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Lost Vyper
09-17-2012, 12:35 AM
Yep, last saturday wasnīt so good for Lost Vyper -fleet...first match (2v2 1500p each) i paired up with BAīs and i hold my own but he got tabled (against CSM/IG), we would have won, if the game ended on 5th turn...no, it ended on the 6th and the two troops holding the objective got shot to smithereens...Avatar with the troops IS AWESOME! They dont run! Bel-Annath, njah, ok, but maybe not worth the points and the Warp Hunter came in on 4th turn, shot once and got blown to pieces...second game i teamed up with Necrons (yep, we really didnt care about the rules on team play BA/IG was the enemy ) and made some critical errors. Beerhammer was going on and i forgot the Lance-rule and got cocky and assaulted the IG with my WWīs and that didn't end well...we lost by two points, but it was pretty bad game from my part. I had Space Wolves allies and (first time ever playing with drop pod) dropped them straight to the enemy lines, shot once with combo-melta, missed, and got assaulted by Tycho and his death star (4 points for you, your welcome) and there you go. Third game i played with IG against Orc/BA -horde. This was and annihilation. They came straight at us with everything and on turn 2, they were on our objective and we scuffled a bit, but thatīs all she wrote. So, after 13h of straight play, i was sitting on three losses, and pissed off as f***...but hey, thats WH40K and i would play next 13h without any hesitations...so what did i learn...Avatar = Awesome, Pathfinders = Awesome, Bel-Annath = ok, Warp Hunter = ok, oh, i almost forgot, yes the clowns rule! The amount of attacks and the Furious Charge + rending, yep, gots to get the models...by far the best CC-schoice for Eldar...until next time...the fleeing fleet, Lost Vyper

09-17-2012, 09:25 AM
Harlequins can definitely hit hard, and is something most people won't realize at first glance. Load them up with a Shadowseer for that Stealth/Shrouded and a Troupe Master, and you got a unit that can lay down the hurt in CC, and with a Divination Farseer near them, they can be quite powerfull on the charge. Getting them there is the tricky part.

09-17-2012, 03:48 PM
The warp hunter is more than OK. If its only "ok" then you're doing something wrong.

Remember it doesn't need LOS to shoot so if you're going to face a lot of return fire, park it next to a guideseer and use indirect D-cannon bombardments to your heart's content.

Lost Vyper
09-19-2012, 12:29 AM
First game with the Warp Hunter, so i need to test drive it a bit more. Itīs funny how WSīs Energy Shields are far better than Holo Fields...

09-19-2012, 05:11 AM
Don't bother with holofields. Just don't. Now glances don't do anything and you can't just "put off death" by downgrading everything to stunned and shakens, they're a 35 point upgrade that is completely unnessasary.

Warp Hunters are good, its just my luck that limits them. I'm sure my scatter dice doesn't have a hit marker on it some times....

Lost Vyper
09-19-2012, 06:18 AM
i co-sign the last...