View Full Version : Do Ladies Actually Prefer Eldar?

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09-27-2012, 03:49 PM
Whenever I hear female wargamers described in the context of Warhammer 40k, I always hear mention of Eldar and - to a lesser extent - Sisters of Battle. The claim seems to be that Eldar and Sisters appeal to most female gamers. The reason being that Eldar are pretty and colorful and that the Sisters are female.

Here's the thing - I have never met a single female gamer who actually prefers Eldar or Sisters. The only Sisters player I know is a dude; the only female wargamers I know prefer Orks and Tyranids.

Of course an anecdote is not data, so I'm starting a thread about it. Girls: do you actually prefer Eldar and Sisters? If you prefer Eldar, is it because they are pretty? If you prefer Sisters, is it because they are female? Or, do you prefer other armies.

Personally, I am predicting that the alleged girl gamer/Eldar and Sisters connection is entirely made up, but I'm interested to see where this informal online pole takes us.

09-27-2012, 04:24 PM
I assume anyone who likes Eldar does so for the same reason: They aren't big stupid dicks like everyone else in 40k, and they have awesome murder god powers and run around trolling everyone. Basically they're tall, intelligent dicks, which is generally better. I doubt it's the colours but the way in which they are cool and badass without having to be amusingly over-sized and proportioned, or just being, you know... the army.

One thing I find is that everyone likes some Eldar units, by the very nature of 'Aspect Warriors' they're all different and people like different aspects of Khaine's murder-y followers. This leads people to like many of their units but not actually start an Army due to not liking everything required of a coherent Eldar force.

Oh, and Harlequins. Harlequins are awesome.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
09-27-2012, 04:24 PM
Dark Eldar are prettier... *grumble grumble*

09-27-2012, 05:02 PM
I assume anyone who likes Eldar does so for the same reason: They aren't big stupid dicks like everyone else in 40k...

This is actually why I like Tau and why I do not like Eldar, but I guess YMMV. I also have a bad case of the Elf Rage, though, so...

09-27-2012, 06:19 PM
I've only actually met a Daemons, Space Wolve/Nidz, and recently a Blood Angels female player, and I knew a girl who used to play chaos but now does other nerdy things other than 40k. No Eldar or Sisters.

09-27-2012, 06:21 PM
I collect tanks.

and aircraft.

09-27-2012, 07:25 PM
Girls like slaanesh for the titties, according to the gf.

Archon Charybdis
09-27-2012, 09:01 PM
My wife showed modest interest in Sisters, but way more interest in nids (biologist that she is). The only two other female players I've known personally played Daemons.

09-27-2012, 10:24 PM
Let's see.. my exgirlfriend liked Eldar "because they're purdddyyyy". (Copy & pasted from ancient email)
My wife likes Orks, Chaos, and Dark Mechanicus.
Her coworker Sof is debating between starting Grey Knights and Chaos Daemons.
Sarah has Space Marines and WHFB Orcs. (Admittedly her SM are Hawk Lords and therefore "pretty".)
Kym has Chaos and Orks.
Another local girl has 'Nids.
And my mate Elliot's missus has Space Wolves.

So no, I don't think they really like Eldar all that much more than anyone else.

09-27-2012, 10:41 PM
It's a stupid generalisation. I know a dozen or so other female players (excluding those I know online) and Orks and Tyranids are the most popular, followed by roughly equal proportions of Space Marines, IG, Eldar and Dark Eldar.

09-27-2012, 11:20 PM
EG: when you hear "Orks" is it largely for the reason "because they're funny"? That's what the women I know who play them tend to say.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
09-27-2012, 11:22 PM
One of my female friends plays Slaanesh Daemons and Noise Marines...
Another plays Hawk Lords. :p

09-27-2012, 11:29 PM
Nope, not that they have mentioned anyway. I know one like them because of the converting opportunities but she also loves throwing lots and lots of ork boyz at her opponents.

EG: when you hear "Orks" is it largely for the reason "because they're funny"? That's what the women I know who play them tend to say.

Emerald Rose Widow
09-27-2012, 11:30 PM
While I like sisters for being a female imperium army, they arent even close to my favorite. Eldar and Dark Eldar are cool, just not my cup of tea.

My favorites are Tyrands and Necron NOMNOMMNOM. Most girl players I have known other than myself are usually Daemon players, with one ork player in the mix as well. There are only really 4 girl wargamers in my area for the most part though.

09-28-2012, 12:14 AM
My wife plays Necrons. My oldest dauaghter likes IG (tanks), and all the other female players I know of play chaos (nurgle or tzeentch).

09-28-2012, 12:23 AM
Whilst my mrs does not play, she always shows an interest in what I am painting, usually the more monstrous and nasty looking the model, the more she likes it. I am not sure what that says about me.

09-28-2012, 01:47 AM
One of the girls I know she has a huge imperial guard army, wood elf and now working on a tau when she isn't playing FoW. My sister loves to paint nids or eldar. I think it is a generalisation or simplification to say women play elves

Emerald Rose Widow
09-28-2012, 03:01 AM
EG: when you hear "Orks" is it largely for the reason "because they're funny"? That's what the women I know who play them tend to say.

I mean that is the reason I find them fun to play against, all those ork shinannegans just crack me up

09-28-2012, 03:14 AM
I mean that is the reason I find them fun to play against, all those ork shinannegans just crack me up

It's all about Brutal Kunnin'.
Right Ladz I got da perfekt kamoflarge...

09-28-2012, 03:49 AM
Girls like slaanesh for the titties, according to the gf.

Everyone likes Slaanesh for the titties.

Correction: Everyone likes anything for the titties.

09-28-2012, 04:56 AM
It's all about Brutal Kunnin'.
Right Ladz I got da perfekt kamoflarge...

This is awesome. I've gone down the route of adding bits of Ork heads and limbs to bushes or crates but may have to steal this idea for my Kommando nob.

09-28-2012, 05:09 AM
The picture is from http://kleinerzorn.wordpress.com/2012/09/20/disguised-kommando-or-tribute-to-the-most-epic-ork-unit-ever/ in tribute to http://www.wobblymodelsyndrome.com/.


09-28-2012, 05:15 AM
It's a stupid generalisation.

It's a generalisation that I've seen some GW store staff buy into, though they were only isolated examples and I suspect the people involved had problems dealing with people regardless of their gender.

When I was at university, a bunch of us were really into Epic. My then girlfriend went into the GW store on Oxford Street in London to get more stuff for her Dark Angels and was told that she really should consider collecting Eldar because you could paint them in pretty colours. The guy assumed that what she must really want was a pink army...

More recently, a friend, who has a 40K Guard army and had gone to another store to buy more tanks, was told that compared to other 40K armies 'playing Eldar was a good way to get the female psyche accustomed to violence and tactics.' She just smiled and informed him she was a police officer and had spent the last few days in a team kicking in the doors of drug traffickers, clearing the place room-by-room and arresting everyone inside. The manager came over and apologised for his colleague at that point.

Again, just isolated examples and one which say more about the general social skills of those people.

09-28-2012, 05:19 AM
Nice one, thanks for the link. My Kommandoes look like a much rougher version of that Ork in the top right, only with a large lump of flock for its body.

09-28-2012, 05:29 AM
If you do it right you can make a whole unit out of the bitz box :)

09-28-2012, 05:44 AM
Oh it's certainly widespread. It gets quite irritating, even when I do love eldar. I don't love them because I'm a girl though, anymore than someone who collects Marines loves them because they are a boy.

It's a generalisation that I've seen some GW store staff buy into, though they were only isolated examples and I suspect the people involved had problems dealing with people regardless of their gender.

09-28-2012, 05:47 AM
Oh it's certainly widespread. It gets quite irritating, even when I do love eldar. I don't love them because I'm a girl though, anymore than someone who collects Marines loves them because they are a boy.

Sure you're not just in denial? :rolleyes:

09-28-2012, 05:51 AM
Yup, I actually think it has more to do with the same things I love about archaeology and art history, lost beauty, crumbling empires and elegant decay.

09-28-2012, 05:54 AM
Yup, I actually think it has more to do with the same things I love about archaeology and art history, lost beauty, crumbling empires and elegant decay.

So a fan of English Heritage

09-28-2012, 05:55 AM
Yup, I actually think it has more to do with the same things I love about archaeology and art history, lost beauty, crumbling empires and elegant decay.

Which is the exact same answer you'd give if you were in denial :p

Which is more likely? That each person likes what they like for a bunch of idiosyncratic reasons? Or that we can reduce half the human race to a simple "vagina=you like pretty colours" formula?

09-28-2012, 06:54 AM
Sexism is not confined to wargaming. When I was worked for GW, my method was to always show every new player every army with a brief explanation, and let them tell me what they liked best. I would only offer up suggestions when the customer couldn't decide based on asking them a few questions about style and what sort of tactics they had in mind. I only knew a few female 40k players, most in our area were Fantasy players, but the two that were played Sisters. I think that has more to do with personality than it does with gender, though. If you look at your gaming group, there is frequently a correlation between a person's personality and their army.

My wife is always interested in my projects, but has a tendency to rate them based on factors such as not liking particular units because they are painted too darkly, or because they are ugly. She loves my High Elves, and for some reason the Crusaders in my Inquisitorial Henchmen warbands. If I were to paint some Eldar, they would probably be near the top of her list, but wouldn't top the High Elves because, Horses. So, she is someone that might fit a stereotype.

My guess is that you will find female players that are gamers, and like the Grimdark, and they will have a comparable proportion of armies to male gamers. You will also find a subset of female players that play because their spouse/boyfriend does, and enjoy painting but aren't particularly fond of the Grimdark. Those will be more likely to fit the stereotype. Also, I'm going to guess that the stereotype is more likely in places like the US, where wargaming is looked down upon by the general population, and less likely in places in the world where it seems more acceptable, like the UK.

By the way, the armies played by the female Fantasy players were Dark Elves, Skaven, Bretonnians.

09-28-2012, 07:04 AM
Horses. So, she is someone that might fit a stereotype.

Remind you of anyone, Psychosplodge? ;)

09-28-2012, 07:09 AM
Correlation does not show a causation

09-28-2012, 07:12 AM
Correlation does not show a causation

I know, I'm afraid my tongue is already firmly planted in cheek for this thread :D

09-28-2012, 07:21 AM
I know, I'm afraid my tongue is already firmly planted in cheek for this thread :D

I'll go back to playing with Twilight Sparkle...

