technology circuits (they found an intel STC LOL). These permit relativly rare or sophisticated functions to be temporarily replaced or repaired using common or very simple technology. Although development was incomplete when the new armour was rushed into production while the forces of horus advanced throughout the terran solar system. Heastily equipped space marines wore the new style mk VI armour into battle while the development labs were dissasembled and perepared for transfer to earth (martian schism?). During the martian campaign forces of horus eventually overran the prioduction facilities for space marine armour and soon began to manufacture new suits for their own use. Consignments were distributed to other forces elsewhere in the galaxy so that this new type of armour became widespread.

Distinguishing features of mk VI armour are its relativley clean appearance due to rehousing the main power cables under the armour plates. The exterior chest and arm cables are duplicated under the chest plate and automaticly isolated from the main system if damaged – thus providing a failsafe and overcoming the vulnerability of mk V. The helmet is an improved version of the mk IV rather than a new type, although a new type was under development and was to be used on the mk VII. The left shoulder armour retains the same construction method as the earlier mk V and for the same reasons. Where supplies of material were short it is the right side of the warrior which needs to be better protected while he fires his weapon, thus the left side could be most easily replaced by slightly less effective plates. The need to economise in this way was very real at the time. Later the studded pad became associated with the terran campaign and the final heroism of the space marines so that it became a traditional emblem of those days

10-03-2012, 05:10 PM
Gee dude, insulting attitude much. I expect you to apologise.

Naw, I'm good. My point is that you're trying to comment on fluff that you haven't kept up with. The Horus Heresy books are canon, and are pretty integral to the discussion at hand. For whatever reason, you refuse to both read them and consider what is contained within them as counterpoints to your "arguments."

I'm not still referring to Microsoft Encarta to comment upon current events. I'm simply suggesting that you (much like the Space Wolves thread) actually become better informed about the present fluff if you choose to comment on it.

Also, I don't give a **** about Van Halen and did better in my degree than I'm almost certain you did.

Well, clearly whatever degree that was didn't involve analogies at all, because you clearly missed mine. I figured for most adults on this site, that would have been a pretty solid, universal analogy. Maybe you're younger, so I'll try another: It would be like if One Direction got rid of their main singer and released more platinum albums than with the replacement, but you refused to acknowledge the new, critically better One Direction. One Direction is a popular group these days, right?

Also, who reverts to the "my dad could beat up your dad" argument anymore? I mean, seriously? I don't need to get into a pissing match about our degrees, but I have two, one in English and one in Education, and I'm presently completing my MBA. What matters is having those has lead me to be gainfully employed, and if you are as well, then good on you, especially in the present economic climate.

10-03-2012, 05:38 PM
I thought I might have a little summary at this stage.

'True' MK 6 armour consists of a 'beaky' head, three armoured pipy strap things converging on the torso, big straight greaves the left shoulder pad being bobbly (like the mk 5 studded ones), and no cuff on the vambraces. Like the Forgeworld special ones, and, more to the point identical the the first rogue trader plastic marines. The armour only came into usage after the heresy (which makes you wonder why its on the forgeworld site under the heresy infantry, but hey, it sells and looks cool).

However the Raven Guard, after Istvann and the opening conflicts in the heresy (so mid to late heresy era) were given prototype mk 6 armour. I think its fair to say each suit may not be consistent to the aforementioned 'true mk 6'. However design elements from the mk7 (those kneepads for instance, whilst circular, very different to earlier mk rounded kneepads) and post-heresy motifs and icons (like eagles, winged skulls, the rounded wax bit at the top of purity seals- purity seals previously being from an 'oath of moment') would not be there.

As for making an army of them on the cheap, with the amount of plastic kits you need, you may well be good for doing ravenguard and putting all the non mk6 bits into the more 40k units and keeping the mk6 bits for the 30k HH marines that will fight in that campaign. This way you create a single army, that dosn't change the coloursheme before/after the heresy and you can use half of the models in the exclusive 30k games. Id still buy a few forgeworld mk6 armours.

As for weapons, that's a whole other kettle of fish.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-03-2012, 10:59 PM
One Direction is a popular group these days, right?

Have they ever been popular?? :p

Also, guys, could we chill out please? I don't think Chris will appreciate an argument in the middle of his beaky thread. :p

10-04-2012, 01:21 AM
Gee dude, insulting attitude much. I expect you to apologise.


Pot Kettle black. Matey your sarcasm towards posters in just about every thread you partake in proves that.

10-05-2012, 02:36 PM
I still think if you want "authentic" Mk 6 armour, your best bet is to go FW.

I also suspect it may work out cheaper/about the same, considering the number of beaky helmets and sets oF legs you'd have to get if you tried to build the army all plastic.

Not to mention the problem with the chests.

10-05-2012, 09:03 PM
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Chris Copeland
10-05-2012, 09:33 PM
I've decided which way to go with my army: I am building an "early-post Heresy" army. A "Rogue Trader" Dark Angels army. It will be painted black and there will be red stripes on the noses.

Because it will be an "early post-Heresy" army I will be able to use any mark of armor that I want to. All will have beaky heads on them. I will paint them in Rogue Trader-era colors. This will be cool because it will be something different (and thus worth commenting on) from what anyone else is doing locally. I'm good at banners so everyone will get impressive 1st Legion banners.

I get to have my all beaky head army AND I get to stand out locally AND I am not restricted to using a certain Mark of armor... I'm pretty happy with this solution...
Cheers... KJC