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View Full Version : Forge World Price rise

09-19-2012, 06:00 AM
May have missed the news here but have Forge World prices gone up in the last few weeks. I'm sure the Storm Eagle was only £80 something, it's now £90. Did the old power armour squads go up as well? I thought they were £21 now £23?:confused:

09-19-2012, 06:05 AM
No I think you're right. Some stuffs gone up

I made an order recently and i'm sure I only paid £12 for the Tau sensor towers, they're £13 now

But not everything I bought has gone up, like the Apothacary set, that's still the same price

heretic marine
09-19-2012, 07:26 AM
GAHH!!! I could not afford Forge World stuff before and now its more expensive!!??

09-19-2012, 07:41 AM
GAHH!!! I could not afford Forge World stuff before and now its more expensive!!??

Just curious, but how could you not afford it before?
Apart from a lot of their older/bigger kits, most FW stuff is on par with or sometimes even less costly than the equivalent GW kit.

Anyway...price hikes. Boo. :(
'Least they weren't huge as far as I can tell.

09-19-2012, 07:45 AM
Its only like a pound or two in a few places. Its not going to break the bank

And you've touched on something there interesting Kawauso. Reading the comments on the article on BoLS today, and on my local forum for our big national GT coming up about using FW a lot of people seem to think its more expensive than it is. There is a percieved "its resin its way too expensive" feel to a lot of it.

A FW eldar tank is only £7 more than the plastic ones.
The Contemptor pattern terminator armour is only £8 more than plastic.

09-19-2012, 07:47 AM
No I think you're right. Some stuffs gone up

I made an order recently and i'm sure I only paid £12 for the Tau sensor towers, they're £13 now

But not everything I bought has gone up, like the Apothacary set, that's still the same price

Oh ***** so I can save 12% at Games Day but am spending 10% more than if I'd ordered last month. Sounds like a supermarket special offer! So I need to spend over £100 to save any money, slap forehead.

09-19-2012, 07:49 AM
Depends on what you're buying. Most of the eldar flyers, for example, have gone from 67 to 68 pounds and most of the other vehicles have gone up by a similar amount. Only a few larger/popular kits have gone up more, maybe due to wear and tear on moulds?

09-19-2012, 08:10 AM
Seems to be some of the Older models as well, which would support an idea about mould changes

09-19-2012, 08:27 AM
Forge world have generally been much less agressive in their price raising strategy than GW, below inflation in most years, so it doesn't surprise me that there are a few increases.

They have also introduced a lot of smaller resin kits and conversion kits over the last few years so the big £70/$100+ kits are less prevalent. There used to be a huge gulf between replacement turrets, weapons etc. and teh full resin superheavy/titan kits.

09-19-2012, 12:05 PM
oh look FW price increase. Wow I wonder why nobody's screaming about this, could it be FW doesn't actively try to gauge it's customers every year with above inflation price increases, even though they are of vastly superior quality.

09-19-2012, 01:28 PM
Yep, def gone up.

09-19-2012, 11:54 PM
As far as I can tell the prices went up between the 13th (when I checked the prices and budgeted) and the 14th (when I placed my Games Day reservation). Joke's on me, I guess, shouldn't have waited until the last day to place my order... but you know what? It only came to an extra £3 in a £150 order. I'm not going to cry over that, not when a plastic Baneblade has gone from £60 to £70 in the last two years.

heretic marine
09-20-2012, 07:38 AM
Just curious, but how could you not afford it before?
Apart from a lot of their older/bigger kits, most FW stuff is on par with or sometimes even less costly than the equivalent GW kit.

I can barley afford a box of Game Workshop stuff, to the point where now a pound or two more will make it so I can't afford it. don't get me wrong I love Forge World (I have a 2,750 point army of DKoK without any Forge World models, all are converted). for me 25$ is expensive when it comes down to Hobbies :(

09-20-2012, 09:39 AM
A FW eldar tank is only £7 more than the plastic ones.
The Contemptor pattern terminator armour is only £8 more than plastic.

So what you're saying is it's still cheaper to order Forgeworld stuff from half a world away, than to go to my local Games Workshop and buy their plastic.