09-28-2012, 07:30 AM
I'll go back to playing with Twilight Sparkle...


09-28-2012, 07:32 AM
What a strange question, I would think girls would pick an army that suits their personality and looks apealing to them like any male player would pick an army for the same reasons and if pretty colours was a reason to collect an army surley bright yellow, blue, green, red ect space marines would be the obvious choice and since it is up to the collector to decide a paint scheme any army could be as colourfull as you want, pink marines for example riding my little ponies into battle instead of on attack bikes.

09-28-2012, 07:39 AM
http://images.dakkadakka.com/gallery/2012/2/13/329297_md-Cute,%20Humor,%20My%20Little%20Pony,%20Space%20Mar ines.JPG

09-28-2012, 07:45 AM
What a strange question, I would think girls would pick an army that suits their personality and looks apealing to them like any male player would pick an army for the same reasons and if pretty colours was a reason to collect an army surley bright yellow, blue, green, red ect space marines would be the obvious choice and since it is up to the collector to decide a paint scheme any army could be as colourfull as you want, pink marines for example riding my little ponies into battle instead of on attack bikes.

But girls like glitter and hot teenage vampires and flowers and stuff. And therefore obviously like Eldar.

09-28-2012, 07:49 AM
Which is the exact same answer you'd give if you were in denial :p

Which is more likely? That each person likes what they like for a bunch of idiosyncratic reasons? Or that we can reduce half the human race to a simple "vagina=you like pretty colours" formula?

I think it's wrong to reduce an entire gender to "oooh, pretty...." but that doesn't mean that gender and sex have zero effect on personality and decision making.

Let me tell you a story.

My wife works in community mental health (she gives therapy to kids in foster care). There's a persistent stereotype that women who work in mental health do fir real until they get married or pregnant, then quit to be a wife/raise the kids. While my wife was in grad school, we both scoffed at this idea... until she got into the work force and learned that it was true. Most of her colleagues worked until they got pregnant, then they went on maternity leave, then they returned, worked another six months, and then quit to start their own private practices (though many would continue to take on a few pro bono clients). We were both surprised when my wife started talking about our future in the same way.

See what's going on there? The stereotype isn't true, but neither is it entirely false. They quit, but they do leave community mental health. They don't leave 'to be wives or mothers' - they mostly quit because community mental health is a horrible field in which you help people through life-destroying events with insufficient support from your bosses - but they do take advantage of the life transition period of having a baby to make the career change that was pretty inevitable.

So, when I'm confronted by a stereotype, I take the view that there are three possible realities:

1) The stereotype is accurate.
2) The stereotype is semi-accurate (ie. there's some truth to the situation described, or the situation is more or less happening, but for different reasons than described)
3) The stereotype is entirely false.

And then I look for data.

In this case, the anecdata suggests that the correct choice is 3. Ladies don't actually prefer Elder or Sisters of Battle with any frequency - not even for different reasons than the claim states - and the claim is based entirely on a reductionist and somewhat sexist view of what female gamers want.

Thanks for playing. We may now continue to collect anecdata, debate the relative prettiness and femininity of the various armies, and talk about how GW stores mistreat female patrons ;)

09-28-2012, 07:56 AM
@Wolfshade, I can't honestly believe you found space marine my little ponies, I wouldn't like to meet the creator of models that look that creepy

@Chris*ta, If we are talking about a sterotype girl then what in all of firey hell would they be doing collecting 40k anyway? and if that's what Eldar are all about then I have don't have any and no one can prove otherwise

09-28-2012, 07:59 AM
@Chris*ta, If we are talking about a sterotype girl then what in all of firey hell would they be doing collecting 40k anyway? and if that's what Eldar are all about then I have don't have any and no one can prove otherwise
mysterious hidden text so I can post this message. Fnord.

I know, I'm afraid my tongue is already firmly planted in cheek for this thread :D

09-28-2012, 08:03 AM
There are ponies of everything, it is like an internet law, even pony vikings, Tzenntch's Dark Angent is collecting them, he would appreciate any you would find.

What we need to do therefore, is to analyse what armies boys and girls play/paint and then we can start making rationals!

Base on a population (n=2) the following observations are made:
Girls do not play, they paint
They paint to an high standard
Girls do not play space marines
Girls prefer not to paint tanks
Girls do not have a preference for pink/purple, though white is used favourably

09-28-2012, 08:31 AM
Girls do not play space marines

I remember a full purple/pink chapter I saw online (supposedly painted by a girl).

09-28-2012, 08:32 AM
That person does not appear in my sample...

09-28-2012, 08:33 AM
Just thought I'd mention it. It was very well painted, I'll see if I can find it again...

09-28-2012, 09:54 AM
I would like a sisters of battle army, and it is partly because they are all female, but it is mainly because I like the way they play and I like the models.

09-28-2012, 10:32 AM
We have 2 out of about 20 female gamers at our gaming club. They both play Tyranids (and can't stand Eldar - even Dark ones - because they're "not scary/violent enough"). My girlfriend also plays Tyranids, and is similarly disgusted by the thought of Eldar ("they just look stupid", although she quite likes Dark Eldar because they remind her of The Sabbat from Vampire: The Masquerade) and dislikes SoB intensely for the same reason she hates the Lego FRIENDS line of toys. (She completely agrees with Anita Sarkeesian's analysis of it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrmRxGLn0Bk, and I think that the same analysis of Lego applies equally to the Sisters of Battle. While I love the idea of plastic Sisters, and will definitely get an army when they become available, they're still segregated.)

So based on my tiny observation group, no: girls do not like Eldar or SoB. They like Tyranids.

Of course, despite what Mythbusters will tell you, one data point is not remotely valid for a scientific study.

09-28-2012, 11:03 AM
All the lady gamers I know play either nids or Orks, but to be honest never really wondered why as it doesn't affect anything within my life or gaming circles.

09-28-2012, 01:51 PM
Girls do not play, they paint
They paint to an high standard
Girls do not play space marines
Girls prefer not to paint tanks
Girls do not have a preference for pink/purple, though white is used favourably

Arguable ;)
First Army: Dark Angels. Second Army: Space Wolves. Third Army: Eldar. Fourth Army: Blood Angels (then Chaos, IG, Orks, more marines etc)
I played mech before it was cool :cool:
Whilst I do certainly like purple, only my Dark Eldar have it as their main colour.

09-28-2012, 01:53 PM
Doesn't EG have some space marines as well?

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
09-28-2012, 03:06 PM
She does, yes.

09-28-2012, 08:46 PM
But EG's not a girl. It's obvious by the fact she's entirely too cool.

Also the fact she turned me down when I suggested we raise puppies together. No woman passes up puppies, OR ME! OBVIOUSLY NOT A WOMAN!

09-28-2012, 10:56 PM
So they don't know anything at all about Dark Eldar then?:rolleyes:

and can't stand Eldar - even Dark ones - because they're "not scary/violent enough").

Yep, my own female SM chapter (jut to annoy people) and some (mostly FW) Ultramarines. But I only play eldar/Dark Eldar, will extend this to SoB when they get a plastic range. I also have other display armies of Orks, IG, Thousand Sons, Slaanesh daemons (whch I have played a game or two with) and, um, no I think that's it.

Doesn't EG have some space marines as well?

My craftworld colours are pink, purple and white.:(

Chris Copeland
09-28-2012, 11:33 PM
I came into this hobby mid-IVth Edition. I've met two female gamers. I live in a large urban metroplex (San Antonio is the 7th most populous city in America and the 2nd most populous in Texas). One played Marines and the other played Sisters and Tau. I'm not sure what this is indicative of (other than that very few ladies play wargames around here).

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
09-29-2012, 12:11 AM
Urge to kill rising.

09-29-2012, 12:43 AM
Yup, I actually think it has more to do with the same things I love about archaeology and art history, lost beauty, crumbling empires and elegant decay.

Such poetic praise of Grandfarther Nurgles blessings! Come join the family, and forever shall you enjoy all those things without end.

Chris Copeland
09-29-2012, 08:36 AM
Urge to kill rising.
Urge to kill whom? Me? For what? All I did was say that I've only met two female 40K players in several years in a major metropolitan area. I listed the armies that the ladies played. I don't think this is indicative of anything other than the fact that there are mostly males playing the game where I live. If you have active females playing in your corner of the world I'd say that is great! Diversity is good! This hobby is unbalanced in that it doesn't seem to attract enough women gamers... Cope

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
09-29-2012, 11:24 AM
Why would I be mad at you Cope?

09-29-2012, 01:00 PM
Why would I be mad at you Cope?

He wants to kill me. It's obvious.

09-29-2012, 03:51 PM

Chris Copeland
09-29-2012, 07:58 PM
Why would I be mad at you Cope? I couldn't figure that out either. I posted and then the next post was you wanting to kill folks. I was all confused.

I met another female gamer today. She was at the Alamo GT for WarmaHordes in San Antonio today. She was playing Trolls (and doing quite well, it seemed). Of course, I've still only met two female 40K players so far...

09-29-2012, 10:08 PM
Another thing to consider is the small sample size, given how female gamers really are quite rare, will impact on any statistics we can get together. Even in my group with nearly a dozen of us it only takes a few to have Orks or Tyranids to skew things completely. It's a pity really as it would be interesting to see which are the most popular armies for both genders.

Emerald Rose Widow
09-29-2012, 11:02 PM
Another thing to consider is the small sample size, given how female gamers really are quite rare, will impact on any statistics we can get together. Even in my group with nearly a dozen of us it only takes a few to have Orks or Tyranids to skew things completely. It's a pity really as it would be interesting to see which are the most popular armies for both genders.

It would be far easier to track on a more global scale, if such a herculean task could even begin. It would certainly be interesting if such a thing could be calculated.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
09-30-2012, 01:34 AM
WE NEED MORE DATA!!!!!!!!!!!!

09-30-2012, 07:42 AM
Another thing to consider is the small sample size, given how female gamers really are quite rare, will impact on any statistics we can get together. Even in my group with nearly a dozen of us it only takes a few to have Orks or Tyranids to skew things completely. It's a pity really as it would be interesting to see which are the most popular armies for both genders.It would be far easier to track on a more global scale, if such a herculean task could even begin. It would certainly be interesting if such a thing could be calculated.

Hmmm a global wargamer consensus perhaps? I'd be down with that.

My two cents, for what it's worth - I certainly don't conform to the male stereotype as I tend to use purple in some way in most of my armies which seems to be regarded as a 'female' colour choice - and I'm using pink on my Dark Eldar. But then I collect mainly to paint as I'm rubbish at the game.

