View Full Version : Indrick Boreale

09-24-2012, 05:57 AM
The man has rules! :p

Indrick Boreale - 200 Points

WS6 BS5 S4 T4 W3 I2 A4 LD7 Sv +3

Wargear: Thunder Hammer, Meltagun, Iron Halo

Borealum - There is a place that all mortals fear; an intangible reality, formed from the deepest vestiges of corruption in Boreale's mind. Any enemy model in an assault with Indrick Boreale must pass an Initiative test before they strike any blows. Any that fail the Initiative test are pulled into the Borealum - they are removed from play, their fate best left unsaid. Models without an Initiative value are unaffected.

Special Rules: And They Shall Know No Fear, Combat Tactics, Fear, Independent Character

Combat Tactics - An army led by Indrick Boreale must exchange the Combat Tactics special rule for the Preferred Enemy (Imperial Guard) special rule.

Boreale's Speech - Indrick Boreale's speech is considered so frightening that even the debased Dark Eldar would rather be consumed by Slaanesh than suffer the horror of his words. Any enemy unit within 12" of Indrick Boreale counts their Leadership as -2. In addition, every enemy unit within 12" of Indrick Boreale at the start of the movement or assault phase must pass a leadership test or fall back immediately. Fearless units, however, do not need to take this leadership test. If Indrick Boreale is in a challenge, his opponent must take this leadership test at -4 to their base leadership. If they fail, they suffer an automatic wound with no saves of any kind allowed and cannot strike blows in that assault phase. Continue to test in subsequent Assault phases. Subsequently, any unit in an army led by Indrick Boreale must count their leadership as 7. However, they gain the Hatred (Everything!) rule to reflect their unwillingness to suffer the enemy at their doorstep.

Steel Rein - Indrick Boreale is famed for his mastery of the legendary 'Steel Rein' tactic, though actual Index Astartes references to this maneuvre are scare. Indrick Boreale must always be your Warlord. An army that includes Indrick Boreale must, as best as possible, mount all of its units in Drop Pods. Units or models with the Infantry type that cannot usually take Drop Pods are instead eligible to purchase a Drop Pod as a dedicated transport. Units with the Bikes unit type must instead start on the board - Boreale must of course re-enforce his battle brothers! Treat your units as normal for a Drop Pod Assault, with the following modifications; before the start of your first turn, roll a D3 and consult the table below.

1-2 - There Is No Time To Be Lost! Indrick Boreale has made a terrible mistake - he has forgotten that Steel Rein requires 'Spess Mehrines' to be inside of the Drop Pods. All of your Drop Pods come down on the first turn, with the following exception; all, except Indrick Boreale's, are empty. Instead, those units aside from Boreale's that were inside a Drop Pod must instead enter play via reserves on the next turn - they either deep strike if possible, or move on from the board edge automatically.

3-4 - We Shall Not Die! Your army arrives as normal per the Drop Pod Assault rules. Indrick Boreale's Drop Pod must be part of the Drop Pod Assault.

5-6 - We Will Overwhelm Them! Indrick Boreale's insanity paves the way for a bald tactic, one so cunning as to be considered fewlish by the Orks. Every Drop Pod in your army immediately arrives on Turn 1, but they must be placed within 6" of an enemy unit without scattering! Any Drop Pods that cannot be placed in this manner are instead treated as having suffered a Destroyed! result on the Deep Strike Mishap table. In addition, every unit that arrives via deep strike in this way is then treated as having the Counter Attack and Fearless special rules until the start of Boreale's controlling players' next turn.

In addition, any vehicles (or bikes) that started on the board can be used as a defacto teleport homer. After rolling on the table above, but before deploying any of the Drop Pods, you can choose to count your vehicles and bikes as teleport homers. If you choose to do so, all of your Drop Pods must, if possible, Deep Strike onto a location occupied by those vehicles or bikes. Any Drop Pods that cannot do this must still be placed in this way, but can instead move the minimum distance to deploy. Before placing the Drop Pods, for every model (vehicle or bike) used this way that is 'touched' by a Drop Pod, that model must pass an initiative test or takes a S10 hit with no armour or invulnerable saves allowed, AP1.

Vehicles can instead count themselves as having the Jink rule and take a +5 cover save to get out of the way. If the vehicle fails the test, resolve the hit against their side armour. In addition, if the vehicle is destroyed, the models inside are then treated as being out in the open for any other Drop Pods to be resolved (resolve each Drop Pod hit separately). The inspirational valour of any model that is removed as a casualty (except for vehicles) will grant Indrick Boreale increased fervour; increase Indrick Boreale's attacks by 1 for each model removed in this way. In addition, if any friendly unit would be destroyed on the first turn during the movement phase as a result of 'Steel Rein' (i.e. a unit is crushed by a drop pod, or suffers a Destroyed! result on the Deep Strike Mishap table) Indrick Boreale's controlling player does not concede First Blood. Instead, Indrick Boreale's controlling player count as having scored First Blood. Such is the fury of the Emprah.

