View Full Version : Emperor's Shield (Personal Space Marines Chapter)

09-16-2012, 11:46 PM
The Emperors Shield: Successor chapter of The Dark Angels

After the Horus Heresy, and the Great Betrayal, and the chapters having to be split apart as per The Codex Astartes - this division of the Dark Angels came in the form of The Emperors Shield. (or, at that time, Angels of Reparation)

This successor chapter was found out of deeply seeded feelings of guilt, for all the Dark Angels recent failings; being distant from Terra during the Heresy, The Great betrayal, and the general distrust of their chapter, both from within their chapter and from outside their chapter. There was also a touch of self-disgust - as those whom would become The Emperors Shield were disgusted at the secrets and whispers spoken behind closed doors.

So when the orders came down to break apart the chapters, those that would become The Emperors Shield happily separated themselves from the rest. They created the successor chapter, originally called "The Angels of Reparation"

The one to lead this separation, was a strong towering man by the name of Alexi Jallik. Alexi was not a very ambitious man, and had been content to simply stay a battle-brother, only accepting ascension to Sargent and then Captain through battlefield promotion. He had gotten as far as he had, simply through tenacity and survival.

He had been a valiant, fearless warrior, favoring a strong defense. This lead him to favoring Terminator Armor over more older and ornate Relic Armor. His thirst for battle had been far less then other battle-brothers - many suspected that when he was made into a proper Astartes, that something had gone wrong with the implantation of Lion El'johnsons geneseed.

Thanks to his decades of service, and his honors in battle he was promoted to the Chapter Master of this new successor chapter. He believed that through hard work, dedication, and prayer that his chapter could not only atone for the sins of the Dark Angels, but also put them in the good graces of The Emperor, and with his guidance lead them to The Fallen.

It was this virtueitiousness that drew the attentions of one of the chapters Chaplains, Chaplain Perseus. Together, Chaplain Perseus and Jallik started the Angels of Reparation.

Due to their attitudes towards the rest of "The Unforgiven" and the rest of the Dark Angels - they were given a single battle-barge and only a few battle-brothers, and were set out to the stars to find their own home.

Chaplain Perseus was granted a vision by the Emperor, of a grand Fortress Monastery, with the chapters logo predominant across it, guiding them towards the Namted system. These visions had made it clear to him where they needed to go: the asteroid belt, located between a small rockey planet, and the systems largest gas giant.

It did not take them long for them to begin a survey of the asteroid belt. Several times they thought they found an asteroid suitable to set down upon, but Chaplain Perseus kept urging them along. It took them over 10 years, but they finally found something.

Guided by Perseus, they found what they call the "Divine Armory" This was an ancient building, attached to a large asteroid within the belt. It had clearly come from a time before the Heresy, perhaps at the height of the Empire. It was a floating refinery, and housed a Factory Cathedral that had in it the plans to create terminator armor of exceptional calibur.

Chapter-Master Jallik and Chaplain Perseus discussed what was needed to be done, and it became clear. They knew they were to settle themselves here - and use this facility to produce armor for their chapter. However, they succumbed to the Dark Angels need for secrecy - and kept this discovery from the Adeptus Mechanicus - not allowing the Tech Priests of Mars to know of this place.

The years has changed them to be a more pro-active and capable of a "First Strike" defense. Other changes that have occurred, are largely cosmetic - their armor gilded in the precious metals that they mine, to show their wealth as a Chapter, and their pride its self on the suits of Terminator armor they create entirely on their own through hard work, dedication, and prayer.

In the time since the Heresy, the chapter has not forgotten its dedication to the Emperor, nor its vow to defend of the Empire of Mankind, and to seek out The Fallen, however they have changed their name to "The Emperors Shield" after a highly successful campaign against The Fallen on the planet of Tannisov III. During that battle they were able to push back, and completely destory the forces of Chaos, and took not a single casualty - they took this as a sign of the Emperors favor.

Thanks to their extensive training, and their own Manufactorum in the Factory Cathedral the "Divine Armory" - all members of the Emperors Shield are trained in Terminator Armor, instead of the Power Armor found in all other chapters. As a chapter, their combat doctrine is centered on a strong defense. Every member is trained more in the use of a Storm Shield first, Thunder Hammer second. Those that show themselves worthy of Veteran status are given the Honors of training in the use of Cyclone Missiles - filling in the roles of both Veterans, Squad Sergeants, and Devastators.

While this chapter does not enjoy the same relationship of many other space marine chapters have with the Adeptus Mechanicus, they have their ways of getting Tech Priests. However, the tech-priests are almost never fielded- any Tech Priests they can aquire, are kept at the Factory Cathedral, to help with their manufacturing rites and creation rituals for their most holy Terminator Armors.

