View Full Version : Honesty Time: Your Weirdest Warhammer Habit

10-02-2012, 07:46 AM
I'm curious to see how weird they get.

Personally, I often take models I'm stripping into the shower to scrub them. It stops paint flecks from permanently become part of the walls! I suppose the weird thing is that I do this while I am also showering.

It also leads to great conversations with my wife: "what took you so long?" "I was scrubbing my dreadnought..."

Luckily she knows what I'm talking about.

How about yours?

10-02-2012, 07:49 AM
OK...thats wierd

The first thing that springs to my mind is any tank that has 2 identical weapons (like my hornets with 2 Scatter lasers) i roll each of the guns at the same time, but with different coloured dice (4 green for one gun, 4 red for the other). I then make the guns compete against each other, to see which one performs better and keep a running tally in my head over how the guns on the left perform compared to the ones on the right

Edit - Also the left gun is usually better than the right one.

10-02-2012, 09:41 AM
running a blog.

it is pretty weird that people all over the world visit my website when they could do anything else. and read my little rants and look at my warhammers! like really go to some other site with better painting or something (not really my blog is the best) and adsence boggles me. i made 27p because someone clicked on a bit of my website ?!


p.s. also i like rolling dice and will often shoot lots of guys at 1 enemy unit: soely because i get to roll lots of dice.
p.p.s. "i was scrubbing my dreadnought" i almost spilt my drink over my keyboard :D hahah

10-02-2012, 09:45 AM
If after a game i feel my dice have failed me i tend to find inventive funerals for them. I know that at my parents place there are at least two lots of dice buried in the garden, one lot in the river at the bottom of the garden and another lot i put on a fire one bonfire night and gave them a proper funeral pyre! i don't like it when my dice don't side with me!

10-02-2012, 10:01 AM
I reckon my weirdest habit is probably my sculpting technique. Whenever I do any sculpting I use a pair of small screwdrivers, and to make sure the greenstuff doesn't stick to them instead of the model I lick them to keep them wet.

10-02-2012, 10:06 AM
I reckon my weirdest habit is probably my sculpting technique. Whenever I do any sculpting I use a pair of small screwdrivers, and to make sure the greenstuff doesn't stick to them instead of the model I lick them to keep them wet.

That's probably a bad idea. I'm pretty sure greenstuff isn't good for you. Personally, I use a jar of vaseline.

Yeah, I know... scrubbing my dreadnought, jar of vaseline...

10-02-2012, 10:39 AM
brushlicking ftw.

and yes i lick my fingers when sculpting with GW.

10-02-2012, 10:56 AM
brushlicking ftw.

and yes i lick my fingers when sculpting with GW.

Awesome, glad I'm not the only one :o This is a very therapeutic thread, I feel like we're sharing :D

That's probably a bad idea. I'm pretty sure greenstuff isn't good for you. Personally, I use a jar of vaseline.

Probably. But I just can't be bothered to get a pot of water most of the time. I don't smoke or anything like that so I reckon I can take it ;)

10-02-2012, 11:16 AM
You know when you concentrate on something you sometimes find yourself holding your breath, well when I am painting and concentrating really hard I hold my breath, but then don't start breathing again until my mrs shouts "JOE YOU STOP BREATHING AGAIN"

Not passed out yet though.

10-02-2012, 12:48 PM
This is a great thread! I'm glad I'm not the only one who licks my brushes when water is right next to my hand.

I don't think this is my weirdest habit, but whenever my friend and I are watching movies (mostly war movies and action movies) we will take the characters that we favor and give them practical statlines and special rules, and have theoretical discussions of who would emerge as a victor if it would be a tabletop battle.

Also, a very common thing to hear when watching a movie with us is ,"You know what would make this movie a lot better?.....a squad of terminators."

Emerald Rose Widow
10-02-2012, 12:51 PM
I do the brushlicking thing, but not in leu of using the paint cleaner water, I do it after that. Here is the order

1) finish painting with this colour
2) wash off brush in water
3) dry off on towel
4) reform brush tip with my mouth

sometimes it tastes really really weird

10-02-2012, 12:59 PM
Weird. I do most of these things.......except the dreadnaught. I scrub other things in there.