And as to girls I know, one ex bought a Tau battlebox and my ex after her bought Dark Eldar and Vampire Counts, although she did end up selling most of the DE to me. My current girlfriend isn't interested in 40k at all, but does intend to buy dragons to collect and paint and has been practicing her painting on Dark Elves, Lizardmen and Daemonettes. Oh and I recently found out a girl I used to work with paints Tyranids.

Conclusion: Gender has little if any influence on army choice. I would be interested to see if sexuality played any part in it, but I suspect that the main factor in army choice is personality, and gender and sexuality will only make as big an impact on the choice as they do on a person's personality in the first place.

10-01-2012, 10:41 AM
I have been into Warhammer 40K since rogue trader. I got out of it towards the end of 2nd edition, and completely missed 3rd edition completely, and dropped back into it at the end of 4th edition. I have always hated Eldar myself, liked sisters of battle, hated space wolves, ultramarines, and blood angels. My new pet hate is Grey Knights, but I have loved Chaos space marines, cultists, and daemons since you could make warbands in the lost and the damned and slaves to darkness.

So no I do not love Eldar, or even dark eldar. I do like female miniatures, hence my taunting joke army I am working on to tease and annoy other fluff stickler gamers. My female Space marine army is coming along nice and slowly, but as it is one of many projects, it will not be finished for a long time. I have even planned a new project to annoy staunch grey knight players. a counts as army of Word Bearers, who have had their gene seed mixed with dark sensei DNA by Fabius Bile. Combined with battlefield salvage from grey knights that is reverse engineered, they make up new armour, use the sensei's blood to make psy cannon ammo, and I give them a half new word bearer's colour/half heresy word bearer's colour scheme. No they are not corrupted grey knights, but count as grey knights, and look like chaos grey knights.

I even have Adeptus Arbites, and use some of the old GW female 200AD judges miniatures. I also have some Sisters of Silence and Adeptus Custodes. Mostly from either the limited edition GW releases, or banned stuff from Ronin miniatures and other manufacturers.

Joe Fixit
10-01-2012, 10:53 AM
After reading though this thread, it's kind of obvious that there are no stereotypical armies that girls play. It seems the ladies here between them, play just about all the armies.
The few women I know who play, do tend to pay a bit more to the details with construction and painting though.

10-01-2012, 11:21 AM
After reading though this thread, it's kind of obvious that there are no stereotypical armies that girls play. It seems the ladies here between them, play just about all the armies.
The few women I know who play, do tend to pay a bit more to the details with construction and painting though.

I'm happy to agree with you. I really wanted this thread to show that at least with Anecdata there are no "girl armies" and "boy armies." One of the awesome, weird things about this hobby is the way that it can be simultaneously gear-headed, rules-oriented, and competitive, but also artistic and fiercely emotional. Long live wargaming!

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-01-2012, 11:32 AM
Our survey says that wargaming is a fair hobby! GOOD SHOW ALL! :D

Long live wargaming!

Emerald Rose Widow
10-01-2012, 01:13 PM
I have always found it silly when people say that 40k is a mans game, idk, I think it is more of a unisex thing. Strategy games are like that though, they really have no genders but for the ones society puts on them, which I have always found dumb.

I have especially noticed in my area that gender seems to not matter, we just play. All the wargamers in this area treat the girl gamers just like any other player, we kick each others butts and then gloat about it lol.

10-01-2012, 01:24 PM
"a game for boys and the more intelligent sort of girl"

if it is good enough for Peter Cushing it is good enough for me. I have collected pretty much every army, but I keep coming back to tanks.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-01-2012, 01:26 PM
Tanks are cool. That's why I don't play Warmachine.

10-01-2012, 02:10 PM
I have always found it silly when people say that 40k is a mans game, idk, I think it is more of a unisex thing. Strategy games are like that though, they really have no genders but for the ones society puts on them, which I have always found dumb.

I have especially noticed in my area that gender seems to not matter, we just play. All the wargamers in this area treat the girl gamers just like any other player, we kick each others butts and then gloat about it lol.

Well, I do think there are some things about the hobby that make it more welcoming to boys than girls. For example - there's a lot of sexism in the community. I've heard of female wargamers who won't go into some game stores, including GW stores, because of how they're treated. Some of the models we see in wargaming also make the intended audience pretty obvious. It's not as bad as it used to be, but it still is the way it is, right now.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-01-2012, 02:16 PM
Purge the Sexists?

10-01-2012, 02:18 PM
Purge the Sexists?

"I am the hammer, I am the right hand of the Emperor, the instrument of His will, the gauntlet about His fist, the tip of His spear, the edge of His sword!"

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-01-2012, 02:20 PM
I feel another campaign coming on!

10-01-2012, 02:24 PM
I know there are some players that don't like women at their club because they go to get away from wives etc. and I can see the point to some extent, but the solution is not to go to the club and just play in private, I don't want to go to my local club because there are loads of kids there, but I don't tell them they can't go, I just don't go myself.

10-01-2012, 03:57 PM
It's all about Brutal Kunnin'.
Right Ladz I got da perfekt kamoflarge...
Not the kunningly brutal?

Horses. So, she is someone that might fit a stereotype.

Remind you of anyone, Psychosplodge? ;)
Nope, i'm male, And dislike horses, or pretty much any animal bigger than me...

Looks fun, I think they're all porn stars or minor fan named characters?

@Wolfshade, I can't honestly believe you found space marine my little ponies, I wouldn't like to meet the creator of models that look that creepy

That's quite an old pic.

There are ponies of everything, it is like an internet law, even pony vikings, Tzenntch's Dark Agent is collecting them, he would appreciate any you would find.
Rules 134 and 135 of the internet... replace the porn of 34 and 35 with ponies :D
He's also collecting actual unicorn pics in the off-topic thread.

10-01-2012, 04:13 PM
Well, I do think there are some things about the hobby that make it more welcoming to boys than girls. For example - there's a lot of sexism in the community. I've heard of female wargamers who won't go into some game stores, including GW stores, because of how they're treated. Some of the models we see in wargaming also make the intended audience pretty obvious. It's not as bad as it used to be, but it still is the way it is, right now.

Pretty recently my girlfriend actually became effected so to speak by sexism in gaming. We have a store we go to play games and paint and while we were there two guys came in and started asking me about the game I was playing(Hordes). My girlfriend knowing that they are starting to annoy me started trying to help them, show them the different armies etc. when she was finishing up one of them asked "How do you know all this, your a girl?".

She was actually pretty upset by it, esp. since she just started trying to game at the store more and not just play games with me. Unfortunately, it made her moderately uncomfortable playing at the store again since she felt devalued just because she was a girl. :(

On the actual topic of note, girls in my area seem to have a tendency to play the more "evil" races. My girlfriend loves playing Everblight for hordes, and Daemons for 40k. She said she also prefers Necrons. That being said a couple other girls i've seen at tourneys are either nids, Daemons, and one SOB player.

10-01-2012, 04:23 PM
Pretty recently my girlfriend actually became effected so to speak by sexism in gaming. We have a store we go to play games and paint and while we were there two guys came in and started asking me about the game I was playing(Hordes). My girlfriend knowing that they are starting to annoy me started trying to help them, show them the different armies etc. when she was finishing up one of them asked "How do you know all this, your a girl?".

She was actually pretty upset by it, esp. since she just started trying to game at the store more and not just play games with me. Unfortunately, it made her moderately uncomfortable playing at the store again since she felt devalued just because she was a girl. :(

On the actual topic of note, girls in my area seem to have a tendency to play the more "evil" races. My girlfriend loves playing Everblight for hordes, and Daemons for 40k. She said she also prefers Necrons. That being said a couple other girls i've seen at tourneys are either nids, Daemons, and one SOB player.

My wife has some pretty frustrating stories about life as a girlnerd. She's been at GenCon and had guys put on treacley voices to say "do you roleplay? Do you know how to role dice?" or some such nonsense. She's gone into game stores to buy me presents, asked for exactly what she wants (a box of sanguinary guard), and still been condescended to.

10-01-2012, 04:37 PM
Pretty recently my girlfriend actually became effected so to speak by sexism in gaming. We have a store we go to play games and paint and while we were there two guys came in and started asking me about the game I was playing(Hordes). My girlfriend knowing that they are starting to annoy me started trying to help them, show them the different armies etc. when she was finishing up one of them asked "How do you know all this, your a girl?".

My wife has some pretty frustrating stories about life as a girlnerd. She's been at GenCon and had guys put on treacley voices to say "do you roleplay? Do you know how to role dice?" or some such nonsense. She's gone into game stores to buy me presents, asked for exactly what she wants (a box of sanguinary guard), and still been condescended to.

This really boils my blood. People shouldn't get away with this kind of sexism in any environment, least of all one that you are only participating in for fun. Piratingwerewolf, I really hope your girlfriend wasn't too put off to continue gaming. If I were running the gaming group, I'd have taken them aside and given them a yellow card, any more remarks like that and they're out. I have no time for mysoginists like that, and I'm usually a pretty forgiving guy.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-01-2012, 04:40 PM
I would speak for EG in relation to Gamer Sexism, but she seems to be doing pretty well by herself. :p

10-01-2012, 04:55 PM
The harassment comments I've head come out of some gamers make me want to punch them and quite honestly, should get them a visit from the banhammer.

However getting too put out over a guy asking questions like the lady wouldn't know what she wants is silly.
Let's be honest, in some stores, if an unknown woman walks into a game store, the overwhelming amount of times it's because she's buying a gift for someone.

And, there's definitely cases when the shoe is on the other foot. I've run into the same thing reversed buying fabric at the fabric store. "A guy buying fabric? We need to carefully explain to him that we sell by the yard, that not all fabrics are suitable for all purposes, etc. He cant' possibly know what he wants." In fact, there's been times I've been in fabric store and _EVERYONE_ is looking at me with a WTF? look. I can't possibly know what I want, I must be there because I was out doing errands and my other half wanted me to stop to get something, right?

10-01-2012, 05:53 PM
The harassment comments I've head come out of some gamers make me want to punch them and quite honestly, should get them a visit from the banhammer.

However getting too put out over a guy asking questions like the lady wouldn't know what she wants is silly.

Let's be honest, in some stores, if an unknown woman walks into a game store, the overwhelming amount of times it's because she's buying a gift for someone.