For those whom get too wounded in battle to continue being effective are either entombed as Dreadnaughts, or are 'demoted' to be Vehicle Crews, piloting the chapters mechanized force, or any other vehicles they have need of. The fallen warriors Terminator armor is then given to a promising 'new recruit' whom would fill in the ranks (assuming it was recovered).

Home World:
The Emperors Shield does not have a single home world, but instead has taken up residence in 10 Fortress Monasteries, that are part of "The Divine Asteroid Belt" of the Namted system.

They have claimed the belt due to its high levels of minerals, such as adamantite and ceremite. Many of the monasteries are also mining facilities, where younger initiates are put to hard labor - to earn the minerals that will form their armor, and to make them used to stress and pain, and to increase their strength and endurance. The largest of their Monasteries, also has with it the Factory Cathedral - where many elders, and servitors toil, taking the refined and rarefied materials to create Terminator Armor. They have also found a wealth of chemicals trapped within many asteroids, which allows the chapter to be able to keep themselves wealthy in missiles.

Their fleet is relatively small, but everything they have has been thickened with extra layers of armor. Their flagship, the battle barge "Eternal Defender" stands in mute defense of the interior planets of the Namted system. It has never left the Namted system, but many of the others ships had, to preemptively strike at the Emperors Enemies. It has been said that the only reason why the Eternal Defender should leave Namted, is to follow the Emperor himself across the Empire.

Every planet that the Emperors Shield successfully defends, they place upon it a Stronghold or Bastion - to not only serve as a tactical point, should the planet fall under attack again, but also to act as a recruitment center for the planets populious.

While other chapters train up their recruits through the ranks of scouts and marines, this chapter ignores all those steps and starts all combat-ready battle brothers in Terminator Armor. This deviation from the Codex Astartes came from the simple fact that anything other then heavily armored Terminators are not sufficient for their needs of defense. Plus, since they have distanced themselves from the Adeptus Mechanicus, they do not have ready access to scout armor or power armor as many other chapters enjoy.

Part of every initiates training is to mine the minerals and work the forges to create his own Terminator Armor, when the time is right.

All members of the Emperors Shield wear Terminator armor. Since they have access to their own manufactorium, and each member of the chapter works on their own armor to varying degrees, their armor is highly ornate and often competes with other chapters Artificer Armor (Or the Paladin armor of the Grey Knights). Their armor is gilded in steel over the Adamantite layers, with gold accents. Veterans, Apothecaries, and the Captains/Chaplains/Chapter Masters all wear tunics and cowls in dark green in remembrance of their Founding Chapter.

Their symbol is much like that of the Deathwing, (Splayed Angelic wings) however instead of a Silver Sword - theirs is set inside a Golden Shield, and silver Angels Wings across its surface.

http://nicholaskay.blogspot.com/2012/09/emperors-shields-terminator-wip.html (http://nicholaskay.blogspot.com/2012/09/emperors-shields-terminator-wip.html#links)

(More pics available upon request)

Thank you,
- Hammerman

10-31-2012, 05:14 PM
Got some more Emperor's Shield Art =D

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-31-2012, 05:29 PM

That's an awesome concept for a Chapter, I enjoyed reading that background. :D

And then you did artwork! Duuuuuuuuuuuuude!!!! Do want some of that!

10-31-2012, 05:41 PM

That's an awesome concept for a Chapter, I enjoyed reading that background. :D

And then you did artwork! Duuuuuuuuuuuuude!!!! Do want some of that!

Thank you very much! =D I put a lot of work into this.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-31-2012, 05:48 PM
I checked out your blog too! Wish I hadn't because I'm no longer worthy of the amazingness that my eyes witnessed there!

10-31-2012, 05:58 PM
I checked out your blog too! Wish I hadn't because I'm no longer worthy of the amazingness that my eyes witnessed there!

My blog?

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-31-2012, 06:05 PM
http://nicholaskay.blogspot.com/2012/09/emperors-shields-terminator-wip.html (http://nicholaskay.blogspot.com/2012/09/emperors-shields-terminator-wip.html#links)

Is yours right?

10-31-2012, 06:11 PM
Oh! Nicholas Kay is the owner of that blog.

But, I did commission him to do this! =D


Tzeentch's Dark Agent
10-31-2012, 06:14 PM
Ohhhhhhhhh! Okay. That's awesome.

11-10-2012, 08:50 AM
Okay....this has a few ideas floating around in my head.