Damned weird Australian pricing :mad:

Lukas The Trickster
09-20-2012, 11:19 AM
As has been said, FW have kept their prices pretty static for nearly the past ten years - as an example in 2004 the medusa conversion kit cost me £18, whereas now it is only £25. Similarly when you think that the early resin Mars pattern Baneblades cost over £120 when they were released, and the detailing and casting quality of their kits having come on leaps and bounds since then, £155 for the Fellblade kit probably isnt that bad in perspective, considering it is also a much larger kit.

09-21-2012, 01:36 AM
Yes but the early superheavys were complete resin kits, I'm assuming the fellblade is a plastic baneblade with a turret swap?

09-21-2012, 09:21 AM
Yes but the early superheavys were complete resin kits, I'm assuming the fellblade is a plastic baneblade with a turret swap?

Nope (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Events/fellblade.html).

09-21-2012, 09:27 AM
Someone mentioned the fellblade has three sprues from the Baneblade kit, apparently the lower section is plastic but the top is resin.

09-21-2012, 09:55 AM
Someone mentioned the fellblade has three sprues from the Baneblade kit, apparently the lower section is plastic but the top is resin.

A friend's been looking at the photos and comparing them with his made and unmade FW and plastic Baneblades (he has far too many tanks for his own good). He came to the conclusion that the lower hull and tracks, but perhaps not the very front track wheels, were from the existing Baneblade kit but he couldn't work out whether it was the resin or plastic one. He assumed it was the resin one because of the total price of the kit.

09-21-2012, 09:58 AM
Someone mentioned the fellblade has three sprues from the Baneblade kit, apparently the lower section is plastic but the top is resin.

Looking at the model I don't think it's quite that simple. The inside of the very front part of the tracks appears to be identical to the Baneblade, as are the fuel barrels on the back. The Demolisher cannon might be plastic too. The doors MIGHT be plastic Land Raider doors (but I thought the plastic ones had more details).

The track links are definitely resin, and the hull sides too. There could be a Baneblade hull under there, but it's covered completely in resin -- that's why it looks Space Mariney, rather than Imperial Guardy.

09-21-2012, 11:17 AM
Looking at the model I don't think it's quite that simple. The inside of the very front part of the tracks appears to be identical to the Baneblade, as are the fuel barrels on the back. The Demolisher cannon might be plastic too. The doors MIGHT be plastic Land Raider doors (but I thought the plastic ones had more details).

The track links are definitely resin, and the hull sides too. There could be a Baneblade hull under there, but it's covered completely in resin -- that's why it looks Space Mariney, rather than Imperial Guardy.

When can we expect the fellblade to go on sale ?

09-21-2012, 12:06 PM
When can we expect the fellblade to go on sale ?

Games Day (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Events/UK_Games_Day_2012.html).

EDIT: I'm pretty sure they've added a bunch of stuff to that page since the last time I looked at it (yesterday?). I don't remember all the Cataphract bits, or the Command Upgrades.

Cpt Codpiece
09-27-2012, 05:55 PM
not entirely related to the minor price increase.

but where the hell are the older mks of bolters?

only the tigrus and phobos up now no terminus ultra or the nice umbra anymore :(

09-27-2012, 06:08 PM
not entirely related to the minor price increase.

but where the hell are the older mks of bolters?

only the tigrus and phobos up now no terminus ultra or the nice umbra anymore :(

They were there last night, I think they are working on the site as I type because a HH drop down menu bar appeared on the home page but all the links then went to a 404 message, I have noticed products disappear off the site for a couple of days then magically reappear

09-28-2012, 04:47 AM
not entirely related to the minor price increase.

but where the hell are the older mks of bolters?

only the tigrus and phobos up now no terminus ultra or the nice umbra anymore :(

All four are up in the search I just did. Crisis averted?

Cpt Codpiece
09-28-2012, 08:30 AM
i must have been looking just as they took them down to re jig the site :)

aahhh HH:betrayal is up so is angron........
hmmm anyone know where i can sell a kidney? 32 years of life and only minor alcohol abuse :)