And, there's definitely cases when the shoe is on the other foot. I've run into the same thing reversed buying fabric at the fabric store. "A guy buying fabric? We need to carefully explain to him that we sell by the yard, that not all fabrics are suitable for all purposes, etc. He cant' possibly know what he wants." In fact, there's been times I've been in fabric store and _EVERYONE_ is looking at me with a WTF? look. I can't possibly know what I want, I must be there because I was out doing errands and my other half wanted me to stop to get something, right?

That's all well and good, but if someone goes to the shelf, picks up a box, and brings it to the register without asking for any more help than "where's the 40k stuff?" it's probably good customer service to assume that she knows what she's about. And also to be honest, my wife wasn't hugely put out, just a little annoyed. I thought her response was entirely appropriate to annoyance of the situation.

And yes, it's true, gender stereotypes do cut both ways.

Chris Copeland
10-01-2012, 05:56 PM
...there's been times I've been in fabric store and _EVERYONE_ is looking at me with a WTF? look. I can't possibly know what I want, I must be there because I was out doing errands and my other half wanted me to stop to get something, right?

Ha! Good point! My wife won't go into game stores. Ever. She wants nothing to do with any nerd aspects of my life. That's fine. None of it is her thing. Sadly, this is a male-centric hobby. Hopefully that will change. I'm not holding my breath, however... Cope

Emerald Rose Widow
10-01-2012, 09:22 PM
I have never had issues with people devaluing my opinions for being a girl. most I ever get is being called the wrong pronouns, and more often than not its accidental, and people politely apologize when they mix it up. That is more a trans issue than a girl issue though lol

10-01-2012, 10:28 PM
My Girlfriend plays SoB/Witch hunters, GK's, and Blood Angels. My 13 Year old daughter plays, SoB's, and Blood angels. My youngest daughter, at 9 wants to pay Dark Angels, as they are Daddy's. Being a former US Marine, my heart swells with pride!! At my local Rt shops, my Girls, are well known, and have never encountered what I am reading in this post. My girlfriend knows what she wants, and knows where to get it. They share my enjoyment of our hobby, and the people at the stores, I go to think it's cool. Plus my 19 yr old son, (who has enlisted in the Marines, and is a very large young man.) is very protective of the little ones.

10-01-2012, 10:36 PM
That is because I take the Tarkin Doctrine approach to inter-gender relations, rule through fear of force.

I would speak for EG in relation to Gamer Sexism, but she seems to be doing pretty well by herself. :p

While it is true that it goes both ways, I strongly doubt many men have been told they didn't belong in a fabric store or that they should get out because it's a female only environment etc. A modicum of disbelief that you are there isn't really offensive. It only becomes so when, as happened to me at a local store, one or two of the staff members continued to treat me like I wasn't really in the hobby despite shopping there for years.

Inquisitorsog makes a good point re: sales talk too, it's not unreasonable to expect staffers to assume you are buying something as a gift, again it only becomes unacceptable if they continue to do so after you have made it clear it is for you.

I do think it is important to not be put off by idiot comments by boys. Example, on holiday my brothers and I visited a game store and one of the regulars playing a game said to me 'You can't shop here, the store is for men only' so I replied 'Well that rules out both of us' and then had a laugh while the store owner kicked him out of the shop for insulting potential customers.:rolleyes:

White Tiger88
10-01-2012, 10:54 PM
Funny enough i have found the female gamers i have met are the ones harassing the male gamer's..... Or using there "Female charm" to get free models, Then again i have met a few that are pretty cool. But more on topic every female player here plays Eldar or Tyranids.....(So space elfs and the Giant evil bugs that want to eat everyone)

10-02-2012, 12:41 AM
This really boils my blood. People shouldn't get away with this kind of sexism in any environment, least of all one that you are only participating in for fun. Piratingwerewolf, I really hope your girlfriend wasn't too put off to continue gaming. If I were running the gaming group, I'd have taken them aside and given them a yellow card, any more remarks like that and they're out. I have no time for mysoginists like that, and I'm usually a pretty forgiving guy.

Fortunately, she is pretty good at getting over things like that, but its only because as a girl she expects it. The part that was really upsetting for her was this was the first store we starting playing at where nobody treated her like that. Every other store in the area, including employees gave her the "aw, its so cute she thinks she can play guys games attitude" and that was including one that I worked at.(One of the reasons I don't work there anymore, among other things). Happily though there are a couple girls who play different games at the store and she still feels comfortable enough to go even if i'm not there.

I do think its pretty unfortunate that sexism plays a part in my favorite hobby. I feel in my section of the states, the hobby is almost completely Male-dominated, as at templecon I think i saw only 3 or 4 girls playing WM/H total, and a part of me wonders if there are so few because sexism drives them off?

10-02-2012, 01:19 AM
This really boils my blood. People shouldn't get away with this kind of sexism in any environment, least of all one that you are only participating in for fun. Piratingwerewolf, I really hope your girlfriend wasn't too put off to continue gaming. If I were running the gaming group, I'd have taken them aside and given them a yellow card, any more remarks like that and they're out. I have no time for mysoginists like that, and I'm usually a pretty forgiving guy.

Years ago, before local gamers got to know how good I was at tactical gaming, and designing my armies, I had a cocky twenty something guy at my local GW store which now does not have tables for people to play games on, come up and treat me as a stupid girl when I was helping a young guy with designing his first space marine army. I asked him what army he played, and he said if, he asked me which army I played. So he challenged me to a game. 1250 points - his Blood Angels VS my Chaos Marines (5th edition).

I almost tabled him in 5 rounds, with his last unit of tactical marines (2 models) running away 8" from his table edge, and I still had 2 Obliterators, and an fairly standard CSM squad left in my deployment zone. We rolled a 1 and he never was cocky again. Also he did not know his rules very well, and I picked him up on it, and his rubber measuring tape a couple times where he would move a tank or unit a few extra inches. He even told his friends to not play me as I play too well.

Since I have been wargaming since 1983, and my first wargaming miniature was a battleroids Battle-AX, I must admit I had a slight advantage over him. He had it coming though. Generally I play for fun, and stick by the rules, but give a person a chance to move a unit back (but not twice), if they had not realised their unit could do certain things. I have tutored a few gamers on their armies, how to design them, how to use cover, tactical gaming techniques (interlocking fields of fire, flanking, hammer and anvil, pincer, area denial, etc), and have a few people who have told me that they feel ecstatic when they defeat or even tie with my army. One of my mates has improved his Necron army by leaps and bounds and wants me to meet him with my best army to go against him.

I personally know 3 other female wargamers, 2 who are very pretty, and get guys who think they are an easy pick up because they play wargames, so have something in common to chat about. I laughed when one of my friends was drooling at a female friend of mine who has a BF, and he just would not stop staring at her. I finally told him to stop it or stop playing our game. He thought I would not be affected because I have a girlfriend who only plays WH invasion, and so I would not mind if he gawked at my female friend.

I find if I dress too feminine, including wearing low cut jeans, or similar attire, I lose the respect male opponents give me, so I tend to dress in loose t-shirts with jackets, jeans, and my old Army issue combat boots when I go to the wargames clubs. That and I look like most Lez-be-friends do when they dress all girly - hint -I have muscles that do not look too feminine. It does not help that my regular job is climbing 50 - 100 meter towers and dangle off them installing mobile phone antennas.

OMG, I have added myself to another stereotypical sub group that many male wargamers classify female gamers into, the intelligent (yes my IQ is quite high) ex-military Lez-be-Friend macho type women. I know TDA will have a good comment on this one.

10-02-2012, 02:13 AM
I've never heard Lez be friendz is that an Australian slang term?

10-02-2012, 02:34 AM
I've never heard Lez be friendz is that an Australian slang term?

Actually I heard the term from an American tourist at the Sydney Mardi-Gras back in 2001. I used the term just incase the site had the word (wude word - yes wude) as a banned word.

10-02-2012, 02:40 AM
Fair enough, anymore stereotypes you want to fill? Apparently you tick all the boxes...:D

10-02-2012, 02:53 AM
Actually I heard the term from an American tourist at the Sydney Mardi-Gras back in 2001. I used the term just incase the site had the word (wude word - yes wude) as a banned word.

I don't see why the word lesbian would be a banned word, it's an honest description of a person's sexual preference, the same as gay, transgender, tranvestite, are all just descriptions. There are other words that I imagine would be banned as depending on the context they're used in they could be meant as an insult, but if it's down to you saying it about yourself and it's true, that's fine.

I think it's despicable that some people think it's ok to segregate others just because they happen to be a minority in this hobby. I don't see why you should have to dress differently just to get respect from other gamers - as if dressing 'girlier' affects your tactical ability.

Rahhh! Kill the sexists :mad:

10-02-2012, 03:08 AM
I know right, like calling a person who isn't on the Senate a Pleb...

10-02-2012, 03:16 AM
Yeah I heard Lez be friends just recently. I signed up to a Facebook group called "Pride Torbay" thinking it was a page for like minded local business's.
How naive am I. Still I have had lots of invites to parties and what not. Wife won't let me go :)

Thing is I can't now "unlike" the page for fear of looking like a homophobe, which I am not. Still get the piss ripped out of me though.

10-02-2012, 03:18 AM
That reminds me I was looking for information on London Pride (the beer by Fullers) I did not appreciate what I found

10-02-2012, 03:23 AM
My dress style is '1950s starlet' so it is very feminine and it does lead some people to make judgements about my character and intelligence but damned if I change the way I dress to placate them. Of course it helps that between my brothers and I we make up a quarter of the games club so it's hard for me to be marginalised. Plus the whole rule through fear thing I mentioned.

10-02-2012, 04:21 AM
That reminds me I was looking for information on London Pride (the beer by Fullers) I did not appreciate what I found

Ah that takes me back. A couple of Brighton Prides ago I (straight) was due to meet my brother (gay) and his boyfriend (surprisingly also gay) in Preston Park near the stall they were helping to run. When I sent a text to let them know I was at the entrance they said to their friends to look out for me, and having not met me they asked what I looked like.

I understand the reply was "He looks like his brother but gayer".

Sure enough I turned up wearing a tight t-shirt with an image of David Bowie as Ziggy Stardust, dyed bright red hair, pointed black shoes with big buckles and skinny leopard print jeans.

I think the biggest surprise when my brother came out was that it was him and not me...

I guess the moral of the story is that you can't judge a book by it's cover. Although I have toned down my eccentric dress-sense recently, if I still fit those jeans, comments b'damned I'd still wear them!