10-02-2012, 12:59 PM
Let's see... I tend to try to roll all of my dice before rolling any of them a second time, so tend to have a pile of dead dice next to my tin. Doesn't seem to help me roll well at all.

Besides that... Well, I often forget about winning the game to do something thematicly cool, and then can't work out why my tactics didn't work.

10-02-2012, 01:04 PM
I find myself to be superstitious about the dice I use for different things. For example, when firing with some Inquisitorial Henchmen I will use black and red dice to differentiate weapons, but I try to use green ones when firing with the guy with the plasma gun. I also prefer to use ivory/bone dice for their armor saves when they get attacked, I think because I equate that color with my old Deathwing squad when I got those dice (back in 2nd Edition) which had my heaviest armor. When fighting or shooting with my Inquisitor, I try to use the old Inquisitor dice. Each army also has color coordinated dice, and I am convinced that if I use the wrong dice, that my rolls will suffer. The dice gods are fickle...

Off-topic, I use a tiny amount of dish detergent on my sculpting tools when working with green stuff.

My strangest habit seems to be that I can't play a completely evil army. I always make up some sort of background story for my armies, and it inevitably results in ambiguity as to whether they are the good guys or not, or who have some sort of tragic explanation for their actions. It isn't on purpose, it just goes that direction. For example, I'll decide to start a Chaos army. Then it will be that during the Heresy they were tricked by Horus into attacking Loyalists. Then they've been fighting for 10,000 years for their own aims, slowly becoming mutated by exposure to the Warp while they've sheltered in the Eye and Maelstrom and so forth. If I try playing an army that has no possible good intentions, like Tyranids, then somehow I never get anything painted and they disappear into my closet and I forget I had them.

10-02-2012, 01:10 PM
My strangest habit seems to be that I can't play a completely evil army. I always make up some sort of background story for my armies, and it inevitably results in ambiguity as to whether they are the good guys or not, or who have some sort of tragic explanation for their actions. It isn't on purpose, it just goes that direction. For example, I'll decide to start a Chaos army. Then it will be that during the Heresy they were tricked by Horus into attacking Loyalists. Then they've been fighting for 10,000 years for their own aims, slowly becoming mutated by exposure to the Warp while they've sheltered in the Eye and Maelstrom and so forth. If I try playing an army that has no possible good intentions, like Tyranids, then somehow I never get anything painted and they disappear into my closet and I forget I had them.

I used to do that. Then I discovered Everblight. It's been downhill from there - I'll be starting Dark Elves soon, for Fantasy.

Maybe I just like Elves who make terrible decisions...

10-02-2012, 01:12 PM

Weird. I do most of these things.......except the dreadnaught. I scrub other things in there.

Thank God I'm not the only one!

10-02-2012, 01:19 PM
let start a small list of weird things i picked up over the years:

1. Dice - i always play tournaments with my white dice - never lost one until someon decided to steal 10 from me i wasd heart broken still looking for 10 white GW dice
2. i always follow a strickt way of setting up my army - call it my autism
3. armies are packed in a spesific way - of its not packed that way im not playing
4. dice kissing - yes i do!
5. 3 bad rolls and the dice are out!
6. no one touches my dice not even to hand them to me
7. i only use written army lists - i do have printed ones since i have docters handwriting
8. codexes and rulebooks they are mine - do not touch them!
9. tape measure - still using the same one after a looooong time
10. mini's dont touch unless asked

1. painting - i do lick my brush love it and often have painted teeth
2. painting - using my right hand as pallette
3. painting - use spit a lubericant for GS
4. painting - always have a cup of coffee next to my water cup (yes you geassed it mistakes happen)
5. painting - dinking from the waterup :)
6. modelling - talking to myself while sculpting
7. modelling - sculpting a particular piece over and over and then keeping the first in the end

The list can keep going on and on ... i have a lot of "weird" things

ooh and scrubbing your dreadnought hahahahahahahaha i love that one its a new chocking ur chicken ;)

10-02-2012, 01:26 PM
mix and control paint amounts on my left hand and thumb. It's always covered in squiggles of paint and I always get asked "what happened?" due to the large amounts of reds I use since it looks like cuts and bruises.

