View Full Version : Space Marine 1500 Tournament List

09-14-2012, 07:42 AM
My local gaming store has a 1500 point tournament every month and I am thinking of bringing this:

-Terminator Armor 130

3 Tactical Squads
-Meltagun, Multimelta, Powerfist, Teleport Homer 750

5 Hammernators 200

Heavy Support
2 Dakka Predators 170

Fast Attack
2 Attack Bikes
-Multimelta 100

1 Stormtalon
-Lascannon 150

What does everybody think?

09-14-2012, 07:26 PM
First impression is, this is pretty sound as a list.

Few suggestions.

Swap the chaplain to a librarian with terminator armour and storm shield. Tougher and prescience (divination primaris power) offers a lot more that a chaplain's first turn combat re-rolls.

Could swap out the power fist, multi melta and melta on one tactical for a plasma gun, plasma cannon and save a few points. Would give you another distance (ish) unit to assist the predators and lets face it, you already have a shed of anti-tank.

09-15-2012, 07:33 AM
Well, most of the people locally play IG, so I need as much anti tank as I can get. I like this idea of shifting to a librarian and your idea frees up exactly the points I need. If anybody else has any suggestions, please let me know. Thanks Seirin, you have been a great help in many of my posts!

09-15-2012, 09:10 AM
The attack bikes are vulnerable - this is what your opponent will attempt to get first blood points with. Might see if I could squeeze out the bikes to get a second Storm Talon.

09-15-2012, 09:36 AM
With the change to bike T in 6th and jink rules, attack bikes are a damn sight tougher than you'd expect.

No probs cam, hope it works out.

09-19-2012, 10:21 AM
In my opinion, powerfists are overpriced in the current codex - I would drop them and use the points to get a third MM attack bike. Also, I love hammernators, but if deep striking I would use tactical terminators - use the points from the remaining powerfist (and change the chappy to a libby in term armor for 5 points less) to get an assault cannon or Cyclone ML. I'm not all that sold on the Storm Talon, but it depends how you think it performs - for the same price you could get another trio of MM attack bikes! Scary!

09-19-2012, 10:41 AM
If people are playing a lot of guard, I'd lose the terminators altogether and instead get some sternguard in a drop pod with a bunch of combi meltas, combi flamers and/or heavy flamers. To be honest, it's difficult to see how the terminators could ever make their points back, so I'd drop them whoever you are playing.

I agree with other comments regarding powerfists. Not having terminators also means you can drop the teleport homers. Having an aegis line might be nice with three tac squads, though annoying it all has to be in one line now.

09-19-2012, 10:52 AM
Vanilla marine terminators aren't that bad for cost, it's fairly easy to have them make their points back. Furthermore they work as a brilliant fire-catcher, keeping fire from other more vital units. Compared to sternguard who are a one hit wonder, they usually do more.

Libby in terminator armour and storm shield with prescience destroys the chaplain on every level.

Terminator is sort of right about the power fists though. Maybe drop to power axes at most or melta bombs, freeing up a few points.

Swapping to tactical terminators might be an idea, especially for facing guard. Can comfortably rip apart anything at range or combat that way.