View Full Version : Otherworld Miniatures Dungeon Adventures Indiegogo (kickstarter)

09-28-2012, 08:26 AM
Otherworld Miniatures (one of the companies in the alternate miniatures list) are having an Indiegogo campaign to raise money for a large expansion of their model range:

Otherworld Miniatures - Dungeon Adventures (http://www.indiegogo.com/otherworldDA?c=home)

They aim to have four boxed sets available:

DAB1 – Dungeon Adventurers I – Human Male Characters (planned release – January 2013)

Fighter in Plate Mail, with ******* Sword & Torch
Cleric in Chainmail, with Mace & Cross
Magic User in Robes, with Staff & Lantern
Thief in Leather Armour, with Shortsword & Sack
Druid in Leather Armour, with Scimitar
Ranger in Leather Armour, with Bow
Monk in Robes, with Quarterstaff
Barbarian in Studded Leather, with Spear & Shield
Illusionist in Robes, with Scroll
Assassin in Studded Leather, with Blade Venom
Paladin in Plate Armour, with Longsword & Shield
Bard in Chainmail, with Longsword & Lute

DAB2 – Dungeon Adventurers II – Demi-human Male Characters (planned release – March 2013)

Dwarf Fighter in Plate Mail, with Battleaxe
Dwarf Cleric in Chainmail, with Warhammer & Shield
Dwarf Thief in Leather Armour, with Shortsword
Gnome Illusionist/Thief in Leather Armour, with Shortsword & Sack
Gnome Fighter in Plate Mail, with Polearm
Half-orc Fighter/Cleric in Banded Mail, Warhammer & Shield
Half-orc Assassin in Studded Leather, with Heavy Crossbow
Half-elf Fighter/Thief in Leather Armour, with Shortbow
Halfling Fighter in Plate Armour, with Axe & Shield
Halfling Thief in Leather Armour, with Shortsword & Sling
Elf Fighter/Magic User in Chainmail, with Longsword & Wand
Elf Thief in Leather Armour, with Shortsword & Rope

DAB3 – Dungeon Adventurers III – Female Characters (planned release – June 2013)

Human Fighter in Plate Mail, with Longsword & Shield
Human Cleric in Chainmail, with Flail & Holy Symbol
Human Thief in Leather Armour, with Rope & Grappling Hook
Human Magic User in Robes, with Dagger & Torch
Dwarf Fighter in Plate Mail, with Warhammer
Gnome Fighter in Chainmail, with Light Crossbow
Half-elf Ranger in Leather Armour, with Shortsword & Dagger
Human Druid in Leather Armour, with Spear & Torch
Elf Magic User in Robes, with Dagger & Scroll
Half-orc Assassin in Studded Leather, with Longsword & Hand-axe
Paladin in Plate Armour, with Longsword & Shield
Monk in Robes, with Quarterstaff & Lantern

DAB4 – Dungeon Adventurers IV – Hirelings & Henchmen (planned release – June 2013)

Mercenary Swordsman
Mercenary Crossbowman
Mercenary Spearman
Pack Bearer I
Pack Bearer II
Lantern Bearer
Torch Bearer
Mule Handler
Expedition Mule
Expedition Equipment

Soem nifty stretch goals too:

tretch Goals

If we reach our initial target of $5000, all levels of support will receive a bonus gift of a 'Weapons & Equipment Pack', designed for converting your characters to suit your precise needs.
If we reach $10,000, all contributors at Level 4 and above will receive a free 'Treasure Items Pack'.
Reaching a goal of $15,000 will see all backers of Level 5 and above granted a bonus pack called 'Adventurers' Campsite', featuring bed-rolls, a campfire & cooking pots, and other paraphernalia.
At $20,000, all backers of Levels 6 & 7 will receive an 'Adventurers' Cart Set', pulled by an expedition mule and piled with adventuring gear, looted treasure, and a fallen comrade.
Further bonuses will be added later, if required.

It's already at 7000 after one day or so.

First four greens:

10-01-2012, 11:56 AM
They have reached 15k or the third of four initial stretch goals with 24 days left, good effort. Finally had an update from them:

Well, it has been a great start to the campaign! Many thanks to everyone who has contributed so far. We’re only 4 days in, and we’ve already reached our initial goal and surpassed the first 2 stretch goals. For a small company like Otherworld Miniatures, this level of support represents a significant sum, which will allow us to produce some wonderful new products for you all.

