View Full Version : 1500 Points Eldar - Iyanden Theme

09-18-2012, 08:15 PM
Hi All,
I have a footslogging Iyanden Army that has a bad habit of getting obliterated. I would like to add some skimmers in an attempt to make it a little more effective in friendly games. I don't need to win any tournaments, but I would like to stand a fighting chance against my buddies. List and tactics suggestions would be much appreciated! I don't have any anti-flyer stuff in here because the guys in may gaming group don't have any planes yet as we are just getting back to 40k after a break. I'm open to suggestions for how to deal with flyers though!

1500 Points

Spirit Stones, Doom, Guide


5 Wraithguard
Warlock, Spiritseer
Wave Serpent
TL Scatter Lasers, Shuriken Cannon, Spirit Stones

10 Striking Scorpions
Exarch, Scorpions Claw, Shadow Strike


10 Dire Avengers,
Exarch, PW and Shimmershield, Bladestorm
Wave Serpent
TL Scatter Lasers, Shuriken Cannon, Spirit Stones

10 Dire Avengers,
Exarch, PW and Shimmershield, Bladestorm
Wave Serpent
TL Scatter Lasers, Shuriken Cannon, Spirit Stones

Heavy Support

Scatter Laser, Wraithsword

Warp Hunter
Shuriken Cannon, Spirit Stones

What I currently own and have painted:
10 Wraithguard, one Warlock, 10 Dire Avengers, 10 Scorpions, one Wraithlord, one converted super wraithlord that I use as an avatar.

Lost Vyper
09-19-2012, 05:53 AM
3 x War Walkers with Scatter Lasers. Thatīs 24 shots of pure fun. Itīs a S6 weapon, so any AV12 flyers that might be coming at your way will get glanced...Farseer to Guide them and there you go! I use tlBlīs in my WSīs for anti-tank stopping power and Avatar keeps the troops fearless (within range of course). Check out Hornets. Iīve have used one for few battles and they are nasty, Fast Vehicle, and you can go crazy and get Pulse Lasers or Bright Lances for it or go easy on the points and get Scatter Lasers & Holo-Field. Hornets are found in Imperial Armour 11 (i think?) or just google. In the book they are BS4, and i roll with that stat line :)



but get the book Imperial Armour Volume Eleven - The Doom of Mymeara, thereīs the better stats...

09-19-2012, 06:10 AM
Yeah, those are experimental rules and are not that different, but not the same anymore

Iyanden - Spam wraithlords. Don't take Scorpions (most aspects are really not worth their points these days). Consider Yriel.

Also Lost Vyper above me ^^. Do you really take Holofields on Hornets? A 35 point upgrade for a 55 point vehicle with 2 hull points? Holofields are a waste of points at the best of times, let alone when they nearly double the vehicles cost

Lost Vyper
09-19-2012, 06:19 AM
Point taken...in the 5th ed. they were worth the points...

09-19-2012, 06:28 AM
Oh god yes. I took them on nearly every vehicle (but still never on Hornets). My lists freed up nearly 150 points moving into 6th by dropping them.

I hope in the new Eldar dex they might act like the disruption pods on Tau vehicles (increase the cover save)

09-19-2012, 07:18 AM
Dr. Love,
I was just looking at your Wraithwall in your blog, I am jealous of all those Wraithfellows. Is there a way to fit that many regular wraithlords into a list? I thought the limit was three. Did I miss some special rule?

Also, do you have any tips for using 10-man wraithguard squads? I was thinking a Farsser would keep them alive, but I still don't know how I would get them into position to shoot.

Here is my battered little army if anyone cares:

09-19-2012, 07:36 AM
It is possible, with a little skullduggery. But all entirely legal.

At 2k points you get a 2nd FoC, so in a 2000 point game you can take 6 Hvy Slots (6 wraithlords)

Alternativly in the FW Eldar book (great book) there's the Wraithseer (a physic HQ wraithlord, with an extra wound and a 5++).

Also in the book is a named Farseer (Bel-Annoth). He gives you a 4th Hvy slot, at the cost of 2 troops and 1 elite slot.

So combine them together and you can take up to 9 Wraithconstructs in a list. And that is a pretty scary prospect.

As for 10 Wraithguard units....my advice is generally don't. They're a very durable troops choice, but they never make their points back. At 350 points + Warlock, they never do as well as they should. The guns are too short range. But if you want to take them I recommend Enhance as the power. Makes them better in the inevitable combat when they get close enough to shoot.

I'm experimenting with taking small units 3-5. And either using them to shield weaker units from Assault (they usually stick close to my pathfinders) or use them in a transport to hop out and shoot really hard targets.

Also your army is GORGEOUS. Not so sure on the stretch WLord, but the paint scheme on everything is phenomenal. I've been thinking about another Wraithlord conversion (i get these itches to do them) with a big scythe weapon. Hope to see more of your force in the future!

09-19-2012, 03:35 PM
Thanks for the ideas. Much to consider!