Successor chapter of: The Iron Knights.

They're a chapter that during a crusade came across this asteroid field, cleared it out, found the Manufatorum (The Divine Armory). Contacted the Mechanicum: The Adeptus Mechanicus pulled strings and did political movings to get this battle barge to be a protector of the Manufactorum. They were fine with this, since the campaign they were on (clear the xeno's from this system) had been successful. But then they suddenly found themselves being separated from their chapter - to form their own.

Their combat doctrine shifted over the years from a full frontal assault to a more defensive oriented (all be it, a first-strike defense is still a defense). Since the Manufactorum has the capability to rebuild some Terminator components (say chest pieces) and has foundries and the like to make more - this manufactorum became their home and a factory cathedral.

Being of Dorn, and they liking scars - all the new recruits work the mines to build up strength, and the forges to forge their bodies (And anyone working with hot, melted metal knows its VERY hard NOT to get splashed with it) - so many of them had red burn marks up and down their arms and chests from working with motlen marterials.
- And since I have that decorative scroll work on the armor, they may cut themselves in similar ways, as a way of prayer.

The Adeptus Mechanicus has no problem with the defending marines using the facility - cause it keeps it up and running, and they're only using the parts of it that are understood or unused. Plus, the marines mine out their own ore so its essentially "no skin off my back" to the AdMech.

Chapter Artifacts:
The chapter master has a unique Crux Terminatus: Not only does it have a sliver of the Emperor's armor, but a sliver of Dorn's as well.
[Lets face it, Dorn got into a LOT of **** before he "Died" - there are bound to have been bits broken off. I initially wanted to go w/ "Dorns own Crux Terminatus shoulder pad" but I thought that may have been "too big"]


Being Iron Knights formerly - they'd have a lot of Terminators. (and their connection to the AdMech could get them more - and here they can maintain their stuff better).

Iron Knights are Silver and Black - these guys went Silver and Gold (cause that's what they have around.) I can easily change the "Robes" colors to shift from green to any other color (most likely black - or perhaps Red cause Dorn liked Yellow n Red)

And being Iron Knights chapter badge is a shield, its not too far off to see these guys going Shield + Dorn-Eagles in their chapter symbols.

11-10-2012, 09:03 AM
Okay....this has a few ideas floating around in my head.

Successor chapter of: The Iron Knights.

They're a chapter that during a crusade came across this asteroid field, cleared it out, found the Manufatorum (The Divine Armory). Contacted the Mechanicum: The Adeptus Mechanicus pulled strings and did political movings to get this battle barge to be a protector of the Manufactorum. They were fine with this, since the campaign they were on (clear the xeno's from this system) had been successful. But then they suddenly found themselves being separated from their chapter - to form their own.

Their combat doctrine shifted over the years from a full frontal assault to a more defensive oriented (all be it, a first-strike defense is still a defense). Since the Manufactorum has the capability to rebuild some Terminator components (say chest pieces) and has foundries and the like to make more - this manufactorum became their home and a factory cathedral.

Being of Dorn, and they liking scars - all the new recruits work the mines to build up strength, and the forges to forge their bodies (And anyone working with hot, melted metal knows its VERY hard NOT to get splashed with it) - so many of them had red burn marks up and down their arms and chests from working with motlen marterials.
- And since I have that decorative scroll work on the armor, they may cut themselves in similar ways, as a way of prayer.

The Adeptus Mechanicus has no problem with the defending marines using the facility - cause it keeps it up and running, and they're only using the parts of it that are understood or unused. Plus, the marines mine out their own ore so its essentially "no skin off my back" to the AdMech.

Chapter Artifacts:
The chapter master has a unique Crux Terminatus: Not only does it have a sliver of the Emperor's armor, but a sliver of Dorn's as well.
[Lets face it, Dorn got into a LOT of **** before he "Died" - there are bound to have been bits broken off. I initially wanted to go w/ "Dorns own Crux Terminatus shoulder pad" but I thought that may have been "too big"]


Being Iron Knights formerly - they'd have a lot of Terminators. (and their connection to the AdMech could get them more - and here they can maintain their stuff better).

Iron Knights are Silver and Black - these guys went Silver and Gold (cause that's what they have around.) I can easily change the "Robes" colors to shift from green to any other color (most likely black - or perhaps Red cause Dorn liked Yellow n Red)

And being Iron Knights chapter badge is a shield, its not too far off to see these guys going Shield + Dorn-Eagles in their chapter symbols.

11-10-2012, 05:57 PM
The Emperor’s Shield
Successor chapter of The Iron Knights

“As long as the Imperium stands, so shall we!” - Chaplain Perseus, Emperor’s Shield battle cry.