10-02-2012, 04:46 AM
My dress style is '1950s starlet' so it is very feminine and it does lead some people to make judgements about my character and intelligence but damned if I change the way I dress to placate them. Of course it helps that between my brothers and I we make up a quarter of the games club so it's hard for me to be marginalised. Plus the whole rule through fear thing I mentioned.

I suppose I dress like I do, because people sometimes stare at me when I walk around shopping centres if I wear anything that is remotely sexy. I also feel comfortable in casual clothes, and also I hate wearing dresses and skirts. Plus at my age (mid 40's) I have no desire to dress sexy anymore.

As to using the term Lez-be-friends instead of lesbians, I did not even attempt to try it, as too many websites block certain words as a matter of practice. I know the army/defence websites did, and a lot of guys tried to look up as many sites they could to circumvent the search blocking protocols in place.

I suppose I prefer my Slaanesh army because of the whole beyond the normal sexual bounds theme of it. That and because the noise weapons from the current codex (some of which will soon be nerfed a little in the next codex) are pretty damn good even for the extra points you pay for them. Lash of submission is also good, so I wonder what they will be replacing that with. I would hate to see the Lash disappear.

I do have a sisters of battle Army, but only got into them a few years ago, after they became unpopular and a GW staff member told me not to bother collecting them as they were expensive and not a very good army. I also saw a graphic novel/comic based on a sisters convent that had been subverted by Slaanesh and attacked by the Inquisiton and one of their sisters who cold not be turned.

10-02-2012, 04:51 AM
Hang about, are you several dozen metres in the air hanging around "testing" the network?

10-02-2012, 05:51 AM
No the individual antenna is turned off, so it is not live/transmitting. Usually you have another providers transmitter a meter (3 feet) from you pointing in the same direction, so you get side band signal from that. Work on Optus, and you have Vodafone or Telstra signals near you. We have rad meters and if they go off we get out of there.

The worst thing is the birds nests, and the amount of bird poop on the towers. Lots of large crane or smaller plover nests. When plovers swoop look out, their feet have large talons on them. We have to stop work during the bird mating season. I have on a few occasions (outside of bird mating season) dropped all their nests from the tower. They apparently use them only once, and build a new one next year.

If you know anything about mobile phone comms, I have been upgrading 2G and 3G systems to 4G, utilising combiners/diplexors/triplexors, installing new feeder cables replacing old antennas for new ones, installing new BTS cabinets in the hut, adding Hybrid cable runs, installing TMAs/MTAs/MHAs, and swapping out old Microwave dishes for either larger ones, or more powerful smaller ones. Between that, site deliveries of BTS cabnets, battery units, and other equipment to remote off road sites with a 2 ton (Metric ton) trailer, life on the job is very physical. I had to deliver a 120 Kg cabinet on a trolley designed for 80 Kg up 6 flights of steps with a guy who was as useless as , well I can not say anything that would not get me kicked off the site for being rude or derogatory to describe him. We eventually got the cabinet in place.

Safety is the key to my job. If it looks dangerous - weather to wet/ windy, etc. or if you only have one person to climb the tower, and one on the ground (need minimum 2 on tower and one on ground who has tower rescue and safety at heights) then you just do not climb. I have seen some roads where it was impossible to get to the site. mud that went past the axle of the car, steep mountain sides where there was no place to turn around, and so on. We had to check the sites out on foot sometimes before we took the cars up to them.

Oh and as I tell all the new people who climb with me. "I am afraid of heights", seriously though I am not afraid of heights, confined spaces. I have tickets/licenses for working in both these conditions. I learned at an early age to face my fears. Had a close call when I was young and nearly drowned. Lost my sister and neighbor in that creek.

I have had a lot of interesting things happen in my life especially while in the army. Had snakes slither over my sleeping bag, was charged (as aprt of a section of people by wild pigs, slept on the ground (in a squad unit) 250 meters from a crocodile ridden river bank, and so on. My wargaming is my relaxation, my hobby. Work is where I make the money, and test myself.

Now I am older, things just get a little harder to do, like climb 100 m towers carrying 20 Kg of equipment. We usually get the bulk of it sent up via pulley rope once I set the haul rope up.

Anyway I am just emphasizing the a-typical stereotype for the lesbian macho wargamer most people think of. But who really cares.

10-02-2012, 05:59 AM
Sounds fun, Worked cabling different equipment on a twenty metre mast before and that was fun with the sway in the wind...not my first choice of how to spend an afternoon

10-02-2012, 06:02 AM
I don't really think of how I dress as sexy, when I think about what seems to pass for sexy I think of fake tans, bottle blonde hair and dresses that look more like t-shirts.:rolleyes: I wear pretty dresses but when it comes down it anyone should be able to wear whatever they want without fear of censure.

When it comes to really distracting boys from their game I've found wearing pink dresses really does it more than low cut dresses (which I do not wear), for future reference.

10-02-2012, 06:06 AM
Sexy involves stockings, suspenders, and matching bra, not orange fake tan and bleached hair with ridiculous lips...

10-02-2012, 06:20 AM
Well drat.

10-02-2012, 06:27 AM
Well drat.
Other wrong opinions exist :D

10-02-2012, 06:27 AM
I dress sexy, lycra is still sexy right?

10-02-2012, 06:28 AM
What about Purple, it is my favourite colour? Maybe lilac? Sometimes I do not wear a bra, and people stare, which has made me interrupt an opponent to make him watch my dice rolls as I explain to him what each roll is for. LOL

10-02-2012, 06:29 AM
Have you noticed most of the guys have stopped posting on this thread.

10-02-2012, 06:32 AM
I dress sexy, lycra is still sexy right?


What about Purple, it is my favourite colour? Maybe lilac? Sometimes I do not wear a bra, and people stare, which has made me interrupt an opponent to make him watch my dice rolls as I explain to him what each roll is for. LOL
Purple works, and that's unfair, if you know you have that effect it's not very sporting :p

Have you noticed most of the guys have stopped posting on this thread.


10-02-2012, 06:47 AM
I grew up on a farm, I have spent most of my working life working or running bars, and now I am uneployed, I work on the farm again. sexy for me is anything not covered in beer, mud, or paint :P

10-02-2012, 06:50 AM
Beer, mud and paint has its place ;p

10-02-2012, 06:51 AM
Saucy. LOL

10-02-2012, 07:12 AM
Other wrong opinions exist :D


I dress sexy, lycra is still sexy right?

Depends on what's in it

10-02-2012, 07:16 AM
Depends on what's in it

Lycra ruins everything...

10-02-2012, 07:16 AM
I think the drop off occurred right arouind the discussion of clothing that people wear

10-02-2012, 07:26 AM
Maybe some of the contributors are asleep or something?

10-02-2012, 07:27 AM
Other wrong opinions exist :D

Lycra ruins everything...

I think they had cornflakes for breakfast.

I think the drop off occurred right arouind the discussion of clothing that people wear

You're right, I kind of blame myself for the Lycra picture though :(

10-02-2012, 07:42 AM
Depends on what's in it
Usually, just myself, there isn't a lot of room for anyone else in there...

10-02-2012, 10:28 AM
I think the drop off occurred right arouind the discussion of clothing that people wear

War gaming guys aren't usually known for their fashion consciousness, another stereotype I guess but I certainly conform to that. I have no idea what's 'cool' I just keep wearing cargo pants and a t-shirt. :p

10-02-2012, 10:49 AM
War gaming guys aren't usually known for their fashion consciousness, another stereotype I guess but I certainly conform to that. I have no idea what's 'cool' I just keep wearing cargo pants and a t-shirt. :p

I used to know what was cool, then I took an arrow to the knee.

10-02-2012, 11:01 AM
I used to know what was cool, then I took an arrow to the knee.

I've heard that a lot, maybe it's the new cool!
Now, where'd I put my quiver...

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-02-2012, 11:28 AM
I was at work. Otherwise I would have commented. Now it seems pointless....

10-02-2012, 11:38 AM
Engage threadomancy! :p

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-02-2012, 11:43 AM
Horse. Gate. Bolted.

S'all I'll say.

10-02-2012, 12:03 PM
It's never too late,

I want to add to my earlier assertion, I also think stripy knee high sox combined with just a hoodie are somewhat epic...

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-02-2012, 12:21 PM
I'll go with that. :p

10-02-2012, 12:43 PM
Is this the new wargamers fashion trends thread

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-02-2012, 12:48 PM

We likes talking about women here.

10-02-2012, 01:01 PM
Yea these mythical 40k loving women who are into nerdy stuff like the rest of us normal people, I wish!

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-02-2012, 01:02 PM
I'm very glad for my one. :p

10-02-2012, 01:09 PM
So mythical we've had what, five, post in this thread so far? ;)

Speaking of socks, I want a pair of these (http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/ee44/). But I'm holding off on ordering until these come back (http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/f007/) in stock.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-02-2012, 01:13 PM
So mythical we've had what, five, post in this thread so far? ;)

Speaking of socks, I want a pair of these (http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/ee44/). But I'm holding off on ordering until these come back (http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/f007/) in stock.

Quick! Get ALL the women here!!

Also, those socks are cool. I only wear dull socks because I R MAN. :(
I need more nerd clothes. I have quite a few nerd t-shirts, not much else.

10-02-2012, 01:14 PM
So mythical we've had what, five, post in this thread so far? ;)

I honestly think that female gamers are a lot more common than most people want to admit. Making them seem rare is a way of "othering" them, even when it's done admiringly (ie. "wow, they're so awesome and rare - I wish I knew one!"). Actually, while they aren't as common as us male gamers, there are quite a lot of them, and the community is growing.

10-02-2012, 01:16 PM
@Gothhammer, So far as I know you could be some 40 year old man pretending to be a women on this forumn typing from his 'command center' in his mums atic.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-02-2012, 01:24 PM
Calm down dude.

10-02-2012, 01:28 PM
what me? sorry said in jest do I need to insert some kind of smiley face or somthing?

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-02-2012, 01:29 PM
Please. :p

10-02-2012, 01:31 PM
@ Imperial - wouldn't hurt, sometimes it's hard to tell humour from idiocy, especially on the net :)

And you wouldn't doubt me if you've seen me rocking a pair of heels ;)
(and I'm not even 30 yet >_> )

@ Electric - I think many stay closeted given the horror stories of games stores and the general idiocy towards women on display on the interwebs.

10-02-2012, 01:32 PM
@ Electric - I think many stay closeted given the horror stories of games stores and the general idiocy towards women on display on the interwebs.

