View Full Version : Bikes! Huh! Yeah! What are the good for?

Mr Mystery
09-13-2012, 01:01 PM
No, really.

This is one of my greatest bugbears in 40k. What in the name of Satan's portion are they any use for?

Sure they can use their speed to contest objectives, but typically there are better fast attack choices in any given codex, their points are quite high, and the squadron size usually means they are quite fragile!

Now there are exceptions. I have Tomb Blades with the Particle Beamer and have used them to good effect (affect? Possible grammatical fail). But to my mind they are an exception to the general rule.

How about you?

09-13-2012, 01:26 PM
Have you ever faced 10 biker nobs, with a pain boy and war boss on a bike. It's quite scary at the moment, and 6th ed really suits bikes. Especially Ork ones. Powerklaws coming at your vehicles, choosing to hit which ever side they choose because they are so fast. Oh and with the biker warboss, their troops. Wazdakka Gutsmek turbo boosting and getting to fire everything he has and he makes biker boyz troops. Yep Ork bikes are good.
But wait till the Ravenwing get their overhaul. I think then we will see just how scary bikes can be.

Basically any codex where a bike can become a troop choice is I think in a good place right now.

09-13-2012, 01:43 PM
Toughness 5 is quite appealing if you decide to use them as a screen to say protect deep striking Termies with TH/SS, who need the turn to apply their makeup before launching in with hammers swinging.

Yeah I find 'em fairly useful...

Mr Mystery
09-13-2012, 02:13 PM
Nob Bikers are one of those exceptions.

As for screening, do you not find that cost prohibitive?

09-13-2012, 02:27 PM
It can be a little expensive, but It mainly depends on the structure of the remainder of your force. So far it's worked ok in a few games I have run it in.

09-13-2012, 02:39 PM
SM Bikes are Relentless, T5, and move 12". This makes them fast, mobile, durable gun platforms, allowing you to have the firepower you need, when and where you need it. What's not to like?

09-13-2012, 03:42 PM
I think the problem isn't so much bikes, but the way a lot of people use them/write them in to a list. If you build a plan around using them, they can be very effective. What I see more often than not is people adding them in as a last unit to fill points, often in the smallest unit sizes. When used like that, they are weak, fragile, uneffective.

09-13-2012, 09:42 PM
Have you ever faced 10 biker nobs, with a pain boy and war boss on a bike. It's quite scary at the moment.
I hope they are. That unit alone cost nearly half the points of a 1500pts army !!

09-14-2012, 01:53 AM
Dark Eldar jetbikes are mandatory in my selction process. They contest, they tank hunt, they flank, they character hunt. They intimidate and misdirect, they can also kite certain units into useless positions. They join combats in a support role rather than a main charge. Generally they fill a variety of roles so can be taken in most situations.

09-14-2012, 02:00 AM
Even standard marine ones are useful, it is one of the best ways to get two meltaguns/plasma guns in a small unit brilliant for heavy infantry/tank hunting, supported by attack bikes, brilliant.
They have the advantage of being able to hide behind terrain in ways that speeders cannot, and nor can tanks.
Their speed makes them very useful for first turn rear/side armour strikes.

09-14-2012, 03:29 AM
Regular Ork Bikes are damn scary, with twin-linking they put down a horrendous amount of firepower - no need for expensive Nob bikers.

To be honest I cant think of a type of Bike which is'nt good for something within their own list.

09-14-2012, 04:05 AM
Regular Ork Bikes are damn scary, with twin-linking they put down a horrendous amount of firepower - no need for expensive Nob bikers.

To be honest I cant think of a type of Bike which is'nt good for something within their own list.

I see your challenge!


09-14-2012, 04:13 AM
Oh no not the Squats! You will be getting a knock at the door from the Inquisition for that ; )

09-14-2012, 04:25 AM
I think you'll find that they are count-as rough riders ;)

Damn that means I have found a use for them :mad:

09-14-2012, 05:06 AM
I think you'll find that they are count-as rough riders ;)

Damn that means I have found a use for them :mad:

lol though technically that would also mean they are'nt bikes :confused:

I know someone who runs a Squat Biker heavy list as an Ork Wazzdakka list though - see my earlier thoughts on Ork Bikes lol ;)

09-14-2012, 05:12 AM
That would be cool.

09-14-2012, 07:54 AM
CSM biker squad. 2 melta guns + champion (either PF or cheap). zooms around hunting tanks pretty well. can give it an icon to zoom around and DS onto. can blow up your champion for a 100pt Greater Daemon.

all for about 100pts.

