View Full Version : New White Dwarf Direction

09-13-2012, 06:16 AM

In just over a week's time the pages of White Dwarf will change forever. Miniatures will be shown in a new light, battle reports will be reborn and new articles will be read for the first time. Even the classic logo that sat at the head of the magazine for the last 20 years will disappear into the Hall of Legends.

On September 22nd 2012, White Dwarf will be reborn; bigger, better and more exciting than ever before.

As news goes, that's pretty exciting stuff, I think you'll agree. For the last half-year a crack team of designers have been pulling White Dwarf apart at the seams, re-forging it into something incredibly exciting. Everything is new, nothing's the same. Even the paper is a higher quality, that's the degree to which the magazine has changed.

Of course a new magazine needs a new team to work on it and so, without further ado, here's the new White Dwarf team:

From left to right we have:

Dan Harden (that's me, just in case you didn't know) - Staff Writer
Erik Niemz - Photographer
Matthew Hutson - Lead Designer
Beth Beynon-Hughes - Digital Editor
Andrew Kenrick - Deputy Editor
Kris Shield - Designer
Glenn More - Photo Editor
Jes Bickham - Editor
Adam Troke - Senior Staff Writer

Some of these names you'll recognise. Matt, Kris and Andrew have been working on White Dwarf for several years now. In fact, Matt has been working on it almost as long as White Dwarf has been around (OK, so that's a slight exaggeration, but he has been around for quite some time). Adam and Glenn have moved into White Dwarf from games development and book production respectively, while Beth and Erik are both new to Games Workshop. And last, but certainly not least, we also have a new White Dwarf editor, and the latest scion of Grombrindal himself, Jes Bickham. While this is his first time working on White Dwarf, Jes has worked at Games Workshop before as the editor of Battle Games of Middle-earth, back when The Lord of the Rings first appeared in cinemas and hair was more plentiful.

They're also changing the GW blog to "White Dwarf Daily"

UPDATED - Additional Info from Faeit

white dwarf is getting a face lift
numbers are here to stay, month is also on it "November (#XXX)"
They are higher quality paper
Picture heavy with lots of hobby articles (things like masterclass from forgeworld and the 'eavy metal team, tactica, battle reports, and developer diaries where they talk about why they made certain decisions)
Will still preview new models, but you won't see them 2-3 times in the same issue

I should add that the current white dwarf team has been disseminated into the ranks and a new, separate office (but not a third party) has taken over white dwarf.

This new office fueled by a former magazine and blog publishing company that has had the fleshy bits replaced with model enthusiasts. This is now a magazine filled with hobbiests, not hobbiests trying to publish a magazine.

09-13-2012, 06:20 AM
Let's hope bigger and better translates into more hobby content. Please do this right GW.:(

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
09-13-2012, 06:21 AM
What's going on? I can't view GW at work.
Why all the typos?

09-13-2012, 06:24 AM
Someone was jabbing me with a pencil as I typed.

Also its not called White Dwarf anymore. it is now White Drarf.

To copy and pasta
In just over a week's time the pages of White Dwarf will change forever. Miniatures will be shown in a new light, battle reports will be reborn and new articles will be read for the first time. Even the classic logo that sat at the head of the magazine for the last 20 years will disappear into the Hall of Legends.

On September 22nd 2012, White Dwarf will be reborn; bigger, better and more exciting than ever before.

As news goes, that's pretty exciting stuff, I think you'll agree. For the last half-year a crack team of designers have been pulling White Dwarf apart at the seams, re-forging it into something incredibly exciting. Everything is new, nothing's the same. Even the paper is a higher quality, that's the degree to which the magazine has changed.

Of course a new magazine needs a new team to work on it and so, without further ado, here's the new White Dwarf team:

From left to right we have:

Dan Harden (that's me, just in case you didn't know) - Staff Writer
Erik Niemz - Photographer
Matthew Hutson - Lead Designer
Beth Beynon-Hughes - Digital Editor
Andrew Kenrick - Deputy Editor
Kris Shield - Designer
Glenn More - Photo Editor
Jes Bickham - Editor
Adam Troke - Senior Staff Writer

Some of these names you'll recognise. Matt, Kris and Andrew have been working on White Dwarf for several years now. In fact, Matt has been working on it almost as long as White Dwarf has been around (OK, so that's a slight exaggeration, but he has been around for quite some time). Adam and Glenn have moved into White Dwarf from games development and book production respectively, while Beth and Erik are both new to Games Workshop. And last, but certainly not least, we also have a new White Dwarf editor, and the latest scion of Grombrindal himself, Jes Bickham. While this is his first time working on White Dwarf, Jes has worked at Games Workshop before as the editor of Battle Games of Middle-earth, back when The Lord of the Rings first appeared in cinemas and hair was more plentiful.

They're also changing the GW blog to "White Dwarf Daily"

Well just have to wait till 22nd to see how it looks!

09-13-2012, 06:24 AM
change of logo? sounds like someone has been over zealous. also, I see no fat bloke in that picture, and I do see some twelve year olds. are battle reports going to be in crayon?

I do look forward to seeing what they do with it though, I wonder if the price will change

09-13-2012, 06:26 AM
Someone on Facebook has pointed out the job role of "Digital Editor". Will we be getting digital copies?

Only for iOS obviously...

09-13-2012, 06:27 AM


I like the logo.:(

09-13-2012, 06:28 AM
Well yay! I look forward to a new White Dwarf that is more interesting. And I hope the first issue does Chaos proud!

Mr Mystery
09-13-2012, 06:33 AM
Well yay! I look forward to a new White Dwarf that is more interesting. And I hope the first issue does Chaos proud!

