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View Full Version : Looking for Inquisitorial Storm Trooper advice.

10-05-2009, 12:16 AM
I'm looking at adding a few units of ISTs to my army, now that I've played a few small point games with just Grey Knights (first games since '97). The game mechanic has changed tremendously since I played with any regularity. I was wondering if I could get some advice on what you would do in my situation. Rhinos and more ISTs, or Chimeras and fewer troops.

I could take a rhino with extra armor and 8 ISTs, giving them two meltaguns (or one melta, one plasma) for 155 pts, or a Chimera with HF, hull HB and 5 ISTs with two meltas for the same points. Which would you do? I'm looking to run two or three identical units.


10-05-2009, 06:01 AM
Meltas work best, good to fill the gaps in GK armies. Rhino vs. Chimera is a personal pick, I like the Chimera for extra guns but Rhinos are cheaper.

10-05-2009, 07:00 AM
IMO, unless you're taking small squads and plasma spamming, inquisitorial stormies are worthless. You'd seriously be better off getting Sisters for the same purpose-- they cost one point more per model but have a much better equipment list and ruleset (bolters, power armor, better leadership rules, acts of faith).

edit: And yeah, you can do just that. You can include up to two Battle Sister Squads in your C:DH army according to the allies rules. You'll still want to have a couple troops choices from C:DH because of how the rules work, but it's better two GK squads and two Sisters squads than four stormy squads :P

10-05-2009, 07:43 AM
Its personal taste and fluff. Two models can shoot out of a Rhino keeping your ISTs nice and safe. Can Inquisitorial Chimeras do the same (I am not sure if they can)?

10-05-2009, 08:18 AM
I could take a rhino with extra armor and 8 ISTs, giving them two meltaguns (or one melta, one plasma) for 155 pts, or a Chimera with HF, hull HB and 5 ISTs with two meltas for the same points. Which would you do? I'm looking to run two or three identical units.

I'd take the Chimeras. The meltaguns are the squad's real firepower so as long as you have them your squad is fine, and the Chimera is pretty useful given it's superior firepower. A Chimera heavy flamer and a pair of meltaguns inside gives you a versatile and potent mix of shooting to help out your Grey Knights in lots of situations, although I'd keep the multilaser personally and use the heavy flamer on the hull.

Codex Imperial Guard does it better with Veterans and cheaper Chimeras, but I think two or three IST squads with meltaguns in a HF Chimera will serve you well.

The Inquisition Chimera has two fire points.

10-05-2009, 08:29 AM
Its personal taste and fluff. Two models can shoot out of a Rhino keeping your ISTs nice and safe. Can Inquisitorial Chimeras do the same (I am not sure if they can)?

Both =I= books were written when rhinos had 1 fire point fyi

10-05-2009, 09:38 AM
IMO, unless you're taking small squads and plasma spamming, inquisitorial stormies are worthless. You'd seriously be better off getting Sisters for the same purpose-- they cost one point more per model but have a much better equipment list and ruleset (bolters, power armor, better leadership rules, acts of faith).

I've given a lot of thought to sisters instead of ISTs, and I probably will get a couple of squads. My initial goal is a somewhat fluffy Deamonhunters army - After I get rolling with 1500 on that one, it'll be time to branch out.

10-05-2009, 10:44 AM
I'm going to test out this
5 storms

2 H-flamers
5 flamer templates:D

burnin' happily


10-05-2009, 10:47 AM
Both =I= books were written when rhinos had 1 fire point fyi
There was a WD article that stated Sisters are supposed to be able to be like Marines, firing two out of a Rhino fire point at a time.

It was a long time ago though...

10-05-2009, 10:57 AM
Sisters trump stormtroopers. ;)

10-05-2009, 11:31 AM
I'm going to test out this
5 storms

2 H-flamers
5 flamer templates:D

burnin' happily


I've thought about the same thing, tank shock into an infantry unit and then flame away. I was going to name that tank Trogdor and paint this on it: http://www.burrillstrong.com/wordpress/photos/trogdor.png

10-05-2009, 03:04 PM

Katie Drake
10-05-2009, 06:03 PM
If you can, use the Rhino and Chimera rules from the updated Imperial Armor I. They have the proper number of fire points and cost less to boot.

10-05-2009, 07:02 PM
I was going to name that tank Trogdor...

Stop burninating the villagers!

10-05-2009, 09:30 PM
Stop burninating the villagers!

Burninating the countryside
Burninating the peasants
Burninating all the peoples

And daemons. I guess.

10-05-2009, 09:35 PM
If you can, use the Rhino and Chimera rules from the updated Imperial Armor I. They have the proper number of fire points and cost less to boot.

You are thinking of Imperial Armour 2, and the updates to boot.

