View Full Version : Pre Heresy Army choice

10-01-2012, 03:20 PM
Hi there, So im fairly new on this site but i wanted an opinion from you all. So live in Alaska and next week we get our PFD funds and for me this is the perfect opportunity to do a Pre Heresy army.

Currently I play Iron hands and Night Lords so i wanted something a little bit different in color scheme and feel to it. My current choices were Luna Wolves, Emperors Children or Thousand Sons.

I really would like a fun chance to paint a different color scheme and get into the Heresy era Marks. So which one would you pick?

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-01-2012, 03:23 PM
Thousand Sons hands down. No. 1 Legion ever!

10-01-2012, 03:28 PM
nah, everyone and his dog seems to do thousand sons, emperors children seem very popular too, I would say luna wolves of those three

10-01-2012, 03:35 PM
Thousand Sons hands down. No. 1 Legion ever!

Lol TDA, just what is your favourite legion / chapter, because they all seem to be :P

10-01-2012, 03:38 PM
Depends how patient you are :D. If those were the one's I'd whittled it down to, I'd definitely go Emperor's Children or Luna Wolves. It would actually be the only time I'd go with Fulgrim's Legion, because I think Slaneesh is just the worst.

10-01-2012, 03:39 PM
Hmm interesting, I like the idea of lots of psychic powers on the board. The right6 to shout "LUPERCAL" at my buddies during games also seems like a good deal of fun.

Pre heresy thousand sons are Red w/ Gold trim correct?

10-01-2012, 03:41 PM
Hmm interesting, I like the idea of lots of psychic powers on the board. The right6 to shout "LUPERCAL" at my buddies during games also seems like a good deal of fun.

Pre heresy thousand sons are Red w/ Gold trim correct?

Yep nail on the head mate.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-01-2012, 03:52 PM
Lol TDA, just what is your favourite legion / chapter, because they all seem to be :P

To quote Facebook!

1 - Thousand Sons
2 - Dark Angels
3 - Raven Guard
4 - World Eaters
5 - Night Lords
6 - Imperial Fists
7 - Ultramarines
8 - Word Bearers
9 - Alpha Legion
10 - Iron Warriors
11 - Iron Hands
12 - Death Guard
13 - Blood Angels
14 - Salamanders
15 - White Scars
16 - Emperor's Children
17 - Luna Wolves / Sons of Horus
18 - Space Wolves

10-01-2012, 03:55 PM
Fair enough lol

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-01-2012, 03:58 PM
And don't get me started on Chapters... But Storm Wardens are the best Chapter. :p

10-01-2012, 04:09 PM
who are they then ? These Storm Wardens.

I have also been partial to Soul Drinkers as a non founding chapter, but never got round to making an army.

10-01-2012, 04:11 PM
Well our PFD we get from the state is like $900 this year so i may end up doing a joint force of Emperors Children and Luna Wolves when they were campaigning together back before Fulgrim had a large enough legion to conduct his own crusades.

I really like the idea of painting both of those armies as well. I was thinking Mark IV fits the Emperors Children. Which one would you say fits the Luna Wolves the best?

10-01-2012, 04:19 PM
II Legion or XI Legion.

No one said how far Pre-Heresy we were talking about, right?

One possible reason those two legions were 'lost' was because GW didn't want the ambiguity between II legion and 11 legion that would occur in certain type faces. I have no source for that, just speculating. Anyway, to maximize the confusion, I'd make sure to include the numeral as part of the chapter heraldry, but would render it as just two lines || so that I could be all kinds of non-committal about whether it was II legion or 11 legion.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-01-2012, 04:25 PM
who are they then ? These Storm Wardens.

I have also been partial to Soul Drinkers as a non founding chapter, but never got round to making an army.


The Storm Wardens are a proud Chapter with a rich heritage. Based on the Forbidden World of Sacris, they recruit from the feral tribes there, and as such adopt many of their practices. They sometimes have woad painting before going into battle, and their trademark weapon is the Sacrisian Claymore.

Basically, take all the celts and gaelics, mash them into one, and you have the Storm Wardens.
Welsh, Irish, Scots, and Brits. Go team!