Unlikely. Last month's inside back cover was a Dark Angel, suggesting it's not Chaos this month.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
09-13-2012, 06:39 AM


I like the logo.:(

Surely it doesn't have enough Eldar in it?

09-13-2012, 06:45 AM
It also lacks Marines so it's ok.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
09-13-2012, 06:47 AM

09-13-2012, 06:53 AM


I like the logo.:(

So long as it isn't this bad (http://ifanboy.com/articles/new-dc-comics-logo-confirmed-and-now-in-multiple-thematic-colors/), I'll be happy.

Then again, nothing can be that bad, surely?

Geez, I don't even like DC comics, and I hate that logo with a passion.

09-13-2012, 07:23 AM
White Dwarf can't get any less meaningful to me than it is now. To me it comes across as one big, slick advertisement with next to nothing useful in it. The battle reports are always a hoot and a laugh in our parts though since they bear no resemblance to reality. I am hopeful the new and supposedly improved White Dwarf will be an actually Hobby Magazine and less a sales brochure.

09-13-2012, 07:40 AM
By doing it this way, they also leave open the possibility that if it is hated, they can bring back the 'classic' format and logo to appease everyone. I don't care what they do as long as it becomes awesome again.

09-13-2012, 07:43 AM
By doing it this way, they also leave open the possibility that if it is hated, they can bring back the 'classic' format and logo to appease everyone. I don't care what they do as long as it becomes awesome again.

And then we'll bring out Slurm Classic ...

Asymmetrical Xeno
09-13-2012, 07:53 AM
Potentially, this could be just what it needs. It's been good to see that over the past several months theres been more gaming articles, rules and such - but for me it still seemed like minimal-content/lots of advertisement and as such I havent bothered with it myself.

What I'm hoping for is monthly backround stuff as that is more the side I am into. For example, id like to see a spotlight every month on a different chapter, craftworld, warband (insert equivilent here) - you know, sort of like the old Chapter Approved type articles.

For graphics I'd like to see things like Star-maps, and if they really do have some focus on "allies" then hopefully they'll start to have mini-dexes in the magazine (which I think works far better for minor factions than it does major ones eg Sisters of battle).

I remain cautiously optimistic, but we'll have to wait and see.

09-13-2012, 08:04 AM
I am optimistic.
I am hoping that with a dedicated team the WD will become more than just a XX page advertisment for the GW stuff.
I am hoping that it will become more in line with the old classic ones where there was stories, and pictures and games both in 40k and WFB, with painting articles, and gaming. Plus the random extras like new units, stand-alone mini games, like the Orc bar room brawl and the Jousting Tourney repleate with their cardboard cut outs.

09-13-2012, 08:17 AM
New logo........................what the FRAK!!! :mad:

I don't know why this bothers me so much but it does.

The Shadow King
09-13-2012, 08:26 AM
New logo........................what the FRAK!!! :mad:

I don't know why this bothers me so much but it does.

As long as it ain't as bad as the London Olympics logo, I'm sure it'll be alright. After a few months you'll forget it ever was different... It's not like White Dwarf has only ever had one logo in it's lifetime after all. As someone who designs magazines I'm looking forward to seeing what they do with it.

09-13-2012, 08:33 AM
If they'd done it slyly and just improved the mag it'd be one thing.

but now they've made such a huge song and dance about it, the pressure is really on

Original post updated with more Information

09-13-2012, 08:42 AM
change of logo? sounds like someone has been over zealous. also, I see no fat bloke in that picture, and I do see some twelve year olds. are battle reports going to be in crayon?

I do look forward to seeing what they do with it though, I wonder if the price will change

aye bring back fat bloke,
and of course the price will rise, bigger and better is a euphemism for costs more

I am optimistic.
I am hoping that with a dedicated team the WD will become more than just a XX page advertisment for the GW stuff.
I am hoping that it will become more in line with the old classic ones where there was stories, and pictures and games both in 40k and WFB, with painting articles, and gaming. Plus the random extras like new units, stand-alone mini games, like the Orc bar room brawl and the Jousting Tourney repleate with their cardboard cut outs.

hopefully but they're hyping it up too much all that does is build expectations and give people somat to b1tch about.

There really isn't any need to change the logo, it's probably a step too far. But obviously people will buy it to have a look and it'll be branded a success.

Also Beth has cool hair.

09-13-2012, 08:46 AM

09-13-2012, 08:49 AM
cool tshirt.

Mr Mystery
09-13-2012, 10:43 AM
Mr Mystery, Mystic Mind Man sez.....

No matter the change. No matter the improvement. This is the Internet. The same goon who have an inexplicable vendetta against GW in general will find something to whinge about, and no doubt act like it's a long held viewpoint, despite evidence to the contrary, and label those who disagree 'Fanboi' .......

Lukas The Trickster
09-13-2012, 12:33 PM
I for one am really excited about this, I hope it will bring back the days of the 1990's, when I remember rushing down to my local GW to buy White Dwarf on the last Thursday of the month when it was released (back in the days when GW had a sale each year in its stores, anyone remember that?) Since then it has gradually deteriorated to the point where I buy maybe two or three issues a year, if that, so although invariably the new format wont live up to our expectations, it can only be an improvement.

09-13-2012, 03:33 PM


I like the logo.:(

Expect White Dwarf Classic to be released in a few months time:)

09-13-2012, 03:45 PM
Translated to English from corporate-speak.

"No Quarter is everything we wish we could be and aren't."