10-02-2012, 01:30 PM
My strangest habit seems to be that I can't play a completely evil army. I always make up some sort of background story for my armies, and it inevitably results in ambiguity as to whether they are the good guys or not, or who have some sort of tragic explanation for their actions.

That's not weird. That just shows you like moral complexity in your storytelling. Which is a good thing. It's like in the poem "Vultures":

Vultures, by Chinua Achebe

In the greyness
and drizzle of one despondent
dawn unstirred by harbingers
of sunbreak a vulture
perching high on broken
bone of a dead tree
nestled close to his
mate his smooth
bashed-in head, a pebble
on a stem rooted in
a dump of gross
feathers, inclined affectionately
to hers. Yesterday they picked
the eyes of a swollen
corpse in a water-logged
trench and ate the things in its bowel. Full
gorged they chose their roost
keeping the hollowed remnant
in easy range of cold
telescopic eyes ...
indeed how love in other
ways so particular
will pick a corner
in that charnel-house
tidy it and coil up there, perhaps
even fall asleep - her face
turned to the wall!
...Thus the Commandant at Belsen
Camp going home for
the day with fumes of
human roast clinging
rebelliously to his hairy
nostrils will stop
at the wayside sweet-shop
and pick up a chocolate
for his tender offspring
waiting at home for Daddy's return ...
Praise bounteous
providence if you will
that grants even an ogre
a tiny glow-worm
tenderness encapsulated
in icy caverns of a cruel
heart or else despair
for in every germ
of that kindred love is
lodged the perpetuity
of evil.

As for my weird hobby habits? Probably my OCD bits boxes. I have about ten of them now, most with about twenty compartments, all categorised and compartmentalised by bit.

Cpt Codpiece
10-02-2012, 02:40 PM
well moddelling.
i use GS and vaseline. ................. please remember clay shpers may look like brushes but they are not and vaseline tastes like a condom (clayshaper and vaseline eeeewwww, and the condom thing dont ask i was away on naughty weekend and the Mrs dared me to taste a bannana one..... never again)

although most mens legs (we think) are chunky enough to withstand abuse especially with denim covering them (jeans are 3+ i swear), using your leg as leverage when chopping up plastic or metal is not good.
i have had a few close calls.

yeah i use my mouth to point my brushes. please try to remember not to do this when using acrylic medium (like KLEAR/FUTURE) it tastes like what it is floor polish

my fingernails end up as imprompteu pallets, despite having a pellet there LOL

i have cleaned my brush a good few times in my tea/coffee despite them being on opposite ends of table
and the opposite to the above has also happened a few times.

10-02-2012, 02:43 PM
I thought this thread was giving a little too much information until I re-read it and noticed the "r" in brushlicking.

10-02-2012, 03:19 PM
I don't use GW dice for rolling in my games anymore. I've had 2 sets of them and they roll way lower on average than my crappy dollar store dice that I've had for 10 years. Example: I need to make 5 3+ saves. Roll GW dice: 1,2,2,3,1 lolnope. Square edged dice: 3,6,4,5,2. Totally not stacked dice. I swear on my chaos-infused soul I have done nothing to these dice. And if a particular set of those dice don't roll well, they get put aside for others.

Random song quotations during games. I tend to sing TeddyLoid's 'Fly Away (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lw0sAKVaB0w)' when moving my vendetta around and anything else that pops into my head while playing (Roll triple 6's? Start singing Iron Maiden's Number of the Beast).

I quote Eliphas the Inheritor in a Paul Dobson-esque voice while playing with my chaos marines or traitor guard. And why the hell not? I want to use the best anti-imperial smack talk (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMc5dCC41Ss&feature=player_detailpage#t=58s) I've ever heard. It's a shame more people don't get the references though. :/

10-02-2012, 07:14 PM
I don't use GW dice for rolling in my games anymore.

Somewhere online is a post about dice rolling. In it they get relatively scientific and found a marked difference between GW dice and small casino dice. It was a pretty interesting read.

@Malton - I don't think it is just about complex morals, I think it is that I like to play my army to character, and I can't put myself in a purely evil character. I suppose it is that I can't understand the motivations, and therefore am unable to make tactical decisions that are in character for those armies.