The Emperor's Shield was founded during the 5th Founding in the 32nd millennium, as a successor chapter of the Iron Knights.

Initially, the Emperor's Shield was simply the Iron Knights, First, Second and Third company aboard their Battle Barges heading to the distant Namted system, where they were to destroy an incursion of Chaos Daemons into reality. The inquisition, and the Ordo Malleus indicated that while the system was small and not tactically important - the Daemons could not gain a foothold into reality. So they went in on a right proper crusade.

When they came to the single habitable planet of the Namted system, they found it already in the midst of the war. The planetary PDF was holding firm on the planets few population centers - but the real battle waged on the large open expanses of barely settle lands. There, the Iron Knights saw something that has gone down in their personal litanies, and is rarely spoken of even in the Inquisition.

They saw Daemons beset upon themselves. Two warring factions of Daemons, and fallen Space Marines fought against one another. Daemons and warp spawn, with markings and screaming battle cries of Slaanesh battled against the Fallen space marines that cried out the name Malal, and bore strange symbols not known to the Iron Knights.

In true Iron Knight fashion, they stuck first and they struck hard. Their attack was unexpected by both of the chaos factions. The Iron Knights stuck a mighty blow, and within a year the battle for Namted had been won.

The victory had not been without its costs. Many members of the Iron Knights had been killed, wounded, or simply dragged back into the Warp by the foes. The first three companies of the Iron Knights had been decimated. In the end, they had been reduced to less than half of their fighting forces, and many of their vehicles destroyed.

Alexi was a tall, and powerful man even by Astartes standards. However he was not a very ambitious man, and had been content to simply stay a battle-brother, only accepting ascension to Sargent and then Captain and then Company Master through battlefield promotion. He had gotten as far as he had, simply through tenacity and survival. He lived, where others had rushed in and died.

He had been a valiant, fearless warrior, favoring a strong defense. This lead him to favoring Terminator Armor over more older and ornate Relic Armor. His thirst for battle had been far less than other battle-brothers - many suspected that when he was made into a proper Astartes, that something had gone wrong with the implantation of Rogel Dorns geneseed.

During the year of battle, Chaplain Perseus was granted a vision by the Emperor, of a grand Fortress Monastery, with the chapters iconography predominant across it, guiding them towards the Namted system’s asteroid belt. These visions had made it clear to him where they needed to go: the asteroid belt, located between a small rocky planet, and the systems largest gas giant.

It did not take them long for them to begin a survey of the asteroid belt. Several times they thought they found an asteroid suitable to set down upon, but Chaplain Perseus kept urging them along, to keep looking.

Guided by Perseus, they found what they call the "Divine Armory" This was an ancient building, attached to a large asteroid within the belt. It had clearly come from a time before the Heresy, perhaps at the height of the Empire.

It was a floating refinery, and clearly the prize the two warring factions had sought to capture for themselves. It cost them the lives of 20 more battle brothers clearing out the Divine Armory, largely at the hands of Fallen Space Marines of Malal.

Crusade-Master Jallik and Chaplain Perseus discussed what was needed to be done, and it became clear. Through secure transmission, the fully disclosed this find to the Inquisition, and the Adeptus Mechanicus.

It took less than a week for them to hear back. The just over 100 space marines that survived (largely Third Company, Second Tactical Squad) were ordered to defend this system, and this Fortress Monastery from all threats of mankind. Within the next year, they had officially been separated, and made into The Emperor’s Shield.

They used their knowledge of breaking defensive lines and sieges, to create better ones.

Not long after, the Mechanicus would come - and the ones in red robes would soon fill in the Factory Cathedral. Since then, the chapter has been allowed to use the factory cathedral to keep their chapter well armored, and armed. The Adeptus Mechanicus enjoys the Astartes being around to defend such a valuable piece of technology, and to act as laborers to work the manufacturing processes, especially the ones they are slowly figuring out over time.

Modern Day
The years has changed them to be a more pro-active and capable of a "First Strike" defense. Other changes that have occurred, are largely cosmetic - their armor gilded in the precious metals that they mine, to show their wealth as a Chapter, and their pride itself on the suits of Terminator armor they create, on their own through hard work, dedication, and prayer.

In the time since the Siege of Namted, the chapter has not forgotten its dedication to the Emperor, nor its vow to defend of the Empire of Mankind, and to defend the Fortress Monastery, the Divine Armory.

