View Full Version : CC Eldar list in the making...

Lost Vyper
09-12-2012, 12:16 AM
On saturday, we have a huge gaming day and i´m making many different 1500p Eldar lists (few competitive, few just to try out). I was thinking something in the nature of very CC oriented (although, i don't have all the models, fe. Wraithlord). Scorpions + Farseer (Fortune,Doom) + WS (tlBL), Banshees (or proxy them as clowns, dont own them either) + Farseer (Fortune, Doom) + WS (tlBL). And for troops, 2 x 5 Pathfinders. This is where i´m sitting now, cos i dont have the points count available, but any ideas? Cos this is just for kicks army, i would like to wield something else, than my WW´s :eek: ...:)