I agree with Melissa. For the extra point, you get much more with sisters than you do with IST's.

Also, another thing to keep in mind, Daemonhunters is an expensive army, point wise, so even a cheap throw away unit of IST will become expensive in the 70 point Chimera. If you do go with IST, take the rhino. 50 points in the DH book is better than 70, especially when it will not be seen as large a target in comparison to the Grey Knights kicking around.

One thing I have found works well, though, is using IST or sisters as your troop choices, and then taking PAGK's as fast attack and deep striking them in. Cuts down on mandatory points, and gives you some more wiggle room. Especially if you throw some teleport homers on your IST's.

10-05-2009, 10:53 PM
You are thinking of Imperial Armour 2, and the updates to boot.

I agree with Melissa. For the extra point, you get much more with sisters than you do with IST's.

I'll keep it in mind. Right now I've got the ISTs and it's tanks or sisters. I will get to sisters soon, but initally it's tanks.

Also, another thing to keep in mind, Daemonhunters is an expensive army, point wise, so even a cheap throw away unit of IST will become expensive in the 70 point Chimera. If you do go with IST, take the rhino. 50 points in the DH book is better than 70, especially when it will not be seen as large a target in comparison to the Grey Knights kicking around.

One thing I have found works well, though, is using IST or sisters as your troop choices, and then taking PAGK's as fast attack and deep striking them in. Cuts down on mandatory points, and gives you some more wiggle room. Especially if you throw some teleport homers on your IST's.

Chimera is 70 base, then you're adding at least 10, probably 15 points on top of that, so yeah, there's around a 35 point difference, which is a lot of wargear or sisters or stormies.

That's a good point, and I had already been giving thought to DSing in my 14 PAGKs. I was going to try rushing an LRC with my terminators in right up the middle and then DS the PAGK in on a beacon that the termies have. Use the ISTs more or less in the mid and back field.

Maybe one Chimera with as many flamers as I can pack onto it just for giggles.

Still in more of the thinking mode than the trying mode. I need to get out and play.

10-06-2009, 12:42 AM
Another thing to keep in mind, is that fast attack Grey Knights (FAGK) are not troops, and thus, not scoring units. In the DH book, using IST's allow you to expend next to no points to fill up the requisite troops choices, and maximize your mobility via FAGK's. Of course, it also means your scoring units are very fragile, and will likely not survive to be useful in 2/3's of the games you play.

When it comes to a question of a rhino vs. a chimera for your IST's, though, think of it this way. What does the Chimera bring over the rhino? An extra point of front armour, and more anti-infantry weapons (or a S7, heavy 2 weapon). The extra armour is nice, but if someone is determined to pop your transport, it is getting popped. The odds of survival are only slightly better than a rhino (someone else can math-hammer that, if they like). Also, your PA/FAGK's can do just as good a job mowing done infantry using their incinerators, and psycannons, not to mention a stupid amount of storm bolter fire. And even if they are assaulted, well, a PAGK will stand up to quite a bit, considering they all have those wonderful Nemesis Force Weapons.

On the other hand, the rhino is cheaper, with less weaponry on it. Makes it a much less imposing target than the chimera. The points you save could be used to add two more IST's to your army, or even play around with some wargear for you HQ units, or even those ever fun loving Inquisitors.

Katie Drake
10-06-2009, 01:24 PM
D'oh! Thanks for the correction there Aegis. Brainfart.

10-06-2009, 02:31 PM
D'oh! Thanks for the correction there Aegis. Brainfart.

No worries. I know how much it sucks to look for rules in a book where they do not exist.

10-10-2009, 07:37 AM
Both =I= books were written when rhinos had 1 fire point fyi

The Chaos FAQ made CSM Rhinos 2 fire points - has the DH/WH not?

10-10-2009, 07:59 AM
No, Sisters players must rely upon an old White Dwarf article to get two fire points out of their rhinos.

10-10-2009, 08:25 AM
No, Sisters players must rely upon an old White Dwarf article to get two fire points out of their rhinos.

Sisters could always use the IA:2 update Rhino (2 models may fire from the top hatch)

10-10-2009, 11:25 AM
Sisters could always use the IA:2 update Rhino (2 models may fire from the top hatch)

The only catch with that is that, for tournament players, not all of them allow forgeworld rules. Casual, no problem, though.

10-10-2009, 04:14 PM
Right, most of them don't for that matter. Which is a pity, as a Sororitas army using forgeworld rules has a lot more going for it than otherwise, due to having points freed up from rhinos (18 points-- 15 from reduced cost, 1 from searchlight, 2 from smoke).

But then tournaments are kinda craptacular anyway. I usually end up hating most tourney organizers, the biased fools.