10-03-2012, 05:35 AM
@Malton - I don't think it is just about complex morals, I think it is that I like to play my army to character, and I can't put myself in a purely evil character. I suppose it is that I can't understand the motivations, and therefore am unable to make tactical decisions that are in character for those armies.

Hmmm method acting in Warhammer eh? I have the opposite affliction to you, any army I play inevitably gets a backstory that makes them fall to Chaos, or at least be anti-imperial. Even the story for my (mostly unassembled) Imperial Guard is that they are a fringe world who weren't tactically important enough to have marines or even a proper guard force deployed, so they're made up of mostly conscripted civilians and have decided to turn their back on the Imperium that left them to spin. Other than than I play Tyranids, Dark Eldar, Skaven... and Chaos, obviously.

I think for me the reason I enjoy getting into an evil mindset is because I'm not (at least I hope I'm not) evil in the slightest, so it's the opportunity to play someone so drastically different from myself.

Although the reason I've loved the Horus Heresy so far is definitely the whole complex morals thing, I like that most of the legions didn't just snap, it was a gradual descent.

10-03-2012, 06:08 AM
I thought this thread was giving a little too much information until I re-read it and noticed the "r" in brushlicking.

Both are acceptable, ones probably more appreciated :p

10-03-2012, 07:31 AM
Both are acceptable, ones probably more appreciated :p

Just don't do both at the same time. She might not appreciate that.

10-03-2012, 07:39 AM
Just don't do both at the same time. She might not appreciate that.
Good point...

10-03-2012, 08:49 AM
Hmmm method acting in Warhammer eh?

I find it also helps to differentiate armies that I play. For example, I could have Tau and Imperial Guard both be gun lines, and deploy them at my board edge and fire away and the only difference is the rolls I need to make. But, to play them more characteristically, I have my Guard hold the line at all costs, letting enemy units break themselves on lines of guardsmen, where as my Tau make an effort to preserve life by performing tactical withdrawals and so forth.

10-03-2012, 09:16 AM
I just have to be able to fluffily justify any odd thing I have in my list. For example I have Ork Nob bikers as my necron allies. To justify it I had to put scarabs on the Ork Warlords mini and no one else in the army was allowed to have mind shackle Scarabs.

10-03-2012, 09:25 AM
I refuse to use chessex-style rounded corner dice.

When rolling dice, I always pick up the dice the rolled low the first time (say to hit) and roll them for the wounds. Because if a die rolled a 1, then the next time it rolls it should roll something else, right?

10-03-2012, 09:39 AM
I would have to say talking to my models while painting them. I got a very weird look from the wife when I growled "Would you just bend over!" to the model I was holding whilst trying to paint the backside of a tabard or whatever was hanging between the marine's legs. She asked if I needed some alone-time with my little plastic men...

I have also dipped my brush in my coffee/tea instead of the water but have never drunk from the wrong one (yet?).

10-03-2012, 09:47 AM
I'm intrigued to see how many people are interested in some degree of fluffiness. I'm the same way. I mean, I won't take blatantly bad choices, and I'm tempted by blatantly good choices, but I also want to play an army that's fun and stylish and matches my idea of how that faction should play.

10-03-2012, 09:59 AM
Sometimes if I pick my dice up in preparation to roll and if I get weird vibes off them (they are warm to the the touch, I have a head ache form not having enough coffee, or liquids, or I just get a certain vibe from them), I put them down, take a drink of my now very cold coffee and pick up another die to replace the one I did not like.

I sometimes roll the dice individually or in small groups to reduce the number of 1s and 2s rolled. The strange thing is it often works.

I tend not to roll the same dice I rolled to hit as the the dice I roll to wound.

I use small dice for the bulk attacks like bolters, flamer, and frag missile hits, and use larger dice for the las cannons, plasma guns, etc. I also tend to use dice with rounded corners.

A couple strange rituals I sometimes, O.K. often do is ask Slaanesh to bless them, or blow on them, shake them in my enclosed hands and roll them like you see in the movies where they play craps.

If my dice roll consecutively badly, I will retire them for a while, and get out a new dice brick from my bag. There are even a few Dice bricks I never use any more because they have rolled badly too often.