09-13-2012, 04:49 PM
This is pretty rich. For years people have been complaining about WD and now that GW has decided to listen and actually do something about it, people on the interwebs are complaining :P

I guess its true, you can't please everyone all of the time :P

09-13-2012, 06:04 PM
I'm so excited to see the new White Dwarf!!! I don't really have anything to add to the discussion I'm just busting with excitement. :D

09-13-2012, 10:10 PM
I'm not sure WD wants a circulation of fifty.

Translated to English from corporate-speak.

"No Quarter is everything we wish we could be and aren't."

Well, I'm not complaining, I just hope they deliver. It isn't the first time they promised drastic change to WD.

This is pretty rich. For years people have been complaining about WD and now that GW has decided to listen and actually do something about it, people on the interwebs are complaining :P

I guess its true, you can't please everyone all of the time :P

The new information from Faeit sounds very hopeful.

09-14-2012, 01:07 AM
wait.... people still buy white dwarf?

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
09-14-2012, 01:13 AM
Yeah, largely because we want to support the company that produces the hobby that we play...

09-14-2012, 01:16 AM
I do that too by buying their models.....

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
09-14-2012, 01:21 AM
And why do you object to buying WD?

09-14-2012, 01:34 AM

This is getting silly. Its a glib semi humourous attempt to say White Dwarf has no substance at the moment. There is nothing ,generally, in white dwarf that you cant get online from their website or sites like this.

If people want to buy white dwarf then more power to them. I have no problem with people buying it. I do not think less or more of them for doing so.

I hope this clears everything up. If you have further questions regarding my first post on this issue please dont hesitate to ask them.

09-14-2012, 01:48 AM
This is pretty rich. For years people have been complaining about WD and now that GW has decided to listen and actually do something about it, people on the interwebs are complaining :P

I guess its true, you can't please everyone all of the time :P

But they didn't need to change the iconic logo...

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
09-14-2012, 01:50 AM
Games Workshop are clearly supporting the terrorists.

09-14-2012, 02:07 AM
Games Workshop are clearly supporting the terrorists.

I knew it, they are part of the bacon conspiracy

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
09-14-2012, 02:12 AM
Their secret is revealed! The entire plot is centered around the Dark Angels!

09-14-2012, 02:14 AM
Cypher being a masterbutcher?

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
09-14-2012, 02:28 AM

09-14-2012, 02:28 AM
I heard he was a master baker.

Thats what it sounded like anyway.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
09-14-2012, 02:39 AM
Hah! :p

09-14-2012, 03:03 AM
I kind of feel sorry for the people who still hold out hope that Dark Angels are next.
It seems almost inevitable that Chaos is going to be revealed very soon, you can't go on any rumour website and not be flooded with codex details.

09-14-2012, 03:05 AM
Clearly they'll all be disappointed when Codex:Xenos Mercenaries is released.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
09-14-2012, 03:08 AM
I still kinda want to see a double release. I don't mind waiting for my glorious codex though. (especially if Ezekiel stops being a bad)

09-14-2012, 03:11 AM
Cypher being a masterbutcher?

I heard he was a master baker.

Thats what it sounded like anyway.

Butcher? Baker? No and No, he was a Candlestick maker, or so it was claimed

09-14-2012, 03:15 AM
I like it. As a designer i like that its a straight up Re-brand (quite like the new logo too, if the one on the daily blog is anything to go by). Lets hope that it's matched by a change in content and not just a facelift.

09-14-2012, 03:30 AM
Butcher? Baker? No and No, he was a Candlestick maker, or so it was claimed

Maybe that's the unforgivable thing? They can't decide what is the acceptable peacetime trade to adopt after the conclusion of the crusade and it causes a schism?

09-14-2012, 03:54 AM
I was thinking Candlestick maker was a euphamism...

09-14-2012, 03:55 AM
In the same way as master baker?

09-14-2012, 04:12 AM
No, in an entirely differnt way

Asymmetrical Xeno
09-14-2012, 04:21 AM
Clearly they'll all be disappointed when Codex:Xenos Mercenaries is released.

Yeah, complete with lists for Enslavers, Umbra and Slaugth !

09-14-2012, 04:25 AM
with squat bikers, kroot, renegade tau freebooters, demiurg, loxatyl, basicly anything ever mentioned in the greater extended background universe.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
09-14-2012, 04:29 AM
Yeah, complete with lists for Enslavers, Umbra and Slaugth !

The Storm Warden in me is cursing you VERY loudly.

Asymmetrical Xeno
09-14-2012, 07:49 AM
The Storm Warden in me is cursing you VERY loudly.

Always wanted to face a Storm Warden army so feel free to drop by and face my Enslavers sometime then : http://i196.photobucket.com/albums/aa207/embodiedscrew/Krell_Army/Krell_Army_Finished_01.jpg

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
09-14-2012, 07:55 AM
Sounds like a challenge to me, boyo. :p

09-14-2012, 01:59 PM
Hope it´s truly a whole change for good

09-14-2012, 03:00 PM
"Miniatures will be shown in a new light"

Wot? They're filming glowing undead under UV disco lighting?

Mr Mystery
09-15-2012, 03:23 AM
I kind of feel sorry for the people who still hold out hope that Dark Angels are next.
It seems almost inevitable that Chaos is going to be revealed very soon, you can't go on any rumour website and not be flooded with codex details.

Rumours don't mean anything.

White Dwarf back page holds more weight given it's source.

Doesn't mean I'm right though, but do he wary of rumours. They've been less and less accurate in recent years!

09-15-2012, 04:54 AM


I like the logo.:(

The logo has changed plenty of times in the past.

I'm also not sure about Faiet's rumours as I fail to see how it can be more picture heavy than last months piece of tat.

09-15-2012, 04:59 AM
Rumours don't mean anything.

White Dwarf back page holds more weight given it's source.

