View Full Version : Best fantasy art ever

09-23-2012, 10:19 AM
I just found this while looking for something else entirely (not porn):
This is The Dark Tower by John Howe, and it was the cover of my much read copy of The Two Towers. It is easily one of my favourite pieces of fantasy artwork ever. The brooding stormclouds, the bleak, lifeless, lonely tower with it's illuminated windows being fewer and furhehr between the higher up you go and the almost mournful Ringwraith on his ridin' lizard with his head bowed. Makes me shiver whenever I look at it.

So there.:p

09-23-2012, 10:50 AM
(not porn)

You expect us to believe that when you're googling "Two Towers" and your post is riddled with typos? ;)

Great picture though - I love all Howe's work, especially the Fall of Gondolin piece used on the cover of the Silmarillion:


Great collection of his work here. (http://fantasticflipout.blogspot.com.au/2009/12/john-howe-and-silmarillion.html)

09-23-2012, 10:57 AM
Boo, stupid typos. Think I got out of bed too early.

Thanks for that link, found more favourits but can't embed htem ehre apparently.:(

09-23-2012, 11:08 AM

44 John Howe pictures from the Tolkien stuff.

Imagenetion.com has a crapload of art work, fantasy, science fiction, pinup - pretty much everything. Be careful though, from time to time some of the links will take you to the underbelly of the internet...so make sure your browser is up to snuff to deal with annoyances.

09-23-2012, 11:37 AM
Getting him and Lee on board for the LotR movie was one of the bets things they did, so much of what is good from those films stems from the design work they did. I#m not usre if they've had any input into the Hobbit, I really hope they have.

09-23-2012, 02:04 PM
Best fantasy art ever


I'm almost entirely sure the best fantasy art needs boobs, for example:



09-23-2012, 02:19 PM
You don't really have to actually look to find porn on the internet...

I prefer photographic art like

or possibly NSFW (http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs41/i/2009/042/e/7/corset_by_SuzyTheButcher.jpg)

09-23-2012, 03:12 PM

44 John Howe pictures from the Tolkien stuff.

Or 317 Tolkien pics (http://www.john-howe.com/portfolio/gallery/) from the John Howe stuff :p

John Howe's my favourite fantasy artist too, since i bought my first artbook: Myth and Magic. (Currently doing the rounds at The Works (http://www.theworks.co.uk/Myth--Magic-The-Art-Of-John-Howe-by-Peter-Jackson/9780007107957.html) - and you can see from the cover that the people at The Works are dingbats who don't know what a foreword is) I've been buying whatever he's written since, including the how-to book he said he'd never do. :D

09-25-2012, 10:16 AM
How about the Kinky Chaosette:
By John Blanche, formed the cover of White Dwarf 79. So glad I came into the world towards the end of the 80s...

While on teh subject of White Dwarf, this cover was responsible for converting me to WFB:
I loved that Witch Elf as soon as I saw her, as in full-on girlcrish. I thought she looked like me and I wantd to have a Dark Elf army right then. Still have a soft spot for those original Witch Elf models.