Oh, and I tend to have dice coloured the same colour as my army, or in a similar base colour. This means I have 4 dice bricks with either pink or purple colouring, another 2 dark blue, 5 nurgly green, 2 tzeentch blue, 3 khorne red, and now 2 for my word bearers and pre-heresy 1000 sons that are dark red. I have other colours as well, but tend to use certain colours which I leave with each armies carry case.

Oh yes one more, I do not pack my casualties away until the end of the battle. I put them into their squad groups to keep a record of my losses, and make sure I have not lost any. I also do this as it takes my attention away from my opponents dice rolls, and I feel it is just bad manners to bury the dead and carry off all the injured until the battle has ended.

I think that is enough weirdness from me.

10-03-2012, 10:10 AM
I have themed dice for my Blood Angels. They're Red with black pips, Black with red pips, and golden/bronze with white pips (all square angles, not rounded). I justify why I use a certain color "Black for the death these bolters will bring, and red for the flamer/melta." Or "Red for lasers, like lascannons, and black for autocannons." Gold are only for characters, so veterans, priests, and HQs. And I always, always, always roll the same dice all the way through.

I also am SUPER wary of touching other people's dice. I am an old school D&D player, and you do NOT touch other people's dice. Once, an opponent's die rolled towards me, and bounced up at me. I dove out of the way to make sure I didn't touch their die. I should be the only one afflicted with my luck.

10-03-2012, 10:43 AM
I close my eyes when I roll my dice. Somehow, it makes them perform slightly better. Maybe they're nervous when I'm staring at them?

dark messenger
10-03-2012, 12:15 PM
My two weirdest...

1) If a dice failed me, I cast it out (and I mean that biblically). Anytime I'd need to make a roll and my dice underperformed I'd go straight to the stack of new dice in their boxes, select a new one and continue with that. The "failure" would get donated to my local gaming store.
Insane I know lol

2) My friends and I used to carry a few models and dice on us most of the time. If a discussion/argument ever broke out or a debate on 40k, we'd find a spot and use whatever "terrain" we found to settle the differences....

I'd hasten to add I was incredibly teenaged at the time and hadn't yet discovered things like "normal" people/girls/drugs/common sense... I was so young and happy then haha

10-03-2012, 12:27 PM
I too suck the tip of my brushes to get a nice point and have quite a good knowledge of the tastes of GW paints. Washes taste awful, particularly whatever Devlan Mud is now called. Some of the blues are quite nice.

I keep some favourite recently assembled models on my bedside table when I go to sleep.

I'm not a dice fetishist but I can't very cranky if I can't use my good casino quality dice.

I have to make background for armies, characters and even units as they go through battles and Iget almost superstitious about certain combinations. I nearly always field my main farseer with her bodyguard of Howling Banshees with special paintjob, conversions and background material to match. If I don't take the Banshees (like in 6th edition...) then I take one of her sister farseers so I don't foul up their luck. Never lost a combat with them and they have a disturbing tendency to munch through deathstars in a very humiliating (for my opponent) fashion.

Sometimes I take resin models in the bath with me to wash the release agent off.

10-03-2012, 12:32 PM
I read the comments on BoLS frontpage - even the Plastic Dudesmen ones.

10-03-2012, 12:35 PM
reading this thread is making me feel very normal indeed when it comes to gaming, I don't have any real odd gaming behaviour I don't think. I did notice the other day though, after washing some resin models in a clear plastic bowl that whilst you cannot initially see the release agent when you wash it off, and it appears to make no difference visually, later on if you do not empty the water, you can clearly see the agent as a white liquid substance that doesn't mix, leading to a male friend of mine speculating as to how forgeworld get sprues out of moulds...

10-03-2012, 12:37 PM
Good lord. I just post the odd witty comment and run.

I read the comments on BoLS frontpage - even the Plastic Dudesmen ones.

So glad that hasn't happened to me in the bath.

reading this thread is making me feel very normal indeed when it comes to gaming, I don't have any real odd gaming behaviour I don't think. I did notice the other day though, after washing some resin models in a clear plastic bowl that whilst you cannot initially see the release agent when you wash it off, and it appears to make no difference visually, later on if you do not empty the water, you can clearly see the agent as a white liquid substance that doesn't mix, leading to a male friend of mine speculating as to how forgeworld get sprues out of moulds...

