View Full Version : Eldar 1850 Builds Needed

09-15-2012, 09:06 PM
I've acquired an Eldar army and want to give it to my other brother to start him playing 40k. I play Space Marines and know little about running Eldar. I was hoping to list the models I have below; if you could list for me your most competitive build at 1850 points. Pick any options like weapons and equipment- we can proxy those until I get them if I don't have them already. Please spell out items as I don't always know abbreviations. Feel free also to mention units worth getting in the future, but please build the list from model have for now. Thank you so much! Models I have:

Maugan Rah Khanandras The Bloody Handed God thing ... avatar? Three wave serpents Three wraithlords Three guardian jetbikes One vyper One war walker Half dozen each of far seers, warlocks, wraithguard, warp spiders. Dozen each of fire dragons, rangers, swooping hawks, striking scorpions, howling banshees and dire avengers Three dozen guardians with various weapons platforms A bunch of what may be storm guardians, not sure

09-19-2012, 01:23 PM
here is a list you can start off with

Farseer RoW, RoWi, SS, Doom, Fortune
2x 18 Guardians with Warlock (embolden) and SL platform
1x 10 Dire Avengers with Wave Serpent tlSL/SC, SS
2x 5 Fire Dragons with Wave Serpent tlSL/SC, SS
3x Wraithlords BL/ML, flamers
Run the Avatar with the Guardians to make them fearless, Farseer can go with the Avatar or the Dire Avengers. Backup the Guardians with the Wraithlords - long range fire base/counter attack