Yep. That's likely part of it.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-02-2012, 01:33 PM
Good point Gott.

Also, I saw your legs. Yey for me?

10-02-2012, 01:37 PM
Sorry if my comments were miss interpreted I forget that the tone can be read differently (smiley face)

10-02-2012, 01:43 PM
Also, I saw your legs. Yey for me?

You'd bloody better say it was a yay for you or I'll break your thumbs! :p

@ Imperial - No worries :) *group hug!*

10-02-2012, 01:44 PM
command centres are awesome. that lycra pic it is like being in the desert.

10-02-2012, 01:50 PM
Command centres in attics don't work - they must be in a basement bunker or pillow fort.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-02-2012, 01:51 PM
You'd bloody better say it was a yay for you or I'll break your thumbs! :p

I suppose if I was the first person to see you (outside of Australia) then I should feel privileged.
Take THAT internet. :D

10-02-2012, 01:56 PM
damn don't have enough pillows! well off into the garden to dig a bunker then:)

10-02-2012, 02:00 PM
Chairs + blankets draped between them are a great substitute - it's scrim netting for the budding interior designer / supreme overlord.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-02-2012, 02:02 PM
I use tents, because y'know.... Festivals. :p

10-02-2012, 05:02 PM
@Gothhammer, So far as I know you could be some 40 year old man pretending to be a women on this forumn typing from his 'command center' in his mums atic.
OMG! They know about the command centre! Burn everything!


I usually assume people are genderless on the Internet unless it's really relevant. I often post or lurk on painting logs and stuff, it really doesn't matter there whether you have girl or boy parts :)

Emerald Rose Widow
10-02-2012, 06:00 PM
@ Electric - I think many stay closeted given the horror stories of games stores and the general idiocy towards women on display on the interwebs.

I remember at the store I used to go to, the mother of the owner (who worked there) treated me like crap, and often used the wrong pronouns despite being corrected...repeatedly. Luckilly I dont go their anymore, their tables sucked anyway. My new shop, the owner is a great guy and supports all his good customers, and doesn't tolerate crap. He especially doesn't tolerate guys creeping on his girl customers as he has a number of them (some magic players, some warmahordes, and a few warhammer), and will kick someone out in a heartbeat if someone is going all creepy stalker.

And you wouldn't doubt me if you've seen me rocking a pair of heels
(and I'm not even 30 yet >_> )

oh god, one time I wore heels to the game shop and played all dolled up, yknow because why not, and my feet were in hell when I got home. I mean my legs look amazing in heels, but my feet hate me for it. I will probably start carrying flats out to game shops from now on, more for the getting to and leaving the shop than anything else, as the shop has chairs.

10-02-2012, 06:01 PM
OMG! They know about the command centre! Burn everything!


I usually assume people are genderless on the Internet unless it's really relevant. I often post or lurk on painting logs and stuff, it really doesn't matter there whether you have girl or boy parts :)

On the internet no one knows your a dog.

10-02-2012, 07:07 PM
On the internet no one knows your a dog.

Psshh. Only cats would be clever and devious enough to use the internet.

Chris Copeland
10-02-2012, 08:37 PM
On the internet no one knows your a dog.
That is one of the best New Yorker cartoons ever! I think of it every time I see people making outlandish claims about themselves on the interwebz! For you younger folk who don't know the cartoon Paladin is referring to you can see it here (http://www.unc.edu/depts/jomc/academics/dri/idog.jpg)!

10-02-2012, 10:22 PM
Just recently on a forum that shall remain nameless (Warseer) I was accused of 'flaunting my gender' by having a username, avatar and signature that referenced my gender. Would someone with a username BigTim, a picture of themselves sporting a beard and a signature referencing the fact they are male ever have the same thing said to them? Nope. Things like that do mean an awful lot of women online hide their gender, which is sad really because everyone should be able to be themselves without fear of criticism or undue attention. Also the whole 'there are no girls on the internet' thing is especially ironic now as studies of internet use have shown more women use the internet than men (in the US at least) and the proportion of gamers is near 50/50.

I want those Diablo III socks! Also, why haven't I seen Gotthammers legs? No fair.

I seldom wear heels, at 6.1' I don't need them. Ballet flats ftw.

Chris Copeland
10-02-2012, 10:45 PM
...the proportion of gamers is near 50/50.

I assume you mean "video gamers" and not "table-top gamers." I would readily buy that half of video gamers are female. The local gaming scene tells me that there are almost no female table-top wargamers. I'm sure they exist elsewhere but they are a small minority in these parts. I've only ever met two female 40K players since mid-4th edition.

Sexism is mindless, hurtful, and needs to be confronted at every turn. I've rarely seen it but I must point out that the guys I game with are mostly older and wiser and smart enough to know better than to engage in sexism. Also, I've also seen very few females gaming so there aren't many folks to be sexist towards...

I don't know anything about there not being many women on-line. I work in a female dominated profession (teaching) and ALL of my co-workers are active on the interwebz.

The brilliance of the New Yorker cartoon mentioned by Electric Paladin is so simple: some people claim to be rich/well educated/athletic/well rounded/uber-interesting on the interwebz. Maybe they are. Maybe they aren't. All we have is the persona they give us. After all, on the internet no one knows you're a dog... brilliant! That cartoon came out in 1993 (almost 20 years ago)... I was in my early 20s then... I'm still laughing about that cartoon.... because ut's just as true today as it was then!

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-02-2012, 10:54 PM
I want those Diablo III socks! Also, why haven't I seen Gotthammers legs? No fair.

Isn't it obvious? I'm clearly more awesome than you are!! :p

10-02-2012, 10:54 PM
Yes, sorry, video gamers. I'd be surprised if 10% of the tabletop gaming community was female. I think the disconnect may be that online you don't have to reveal that you are a girl if you don't want to. Whereas it's hard to pass as a boy accross the tabletop. I'd recommend checking out Not In The Kitchen Anymore (http://www.notinthekitchenanymore.com/) for an example of he kind of filth girl gamers can be subjected to online. Now imagine if you were getting that sort of treatment in video games, how comfortable would you feel going to a games club with a bunch of unfamiliar gamer boys?

Isn't it obvious? I'm clearly more awesome than you are!! :p

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-02-2012, 10:57 PM

Do it properly. :p

Being the best and most supportive bro in the world probably gave me that privilege. :D

Chris Copeland
10-02-2012, 11:05 PM
Ughgh. I read a small portion of that website, EG, and had to look away. Horrid. I have to say, I wouldn't associate with said people regardless of my gender: they are small-minded, testosterone laden children hiding behind the anonymity of the internet. I used to play Halo 2 on my original XBox... I finally quit because of the foul-mouthed children that overran every game. Now, I game in the analog world or not at all... again: ugghhh!

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-02-2012, 11:16 PM
I know man, it's freakin' disgusting.

One of my friends insulted a female gamer the other day, I went ape sh*t at him and he went and apologised.

Also EG, in relation to the "awkward situation with gamer club boys", you'd just tear them a new one anyway soooo..... What's the problem? :D
If not, you could just request that I wait outside for them, THEN their punishment will be more severe.

10-02-2012, 11:31 PM
Well in my group it isn't a problem, that is why 25% of the members are female. Most of them were friends of mine initially but we now have a few sisters/daughters and even a wife and mother (who plays tyranids and embaresses her son mercilessly with her smack talk).

I doubt you could punish them more severely than I.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-02-2012, 11:35 PM

I doubt it, you think the darkness is your ally? I was born in it! :D

Clearly we need to test out who can deal a more severe punishment.

10-03-2012, 01:26 AM
And that's another reason not to play on xbox, PC gaming is generally so much more civilised...

10-03-2012, 02:51 AM
I think the drop off occurred right arouind the discussion of clothing that people wear

I had a phone call, and after that noticed one of my favourite programs was on. I then had to go to bed, as I am not getting any younger you know. :)

I like the lycra outfits and the wargamers who are wearing them. They would steel the show at most wargaming conventions. They might be a little distracting as well.

10-03-2012, 02:56 AM
oh I was supposed to post wargamers in lycra?

10-03-2012, 02:59 AM
Apparently my lycra is magic as it makes me invisible!

10-03-2012, 03:01 AM
That's alright, my silver car is invisible too, and it's probably a lot bigger than your lycra clad form...

10-03-2012, 03:15 AM
oh I was supposed to post wargamers in lycra?

No, but the cosplay lycra outfits look good, and are certainly distracting. Imagine wearing one like the link shows to a tournament. I have seen pictures of Daemonette outfits as well.


Cosplay sisters of battle in Japan link.

10-03-2012, 03:23 AM
I hope so too

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-03-2012, 11:46 AM
I am scared.

10-03-2012, 12:35 PM
There's a really good sister of battle cosplayer on DA who follows me, sadly I could not persuade her to try a chaos sister of battle costume. :c

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-03-2012, 12:40 PM

You know the rules man.

10-03-2012, 12:53 PM

You know the rules man.

Here you go.


Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-03-2012, 12:55 PM
I will consider myself silenced. :p

10-03-2012, 01:02 PM
Those wings look epic.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-03-2012, 01:06 PM
I know. I kinda want to do a Sanguiniary Guard now. :p

Nope, Angron first.

10-03-2012, 03:24 PM
Here you go.


That looks amazing, she's really pretty as well

Emerald Rose Widow
10-04-2012, 01:55 AM
Here you go.



seriously, I wish I could pull this off, I shoudl really put together a sister or a farseer cosplay some day.

I have noticed there are more of my fellow girl gamers at my shop as this new shop moved into town in august I think it was. It is a very welcoming place, and I think the community of girl gamers there has increased a lot thanks to it. Could just be coincidental, but I would not be surprised if it were not

10-04-2012, 03:34 AM
I have noticed there are more of my fellow girl gamers at my shop as this new shop moved into town in august I think it was. It is a very welcoming place, and I think the community of girl gamers there has increased a lot thanks to it. Could just be coincidental, but I would not be surprised if it were not

I had a thought, is this game shop a GW store or an independent stockist? I'm just wondering how frequent sexist comments are in the independents as a lot of the stories seem to take place in GW stores.

Perhaps GW stores for too long have been an institution where man is king. Whereas free-thinking fringe stores are more grounded in the real world?

10-04-2012, 09:47 AM
The Sydney City Battle Bunker has a female manager running it. A lot of the GW stores, can be a little sexist, but I do not think it is a common occurrence. I have seen people get kicked out or banned for making sexist, racist remarks or just swearing at the top of their voice.