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-03-2012, 12:39 PM
So glad that hasn't happened to me in the bath.

What the?

10-03-2012, 12:40 PM
I read the comments on BoLS frontpage - even the Plastic Dudesmen ones.

I mostly BoLS from work. For some reason, I can neither read the comments nor post my own through my school's firewall. Weird...

10-03-2012, 12:42 PM
See my previous comment re: washing resin models while bathing.

What the?

10-03-2012, 12:43 PM
So glad that hasn't happened to me in the bath.

Mystery of the Emperor's parentage has now been solved!

It may not be that witty, but I'm still going to run! *whoop whoop whoop (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_WI0VI7aIw)*

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-03-2012, 12:44 PM
See my previous comment re: washing resin models while bathing.

Still weird.

I don't do anything strange in my hobby... Does that make me weird???

10-03-2012, 12:54 PM
I don't do anything strange in my hobby... Does that make me weird???

Increasingly, it looks like yes. It makes you weird.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-03-2012, 12:57 PM
Doing strange things in the hobby is too mainstream.


EDIT: Apparently, writing an extensive background for your army is considered strange, and I do that lots, so yeah.... I have something strange.

10-03-2012, 01:01 PM
Only strange people think that's strange. That's just playing the game like it's meant to be played!

(Shorter: I do this too)

10-03-2012, 01:10 PM
Only strange people think that's strange. That's just playing the game like it's meant to be played!

I would have zero fun without backstories. Heck, I've thrown all my hobby time into completing my Blood Ravens just because I like the whole "last loyal remnant of the Thousand Sons" possibility. It's enough to make up for the 'nilla-ness of their rules.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-03-2012, 01:12 PM
And their Space Magpie-ness. :p

10-03-2012, 01:16 PM
Do you guys name thirty marines and write out their service records down to their battle honours, dates of notable combats, thier recruitment and geneseed data?


Amateurs :p

10-03-2012, 01:17 PM
Do you guys name thirty marines and write out their service records down to their battle honours, dates of notable combats, thier recruitment and geneseed data?


Amateurs :p

I didn't used to.


Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-03-2012, 01:19 PM
Do you guys name thirty marines and write out their service records down to their battle honours, dates of notable combats, thier recruitment and geneseed data?


Amateurs :p

I do.

10-03-2012, 01:25 PM
Do you guys name thirty marines and write out their service records down to their battle honours, dates of notable combats, thier recruitment and geneseed data?


Amateurs :p

Yes, including their accomplishments that earned them the right to trial...

10-03-2012, 01:35 PM
Anyone who has played with me would probably cite my giving a voice to whatever character I happen to be moving/shooting/assaulting with at the time. A form of mini role-playing? Maybe I've played too many RTS games on PC and expect my units to speak when given commands.

Complicating this is the only two armies I play are Xenos: Tyranids and Necron. What this means, is that I am not really giving the models voice, as much as conducting some weird foley artistry. I am (subconsciously) especially fond of inspiratory unvular trills, and most of my Monstrous creatures end up sounding like the Predator

Perhaps tangential to that level of immersion with my bugs is a problem I have when modeling. With the tyranids in particular, when I am doing touch up on the bits, I have to sharpen the pointy bitz. Rending claws, Teeth, Scything talons...all have to be brought to a *true* point, since I would know if they were blunted. At the beginning I though this was cool, but soon came to learn that trying to pick up 'accurately sculpted' genestealers is akin to reaching into a box of fishhooks when done with the bare hands. The less that I say about how impractical it is to use foam, the more dignity I shall retain.... :cool:

10-03-2012, 01:42 PM
Anyone who has played with me would probably cite my giving a voice to whatever character I happen to be moving/shooting/assaulting with at the time. A form of mini role-playing? Maybe I've played too many RTS games on PC and expect my units to speak when given commands.

Dude! One of the best games I ever played involved my opponent springing into an impromptu monologue - in an Orky accent - about how "we's da Orkz and we's older 'an dirt, an we's been fightin' an winnin' since da humies were all munkies in da treez..." right before he declared his WAAAAGH!