Since the campaign launched, we have secured the services of some new sculptors, including David Soderquist of Bronze Age Miniatures (he’ll be working on the Halflings, Gnomes & Dwarves), and John Winter of Tin Man Miniatures (some females and Elves).

The rapid success of the campaign has also meant that we’ve had to come up with some new stretch goal bonuses for our supporters, beyond the initial $20k level. They will be:

1) At £25k – Level 4+ – A pair of War/Guard Dogs – 1 sitting, 1 standing, wearing studded leather collars & harness

2) At £30k – Level 7 only – Adventurers’ Stores – Crates, boxes, chests, sacks, barrels

3) At £35k – Level 5+ – Magic Users’ Familiars (standard) – cat, crow, hawk, owl, toad, weasel

4) At £40k – Level 5+ – Magic Users’ Familiars (special) – quasit, pseudo-dragon, brownie, imp

That’s it for now. I hope to have another update in a few days, with ‘work-in-progress’ photos of some new sculpts, and possibly the first concept drawings for some of the Demi-human Adventurers.

Thanks again for your superb support!

Richard Scott
Otherworld Miniatures

I want to see some more greens before I pledge myself, but I really like this campaign.

10-01-2012, 04:41 PM
Wow, those are some nice sculpts. They're actually all better than the original concept art! If they can keep that up they're in for a solid winner.

10-04-2012, 01:09 AM
Patrick Keith of Bombshell Babes Kickstarter fame is going to be sculpting the females along with one other chap who does good female sculpts, so I'm less worried about needing to see greens now.

10-15-2012, 11:50 PM
This campaign is jsut a shade under 30k, stretch goals currently looking like this:

If we reach our initial target of $5000, all levels of support will receive a bonus gift of a 'Weapons & Equipment Pack', designed for converting your characters to suit your precise needs. ACHIEVED!
If we reach $10,000, all contributors at Level 4 and above will receive a free 'Treasure Items Pack'. ACHIEVED!
Reaching a goal of $15,000 will see all backers of Level 5 and above granted a bonus pack called 'Adventurers' Campsite', featuring bed-rolls, a campfire & cooking pots, and other paraphernalia. ACHIEVED!
At $20,000, all backers of Levels 6 & 7 will receive an 'Adventurers' Cart Set', pulled by an expedition mule and piled with adventuring gear, looted treasure, and a fallen comrade. ACHIEVED!
At $25,000, all backers of Level 4 and above will receive a pair of War/Guard Dogs – 1 sitting, 1 standing, wearing studded leather collars & harness. ACHIEVED!
At $30,000, for Level 7 only – a set of 'Adventurers’ Stores' – crates, boxes, chests, sacks, barrels.
At $35,000, for Level 5 and beyond, a pack of Magic Users’ Familiars (standard) – cat, crow, hawk, owl, toad, weasel.
At $40,000, again for Level 5+ a pack of Magic Users’ Familiars (special) – quasit, pseudo-dragon, brownie, imp, homonculus.
At $45,000, for Level 4 and above, a Dwarf Mercenary Warrior, lightly armoured but heavily armed! Designed and sculpted by the multi-talented Des Hanley.
At $50,000, for Level 7 only, a pack of 4 Slain Adventurers - the gruesome remains of the Fighter, Cleric, Magic User and Thief from DAB1.

There is also more concept art in the gallery, and some new greens:

Also box art, very classic style, very sexy...

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-15-2012, 11:50 PM

White Tiger88
10-16-2012, 12:05 AM

No. just.....no......

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-16-2012, 12:21 AM
That dude on the left is totally a Viking

White Tiger88
10-16-2012, 01:14 AM
That dude on the left is totally a Viking

Looks more like a barbarian or Inept evil guard of a warlord.

10-16-2012, 02:03 AM
It's a barbarian according to Otherworld.:p

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-16-2012, 02:10 AM
Still looks like a Viking to me. Plus, Vikings were Barbarians.

10-16-2012, 02:15 PM
I'm starting to think we need somewhere to gather all the Kickstarters and Indiegogos into one place...

White Tiger88
10-17-2012, 11:14 PM
I'm starting to think we need somewhere to gather all the Kickstarters and Indiegogos into one place...

YA no kidding....I for one think kickstarters may\may not be a scam for some places.

10-25-2012, 11:58 PM
This campaign ended with 55k reached, a very good effort.
All stretch goals were met, the last being 55k.