Doesn't mean I'm right though, but do he wary of rumours. They've been less and less accurate in recent years!

Don't use the back page of WD as guide to what is out next month. It has recently been a teaser for some random stuff that they are putting in WD the next month, not what models are coming.

09-15-2012, 06:50 AM
I think they should bring back the original logo lol



I like the logo.:(

09-15-2012, 07:19 AM
Hope it´s truly a whole change for good

Suppose we'll see in a week or so.

09-17-2012, 08:13 AM
From nafka (via Dakka Dakka):


-White Dwarf will be available digitally.
- a new logo
-The subscription model has changed. No longer will you subscribe for 12 months. You will purchase 12 vouchers to redeem at your choosing. This means you can buy 12 magazines from one month, or 1 magazine any month for 2 years from purchase. Basically you choose what months you want to pick up at the store. Dont want next months.... no problem.
-If you purchase the vouchers and pick it up in the store you will get 4 free issues. Subscription price is $80 ($5/issue)
-If you purchase on the website or get it sent to your home, you will get 2 free issues. Subscription price is $100 ($7.14/issue)
- The price is going to be $10/issue or 8 Euros
- They are shooting for around 160 pages an issue.

- higher quality paper, different cover quality
- very picture heavy
- more articles featuring the Black Library, Eavy Metal Team, Design Studios... Much more
- They expect to have more items attached (posters, key fobs, etc.)

- On September 21st, all old issues will be removed from the stores and website
- At the end of the month (the day before new white dwarfs are released) ALL issues will be destroyed permanently (you won’t be able to order back issues from the website). These are going to be inventoried items and tracked, so there won’t be holding any back at the end of the month, similar to the process when they took the old rulebooks and core sets off the shelves.
- Many more issues will be sent to the store.
- The issues should feature current products and not be filled with advertisements for the first 1/3rd of the magazine.

I have to admit, I don't like it. The reason I subscribe is to get them sent to the house because it's a pain to collect them and for the discount. I can see the point of sending it the home being cheaper, but on the converse; it's a steady, guaranteed sale and the cost for shipping in build must be small, especially if they need to be shipped to stores anyway.

The vouchers to buy 12 issues within 24 months is interesting, and certainly a way to get people into the stores to check them out, but I think I'll pass unless the vouchers also work from independent retailers because it's less hassle.

The complete ban of back-orders seems to be a case of shooting themselves in the foot. It makes sense as a tax loss/writeoff, but it wouldn't harm them to keep a small backlog (a box or 2) in a warehouse and an issue or 2 in the stores for a few months before writing them off.

I like the idea of the digital subscription too, but since it'll no doubt be for the iPad I'm expecting disappointment...

09-17-2012, 08:18 AM
I don't understand the problem, it isn't saying you can't have it delivered to your house, it is saying you get an extra bonus if you pick it up in store. Excellent idea really, gives people an incentive to visit a store.

I like what I'm hearing a lot.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
09-17-2012, 08:23 AM
GW Shrewsbury were telling me this yesterday, and it sounds like an awesome idea personally.

09-17-2012, 08:25 AM
Sounds ridiculous. Vouchers? pfft just something to lose...

09-17-2012, 08:30 AM
Well hopefully they will be things you print off and take into the store, or digital credits you redeem online in the case of home deliveries.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
09-17-2012, 08:32 AM
They're 12 vouchers in a clampack, and they last until 2014. :D

And you get 4 WD's free if you redeem in-store. :)

09-17-2012, 08:32 AM
That's a big discount for the in-store collection (50%) off a very high standard cover price of $10 c.£6.50-£7. Given you can get a whole novel for that price, it stacks up unfavourably, even with better quality paper :confused:.

I do like the option to only get the ones you want though. If they make the contents pages available digitally to help you choose, I'd probably pay for a subscription on this basis.

Deciding factor for me is if they improve the battle reports again as this is the one feature that is hard to duplicate online in sufficient detail and scenery awesomeness. Declining quality of those killed my last subscription. :(

09-17-2012, 08:35 AM
Hm, well I hope there is a way to register them online or something in case they get lost.

They're 12 vouchers in a clampack, and they last until 2014. :D

And you get 4 WD's free if you redeem in-store. :)

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
09-17-2012, 08:44 AM
Hold on, I'll ask Ben. (he's right here)

EDIT: He doesn't know yet, terrible staff member-ing. :p

09-17-2012, 09:02 AM
Download straight to iPad, that suits me a treat.

09-17-2012, 09:19 AM
I don't understand the problem, it isn't saying you can't have it delivered to your house, it is saying you get an extra bonus if you pick it up in store.

Isn't it saying you lose more of your existing bonus like everytime they adjust the subscription?

09-17-2012, 09:24 AM
I don't understand the problem, it isn't saying you can't have it delivered to your house, it is saying you get an extra bonus if you pick it up in store. Excellent idea really, gives people an incentive to visit a store.

I like what I'm hearing a lot.

I know, but it's making my existing option comparatively more expensive. Do I want to pay more to get it delivered to the house (which can't be costing them much) or do I pay about the same and have to go and collect it every month from one of 2 stores which aren't very convenient.

I assume they are also not going to get to choose which issues to get, so they will be paying more for a lot less flexibility, which GW gets a nice steady guaranteed income from them.

In all fairness, unless the new magazine is awesome, I'm probably not going to be bothering with it anyway, but this change feels a bit like the home delivery subscriptions (the core readership) are getting shafted under a guise of convenience.

09-17-2012, 10:17 AM
But they didn't need to change the iconic logo...

As mentioned, the logo has changed before.

