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Capt Forsythe
09-13-2012, 03:52 PM
HQ (205 pts, 14%)
1 x Succubus (Haywire Grenades, Venom Blade)

2 x Haemonculi (2 X Venom Blades, 2 Liquifier Guns)

Elite (183 pts, 12%)
4 x Trueborn ( 2 x Dark Lance, 2 x Splinter Cannons)
1 x Venom ( 1 x Extra Splinter Cannon)

Troops (548 pts, 37%)
6 x Wyches (Haywire Grenades)
1 x Hekatrix (Haywire Grenades, Venom Blade)
1 x Raider (Enhanced Aether Sails, Torment Grenade Launchers, Shock Prow, 1 x Disentegrator Cannon)

6 x Wyches (Haywire Grenades)
1 x Hekatrix (Haywire Grenades, Venom Blade)
1 x Raider (Enhanced Aether Sails, Torment Grenade Launchers, Shock Prow, 1 x Disentegrator Cannon)

10 x Kabalite Warriors (1 x Splinter Cannon)

10 x Kabalite Warriors (1 x Splinter Cannon)

Fast Attack (264 pts, 18%)
3 x Reaver Jetbikes (1 x Heat Lances)

3 x Reaver Jetbikes (1 x Heat Lances)

4 x Scourges (2 x Haywire Blasters)

Heavy Support (300 pts, 20%)
1 x Razorwing Jetfighter (2 x Disentegrator Cannons, 1 x Splinter Cannon, 2 x Shatterfield Missiles, Flickerfield)

1 x Ravager (3 x Disentegrator Cannons, Night Shield, Flickerfield)

Total: 1500

This list is classic DE: Razorthin margins, timing is critical, and it needs a little touch of luck. My kind of army.

Considering dropping the Scourges and a unit of Reavers for an Aegis and a Quad gun. Haven't used the Quad yet, but as is, this army would just have to ignore fliers.

It's important to avoid dedicated CC at all cost until their unit numbers are whittled down enough that a good charge will probably win.

May not be the most competitive, but man it's a fun one.

09-16-2012, 01:06 AM
Considering dropping the Scourges and a unit of Reavers for an Aegis and a Quad gun. Haven't used the Quad yet, but as is, this army would just have to ignore fliers.
You know, you could drop the disintegrators on the Razorwing for dark lances. You'd still have five disintegrators left, which is quite a few.

09-16-2012, 02:07 AM
You know, you could drop the disintegrators on the Razorwing for dark lances. You'd still have five disintegrators left, which is quite a few.

What he said. Plus I suggest putting blasters on the readers because having to get in range for the melta rule to apply is guaranteed death for your bikes. Combine the two squads so you can wound soak by keeping the special weapons in the back.

And find a way to get raiders for your warriors. Splinter racks are worth it.

And personal preference but I think venom blades are worthless. Go with agoniser whenever possible.

09-18-2012, 03:42 PM
What he said. Plus I suggest putting blasters on the readers because having to get in range for the melta rule to apply is guaranteed death for your bikes. Combine the two squads so you can wound soak by keeping the special weapons in the back.

And find a way to get raiders for your warriors. Splinter racks are worth it.

And personal preference but I think venom blades are worthless. Go with agoniser whenever possible.

Agonizers are hard to quantify now that they are only AP3. On a Hekatrix, they will certainly get you more wounds vs. Marines and MCs. Vs. Terminators, they might indeed get you less.

Dark Lances are ALWAYS better than Disintegrators, especially on flyers. Not only can you realistically kill other flyers, but you can also put out far more wounds on MCs and insta-kill Paladins and ICs.

Trueborn: only two heavy weapons in the squad. I suggest Splinter Cannons, they are far better at cleaning scoring units off of objectives.

You can only put special weapons on your scourges if you take 5. Haywire Blasters are great, and don't forget also about Splinter Cannons. SCs can make your unit deadly vs. small groups of Space Marines in a pinch.

On your bikes, consider instead the haywire blasters. They will be just as effective at killing armor when paired with 1-2 lances. hit with the Haywire.

Capt Forsythe
09-20-2012, 05:04 PM
Agonizers are hard to quantify now that they are only AP3. On a Hekatrix, they will certainly get you more wounds vs. Marines and MCs. Vs. Terminators, they might indeed get you less.

