View Full Version : 3 wheel scout bikes

09-18-2012, 04:19 PM
This is a very old project I have decided to blow the dust off and continue working on.

So you can get an idea how old this is this originally started as space marine bikes back before there was such a thing as Scout bikes and real world quad bikes.

The conversion itself is based off of a standard SM bike going forward I may switch to scout bikes but since all of my scouts came with these bike I going to stay with them.

Version 1 was made by removing the bottom exhaust off the bike attaching a sheet of plastic and a box from an oop rhino and then attaching an oop whirlwind missile launcher arm as the back axle
Version 2 uses the same material but I removed both exhaust. This one will require me to make new exhaust out of plastic tubing and having them come out the back.

Please have a look I am looking for some feedback on how to continue or improve on it. Such as should I keep them as trikes or switch to quads.

These are extremely wip as they are being help together with blutac and lots of finishing work need to be completed.



09-18-2012, 05:32 PM
Very nice! Reminds me of the old Squat trikes from Rogue Trader.

09-20-2012, 09:43 AM
I'd say move the rear wheels a little further back. Especially on Version 2 they look too far forward. I believe they're also too far forward on Version 1, but it's less noticeable because the whole machine is lower down.

Overall though, I really like the idea and they look really good.

If you're putting SM Scouts on them, does that mean they'll just count as regular Scout bikers?

I'm sure I vaguely remember seeing an article on the BoLS main page with attack bikes converted to be quad bikes. It would've been ages ago though.

09-20-2012, 12:42 PM
They were originally for my regular bikers but then scouts were added and they fit better in that role.
I think I am going with version 2. I just need to think of a way to fill the open cavity behind the seat as right now I have a big space there and there is nothing to glue the axel to. I am thinking green stuff but that might not be very cost effective

I also do not want to bring the axel to far back as I want to put two exhausts /Mufflers under the seat. I just need to think of a way to make some I am thinking 2 sizes of plastic pipe but I am not sure.

09-21-2012, 02:14 AM
id say; go for version 2 but lower the rear axle, it makes it look a bit weird :P

09-21-2012, 04:40 PM
Looks cool but so reminds me of my power wheels as a kid.