#1 June 1977 50p/$1.50

#39 March 1983 75p/$3.00

#100 April 1988 1.25/$2.50

From #100 on, the logo has been pretty standard, with colour being the primary variation, and the occasional shift/alteration of the little WD character:

#169 January 1994 2.25/$4.99 (est)

#191 November 1995 2.00/$4.99 (est)

09-17-2012, 10:19 AM
#224 September 1998 3.50/$4.99

#390 June 2012

bringing us all the way up to now.

300 issues is a long time to have essentially the same logo and to then change it, and for the majority of hobbyists, this is the only logo they're ever known.

I wonder how much consumer feedback they did on this?

09-17-2012, 03:16 PM
What an utterly, utterly stupid idea. Buying vouchers to subscribe? What is this nonsense? It is unnecessarily complicated and seems frankly amateurish. Why in God's name do I have to buy product A in order to be able buy product B when I can currently just buy product B. Furthermore this will eliminate the Direct Debit payment route which is the most reliable source of income they have. I put up with the not getting it on release day farce, but if this goes ahead I have a good mind to never buy another issue again. This is so colossally stupid I refuse to believe they would even contemplate this until I see the proof with my own eyes.

They're 12 vouchers in a clampack, and they last until 2014. :D

And you get 4 WD's free if you redeem in-store. :)

I already get this with the DD payment delivered direct to my door. Under this rumoured model, I will not. If true, this is nothing short of a massive FU to loyal subscribers in a effort to get people into stores to flog them more stuff. :mad:

09-17-2012, 04:01 PM
What an utterly, utterly stupid idea. Buying vouchers to subscribe? What is this nonsense? It is unnecessarily complicated and seems frankly amateurish. Why in God's name do I have to buy product A in order to be able buy product B when I can currently just buy product B. Furthermore this will eliminate the Direct Debit payment route which is the most reliable source of income they have. I put up with the not getting it on release day farce, but if this goes ahead I have a good mind to never buy another issue again. This is so colossally stupid I refuse to believe they would even contemplate this until I see the proof with my own eyes.

I already get this with the DD payment delivered direct to my door. Under this rumoured model, I will not. If true, this is nothing short of a massive FU to loyal subscribers in a effort to get people into stores to flog them more stuff. :mad:

It quite literally says under the voucher model that there is also the original model where it gets sent to your house, but you only get 2 free issues instead of 4.

09-17-2012, 04:44 PM
So you can still subscribe the old fashioned way and not toss around with vouchers? Which means (again with if true caveats) that I have:

Choice A - pay more for receiving the same service I currently receive, with no benefits to me as a customer or any justification for the increase in cost
Choice B - pay the same for a much more inconvenient service than the one I already receive.

Either way, it's still a big fat shafting to subscribers, purely to try and force people into stores. Given the last time they did that was the 'you don't get it on release day any more' shambles (which tanked so badly they quietly dropped it and pretended it had never happened), I would have thought they had learned their lesson.

09-18-2012, 01:50 AM
Either way, it's still a big fat shafting to subscribers, purely to try and force people into stores. Given the last time they did that was the 'you don't get it on release day any more' shambles (which tanked so badly they quietly dropped it and pretended it had never happened), I would have thought they had learned their lesson.

Apparently not...

09-18-2012, 01:51 AM
Exactly. I suspect they think getting more people into the stores is a good thing for sales, and it probably will be on the whole.

But it does also mean that a lot of staff time is going to be taken up dishing out issues to subscribers on a monthly basis who presumably aren't always buying something else. I wonder how that'll pan out Vs just posting them en masse.

09-18-2012, 01:58 AM
You mean no benefit apart from the huge new WD they claim will have actual content? WD is going up in size and cost remember, nothing is really changing in terms of how much you save per issue.

Choice A - pay more for receiving the same service I currently receive, with no benefits to me as a customer or any justification for the increase in cost

09-18-2012, 02:17 AM
Really hopeful we see a return to something like WD in the 100s ... anywhere in the 100s, really, that whole period was great!

Nostalgic for my lost back issues :(

09-18-2012, 04:06 AM
You mean no benefit apart from the huge new WD they claim will have actual content? WD is going up in size and cost remember, nothing is really changing in terms of how much you save per issue.

Assuming it's enough of an improvement to justify the cost increase. I really hope it is, but the cynic in me just sees it as using the magazine to drive people into the stores, or that any benefits from the new scheme will be short lived.

But if it's turns out to be a real magazine with more than 30 mins reading currently in it people may not grudge the price increase. I'm sure there are Xbox/Playstation magazines that cost the same.

I'm benchmarking it with Wargames Illustrated; I get home delivery with 2 free issues a year, it costs about £4 an issue and contains lots of battle reports on a theme, along with some hobby articles and quite a bit of history, resulting in a good 7/8 hours reading time. Of course as it's historicals it's got a much wider scope and source for material. It's even owned by a gaming company (Battlefront) yet has avoided becoming a Flames of War catalog.

09-18-2012, 11:19 AM
You mean no benefit apart from the huge new WD they claim will have actual content? WD is going up in size and cost remember, nothing is really changing in terms of how much you save per issue.

I remember many years back when it had actual content and cost less than it does today. This is not an improvement or innovation, it is simply a return to the high standards they used to have. And if the rumours about 'lots of pictures' is true, I question how much of that 'new size' is actually going to be made up of proper content. I remain sceptical that the 'improvement' will justify any price increase, but I'll happily eat my words if I'm proved wrong.

09-18-2012, 12:48 PM
Really hopeful we see a return to something like WD in the 100s ... anywhere in the 100s, really, that whole period was great!