Damn I feel tired, but can not sleep. It must have been the 10 hour shift I did today - fitter/rigging at a paper mill shut down.

So night all, I will probably drop off to sleep typing if I do not go to bed.

10-04-2012, 02:11 PM

seriously, I wish I could pull this off, I shoudl really put together a sister or a farseer cosplay some day.

She'd probably help if you contacted her and asked for costume tips, I've not spoken with her in quite a while though, probably because I've not sculpted any sisters of battle in a long time.

Emerald Rose Widow
10-04-2012, 04:14 PM
She'd probably help if you contacted her and asked for costume tips, I've not spoken with her in quite a while though, probably because I've not sculpted any sisters of battle in a long time.

I will have to send her a message, though the farseer cosplay is more of my interest, just because it would be a lot of fun and farseers have some cool looks and staves.

I had a thought, is this game shop a GW store or an independent stockist? I'm just wondering how frequent sexist comments are in the independents as a lot of the stories seem to take place in GW stores.

Perhaps GW stores for too long have been an institution where man is king. Whereas free-thinking fringe stores are more grounded in the real world?

This is an independent place, not a GW store, nearest GW store to me I think is in Seattle. I have never been in a GW official store, just local independents, and this one is just stunning, his tables are amazing, his environment is supportive to everyone (though he has a special place in his heart for women and LGBT), and just roomy and fun.

The Madman
10-04-2012, 05:23 PM
The Only female player i know is the wife of the local GW shop owner, and she plays Nids and Rohan. My sister tried to take an interest and said if she did play it was going to be Sisters of battle, but that was 10 years ago.

and about what Eldargal posted on page 17, I have to deal with that when i play with my sister, though she has a sharp tongue and is able to throw out a lot worse then they can so most of them look like utter tools not fit for the shed. best one was when she decimated them all in a free for all, and the whole lobby shut up except for her smack talk and my laughter.

Emerald Rose Widow
10-04-2012, 05:56 PM
The Only female player i know is the wife of the local GW shop owner, and she plays Nids and Rohan. My sister tried to take an interest and said if she did play it was going to be Sisters of battle, but that was 10 years ago.

and about what Eldargal posted on page 17, I have to deal with that when i play with my sister, though she has a sharp tongue and is able to throw out a lot worse then they can so most of them look like utter tools not fit for the shed. best one was when she decimated them all in a free for all, and the whole lobby shut up except for her smack talk and my laughter.

epic, sheer epic

White Tiger88
10-04-2012, 07:02 PM
So we canadians don't seem to have the problem you guys do.......Except we do get lots of Females that come in to the store, Pretend to be interested then mock us all and leave -_- It is almost tempting to move to the US or UK just to find a cool female gamer who isn't there to simply mock the guys.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-04-2012, 10:54 PM
Canada mocks people? That can't be right.

Emerald Rose Widow
10-05-2012, 12:30 AM
So we canadians don't seem to have the problem you guys do.......Except we do get lots of Females that come in to the store, Pretend to be interested then mock us all and leave -_- It is almost tempting to move to the US or UK just to find a cool female gamer who isn't there to simply mock the guys.

yeah, all the girls here just wanna play games or chat ,hang out with other nerds. The majority play magic, but some play tabletop

10-05-2012, 12:34 AM
To be honest I think a lot of the bad places are probably not the norm, just a few awkward places that ruin things for everyone else.

There's no GW shops over here and maybe three or four guys I know on the entire Island who game.
Cambridge, however seems to be really good, two shops one GW and the other a private retailer who stocks just about ever other gaming company and miniature do have some girl gamers, but they never have trouble with socially awkward simons.

And trust me, it has nothing to do with the female crowd, one of the girls is a gymnast/ballerina, addicted to all things sugary and more hyperactive than a ferret on crack, but quite lovely and very friendly.

I don't think I've been in any bad stores where ladies get stared at; to be honest there's more staring and a bad atmosphere in my local gym, but that's what happens when the roosters (guys who strut around like little chickens, but don't actually appear to do anything) and the bicep boys (even more little individuals, who wear vests three to four sizes too large for them in some sort of semi rebellious way as if saying "HERE ARE MY NIPPLES WORLD, LOOK AT THEM!" and spend most of their time lifting the heaviest weights they can in the most dangerous ways they can) get put in an environment with girls.

I'm not at all intolerant or irritated by the gym thing...>>

10-05-2012, 01:44 AM
And trust me, it has nothing to do with the female crowd, one of the girls is a gymnast/ballerina, addicted to all things sugary and more hyperactive than a ferret on crack, but quite lovely and very friendly.

That is an amazing turn of phrase, more hyperactive than a ferret on crack, you need to post a vid on youtube as it sounds hilarious...

Flying Tigress
10-05-2012, 01:52 AM
I don't like Space Elves.

I started with Sisters of Battle, and am now on Emperor's Children. I also won a Necron codex, and kind of enjoy them, although all I have is a battleforce.

The Madman
10-05-2012, 08:55 AM
oh wait i lied a little i know of another female player but ACROSS THE INTERWEBS!!!
she was a member of the Speartip Alliance that myself and 400 other people were at the time of the Medusa V campaign and she played Chaos Marines with a converted female in power armour (think a 40k version of Valkia the bloody - the wings). we skyped a bit and fell out of contact with her when the Alliance broke up after 4 years of online campaigns and an occasional meet up at either Games Day or a out of the hobby activity.

10-05-2012, 09:13 AM
Canada mocks people? That can't be right.

They apologize afterwards. :D

We don't have any female miniature gamers at my LGS but the females that come for other games are treated like everyone else (very well).

10-05-2012, 02:21 PM
Canada mocks people? That can't be right.

Cos usually it's the other way around, eh? :D

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-05-2012, 02:25 PM
True that!

White Tiger88
10-05-2012, 05:58 PM
yeah, all the girls here just wanna play games or chat ,hang out with other nerds. The majority play magic, but some play tabletop

I want some!!!!! Ship them on over here we will take care of them and not be total wankers..... Plus we have good sushi places all over :D

They apologize afterwards. :D

Naw i just tell people to go $#)@ them selves then laugh at them. (we do get 40 year old players cheating kids though who really should apologize)

True that!

Bite me.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-06-2012, 12:48 AM
*bites you*

Are we even then?

Emerald Rose Widow
10-06-2012, 06:36 PM
I want some!!!!! Ship them on over here we will take care of them and not be total wankers..... Plus we have good sushi places all over :D

but...where will I find a gf then -poutyface of cute-

White Tiger88
10-06-2012, 06:39 PM
but...where will I find a gf then -poutyface of cute-


Emerald Rose Widow
10-07-2012, 01:25 AM

you would probably not be surprised how not successful that is. That is not a comment on you, but the fact that internet dating is...sketchy at best

10-07-2012, 01:49 AM
you would probably not be surprised how not successful that is. That is not a comment on you, but the fact that internet dating is...sketchy at best

My brother met his fiancé on Gaydar, I don't know how good their success rates are but they didn't seem to have any complaints. That said I tried internet dating on Plenty of Fish and didn't have much luck. Swings and roundabouts I guess.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-07-2012, 01:55 AM
Well my relationship seems to be going well, and that's purely internet based currently. :p

10-07-2012, 02:38 AM
Well my relationship seems to be going well, and that's purely internet based currently. :p

Did you meet on the net, or did they need to move away? I've done internet and long distance relationships, they just didn't work for me. Not saying they don't work, it depends on the people involved. My best mate married his girlfriend from America last year and they've been going long distance for ages, he's finally got his visa sorted though :)

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-07-2012, 02:42 AM
Nice! 'grats to that man.

Yeah, we met here. It's EG in fact, I have the honour of courting her. :p
I'll meet her at some point, she cannot hide forever. Hehehe

10-07-2012, 03:02 AM
Aha I had a feeling that you two were involved. I wish you all the best :)

10-07-2012, 04:04 AM
He'll need it, he has a long and arduous path ahead of him and around two dozen other suitors to outwit/fight to the death.

10-07-2012, 04:15 AM
But everybody knows the internet's for porn not dating pfffft


10-07-2012, 04:34 AM
He'll need it, he has a long and arduous path ahead of him and around two dozen other suitors to outwit/fight to the death.

only two dozen? shocking.

But everybody knows the internet's for porn not dating pfffft


the internet is not for porn, it is for pictures of funny cats

10-07-2012, 04:58 AM
But everybody knows the internet's for porn not dating pfffft


Internt dating is a bit like coating yourself in BBQ sauce and then playing chicken in the sea around Shark ally in South Africa.

I tried it once, woke up naked in a basement somewhere, chained to a fridge.

I'm still there.

Seriously, someone call the police and help me! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v697/N-large/kitty.jpg

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-07-2012, 05:19 AM
Poor Build!
Don't worry, help is on the way!

EG - If it's only a matter of a fight to the death then I have already won. :p
Arduous? You clearly haven't tried working where I have! THAT is arduous.

10-07-2012, 06:18 AM
I found the old dating technique of getting pissed, making a fool of myself and then confessing my attraction worked well for me, but that was quite some time ago. Mind you after x amount of pints, the beer goggles can get you into trouble.

I think if my mrs ever came to her senses, I would give the Internet a go. I hope I don't have to :)

10-07-2012, 07:22 AM
the internet is not for porn, it is for pictures of funny cats


funny cat pics is a secondary function...

Somewhere like here's probably far better than an actual dating site tbf though, you see more of their personality...

10-07-2012, 11:05 AM
At the risk of contributing to derailing this thread into a serious topic, I actually met my wife on the internet. We have been together more than 5 years, and are now married with a baby. The chances of internet dating being successful are somewhere in the same range as being struck by lightning, but both have been known to happen!

Emerald Rose Widow
10-07-2012, 05:46 PM
At the risk of contributing to derailing this thread into a serious topic, I actually met my wife on the internet. We have been together more than 5 years, and are now married with a baby. The chances of internet dating being successful are somewhere in the same range as being struck by lightning, but both have been known to happen!

oh dont get me wrong, its not like I wont try, just saying, it tends to not work well unless you are really lucky.

How about them Ladies and Eldar though, I mean just look at Eldargal -giggles- I am so totally just kidding.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-07-2012, 11:09 PM
Well, I do only enter relationships with awesome people, so EG must fall under that category. :rolleyes:

White Tiger88
10-07-2012, 11:19 PM
Well, I do only enter relationships with awesome people, so EG must fall under that category. :rolleyes:

Ahaha Lady.........I mean...HI!