Indrick Boreale may be taken in a Codex: Space Marines army as a HQ choice. However, he may also be taken in a Codex: Chaos Space Marines army list - if this option is taken, ignore the 'Steel Rein' special rule. Instead, to please Indrick Boreale, try to put as many units that can Deep Strike into reserve during deployment - this is entirely optional. It is also advised to take Ahriman and a unit of Thousand Sons - it would be thought that Indrick Boreale, tainted by the dark gods, has been recruited - out of pity - by the heathen sorcerers.

Alternatively, Indrick Boreale may be used as part of a Blood Claws pack in a Space Wolves army. Replace one of the Blood Claws with Indrick Boreale, who has the following modifications;
Special Rules:
Boreale's Speech - Space Wolves are not affected by the leadership of Indrick Boreale. Space Wolves units retain their normal leadership.
Steel Rein - Indrick Boreale cannot be your Warlord. He is too bald and fewlish for the mighty Space Wolves. The rest of Steel Rein does not apply to a Space Wolves army.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
09-24-2012, 06:05 AM
Oh 1d4chan. :p

09-24-2012, 06:13 AM
Oh 1d4chan. :p

I don't go on that website lol. I made these up myself haha. Just thought I'd provide everyone a bit of a nostalgic laugh :D

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
09-24-2012, 06:25 AM



09-24-2012, 06:39 AM
"And if we die this day, we die in glory, we die heroes' deaths but we shall not die, no! It is the enemy who will taste death and defeat!"

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
09-24-2012, 06:45 AM
Oh dear. :p

09-24-2012, 09:50 AM

I have no idea what's going on here :(

09-24-2012, 10:06 AM
Have you ever played the Dawn of War computer games? They are Warhammer 40k based strategy games for PC made by Relic.
One of them, that was made by Ironclad (Relic had moved on to Dawn of War II) called Soulstorm, had a character in it with some.....speech problems.

Here's a link; the video does better than words ever could.


This video is a parody but has the speech in good quality.
Boreale, according to some people, is the biggest source of WH40K memes.

09-24-2012, 10:26 AM
I believe this one sums it up far better:


09-24-2012, 10:49 AM
Huh. I always thought the biggest source of WH40k memes was CRRREEEEEEEEEDD!!!! ;)

I've heard all the Spehss Muhreens, Metuhl Bawksssses jokes -- I've even made some -- and never realised they were referencing Dawn of War. I haven't actually touched a PC for about 18 months or so :) I'm on a Mac :rolleyes:

Oh, and randomest video on the related videos list of a WH40k funny video on Youtube: A "perpetual motion machine" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqG-TL0WnjE&feature=related

Worth watching for the soundtrack though, a track by Jean Michel Jarre. Y'know, if you're into experimental/electronic composers :D

09-24-2012, 11:01 AM
Dawn of War's been out for, like, six years dude ;)

09-24-2012, 11:45 AM
Yeah, and I've been on Macs for 8 years :p

the jeske
09-24-2012, 12:56 PM
should not cost more then 115pts and be a space wolf.

09-24-2012, 05:41 PM
should not cost more then 115pts and be a space wolf.

Full of win! :D

09-25-2012, 05:03 AM
Hopefully I made a few people laugh. I have to see if anyone in my local store would let me use his rules in a "fun" game.

09-25-2012, 02:06 PM
Hopefully I made a few people laugh. I have to see if anyone in my local store would let me use his rules in a "fun" game.

I'm sure they would if you modelled him up.

Especially if he looks like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WeCfod1XT7E

And double especially if you can contrive a way that his head will spin like at 0:20 --> :)

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
09-25-2012, 02:11 PM
And double especially if you can contrive a way that his head will spin like at 0:20 --> :)Attach the head with a magnet :D Start of every phase, roll a scatter dice and point the head in that direction :P

09-25-2012, 08:52 PM
Lmao that's a great idea. Just say that whichever way his head goes, he must immediately move in that direction (or to the nearest enemy unit).


09-26-2012, 04:46 AM
The voice actor for these two is king.


10-16-2012, 10:07 AM
Been playing Dark Crusade lately.
Almost, almost went to install Soulstorm. I would have too, if not for the terrible supplications that were hurled upon my mind.....and the flying eldar cages didn't help either.

10-16-2012, 10:17 AM
Hopefully I made a few people laugh. I have to see if anyone in my local store would let me use his rules in a "fun" game.

You're local store is lame if you have to go by the book all the time. To me the greater fun in war games isn't in even allocation of points and "evenly matched" forces, but in setting up a scenario and seeing what happens. that includes using specially made units and rules.