Nostalgic for my lost back issues :(

Judging by the just-leaked cover, they decided to go back to around issue 90 :D

09-18-2012, 02:16 PM
The voucher system and digital availability actually makes me more interested in subscribing. I've picked up WD here and there, but really only when there was a rules update (as in the recent CD 'dex update) or something I wanted to find out about. That amounts to maybe 3 issues since January of this year, when I started with the hobby.

I used to subscribe to DRAGON, and there was nothing worse than a months-long span of issues where there was nothing I was interested in.

As a result, I like the idea that I would be able to only get the issues I want to read, and that I would be able to avoid issues that don't relate to 40K and/or the army I play (unless I actually want to read them). Granted, I would have to use my vouchers up over a 24-month period. But, that's still an improvement over being stuck with 12 issues over 12 months and having absolutely no control over what I get.

09-18-2012, 02:29 PM
But you'll still end up having to buy one every other month to get your money's worth, so you better hope there is a lot that you want. Most likely people will end up buying the vouchers and not using them all or losing them, with the end result of handing GW free money, no doubt what this is designed for. If you only want an issue every so often, why not buy them as and when?

09-18-2012, 02:37 PM
I certainly don't disagree with any of your points, and I'm not necessarily about to pull the trigger on a subscription under the new model (I hope my prior post didn't imply that; if so, that's not what I meant). I will be waiting to see what the 'new direction' really means--i.e., is it a magazine that is worth getting a subscription to? One would have to buy 12 out of 24 to use all the vouchers, that is true; however, being able to choose which 12 of 24 you get is still an improvement.

Of course, this new system is also an incentive to WD to try to make every issue worth buying. It's also a very clear way for them to see what sort of content makes people buy the magazine. If sales for one issue are huge, and the next one tanks, they'll be able to look at the contents of both to see what worked and what didn't.

09-18-2012, 02:48 PM
It is indeed an incentive for them. Though I just worry that with people already having bought 12 vouchers they may be tempted to use them up on crappy issues, or that GW simply won't care which issues people but because they already have the money in the bank for them. After all, they could have used sales a gage of content any time over the last few years, there is no indication they have done so. I too shall be judging the next few issues carefully to see how they pan, though TBH, they can't be any worse than the current one. I wonder if they deliberately made this one so utterly terrible to make the new look one seem better. :rolleyes:

Lukas The Trickster
09-18-2012, 02:49 PM
What an utterly, utterly stupid idea. Buying vouchers to subscribe? What is this nonsense? It is unnecessarily complicated and seems frankly amateurish. Why in God's name do I have to buy product A in order to be able buy product B when I can currently just buy product B. Furthermore this will eliminate the Direct Debit payment route which is the most reliable source of income they have. I put up with the not getting it on release day farce, but if this goes ahead I have a good mind to never buy another issue again. This is so colossally stupid I refuse to believe they would even contemplate this until I see the proof with my own eyes.

I already get this with the DD payment delivered direct to my door. Under this rumoured model, I will not. If true, this is nothing short of a massive FU to loyal subscribers in a effort to get people into stores to flog them more stuff. :mad:

Just out of interest, have you heard how will you be affected as an existing subscriber if subscriptions are being scrapped and the cost is going up? Will they honour your subscription or offer a refund on the outstanding balance?

09-18-2012, 02:52 PM
Just out of interest, have you heard how will you be affected as an existing subscriber if subscriptions are being scrapped and the cost is going up? Will they honour your subscription or offer a refund on the outstanding balance?

I have heard nothing, which is why I'm not putting too much stock into these rumours at the moment. In the past, my DD subscription has been immune to price hikes too, so I'm hoping they will just carry on as normal for existing subscribers. They got a real backlash from the community over the release date farce and for a change they actually took notice, so I'm really hoping they won't do something else that would annoy subscriber.

09-18-2012, 09:54 PM
Let's hope bigger and better translates into more hobby content. Please do this right GW.:(

This is GW so them doing it right, well...

Their track record says they can't.

09-19-2012, 03:33 AM
Some first hand stuff from people who have seen it early

From Faeit 212

A few points that will hopefully address some of your questions:
- New format is very nice - matte cover, with semi-gloss embossed type (logo etc)
- New format feels more like a proper magazine, less like a catalogue.
- Still a number of adverts, but they don't feel as intrusive
- New style of photography is beautiful - some amazing new images included, matching the style of the 40k 6th rulebook
- More painting tutorials - though these are quite simple; more geared towards your entry level painter (which for me, being a painter first is a dissappointment)
- I haven't had a chance to properly read the editorial, nor a lot of the content, but gut feeling is the new direction is good

09-19-2012, 03:37 AM
Hm, cautious optimism is in order I think.

09-19-2012, 03:41 AM
three days and we'll know...

09-19-2012, 02:41 PM
From Krookhawk on dakka dakka:

The WD is one centimeter shorter than the old one, but new editing results in less content per page, although looking better. Example: Showing the new stuff this month takes 50 pages. They also use 10 pages to list all the worlds GW stores and Indies with address. Some content is cool, pics are better designed, but still mostly advertising.

This is a first impression, will tell you more in the evening.

Oh, and the cover is indeed a (modified?) photo of a model.
And there will be a digital version in the app-store (ipad only as usual).