Thanks to their extensive training, and their close affiliation to the Adeptus Mechanicus, and their own Manufactorum in the Factory Cathedral the "Divine Armory" - all 100 members of the Emperors Shield first company are trained in Terminator Armor. As a chapter, their combat doctrine is centered on a strong defense. Every member is trained more in the use of a Storm Shield first, Thunder Hammer second.

Those that show themselves worthy of Veteran status are given the Honors of training in the use of Cyclone Missiles - filling in the roles of both Veterans, Squad Sergeants, and Devastators.

While this chapter does not enjoy the same relationship of many other space marine chapters have with the Adeptus Mechanicus; Part of every initiates training is to mine the minerals and work the forges to create his own Armour. Another advantage of this, is that since every member of the chapter has created his own armor, every member of the chapter can act as an expert, in the care, service, and repair of this armor.

Home World
The Emperor's Shield does not have a single home world, but instead has taken up residence in the Divine Armory, that are part of asteroid belt of the Namted system. They get much of their food and supplies from the nearby hive world in the Namted system.

They have claimed the belt due to its high levels of minerals, such as adamantite and ceremite. Many of the asteroid are also mining facilities, where younger initiates are put to hard labor - to earn the minerals that will form their armor, and to make them used to stress and pain, and to increase their strength and endurance. They have also found a wealth of chemicals trapped within many asteroids, which allows the chapter to be able to keep themselves wealthy in missiles.

Despite them being technically a Crusade chapter, their fleet is relatively small. Everything they have has been thickened with extra layers of armor. Their flagship, the battle barge "Eternal Defender" stands in mute defense of the interior planets of the Namted system, where it has been since it was an Iron Knights ship during the initial assault. It has never left the Namted system, but many of the others ships had, to preemptively strike at the Emperor’s Enemies. It has been said that the only reason why the Eternal Defender should leave Namted, is to follow the Emperor himself across the Empire.

Combat Doctrine
The Emperor’s Shield has learned to favor a heavy defense, to weather the storm and survive. With their connection to the Adeptus Mechanicus, they enjoy having ready access to extra armor plating for their vehicles, and have a full 100 battle brothers encased in Terminator armor, the heads and torso’s of which were manufactured in-system, and by their own hand.

Due to some unknown reason, the Namted system is often very active in the warp. While it very rarely has warp storms (and when it does, they are very short), but the threat of attack from Chaos and all its faces is near constant. Sometimes the attacks come as often as once every 3 months, to put a hard pressure on the Emperor’s Shield. Other times, they wait hundreds of years between attacks on the system and its secrets. That being said, due to this their chapter often has a hard time keeping many Librarians around, the odd ebbs and flow of the warp around this system often make them highly uncomfortable.

The Emperor’s Shields have a number of Chaplains around, to assist in keeping their chapter free of derangement and taint from the Warp.

The Emperor’s Shields largely recruits from the planet Namted below, which in recent years has become a Hive World, thanks to the large Adeptus Mechanicus presence, and the Space Marines living in the asteroid field. In memory of their founding, the recruits are put through a year long training program that does its best to mimic the war with two warring Chaos factions. Due to the low mortality rate of The Emperor’s Shields, they only need to recruit once every 8-10 years, on average.

Since they have access to their own manufactorium, and each member of the chapter works on their own armor to varying degrees, their armor is highly ornate and often competes with other chapters Artificer Armor (Or the Paladin armor of the Grey Knights). Their armor is gilded in steel over the Adamantite layers, with gold accents. Veterans, Apothecaries, and the Captains/Chaplains/Chapter Masters all wear tunics and cowls in Black in remembrance of their Founding Chapter.

Under their armor, as many of the genetic inheritors of Rogal Dorn, they often ritually scar themselves. Every member of The Emperor’s Shields have burns on their arms and hands from working with the raw, molten materials used to create their own battle armor. These burns are often proudly displayed by the scouts and new recruits. Those whom are more aged often carve intricate scrollwork of spirals and other filigree-like details in rituals designed to make one feel alive through pain.

Their symbol is a Golden Shield representing their defense of the Imperium, and silver Angels Wings across its surface, indicating Dorns eagles. Chaplains, Captains, and other such members of the chapter may wear a ‘shoulder shields’ often found on Terminator armor, on power armor, for personal heraldry.

“Dorn’s Armour” The Current Chapter master has a unique Crux Terminatus: Not only does it have a sliver of the Emperor's armor, but a sliver of Dorn's as well. The sliver of Dorns armor, came after he suffered a mighty blow by the hands of an Ork, during a battle to hold back an Ork horde. Later in that battle, Dorn was there to see the Orks warboss beheaded.

