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View Full Version : Chaos Legions

09-27-2012, 07:16 PM
So is there any word yet on the release of Chaos legions book? I play night lords, really looking forward to it!

09-27-2012, 07:30 PM
Uhhhh.....this website has antiquated photo uploading measures. :p
Hehe anyway, meant to say "Not Sure If Serious".
The new Chaos Space Marines codex is all we have mate.

09-27-2012, 09:54 PM
So is there any word yet on the release of Chaos legions book? I play night lords, really looking forward to it!

It's not being produced. Either the rumours were false, or the design direction changed... Either way, it's not happening in the foreseeable.

09-28-2012, 02:12 AM
It's a damn shame. Apparently one chaos codex is plenty but the loyalists need no less than six. Despite the fact that one side of that devide apparently standardized it's military organization 10000 years ago, while the other has been hanging out in the warp for that whole time. It's cool though, some of the Legions get a whole squad entry to represent them!

09-28-2012, 03:45 AM
Uhhhh.....this website has antiquated photo uploading measures. :p
Hehe anyway, meant to say "Not Sure If Serious".
The new Chaos Space Marines codex is all we have mate.

Oh, to put a picture in a comment you need [ IMG ] and [ /IMG ] tags (without the spaces) around the full extension of the file (i.e. if you open the jpeg in a new window, you can just copy and paste that.

Don't worry, I only worked it out by looking at other people's comments.

Hint: click on Reply With Quote on this comment and you'll see the picture below correctly formatted.


09-28-2012, 03:48 AM
Hopefully, the dex will give more flavour and colours so the armies are more thematic. So you can tell who you are playing against based on copmposition rather than just "Oh, a squad of nurgle marines and Typhus, must be deathgaurd" or what have you.

09-28-2012, 12:06 PM
Oh, to put a picture in a comment you need [ IMG ] and [ /IMG ] tags (without the spaces) around the full extension of the file (i.e. if you open the jpeg in a new window, you can just copy and paste that.

Actually, for some reason that doesn't work for me, at all. I finally managed to figure out how to post an image from a url*, but I still can't figure out how to show an image from a file uploaded from my computer.

*the 'insert image button', 'from url', only works if you deselect the 'retrieve remote file and reference locally' option.

09-28-2012, 12:29 PM
Actually, for some reason that doesn't work for me, at all. I finally managed to figure out how to post an image from a url*, but I still can't figure out how to show an image from a file uploaded from my computer.

*the 'insert image button', 'from url', only works if you deselect the 'retrieve remote file and reference locally' option.

I'm not sure how to add an image from my computer -- if I need to, I put it on facebook and then copy the image address into the IMG tags.


09-28-2012, 12:32 PM
That's the other thing, you could ask TDA -- he should be able to tell you how to do it.

09-28-2012, 01:11 PM
I did a little research on vbulletin, and it sounds like it's some obscure coding thing. The new attachment system is apparently more efficient coding-wise, which naturally means it's far less user friendly:rolleyes:. Same problem as Linux. Either way, attaching images always worked perfectly with the old system, now with the new ones I can't get it to work at all half the time.

09-28-2012, 01:30 PM
I did a little research on vbulletin, and it sounds like it's some obscure coding thing. The new attachment system is apparently more efficient coding-wise, which naturally means it's far less user friendly:rolleyes:. Same problem as Linux. Either way, attaching images always worked perfectly with the old system, now with the new ones I can't get it to work at all half the time.

I dunno what to tell you. It always works for me, but I type out the IMG tags and use a mac :p I reckon you should ask TDA.

09-28-2012, 06:02 PM
Oh, to put a picture in a comment you need [ IMG ] and [ /IMG ] tags (without the spaces) around the full extension of the file (i.e. if you open the jpeg in a new window, you can just copy and paste that.

Don't worry, I only worked it out by looking at other people's comments.

Hint: click on Reply With Quote on this comment and you'll see the picture below correctly formatted.


Thank you.

Gah, nope still doesn't work for me though lol. Anyway, thanks for the tip :)

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
09-28-2012, 06:11 PM
You called?


To get them like this you'll want to deselect the box where it says about referencing locally.