View Full Version : mm attack bike vs dual mm speeder

09-11-2012, 06:18 PM
I need a mobile armor killer in my army. Which is better? For 150 points I can have 3 MM attack bikes; for 160 points I can have 2 dual MM Tornados. Maybe each have their advantages?

09-11-2012, 07:51 PM
Bikes offer easier hiding and more endurance (usually), speeders offer you deep strike (albet on cardboard chassis). Its personal preference. My opinion leans toward the bikes as they should last longer and thus do more.

09-12-2012, 01:54 AM
I always fall in favour of bikes, T5, W2 and 3+ I feel is better than AV10.

09-12-2012, 09:41 AM
3 Man ATBike unit takes 10-11 lascannon hits to take down on average.

6 lascannon hits and your 2 speeders are toast (just by removal of hullpoints - its likely 4 lascannon hits will render the speeders dead).

Bikes are weaker vs bolters.

Speeders are effective at 48".

Pretty close call.

Bikes also get 4 attacks each on the charge (HoW).

09-12-2012, 10:50 AM
Bikes offer easier hiding and more endurance (usually), speeders offer you deep strike (albet on cardboard chassis). Its personal preference. My opinion leans toward the bikes as they should last longer and thus do more.

I would think this pretty much sums the argument up. I'd say it depends on personal preference and the rest of your list (i.e. how much/what other anti-armour you have, and what/how much other vehicles you have).

Remember also DS-ing Land Speeders can potentially achieve a lot, even if they get killed by the opponent as soon as he gets a chance to shoot them. Kinda like the ol' Sternguard in Drop Pod.

09-14-2012, 07:38 PM
it really depends on what the makeup of your army is.

If you are tossing around no armor, and the land speeders are it, then your land speeders are toast.
but if you are throwing around baals, vindicators, and land raiders, then land speeders might be an after thought.