“Alexi’s Blade” This ancient blade is held by the First Company’s Terminator Sargent, in memory of the first Crusade Master, Alexi Jallik. This Power Sword is a masterpiece of technology and artistry.

11-10-2012, 06:22 PM
You should go with a founding chapter that'll let you take the termies as troops, also can i use these guys?

11-10-2012, 07:35 PM
You should go with a founding chapter that'll let you take the termies as troops, also can i use these guys?

I use the Dark Angels rules, and Jallik = Belial
and yes, yes you can =D

11-11-2012, 04:43 AM
sweet, I don't really play SM all that much but I might slowly build them up
also with your lore do some more stuff about their tanks ect

11-11-2012, 07:18 AM
with your lore do some more stuff about their tanks ect

Oh? like - how they use whirlwinds (both kinds) and land raider Helios's, always have missile launchers on all their stuff, etc?

11-12-2012, 12:59 AM
yer and how their cut form the mechs so they might have some weird stuff that sort

11-12-2012, 01:03 AM
Interesting ideas. =D
I'd love to hear more.

11-12-2012, 01:16 AM
i just had the idea but they would use vindicators a lot as their a good siege weapon while also using maybe their version of a basilisk.
Also I've ended up just starting on a story about them XD I just like to write and it seems like a fun chapter to write about

11-26-2012, 04:42 PM
What you have done here is fantastic! And your art is fookin ace.

I keep trying to write a back ground for my Blood Angel sucsessor chapter the Blood Talons. They don't take tactical sqauds because there too aggresive and only field assault terminators for the same reason! I love them but every time I try and put the ideas in my head down on paper it ends up just being cringe worthy pap.

Again well done super work.

11-26-2012, 05:41 PM
Thank you very much for the compliment n_n

What you have done here is fantastic! And your art is fookin ace.

I keep trying to write a back ground for my Blood Angel sucsessor chapter the Blood Talons. They don't take tactical sqauds because there too aggresive and only field assault terminators for the same reason! I love them but every time I try and put the ideas in my head down on paper it ends up just being cringe worthy pap.

Again well done super work.

12-11-2012, 07:23 AM
Well everyone!

Here is a new look for the Chapter. I'd love to hear what everyone thinks!

And cause it was fun

01-31-2013, 07:44 AM
So - here is the army lists I have, with annotated notes for Fluff and other stuff.
Of course, not all things are final =D

10th Company.
(Codex: Space Marines (all Bike Army))

Kor'sarro Khan w/ Moondrakkan
- He is here cause he's a strait up badass. This will become Veteran Captain Pyotr. A man of great respect, and renown. During a battle between Chaos Daemons, and some other daemons Fallen Space Marines - he was crippled. Had it been worse, he would have become a Dreadnought. He now has the honor of breaking recruits into REAL marines. The Emperor's Shield employ Bikes for their newer recruits, to allow them to move out of harms way if needed - and to get them used to handling heavy machinery.

Since the Shields have a deep connection to the Ecclsiarchy, and fight against the forces of Chaos- he brings his companion of over 100 years and battles, Chaplain Liev. Liev, while he could move higher up into companies - he started out in 10th company, and there he wishes to stay. Besides, it allows him to quickly root out those whom are weak of spirit.
Space Marine Chaplain w/ Pistol, Crozius Arcanum and Space Marine Bike

Those whom excel are welcome into Pyotr's Elites. These are the ones on the fast track to become proper Space Marines - or possibly stay back and help lead the Scouts. At one time and another, Sargent Igor and Chaplain Liev were both part of the Elites. More often then not, Leiv and Pyotr ride with them.

Command Squad on Bikes
x1 Apothecary
x4 Veterans w/ Bolt Pistol, Lightning Claw and Storm Shieldhas

Pyoter makes sure that those who survive and excel are properly supported. While this normally means well cared for bikes, Pyotr has seen to it that not only are there numerous Attack Bikes, but also Techmarines in the field to properly reinforce structures, and to provide repairs. He pulls from the large Adeptus Mechanicus that are constantly exploring the ancient Manufactorm..

x3 Squads of Space Marine Bikes
- x5 normal Bikers.
- x2 bikers w/ Meltagun
- x1 Attack Bike w/ Multi-Melta
- x1 Sergant w/ Power Lance
+ Techmarine w/ Bike, Power Weapon & Servo Harness.

And of course, there is the newest and most raw recruits. They are kept together to keep safe, learning the basics of teamwork. They are kept under the watchful eye of Pyotr's most trusted Sargent, Igor. Sargent Igor had once been an Apothecary of the Elites, but has since become a "proper" Sargent.

