View Full Version : Duelcon final 40k tournament results?

10-01-2012, 06:43 PM
Seems they failed to provide any final results online (that my searching can find) anyone know the results, links anything???!?!?!?

10-02-2012, 05:20 AM
WOW! For a tournament that was getting a lot of coverage I'm really surprised it just vanished with nothing to show for it. Seems like the organizers can't bother to do anything now. I guess pressing the print button on the final results is asking for waaayyyy to much!

10-03-2012, 06:24 PM
So three days AFTER the end of the tournament we get a piss poor post on the front page that vaguely mentions who might have won. It took almost ten replies to even find out about who actually won and with what. Sadly who ever was running Duelcon, epic ****ing fail. It's not even a challenge to post the army break downs, who won ect. Takes 30-60 to do and that's being retard slow on the subject. NOVA put out tons of information the next day and it is easy to get info on what happen and NOVA was 3-4 times bigger with even trying. Want to fix this? Let's see the raw data dump you're sitting on. Let's really see what happened and not some ****ty post but some real info!!