View Full Version : Hidden in Plain sight - Bretonnians?

MC Tic Tac
09-24-2012, 02:39 AM
Have I seen hidden plastic Bretonnians in plain sight?

These are all the currently available knights (Errant or Realm/Questing/Grail):

http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m400873_99120203003_BretonnianKnightsRealmMain_873 x627.jpg

http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m2550158a_99810203007_BretQuestingKnightsCFC01_873 x627.jpg

http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m2550153a_99810203005_BretGrailKnightsCFC01_873x62 7.jpg

Now look at these guys on the White Dwarf Direct Debit Subscription page:


Quite different to all.

Things to note:
No fley de fers or grails so not Questing or grail knights.
Compared to all the sets there is a "proper" looking kite shield (far right/back) in white - has no rim.
Musician is quite different to the current plastic - helm raised to reveal face and coif.
Standard bearer holds his banner across his chest with both hands - unlike any of the current ones
Champion holds a axe - the current plastic set only has a sword

Of course it could just be a staff members conversions as you can just see an regular Enchantress in the background/centre of rear rank.


09-24-2012, 03:13 AM
It looks like an older model, not a new one. Horse looks like a mounted squires horse with Knight bits stuck on....?

09-24-2012, 03:28 AM
There was a shelf on one of the design studio hubs with some beautifully painted Brettonians in it, but I'm not familiar enough with the range to tell you if they were new models or not, but there was defiantly Brettonians at gamesday...

09-24-2012, 11:20 AM
The helm on the one in white and black is an old school one, it used to come in the old box set that pitted Lizardmen against Bretonnians.

09-24-2012, 01:05 PM
I'd suspect old/conversions. Brets are one of the few armies for which there hasn't been so much as single half whispered rumour and I'd be amazed if they had a picture of new models leaked in this fashion, either accidentally or on purpose.

Lunar Camel
09-24-2012, 01:23 PM
Yep. Older models and conversions. From left to right, front to back -

Musician: Older metal Knight musician on new Bretonnian barded warhorse

Champion: Newer Knight with added axe arm. Armor and helmet is the current line.

Banner Bearer: Current Knight of the realm with battle standard bearer. You can tell because of the bell. The banner has been replaced with a flowy one. The hand on the top is the original that comes with the standard bearer. The bottom hand could be sculpted or from another model since the current knights left arm is molded onto the body.

Current knight of the realm

Damsel: Older metal mounted Damsel (now in finecast) with sword and staff with crescent moon and star.

Knight: Head, body and shield from old plastic knight of the realm (before the remake). Horse is the old generic empire/bretonnian horse. The draped sword at the flank is taken from the current Bretonnian warhorse (compare to the horse in front). The small shield on the front flank is from the Knights of the Realm shield/shoulder pad.

As a Bretonnain player, I recognize most of the parts. See next post for catalogue shots of the above.

Lunar Camel
09-24-2012, 01:56 PM
Here are some catalogue pix of several of the pieces. The Damsel is a Bretonnian mounted damsel (an older model at that).

MC Tic Tac
09-26-2012, 09:48 AM
Ah crap...

It's a shame as Brets are the one army that would get me playing fantasy again :(

Lunar Camel
09-27-2012, 02:19 AM
I've been playing them since they were re-released. They still kick *** with the new edition and intimidate most of the players I go up against.

09-27-2012, 02:45 AM
Ah crap...

It's a shame as Brets are the one army that would get me playing fantasy again :(

Agreed. I have a soft spot for them.