Scout Bike Squad
- x6 w/ Pistol, Shotgun, and TL-Boltguns
- x3 w/ Pistol, Shotgun, and Astartes Grenade Launchers (modled as rapid-fire small scale missiles)
- 1 Sargent Igor, w/ Combi-Melta

Pyotr makes sure that the scouts under his command are given proper backup, and must learn that the Adeptus Mechanicus is there to provide help - but on their terms, and not the chapters. And since they have a good connection to Adeptus Mechanicus, some are brought in to run vehicles. The Land Speeder Tphoon is a favorite of the Emperor's Shield.
Land Speeder Squadron
- x3 Land Speeder Typhoon's w/ Multi-Melta, and Typhoon Missile Launcher


5th Company
[I](Codex: Black Templars)

One of the most decorated, faithful, and dedicated company of The Emperor's Shield is the fabled 5th Company. They have seen more combat then any other regular fighting company, thanks to the predictions and visions given to them by their Reclusiarch. Thanks to their many, and numerous battles with the forces of Chaos- they now refuse to fight beside Psykers.

The fabled 5th company is one of the fighting companies that has battled the forces of Chaos more then most others. Thanks to their dedication and excellent reputation they are well known for their durability - and their Land Raiders. 5th company, having many battles, ends up with a disproportionate number of scouts joining them. Due to battlefield conditions, many are treated the same as any other Space Marine- since they have learned to do battle outside the watchful eye of Pyotr. The individual squads are identified by the Land Raider they ride into battle. Thanks to the chapters connection to the Adeptus Mechanicus, these vehicles are kept in amazing condition.

The first of these fighting squadrons and Land Raiders is Mikhail, and is lead by the finest of the company - a giant of a man named Konstantin, and he carries with him one of the chapters most holy relics. A great blade, that has slain thousands of the eternal enemy. He is known for his honor, and irrefutable challenges to many enemy leaders. While Konstantin has the experience to join the First Company, he prefers staying in the 5th company, and its many battles. While he is in combat, all the other members of 5th company find his relic armor, blackened sword, and demeanor to be an inspiration.

Land Raider Mikhail (Crusader w/ TL-AC, Hurricane Bolter Sponsons, Multi-Melta, Blessed Hull, and HK Misile)
- The Emperor's Champion (Konstantin) - Uphold the Honour... (Everyone has a 6+ save) w/ Bolt Pistol, "The Black Sword" "Armour of Faith" [Potential Warlord]
- x8 Space Marine w/ Bolt Pistol
- x1 Space Marine w/ Meltagun
- x1 Space Marine w/ Power Axe
- x4 Scouts w/ Pistol & Close Combat Weapon

The second unit is encased in the mighty Land Raider Micha, is lead by the Company Master- an honored master by the name of Dmitriy. Dimitry has distinguished himself many times in hundreds of battles. He has shown an unusual kindness towards the Adeptus Mechanicus, and thus he has has gained their favor - which means gaining a holy, and unusual a fine collection of gear from the Holy Manufactorum above.

Land Raider Micha (Crusader w/ TL-AC, Hurricane Bolter Sponsons, Multi-Melta, Blessed Hull, and HK Misile)
Marshal (Dmitriy) w/ Power Fist, Storm Shield, Adamantine Mantle, Artificer Armor, Holy Orb of Antioch, and Terminator Honors [Most likely Warlord]
- x8 Space Marine w/ Bolt Pistol
- x1 Space Marine w/ Meltagun
- x1 Space Marine w/ Power Axe
- x4 Scouts w/ Pistol & Close Combat Weapon

The third unit is unique in that the Land Raider Maxim, is lead by the Reclusiarch Fyodor, and his cenobite servitors. Thanks to their close association, Fyodor often assists the Adeptus Mechanicus in sanctifying oils and incense, offering what spiritual assistance he can. It is thanks to this relationship, and Fyodor, that every Land Raider in 5th company has a Blessed Hull.

Land Raider Maxim (Crusader w/ TL-AC, Hurricane Bolter Sponsons, Multi-Melta, Blessed Hull, and HK Misile)
Reclusiarch Fyodor w/ Crozius Arcanum, Storm Shield, Combi-Melta, Artificer Armor, Holy Orb of Antioch, and Terminator Honors.
- x3 Cenobite Servitors (w/ Relic and CCW)
- x8 Space Marine w/ Bolt Pistol
- x1 Space Marine w/ Meltagun
- x1 Space Marine w/ Power Axe
- x1 Scouts w/ Pistol & Close Combat Weapon

Fifth Company has earned the right to have a large number of supporting units. They are there to scout ahead, and flush out enemies into the waiting arms and weapons of the three squads.

