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View Full Version : How are you all....

09-16-2012, 10:53 AM
This question is specifically addressed to my fellow BT players, and in a nids (as well anyone else that had a FAQ nerf)

This question is something I am currently struggling with. The nerf to Accept Any Challenge...sucks, but was tolerable at the very least. In the end I switched to Suffer no the unclean to live, with in end save me around 70ish points, as I did not buy frags for any of my units b/c of -1 to initaitive, and as well as it being 15 poitns cheaper.

But with newest FAQ, I'm trying to figure out something else, the dakka-build was hurt a bit by FAQ to Zeal. You can go around in circles by what it was supposed to mean, but having to go Max Distance hurt us, as it'll be more then a li bit diffcult to hold objectives, and stay in cover.

That is remedied by getting Gaurd allies. Before I keep going onto a rant, how are you all compsenating (pardon spelling) for new FAQ. I've decided to go back to my old love the Black Tide.

Sense 2 BT Models = 13 points vs ,14, 15, 16, or 20 for MEQ equivalant armies as even if Neos die. I save those many points because if they were marines they proberly would have died anyways.