09-20-2012, 02:03 AM
A more in depth review from Kroothawk (dakka dakka):

After looking a bit closer to the WD here some comments (disclaimer: I have no interest in CSM and HH, so no product in the WD really raised my heartbeat, call that a negative bias):

1.) I still hate the cover. No trademark title. The free room wasted by listing the names of the game systems. Text bland "new miniatures" (really? and next month? and twice the same text for GW AND FW?). Surprising: More text for FW news than GW news.
2.) Format 1cm shorter, 154 pages (plus 2 unnumbered foldouts), font size much larger, so less text than in 120 pages of previous issues.
3.) It is still commercial TV style. Maybe even more consequential than before. 4 pages per new major box, 2 pages per minor box (warsmith), one page per new finecast blister. Big nice pics with short descriptive text, mostly revealing one advantage (like "Finecast Fabius now more durable than the metal version"), could be copied to the webstore. Language typical commercial TV style, just without the discounts Results in 50 pages to cover all new products of October.
4.) 11 pages for listing every GW store and indy retailer in the whole world, with address. Why? What a waste of pages. Add one page "local GW shop presentation", "local retailer store presentation", GW facebook ad, WD subscription ad and 2 pages mailorder ad. Yes, even commercials have ads between commercials. I fear, all these will be regular features.
5.) New: Forge World, Black Library and (to a lesser degree) licence products by FFG are equally represented as GW products. Each new major novel gets one page in the 50 page new product section plus some coverage later. Forge World HH gets an article (8 pages). This is a change I like.
6.) Pictures: No doubt about it: The picture quality has improved greatly, in the news AND article section. This is what the magazine is about: Showing nice pics to make the potential customers want to buy things. Also nice pics in the articles, not only from studio models.
7.) Texts: Yeah, there still are some, but expect half from what you are used from previous WDs. Even JJs standard bearer has half the text. The main body is a big pic with a few lines explaining the pic. Only very few text articles. A nice one on Vetrock, a very nice one by the dream team Phil Kelly/Jes Goodwin explaining the general idea behind the CSM miniature/Codex design. But WD is consequently done for teens with no time to read (TL;DR).
8.) There is a battle report of 16 pages with basically the content of 10 pages previously. haven't read that, but it seems to reveal some tidbits about the new Codex. There is a nice conversion article for ork bommas. There is a small but good painting article. Also one on a studio terrain piece. Pics from several nicely painted troops by several people, photographed in the studio. Pics of a nicely painted Skaven army. So there is some content.
9.) Well, there will be a digital version of the WD. If you have an Ipad and can read English that is. There will also be a digital CSM Codex in October, also Ipad/English only plus some digital novels.

Summary: This is still a big commercial. Better looking, professionally and more consequentially done, but still in your face. Some content looks promising, some things like 11 pages of global GW store addresses completely nonsensical, esp. when featured every issue (we will see). Might work for some teens or people who like fancy pics, but not for people who like to read. A few bits of interesting content are there, but currently not enough to justify the price.

09-24-2012, 02:28 AM
So what are peoples thoughts now that it's come out?

I've had a flick through it and only really saw 3/4 things that'd count as articles, but I got the 300-page bumber WI in at the same time so I probably won't get to looking at it for a while.

09-24-2012, 02:42 AM
It's certainly got more content, but then so had your average argos catalogue at one point, it's not really worth an extra quid, and it's not up to the standard when fat bloke had it, and certainly won't be upto the supposedly golden era that preceded the 200's that i've never seen as didn't read it till about 205.
See what happens next?

09-24-2012, 07:44 AM
I continue to buy it every month, and the standard increases.

I'm sorry but the review at the top of this page just reads as from someone who would bad mouth it whatever it did. It could have boobs and shoot money and models at you, and hed just complain they were the wrong size, the models weren't for his army and the money was the wrong currency. Hes squeezed all the good new stuff into one point and not talked about them, then whinged about all the old stuff in the rest of them

The magazine is significantly improved. Theres a lot more hobby content as everyone always asked for. PLus its the first issue of the new design. There might be rules in the future. Hell this one includes readable pictures of a codex we haven't got. Old ones wouldn't have had that

09-24-2012, 07:47 AM
It is an improvement. If it continues to improve, I might pick up a subscription. If it stays as it is now (which is better but not great) I would only buy the odd issue when I need something from it.

09-25-2012, 06:00 AM
I'm sorry but the review at the top of this page just reads as from someone who would bad mouth it whatever it did.

I don't know, it all seems pretty accurate from what I've said so far.

The magazine is significantly improved. Theres a lot more hobby content as everyone always asked for. PLus its the first issue of the new design. There might be rules in the future. Hell this one includes readable pictures of a codex we haven't got. Old ones wouldn't have had that

What do you mean by hobby content?

All I've really noticed so far is lots of space wasted showcasing finecast re-moulds of old figures (Fabious Bile, etc), each of which has a blurb about how it's better in finecast (though only the no-longer-top heavy one seems accurate) and no real information about the figures or the characters. That could have been done like the email: "Here are some finecast re-releases, and some reasons finecast is awesome, photos).

There's quite a bit of whitespace as well. I'm also a bit disappointed that the figure converting section is just about kitbashing (make X cooler by buying Y) and not actually conversion work, but I've not read it yet.

It's definitely improved versus the older one, but that wouldn't be hard. I'm only onto the battle report for the new Chaos stuff in the time I'd normally have finished reading the whole thing, but beyond that the only thing I've seen approaching content so far is the blurb on why limitations in army lists are bad ("we want you to buy more minis"), and even then there was really nothing interesting about it. The featured army was pretty cool too, even if lacking in content (and some duplicated content).

It is the first run with a new mag though and will inevitably have some teething problems. I've still got a few months before my subscription runs out to see how it picks up though.

What I'd love to see in it would be more campaign/gaming ideas for inspiration on new things to try game wise, and the occasional return of some mini-games for the existing figures, essentially it being a return to "here's what you can do with your figures you've already bought" rather than the current "here's what you can buy".

09-25-2012, 06:06 AM
It is an improvement. If it continues to improve, I might pick up a subscription. If it stays as it is now (which is better but not great) I would only buy the odd issue when I need something from it.