09-14-2012, 08:47 AM
Biker units aren't just units that you can add onto a list like a Flyer or a Tank, and expect it to "work" with your list. Biker units (and other Calvary units too) have to be built into the list in order to work. if they're just added on, then you get something that isn't effective and/or possibly/probably overlooked and under-utilized.
Something to try if you find yourself with lots of bikerz.
Big Mek with KFF,Bosspole,Cybork Body

(2x) Full Grot Tank Mob - Kommanda, and all have Grotzooka's

(3x) 6x Bikerz - Nob,PK, Bosspole
10xBoyz -Shootas, 1x Big shoota, Trukk - Riggers, Extra Armor, Red Paint Job, Reinforced Ram

Fast Attack:
(3x) Dakkajets - extra Supa Shoota, Red Paint Job.

This list focuses on the Bikerz, so their role is easy to see, however when using them as a points filler, you start to see their uses and functionality decline, and in some cases, it's nonexistent.

Edit: the Grot Tanks also have Pintle Mounted Shootas and Red Paint Job. This list is 2000 points.... Or should be... ;)

Tommie Soule
09-14-2012, 09:07 AM
Even standard marine ones are useful, it is one of the best ways to get two meltaguns/plasma guns in a small unit brilliant for heavy infantry/tank hunting, supported by attack bikes, brilliant.
They have the advantage of being able to hide behind terrain in ways that speeders cannot, and nor can tanks.
Their speed makes them very useful for first turn rear/side armour strikes.

Would that still apply to space wolves?

09-14-2012, 09:58 AM
I'm a little biased as a White Scar player but bikes really do have their uses.

Twin-linked bolters on a 12" moving platform with toughness 5, jink, 2 specials per squad and all the standard marine perks they are solid troops choices. There's better in the Fast Attack slot for marines but not much better in Troops.

One thing I've seen is people tooling up bikes with meltaguns - you don't want to be getting within 6" of many things you want meltas to kill. Flamers (for anti-horde) and plasma (for anti-TEQ) work better - leave anti-tank to multi-melta attack bikes.

Example Core Army
Captain, Bike, Artificer Armour, Power Fist - 175
5 Bikes, 2 Flamers - 150
5 Bikes, 2 Plasmas - 170
3 Attack Bikes, Multi-Meltas - 150
3 Attack Bikes, Multi-Meltas - 150
=795 points

Just stay the hell out of combat, the bike command squad is cute but since its turbo boost cover save dropped to 4+ and FNP dropped to 5+ they're way too expensive for a moderately power unit.


With Space Wolves there's the hidden bonus of carrying a bolt pistol and ccw. So on the charge, swiftclaws get 4 attacks rather than a Marine bikers 1. Seeing as you'll be 4s to hit in combat anyway and you can add a wolf guard leader and an unchallengable squad power weapon - I see them as a potentially potent assault unit. But I've never tried it so, its just a thought. Just don't spend on Bs3 special weapons - they're better ways of delivering it for space wolves.

09-14-2012, 07:32 PM
Oh no not the Squats! You will be getting a knock at the door from the Inquisition for that ; )

Best Bikers in the game.

Too bad they get eaten by the Nids.

09-15-2012, 04:39 PM
If you're running a Marine army with a Command Squad you can't go wrong by giving them Bikes - T5 plus FNP and other assorted goodies gives the unit a level of survivability, mobility and potential damage output that a Rhino or Razorback simply can't achieve and all for a very light points cost.

09-16-2012, 02:12 PM
I think the Marine bikers are the only ones who aren't particularly good. I think it's mainly just because you need to buy a lot of other things for your army, and where Bikers are just a useful, mobile unit rather than a mandatory one like Tactical Squads, they're usually the first to be dropped in favour of more directly useful things. People will generally prefer to take a Tactical Squad/Chaos Marine squad/Assault squad/Grey Hunter squad depending on the codex with more bodies and the ability to score, rather than a smaller, un-scoring bike squad.

The mobile firepower (usually with plasma) is indeed very handy, but as I said, when it comes to the final cut they're usually on of the first to go because we just need troops, and the increased points cost on each biker racks up quickly and eats up your points for probably not enough benefit.

09-16-2012, 05:11 PM
when it comes to the final cut they're usually on of the first to go because we just need troops, and the increased points cost on each biker racks up quickly and eats up your points for probably not enough benefit.

In 5th I found a squad of Marine Bikers (as troops) one of the best units in a game for that last minute dash out from cover to seize or deny an objective to be well worthwhile. A Tactical Squad? Not so great.

One thing I did consider in my Chaos army was Nurgle-Bikers with a scary T6! Points cost was altogether prohibitive that it was an all or nothing deal. I'd like to have seen how it would have performed though.

09-17-2012, 01:33 AM
Would that still apply to space wolves?

Possibly, I am not familiar with their 'dex enough to make that call.
Like I know BA can get 5 man assault squads with two special weapons and they are quite cheap, put them in a las/plas razorback x 6 and you have all the trrops you need ;)