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-07-2012, 11:34 PM

Stop spooning me, only chicks can spoon me. ¬_¬

White Tiger88
10-07-2012, 11:45 PM

Stop spooning me, only chicks can spoon me. ¬_¬

You liked it...I even got a $50 Tip!

10-08-2012, 05:21 AM
Man, kids today with your courting and suitors and crap. Just go up to a girl and be all "hey, girl, we gonna do this thing or what?"

Now that's gangsta :cool:

Mind you, I've never understood the whole Archie style dating multiple girls at once and it not being a problem/cheating thing, so YMMV.

10-08-2012, 05:25 AM
I don't flirt with girls, they flirt we me. I may have flirt and restraining order confused...

The trick is to make sure that you never call them by name that way you don't get it wrong, as the french do, call them my little cabbage, I am not sure it translates well...

10-08-2012, 06:01 AM
They really get pissy if you call them the wrong name in bed...

10-08-2012, 07:41 AM
that is why people should still put nametags in the back of their clothes, then I can have a quick check...

10-08-2012, 07:51 AM
By the same token maybe if women have it tattooed across their lower back so you can just read it off in certain positions...

10-08-2012, 07:57 AM
mine is tattooed just below my stomach that way a woman can avoid embarrassment by doing the right things

10-08-2012, 08:02 AM
Maybe women require redundancy in labelling?

10-08-2012, 08:05 AM
only men are redundant :P

10-08-2012, 08:07 AM
Only till the batteries run out :p

10-08-2012, 08:08 AM
If you are going to sleep with them then would would know their names as you'd be married obvs.!

10-08-2012, 08:11 AM
If you are going to sleep with them then would would know their names as you'd be married obvs.!

really? I wouldn't buy a car without a test drive, how about you?

10-08-2012, 08:14 AM
batteries can be rechargable

10-08-2012, 08:15 AM
I would buy cake before eating it :)
Anyway there is more to marriage than just sex

10-08-2012, 08:17 AM
Rechargeables in that size aren't really ideal for powering motors. LI-ion batteries are probably better.

I would buy cake before eating it :)
Anyway there is more to marriage than just sex

Yes and cakes finished in five minutes...
I thought the sex stopped after marriage? O_o
yes there's all the nagging...

Zack Brown: I've known her since the first grade, you don't **** someone you met in the first grade.

Delaney: Excuse me, I met my wife in kindergarten, we got married senior year, and she's been the queen of my world ever since.

Zack Brown: But what if you could do it all over again?

Delaney: I would jerk off and live by myself. That woman is the bane of my existence.

10-08-2012, 08:28 AM
When you have mastered the art of listening without actually listening. Nodding at appropriate moments and giving non committal answers to everything, then and only then should you consider marriage :)

10-08-2012, 08:29 AM

10-08-2012, 08:35 AM
Yes and cakes finished in five minutes...
I thought the sex stopped after marriage? O_o

Are you kidding me? Marriage is when the sex really starts. You think what you're having is sex? Oh, my friend, you have no idea. No idea at all.

10-08-2012, 08:40 AM
When you have mastered the art of listening without actually listening. Nodding at appropriate moments and giving non committal answers to everything, then and only then should you consider marriage :)

That's easy :D I thought the key was let her pick anything or make major decisions so it's not your fault if it goes wrong...

Are you kidding me? Marriage is when the sex really starts. You think what you're having is sex? Oh, my friend, you have no idea. No idea at all.

I spent 7 years with the ex and had the improvement five, I think short of inviting extras I've been there mate ;)

10-08-2012, 10:16 AM
When you have mastered the art of listening without actually listening. Nodding at appropriate moments and giving non committal answers to everything, then and only then should you consider marriage :)

Yes, dear, you're absolutely right. *nods approvingly*

10-08-2012, 10:25 AM
I spent 7 years with the ex and had the improvement five, I think short of inviting extras I've been there mate ;)

Damn straight, bro.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-08-2012, 11:40 AM
Man, kids today with your courting and suitors and crap. Just go up to a girl and be all "hey, girl, we gonna do this thing or what?"

Now that's gangsta :cool:

Mind you, I've never understood the whole Archie style dating multiple girls at once and it not being a problem/cheating thing, so YMMV.

EldarGal goes gangsta is a long outstanding parody that I would PAY ALL THE MONEY to see.

I must admit, the concept of courting is foreign to me, so for me this is a new experience.
I do like the security of the standard relationship though; being an honourable gent and all that. Hence why, despite numerous protests by EG, I will not look for "other prospects" whilst being involved with her. :p

10-08-2012, 11:53 AM
EldarGal goes gangsta is a long outstanding parody that I would PAY ALL THE MONEY to see.

I must admit, the concept of courting is foreign to me, so for me this is a new experience.

I do like the security of the standard relationship though; being an honourable gent and all that. Hence why, despite numerous protests by EG, I will not look for "other prospects" whilst being involved with her. :p

I only ever dated exclusively, and I feel like I missed out. It's not like I ever wanted to be wildly promiscuous or anything. Dating exclusively always seemed to make things so... heavy. I wish it had been more acceptable in my community to casually date more than one person at a time, to have a little fun and try things out - not necessarily sex things, but social things and dating skills - without it having to be so serious.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-08-2012, 12:05 PM
As I have noted in the past, I was wildly promiscuous for about 5 years, but then I grew up. :p

10-08-2012, 12:14 PM
Dating seems to be the bane of my existence, all seems well up to a point and then usually around about the two to three month period, what I like to call the swamp donkey factor creeps in.

All the little insecurities or just plane craziness seeps through and makes your life a living hell, well, at least until you change your name and move town and no, this is not a reference to the whole "y u no put "x"s on texts?" incident. I've been in two relationships so far this year and think I've filled my quota for now. The first one (when the swamp donkey factor kicked in) started doing irritating things like flicking my fore head, non stop.... ~_~ and trying to push me out of bed, constantly because it was "fun".

The crowning moment however was when she turned to me and said "it's a shame your sister isn't older, I'd like to match make her with my dad"

I mean what the fresh hell was that? 0_o

I dumped her the next day via text (something I swore I'd never do) and was very relieved I had just moved house and she didn't know where it was.

I suppose all negativity and unadulterated craziness aside when they go well they go well, Deadlift's advice is certainly good, right up until you get asked the "Do I look fat in this?" question, then you are screwed because nothing you can say or do ends well, if you look, you're checking, if you don't look, you aren't paying attention. The same goes for any answer your give without looking or even with looking, basically, you're for the high jump, or the dog house, or both if you're really unlucky.

FYI I'm still chained to a fridge somewhere, why is no-one helping me? ;_;

10-08-2012, 12:23 PM
FYI I'm still chained to a fridge somewhere, why is no-one helping me? ;_;

It's not my fault that you forgot your safeword.

10-08-2012, 12:24 PM
It's not my fault that you forgot your safeword.


10-08-2012, 12:36 PM

Ok. Well, now I'll go back to under my bed and unlock you from the fridge.

Wait, why is there a fridge under my bed?

10-08-2012, 12:36 PM
EldarGal goes gangsta is a long outstanding parody that I would PAY ALL THE MONEY to see.

You are now about to witness the strength of forum knowledge

Straight outta Warseer, crazy mother****er named EldarGal
From the gang called BoLS wargame news
When I'm called off, I got a keyboard
Hit the comments, and bodies are hauled off
You too, boy, if ya **** with me
The mods are gonna hafta come and get me
Off yo ***, that's how I'm goin out
For the punk mother****ers that's showin out
Gamers start to quote war, they wanna play RAW
Quip and mock em with verbose patois
Goin off on a mother****er like that
with a structured argument that's pointed at yo ***
So give it up smooth
Ain't no tellin when I'm down for a jack move
Here's a gaming rap to keep yo thinkin'
with a debate record like an ancient Greecian
Well thought out reasoning is the tool
Never see me act the mother****in fool
Me you can go toe to toe, no maybe
I'm knockin trolls out tha box, daily
yo weekly, monthly and yearly
until them dumb mother****ers see clearly
that I'm down with the wargame society
Boy you can't **** with me
So when I'm in your comment stream, you better duck
Coz EldarGal is crazy as ****
As I leave, believe I'm stompin
but when I come back, boy, I'm comin straight outta Warseer

Straight outta Warseer, another crazy *** gamer
More posts I smoke, yo, my rep gets bigger
I'm a bad mother****er and you know this
But the tight-*** mods don't show this
But I don't give a ****, I'ma make my snaps
If not from the rulebooks, from jackin the devs
I got my sources, the definition is 'awesome'
And when illegally obtained it's called 'a-non'
Post a rumourflash in a minute
I find a good piece o' news, I go up in it
So if you're on a board in the front row
I'm a tell you the latest from the games show
You'll probably go mad like a ***** is supposed to
But that shows me, troll, you're surprised to
Hear the latest news from tha street
Sources legit cause I'm quoting up ****
EldarGal controls the information
For any dumb mutha****er in the nation
Not the right hand cause I'm the hand itself
every time I pull a rumour off the shelf
The security is maximum and that's a law
G-A-L spells Gal but I'm raw
See, coz I'm the mother****in villain
The release date is clear, you're the witness of a killin
that's takin place without a clue
And once it's on the scope, the Tau 'dex is through
Look, you might take it as a trip
but a Gal like Eldar is on the hottest tips
Straight outta Warseer...

E-G is her name and the girl is comin...

...straight outta Warseeer
is a sista that'll shut down yo' argumentin'
and make ya members think I love 'em
Dangerous mother****er raises hell
And if I ever get banned I make bail
See, I don't give a ****, that's the problem
I see a mother****in mod I don't dodge him
But I'm smart, lay low, post nice for a while
And when I see the heat pass, I smile
To me it's kinda funny, the attitude showin a lady gamin
but don't know where the **** I'm playing, just rollin
lookin for the one they call E-G
But here's a flash, they never play me
Rumours! Never seen like a shadow in the dark
except when I unload, see I get all the information
and hear the screams of the ones fighting leak dissemination
Give a little hint of Jes and I'm jettin
But leave a memory no one'll be forgettin
So what about the ones when I got em wrong? **** em!
You think I give a damn about a rumour? I ain't a sucker!
This is the autobiography of the E, and if you ever **** with me
You'll get taken by a stupid dope sista who will smother
word to the mother****er, straight outta Warseer


I accept paypal :cool:

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-08-2012, 12:40 PM
That was the best thing that I have ever read. EVER.