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View Full Version : I need recomendations on how to paint Death Guard CMS

09-21-2012, 06:08 PM
Hello folks , with the new cms codex coming in soon i started working on my own chaos army but i haven't purchase new paint since the new stuff came out .

My current project is painting Death Guard plague marines (vintage and FW) , i want to give them a sad decrepit look with a hint of the glory when they served under the emperor's sun.
Like the classic depiction here http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/mediawiki/images/thumb/5/5e/Deathguard.jpg/200px-Deathguard.jpg

any recommendation on base coat and primary colors to use , what kind of layering and washes should i use , any tips for painting rust and gore ?

I plan on making most of my CMS army Nurgle themed , primarily Death Guard , other plague marines may or may not be death guard but other followers of Nurgle and fallen marines.
Regular cms will be depicted as one of the Death Guard's sub-factions like The Purge and the The Tainted .

09-22-2012, 09:40 PM

I felt exactly as you did when I first started painting my Death Guard... I struggled with the greens until I found a fantastic method online. Here's a link to my blog (I know I havent posted in a while, I will be starting again soon!) with pictures of the fruits of my labor and a previous attempt:


And here is a link to the method I used.


I stuck fairly close to it with some color differences based on personal taste. I find this method really fast and effective, not to mention enjoyable!

If you have any questions give me a shout!