I think a subscription is for you. Here in the uk a Sub reduces the price per issue from £5.50 to £3.75 which I think then makes the magazine absolutely worth it's cost. The obvious downside is stumping up the cash up front.
Still I think it's a good deal.

09-25-2012, 06:07 AM
still isn't available over here yet, neither the model store who gets them direct from GW, or any of the newsagents that get them along with all their other magazines. Has been the same way for the last few months, seems to be an extension of the policy of screwing over everyone that isn't using the official stores.

09-25-2012, 06:57 AM
It's Bobbins. I went in full of hope! I believed the whole 'new direction' spin. I wanted to believe it so bad.
I picked it up this afternoon, I put it down this afternoon. Other than design and layout it is still fundamentally boring. I fail to see the new direction? It is still an advert mag with out the hobby stuff to make it good. I'm hoping this is just a transition period and therefore there is better to come, but if it were me, I'd of come out of the gate with a belter!
In my opinion they did not. I'm still gonna hope next month brings something better though

We have a phrase we use at work on a regular basis. "You can't polish a turd. But you can poor glitter on it."

So far it feels like the shiny new cover, nice paper and modern logo are just a pile of glitter.

09-25-2012, 10:59 AM
Anyone else notice there has been no mention whatsoever of this voucher buying nonsense that was doing the rounds a week ago?

09-25-2012, 11:03 AM
I, foolishly, bought the voucher booklet. I used the first ticket to get the 'new direction' white dwarf. That's why I am hoping for better in the future. I really did want to believe.

09-25-2012, 11:06 AM
What? There actually was a voucher booklet? Was this in stores or something, I saw no mention of it in WD. I'd assumed it was all just a horrible rumour. I've also had no mention at all of how my quarterly DD payment is going to be affected by the new subscription model, which is pretty slack of them. I'm assuming it will continue as is, given they would have to notify me of any increase in payments.

09-25-2012, 11:11 AM
Yep, in store. It was on the shelf above the magazines. I have been wanting to buy White Dwarf again for years and with all this new direction talk I thought "do it!", so I did. The vouchers expire on 31.12.14, so I have quite a few issues to choose from if I want to skip.
It was £44 for the 12 voucher book .

All existing subscriptions will be the same, but when they end I think you have to play the new game.
I asked about the subscription model and the fella said you'll just be able to buy them. Which makes it just like any other model? So we'll have to see how that plays out.

09-25-2012, 11:25 AM
See, mine was one they haven't done for a while, you pay a quarterly subscription and it just goes on forever, none of this 1 or 2 year nonsense

09-25-2012, 11:29 AM
Wildey I don't think they do have to notify you for a direct debit increase, it's not like a standing order. A direct debit you've basicly signed drawing power to them, why sometimes people get a nasty shock with bills, cause they've already taken the money before you notice.

The Shadow King
09-27-2012, 05:46 AM
Bought the new WD. Great improvement on the previous ones. Much more actual content, and actually enjoyable to read. Style-wise a much more grown-up version than before, more consistant and good looking. I was very wary of buying it for the last 5 or so years, but I might buy it each month now.

09-27-2012, 01:44 PM
Wildey I don't think they do have to notify you for a direct debit increase, it's not like a standing order. A direct debit you've basicly signed drawing power to them, why sometimes people get a nasty shock with bills, cause they've already taken the money before you notice.

Incorrect (http://www.thesmartwaytopay.co.uk/directdebitexplained/pages/directdebitguarantee.aspx)

09-27-2012, 02:21 PM
Anyone else notice there has been no mention whatsoever of this voucher buying nonsense that was doing the rounds a week ago?

I think they were making a big thing of it at Games Day, but I wouldn't have known anything about it apart from that and on here.

09-28-2012, 04:47 AM
I have to say that I thought it was a great improvement over the last few issues, although that's not saying much to be honest.

However there definitely felt like there was more content, but it's still not perfect, but hopefully this will increase over time.

I didn't like the format for the battle report though, way too confusing in its layout but not a terrible report.

The highlight for me though is the lovely Beth and her awesome hair!! As long as we keep getting photos of Beth and her ever changing hair I will happily pay £5.50 a month...... yes I know, I am that sad. :)

09-28-2012, 05:35 AM
I have to say that I thought it was a great improvement over the last few issues, although that's not saying much to be honest.

However there definitely felt like there was more content, but it's still not perfect, but hopefully this will increase over time.

I didn't like the format for the battle report though, way too confusing in its layout but not a terrible report.

The highlight for me though is the lovely Beth and her awesome hair!! As long as we keep getting photos of Beth and her ever changing hair I will happily pay £5.50 a month...... yes I know, I am that sad. :)

You know there are sites on the internet where you can get that stuff for free :p

09-28-2012, 11:56 AM
The highlight for me though is the lovely Beth and her awesome hair!! As long as we keep getting photos of Beth and her ever changing hair I will happily pay £5.50 a month...... yes I know, I am that sad. :)

She is rather beautiful young lady, I must admit.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
09-28-2012, 11:59 AM
I only have eyes for one. :p


10-01-2012, 02:10 PM
Incorrect (http://www.thesmartwaytopay.co.uk/directdebitexplained/pages/directdebitguarantee.aspx)

Ah fair enough, but they don't require your input to do it? as long as they notify you...

10-01-2012, 02:17 PM
I only have eyes for one. :p


Just because you are on a diet doesn't mean you can't look at the menu.

Ah fair enough, but they don't require your input to do it? as long as they notify you...

No, they can do whatever they like, they just have to notify you in advance of doing so to give you chance to cancel.