Dark Lances are ALWAYS better than Disintegrators, especially on flyers. Not only can you realistically kill other flyers, but you can also put out far more wounds on MCs and insta-kill Paladins and ICs.

Trueborn: only two heavy weapons in the squad. I suggest Splinter Cannons, they are far better at cleaning scoring units off of objectives.

You can only put special weapons on your scourges if you take 5. Haywire Blasters are great, and don't forget also about Splinter Cannons. SCs can make your unit deadly vs. small groups of Space Marines in a pinch.

On your bikes, consider instead the haywire blasters. They will be just as effective at killing armor when paired with 1-2 lances. hit with the Haywire.

Good catch on the Trueborn unit! Will have to readjust. That was a dumb mistake.

The primary goal of the this list is to force a lot of saves. I am well aware that the effectiveness of the list goes down as the average armor save of the opposing army goes down, but that is fine, as the model count will be down as well. A Hekatrix, Succubus, and Haemonculus with venom blades will be forcing 8 or 9 saves by initiative step 4. Also the venom blade is way more effective at forcing wounds in subsequent rounds of close combat unless I get the +1 Str drug.

The razorwing is fitted for anti-infantry, and since it will be lucky to survive past the round it arrives on the table, I prefer 6 ap 2 shots to 2 ap 2 shots.

I don't think jetbikes have access to haywire.

I'm operating on memory but I thought the scourge rule was worded "2 in 5" and not "2 out of every 5"

09-22-2012, 05:02 PM
HQ (205 pts, 14%)
1 x Succubus (Haywire Grenades, Venom Blade)

2 x Haemonculi (2 X Venom Blades, 2 Liquifier Guns)

Elite (183 pts, 12%)
4 x Trueborn ( 2 x Dark Lance, 2 x Splinter Cannons) You can only have 2 heavy weapons, and if if you could have 4 you shouldn't take dark lances and splinter cannons in one squad, take one or the other, you're either going for vehicles or infantry.
1 x Venom ( 1 x Extra Splinter Cannon)

Troops (548 pts, 37%)
6 x Wyches (Haywire Grenades)
1 x Hekatrix (Haywire Grenades, Venom Blade)
1 x Raider (Enhanced Aether Sails, Torment Grenade Launchers, Shock Prow, 1 x Disentegrator Cannon)

6 x Wyches (Haywire Grenades)
1 x Hekatrix (Haywire Grenades, Venom Blade)
1 x Raider (Enhanced Aether Sails, Torment Grenade Launchers, Shock Prow, 1 x Disentegrator Cannon)
There's a lot of extra stuff on the Raiders that you really don't need and are just eating up points. I would drop all of these upgrades, they just won't come be useful enough often enough. I suppose if you really want the extra movement keep the Enhanced Aethersails, but I would think 30" a turn is probably enough.

10 x Kabalite Warriors (1 x Splinter Cannon)

10 x Kabalite Warriors (1 x Splinter Cannon)

Fast Attack (264 pts, 18%)
3 x Reaver Jetbikes (1 x Heat Lances)

3 x Reaver Jetbikes (1 x Heat Lances)
Combine the Reavers into one squad, this way there's less chance of you taking enough casualties to flee, and you're going to want to fire both Lances at one vehicle anyway to ensure destruction.

4 x Scourges (2 x Haywire Blasters)
Need 5 for special weapons.

Heavy Support (300 pts, 20%)
1 x Razorwing Jetfighter (2 x Disentegrator Cannons, 1 x Splinter Cannon, 2 x Shatterfield Missiles, Flickerfield)
The Splinter Cannon is a bit pointless as you can only fire 4 weapons a turn, 2 of which can be missiles, so you're going to be firing your 2 Disintegrators (although I would leave them as Dark Lances for anti-flyer) and 2 missiles a turn.
1 x Ravager (3 x Disentegrator Cannons, Night Shield, Flickerfield)
Give the Ravager the Dark Lances back, you're severely lacking in Lancey-ness.

Total: 1500

This list is classic DE: Razorthin margins, timing is critical, and it needs a little touch of luck. My kind of army.

Considering dropping the Scourges and a unit of Reavers for an Aegis and a Quad gun. Haven't used the Quad yet, but as is, this army would just have to ignore fliers.

It's important to avoid dedicated CC at all cost until their unit numbers are whittled down enough that a good charge will probably win.

May not be the most competitive, but man it's a fun one.

My comments in red. (: