View Full Version : Duke's Freehand Rhinos (WIP)

10-04-2009, 06:03 PM
Ok, so here are some of my RHinos and Razorbacks... Please remember that these are still WIP's but I am posting here for comments, so have at it.


That one is for my honour guard (dantes Honour guard) as such they have the chapter banner with them and so painted it on thier rezorback.


These are just two others in the army.

I have one more but I don't have a pic of it...Comments more than welcome.



10-04-2009, 09:07 PM
I think they're coming along nicely, Duke. Can't wait to see the finished product.

10-04-2009, 09:24 PM
Yea, neither can I, lol. I put a few more hours into it tonight and the sanguinius one is coming along. Any tips people?


person person
10-04-2009, 09:49 PM
Paint looks a tad thick, looks awesome though.

10-05-2009, 12:43 AM
WOW i love the freehand:eek: (i wish my attempt was almost as good:( )
My tip i sketch it out + detail in pencil then block it black and start colouring
You probably already knew but;)


10-05-2009, 02:02 PM

cant wait to see sangunius

the drake
10-05-2009, 02:25 PM
the only tip that i have ever recieved for free handing something is to draw/sketch/block with micro pen first. something that i always struggled with was the wet palette/keeping acrylics wet to blend/paint (they ain't anything like some good ol' oil paints) - someone suggested using dish soap as a medium, i found it works quite well.

back to the rhinos: they look great so far. really just need some highlighting/shadowing and you should be set.

question though, are you gonna keep the heavy outlines or do you plan on painting them out?

10-05-2009, 02:41 PM
I plan on keeping the outlines as they are pretty much. It looks a lot thicker on the pic than it does In real life (I took the photo with my phone.) I put a couple hours of highlighting into this last night so hopefully Ill have an update tonight for you all. (watch heroes and paint, woot!)

P.S. Thanks all for the comments, it takes a lot of bravery to attempt these projects, and it is cool to hear what everyone thinks.


10-06-2009, 12:42 AM
Lovely job so far Duke. About a thousand times better than anything i could do.

10-06-2009, 08:22 PM
Here is an update...


Things I did...
1. Wrote in "BLOOD ANGELS," on the scroll (The Hvy bloters cover a big part of it.
2. Shading and Highlighting on the red
3. Wrote "Frater Sanguinius," on the scroll across his body
4. Painted in his "halo"
5. Washed the grey background with Badab black
6. drew in "crese marks" on the cloth and clothing
7. Put hair and a face on Sanguinius.
8. Other small touch ups

Please let me know if you see any vital flaws (remember that it is harder to do this because of the nature of my canvas). Other than that I always like to hear what people think...



10-06-2009, 08:34 PM
Looking very nice, well done

the drake
10-06-2009, 10:19 PM
looks like its coming along swimmingly, are you gonna do anything to the black backdrop or leave it black?

10-06-2009, 11:48 PM
nice work my man...this may not be what you're looking for, but consider drilling out the exhaust pipes...is the red of the main body the final red?

10-07-2009, 01:55 PM
looks like its coming along swimmingly, are you gonna do anything to the black backdrop or leave it black?

Yes, Actually, I was thinking of paiting some starts, not too many, but just a few to break up the black. I was going to give it one more wash to make it look more 'night sky' black. The stars will probably look more like nautical stars/ astrix than the traditional star. I am alo considering making the border on the edges more pronounced, possibly by painting the border yellow...

nice work my man...this may not be what you're looking for, but consider drilling out the exhaust pipes...is the red of the main body the final red?

I plan on drilling out the exhaust pipes as well as the Hvy Bolter. The red on the body has not even been touched, I will mosy likely do one more touch of Blood red and then begin highlighting it before I wash it clightly in Baal Red wash, just to blend the highlights.

On the side of each rhino I have a shield which includes the hearldry of each unit. I will begin working on that soon... I will post pics of it when I have them (Over the weekend probably)

Thanks for all the comments, it gives me a reason to keep going with it, lol


10-07-2009, 01:58 PM
Oh, I also wanted to know what everyone thought of the Brass etching blood angels symbol on the hvy bolter casing, is it too much?


10-07-2009, 03:09 PM
Oh, I also wanted to know what everyone thought of the Brass etching blood angels symbol on the hvy bolter casing, is it too much?


H-E-Double Hockey Sticks NO! it's freakin awesome. as you'll see in my project log, i love bronzes. the contrast of metals is something we don't see often enough i think. It's tasteful and awesome all at once. Was that a FW purchase or some uber secret technique...and i'm not going to lie to you. if the RG get a release like that i would consider it here and there on some of my Vehicles. nice. 10 more Nid Nails for you...hot pink this time...don't let melissa find out i gave you her nid nails...she may get angry..

10-07-2009, 03:35 PM
cool, glad to hear you like it...

Melissa won't get mad about the nails... That is unless the nails actually turn out to be sister nails... Then she might get a little miffed, just a little though! lol


10-07-2009, 05:55 PM
I think the Rback is awesome. I was wondering, though, is the checkered flag thing on the Rhino a way you mark units or something like that? It's a bold pattern that I thought detracted from the skull chalice mural.

the drake
10-07-2009, 07:15 PM
Yes, Actually, I was thinking of paiting some starts, not too many, but just a few to break up the black. I was going to give it one more wash to make it look more 'night sky' black. The stars will probably look more like nautical stars/ astrix than the traditional star. I am alo considering making the border on the edges more pronounced, possibly by painting the border yellow...


I think that will work very well. as for a yellow border, my gut says that its not gonna work, that its gonna look a little too much like it was trying to be a gaudy baroque picture frame...but then again it could work and even possibly look quite dashing. i don't think that really helped much, but thats really my only fear for the yellow border

Commissar Lewis
10-07-2009, 09:01 PM
By the breasts of Freya, those are awesome Duke. And I thought my "female outline you find on trucker's mudflaps" on the side of my Leman Russ Demolisher was good. Those just blow it out of the water.

Well done, sir.

10-07-2009, 11:19 PM
I think the Rback is awesome. I was wondering, though, is the checkered flag thing on the Rhino a way you mark units or something like that? It's a bold pattern that I thought detracted from the skull chalice mural.

I actually got the whole idea from a banner in the Blood Angels 3rd ed. Codex... If you look on the pic with the two Rhinos, I mark the downward sloping portion of the Rhino to denote what kind of squad it is (Ill show more specifically in future pics.

I think that will work very well. as for a yellow border, my gut says that its not gonna work, that its gonna look a little too much like it was trying to be a gaudy baroque picture frame...but then again it could work and even possibly look quite dashing. i don't think that really helped much, but thats really my only fear for the yellow border

I was only thinking of doing it cause that is how it is done on the actual chapter banner... I did a thick black border tonight and I kind of like it, maybe Ill leave it alone.

By the breasts of Freya, those are awesome Duke. And I thought my "female outline you find on trucker's mudflaps" on the side of my Leman Russ Demolisher was good. Those just blow it out of the water.

Well done, sir.

First off, "By the breasts of Freya" = LMAO! Thank you for the ego boost, like I said before it is nerve wracking to start projects like this, so seeing them well accepted is good.

More pics to follow this weekend.


PS- Please remember that the photos are taken with my phone, lol.