View Full Version : Battle report giving new terrain sneak preview????

09-22-2012, 02:34 PM
Hey chaps

Anybody else clock the road in the new WD White Scars vs Chaos Marines Batrep?

It looks too regular to be a scratch build and it doesn't look like the ebay-resin-crack old FW one.

Anyone else think new terrain?

Mr Mystery
09-22-2012, 02:51 PM
The edging is from the WFB modular movement trays.

I suspect the road is made from the tray, with a thin filler to hide the squares.

Cpt Codpiece
09-22-2012, 07:50 PM
GW have used WFB moving trays as roads for years, when they did the imp sector set there was a hobby guide where one of the hobby grots made a city board and used a 'wheel barrow full' of trays for paving and roads.

09-23-2012, 03:37 AM
Well there we go - I have never clocked that before. I may have to look at that - I was going for sand paper but that is quite smart.

Cpt Codpiece
09-23-2012, 04:01 AM
the only issue with them is they are pricey, i know shocking right GW expensive...... really lol :D

09-29-2012, 01:05 PM
I think they are indeed a sneak preview of modular road tiles
As a scratchbuilder I notice certain things about it.
Yes the master was made using the modular road ends and also the are grates from the bastion.
The broken bridge piece in particular.
They say made from plasticard with texture paint.
GW and FW use all the same base materials GreenStuff/Scuplty/Plastruct and Evergreen styrene
Have you ever seen Plasticard thicker than 3mm?
That piece was over 10mm thick they do not make card that thick
That section was not card sandwiched and had texture like it was cast from plaster then broken.'
Like you might do if you were making masters to make molds from.
I'd bet 100 bucks we see modular roads come out by years end.

Mr Mystery
09-29-2012, 01:22 PM
Trust me. It's the movement trays.

Easy enough to clip them up to create damage.

10-01-2012, 07:43 AM
those roads look like foamboard, and the edges are definitely the edges of the modular movement trays....

10-01-2012, 09:50 AM
Doesn't the article say the roads are scratchbuild from foamboard, using chicken wire for the reinforcing?

10-01-2012, 10:12 AM
GW has been known to resin cast terrain internally, and not for release. When I was on Staff, we received a few pieces that were to be used for the demo tables only, and never sold or auctioned. We were given instructions on how to build it into the board in specific ways and paint it to a specific standard. I'm sure they used that as a test bed for seeing if they could get production quality out of it. It's possible that they scratch-built a few and cast them up for their own use.