And then my Blood Angels ripped his Orks apart. :cool:

Point being, though, that it was awesome. It added so much to my experience of the game, and he clearly had a great time doing it.

10-03-2012, 02:36 PM
I played in character once, but they made me clean the blood up afterwards, it took hours. and they never let me back in the church hall.

10-03-2012, 02:39 PM
I played in character once, but they made me clean the blood up afterwards, it took hours. and they never let me back in the church hall.

Too easy :D

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-03-2012, 02:40 PM
I played in character once, but they made me clean the blood up afterwards, it took hours. and they never let me back in the church hall.

Sooooo mucccchhhhh bloooooooooodddd...

10-03-2012, 03:09 PM
I played in character once, but they made me clean the blood up afterwards, it took hours. and they never let me back in the church hall.

I just think it's commendable just getting a tank INTO the church hall! ;)

10-03-2012, 03:16 PM
actually that part is very easy...
that is partly why they were so angry...

Uncle Nutsy
10-04-2012, 09:45 PM
I guess the wierdest thing i've done was when some GW dice failed me horribly over and over again. one day I got so fed up with them, I took the entire lot with me, outside to the deck, picked an area and threw them as hard as possible. To this day, I still have no idea where they are. I think some of them ended up in the ocean.

10-04-2012, 09:52 PM
I guess the wierdest thing i've done was when some GW dice failed me horribly over and over again. one day I got so fed up with them, I took the entire lot with me, outside to the deck, picked an area and threw them as hard as possible. To this day, I still have no idea where they are. I think some of them ended up in the ocean.

So you're the reason sea turtles have started playing craps!

10-05-2012, 11:17 AM
Update time: today my habit has resulted in my dreadnought peeking on my wife in the shower. I'm can understand why - she is pretty hot, if I do say so myself, and it's probably been al ong time since Brother Ignatius has gotten any play - but this is still unacceptable. He will be disciplined.

Too bad I don't play chaos... I'd convert him into a Slaanesh Helbrute for this.

10-05-2012, 12:54 PM
That's pretty epic mate. Glad that the Mrs. didn't take him out!

10-08-2012, 10:08 AM
That's pretty epic mate. Glad that the Mrs. didn't take him out!

Nah, she's cool. I really lucked out in the wife department. She doesn't actually play minis games herself, but she joins me on roleplaying games and appreciates the artistic merits of my minis.

10-08-2012, 03:04 PM
I have not done this myself (I spend too long painting my miniatures to do it), but I have played against a couple people who throw their miniatures about. Either on the floor, into a box, against a wall, etc. It might be that they have something worrying them and then they losing the battle, roll badly etc.

They promise to quit 40K almost every time, and they are still playing the game. I just hold in the chuckle (because I have seen it so many times, I know what is coming next), everytime I see them doing this, and then watch them smash their tyranid warrior or tau fire warrior against the wall.

10-08-2012, 03:54 PM
I do the brush lick but apart from that i cant think of anything that i do. One of my mates always before the start of a game will role all his dice and any that role a 1 will be left at the side of the table all game. Another of my friends throws dice that mess him up at key points(at a wall not at us).

I talk as if im the model im using at that moment. Not sure if thats weird or not in this hobby. (not all the time, im not a complete nut job)

10-08-2012, 03:58 PM
I have not done this myself (I spend too long painting my miniatures to do it), but I have played against a couple people who throw their miniatures about. Either on the floor, into a box, against a wall, etc. It might be that they have something worrying them and then they losing the battle, roll badly etc.

They promise to quit 40K almost every time, and they are still playing the game. I just hold in the chuckle (because I have seen it so many times, I know what is coming next), everytime I see them doing this, and then watch them smash their tyranid warrior or tau fire warrior against the wall.

I know a guy who is painstakingly painting a Sisters of Battle army, applying all his skill to stretch those metal models as far as he can... then he throws them against the wall when they offend him by dying. I just don't get it.

10-08-2012, 04:23 PM
I continually work out averages in my head, and can do so without the application of test results or calculators, yet I constantly roll dice. I dunno why, my blue Tzeentch dice never agree with me anyway.
I guess I'm just into 'herohammer'.