The Attack Bikers are often directly up from 10th Company, since Pyotr doesn't use them in his own Elites squad- he belives they should see more active combat.

Attack Bike Squad
- x3 Attack Bikes w/ Multi-Melta

There is also a number of Land Speeder Typhoons, a clear favorite of The Emperor's Shields. These fast vehicles are well cared for and maintained by the Adeptus Mechanicus forces.

Land Speeder Squadron
- x3 Land Speeder Typhoon w/ Typhoon Missile Launder & Multi-Melta.


First Company
(Dark Angels)

The Emperor's Shield, First Company. Nowhere else in the Imperium of man, today, can you find as many Tartaros Pattern Terminator Armor. These armors are treasures found in the manufatorum in the Namted system. The First Company is the most well knowm, and iconic of all the companies. They are the ones to travel the furthers and provide the best help, anywhere in the Imperium that they are needed. It is because of them that there is a rumor amongst some distant Space Marine Chapters that the Emperor's Shields is a chapter of nothing but Terminators. The first chapter is home to the Chapters masters, and the elite of the elite.

Leading the Chapter, and the first company is the legendary Chapter Master Alexi Jallik. It is his dedication to knowledge, and defense that has made the Emperor's Shields who they are. While it seems odd that he himself does not carry a shield, instead he carries a Holy Relic of a sword. This sword was given to him, personally, by the Chapter Master of the Iron Knights - As a parting gift, and as a reward for getting the honor of heading his own Chapter. This sword, "The Iron Blade" has been at his side for hundreds of years. Beyond the Iron Blade, Alexi also has with him a holy relic “Dorn’s Armour” which is a unique Crux Terminatus: Not only does it have a sliver of the Emperor's armor, but a sliver of Dorn's as well. The sliver of Dorns armor, came after he suffered a mighty blow by the hands of an Ork, during a battle to hold back an Ork horde. Later in that battle, Dorn was there to see the Orks warboss beheaded. This gives Alexi's armor the ability to act as a Teleport Homer.

(Belial) Chapter Master Alexi Jallik
w/ Storm Bolter & Sword of Silence

Alexi Jallik has hand picked a group of honored brothers, each heroes and legends in their own right - to act as his Personal Guard. These 10 are dedicated to not only guarding the Chapter Master, but to taking the most dangerous and suicidal missions - and yet, somehow, they survive. They have been given unique weapons, found in the depths of the Manufactorm. They are also accompanied by a custom-crafted servitor, carrying relics of slain deamons.

Deathwing Knights
- x9 Deathwing Knights
- x1 Knight Master
+ Perfidious Relic of the Unforgiven (Servitor)

And while The Emperor's Shields may employ a great number of chaplains and other members of the Eccliarchy in their ranks, none are as famous, or dangerous as Premier Chaplain Sasha - the very same that lead them to find their home in the Namted System. (this is a ret-con to the names above, to fit the current naming convention)

(Premier Chaplain Sasha) Interrogator Chaplain w/ Terminator Armor, Rosarius, Storm Bolter, and Corzius Arcanum

The core of the First Company is mighty titans of men, encased in Tartaros Pattern Terminator armor- and robes of honor. These troops are gifted with many fine things from the Manufactorum. They are often kept in reserve, deployed with precision and ease. They are the most iconic members of The Emperor's Shield.

x3 Deathwing Terminator Squad
- x4 Terminators w/ Thunder Hammers & Storm Shields (+1 Cyclone)
- x1 Sarge w/ Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield

And of course, their tradition of fast moving support is well maintained. Like all others, there is a contingent of Adpetus Mechanicus Land Speeders.

Ravenwing Support Squad
- x3 Landspeeder Typhoons w/ Typhoons and Multi-Melta

And while every member of The Emperor's Shield starts off on bikes, there are several that never leave their passion for the vehicle. Those that continue through the ranks, eventually become members of the First Company, and get their bike weapons replaced.

Black Knight Squad
x1 Huntmaster
- Power Weapon
x5 Black Knight
- Plasma Talon
x3 Black Knight
- Grenade Launcher

And lastly, while The Emperor's Shields are stout, and very difficult to kill- it is possible. Those that survive the attempt are entombment and put to the best use.

x2 Mortis Dreadnoughts (to be named later)
w/ Dual-Missile Launchers [Skyfire & Intercept], and Extra Armor


Well, that's it for the Main Forces!
Can't wait to hear what you all have in store to say.

I'll be back in about a week or so, with the Other Forces (such as the AdMech contingent and the local PDF)