One of the weirdest things I saw was an entire army of Legion of the Damned. True story :p

10-08-2012, 04:31 PM
Well you could do that under second edition i think, it was just stupidly expensive pointwise

10-08-2012, 04:41 PM
Ah crap, where to begin?

Yep I ick my brush after I have cleaned it.
I do assume character voices usually when issuing challenges.
I fire up Ride of the Valkyries on the iPad when a flyer enters play.
I never let anyone use my dice.
I beseech the Blood God for good saving throw dice rolls. (Got some odd looks at a tournament where I was fielding my Sisters of Battle army).
I name my Exarchs, Superiors, Sergeants.
I always work from the base up on my models.
My mate and I, when we are both in the office for Meetings etc, play real life 40k CC battles against the rest of the staff that are in with the handy Dice App on the iPad.
If I haven't assembled a model in a week or so I start to get withdrawal symptoms...

Am sure there are many more besides...

10-08-2012, 04:44 PM
If I haven't assembled a model in a week or so I start to get withdrawal symptoms...

I totally get this, too. I can tell if it's been too long because my wife gets on me to get back to work on my projects. Apparently I get hard to deal with...

10-09-2012, 02:54 PM
I totally get this, too. I can tell if it's been too long because my wife gets on me to get back to work on my projects. Apparently I get hard to deal with...

I do get tetchy if I'm in a hobby mood but can't get started. My ideas and expectations far exceed my actual skill which usually frustrates me. But I know when I'm in the right mood to be able to get something done, and I don't want to do something half-arsed.

Oh, another weird thing, when I get a new plastic kit I will spend a good half hour just examining the pieces before I even consider clipping them off and getting started, usually I won't actually assemble something until I've slept on it and really gone over all the options and possibilities.

Uncle Nutsy
10-09-2012, 08:38 PM
So you're the reason sea turtles have started playing craps!

hope they're enjoying them more than I ever did.

10-10-2012, 10:04 AM
I just realized that I - the starter of the thread! - forgot to mention my weirdest habits.

Sometimes, when I'm going off to do something really hard, like the first day back with kids at school, or going home to face my (completely freaking insane) family, I'll bring a model with me. Tau drones are common, but one I brought a space marine librarian. I feel like they're cheering me on. Honestly, it's also pretty cool to think of the challenges facing my students as being as simple as killing the enemies of the Empire/Imperium. I will smash the achievement gap, for the Emperor!

My wife (a therapist for kids in foster care) has started taking a shield drone that I've modified to survive her purse wit her when she sees really hard clients. That way she has a 4+ save against picking up their trauma.

10-17-2012, 11:34 AM
"I'm glad I'm not the only one who licks my brushes when water is right next to my hand"

I'm definitely guilty of licking my brushes.... I want to say that I've invented a style of painting called "spit blending" (gross i know...).

Instead of using two wet paints simultaneously, I'll paint my base, edge the highlight and then just fade it in. It's disgusting but it works!

It's not uncommon for my wife to remind me that she won’t kiss me until I get all the paint off my lips.

I also use my thumb as a mini palate. It's not uncommon after a few hours of painting for me to just peel it off.

I too laughed pretty hard at the "scrubbing my dreadnaught" comment above.


10-18-2012, 01:51 AM
What happens between a gamer and their dreadnought in the bathroom, stays in the bathroom...

10-18-2012, 06:28 AM
i should probably have mentioned sooner that i am the proud owner of a gaming poncho that comes out on special occassions.

White Tiger88
10-18-2012, 06:34 AM
What happens between a gamer and their dreadnought in the bathroom, stays in the bathroom...

Normally yes but you bring it out and yell "IT WAS GOOD FOR ME".....


On topic however i would say my oddest habit is i like to talk with people well gaming since i am pretty laid back normally and don't really carry if my opponent go's an extra mm when moving or something (Yes i have had people measure my movement because they thought it was over by 1 or 2 mm...and that was on a Godhammer land raider...) However locally if you talk to another person well your opponent moves there horde of 120 orks or Tyranid spawns of death which takes forever people tend to get angry......SO i adopted the Practice of simply spamming str 10 templates to end games faster......that didn't work ether and every now calls me cheesy.....