View Full Version : Deads Dakkajet

09-11-2012, 10:52 AM
So myself and some friends have decided to start an escalation campaign, working form 500pts to eventually 2000pts. The catch was we had to choose an army we didnt have and all models in the list must be built, painted and based to be used.

So after a little chat and a few pointers I decided Orks it would be. Mostly bikes but I could not resist the Dakkajet and points wise it seemed quite reasonable.

I built and primed this model with grey vallejo primer using my airbrush, next I did a little pre-shading which essentially going over all the areas you want to appear darker, for me that was all the gaps between the pannels. The model was then airbrushed with VMA (Vallejo model air) French blue. I used VMC Signal red on the wing tips to represent the red paint job if i decide to use it. All the metallic areas were airbrushed with VMA Aluminium. The highlighted areas like the wing tips and top areas of the fuselage were sprayed with a mix of the french blue and aluminium, 3:1 ratio, Next I varnished the whole model with Vallejo airbrush varnish to protect the model for the next step.

Next to create the black streaks you see on the wings I used a home made wash, a mix of oil paints and artists white spirit ( both by Newton & Windsor ). I used black and a touch of brown oil paint and heavily thinned the paints with the white spirit until it was really watered down, the consistency of any wash we usually use. Less is more to begin with. Next I dabbed the areas i wanted the streaks with the wash and then using a clean soft brush I pulled the wash in the direction I wanted the streaks. The advantage with the white spirit and oil paint mix is that if you make a mistake you can erase it by wiping the area with more white spirit until its gone. The oil paints working time is hours as opposed to seconds/minutes with regular washes. So I repeated this process all over the jet until I was happy, I also did the same but in larger thiner coats over the engine exhausts and vents. If anyone fancys trying oil washes a good tip is to cover the pallette your using in tinfoil, that way when your done you can just peal it off and chuck it away without having to clean up all that yucky oil paint of your pallete.

The Pilot which you cant see to well was painted using a RMS (Reaper master series) bone colour, when that was dry I used another RMS paint, green this time which was really thinned down to make a glaze. this went on in a couple of coats with drying time in between. After that his flesh was washed with secret weapons baby poop wash. When this was dry I finished it off with an oil wash over the whole of his flesh. Another advantage of the oil washes is when your done you can easily wipe away any areas that the oil wash has settled on. It looks much more natural too IMO

The red canopy was painted with hubrol red clear. Then another coat of varnish, this time matt was applied to the whole model. One mistake I did make was to not mask the canopy before vanishing the model again, but a quick wipe with alcohol saved that. I should add that I painted the inside of the canopy and not the outside which makes it look more transparent.

For now the model is "done" as I am on a time limit to get the rest of my 500 points done but later I will revisit the model and add some checks and symbols etc. Just the base to finish for now :)

All these new ways of painting I picked up from youtube, Awesomepaintjob, Buypainted, SchnauzerFaceMinis and WGConstium are all great youtube resources for all us "tryers" By no means am I anywhere near their level of painting but I can keep plugging away :)

Better pics later.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
09-11-2012, 11:28 AM
Better pics?!?!? It looks freakin' ace man! Is he an ace? That'd be ace!

Okay, I'll stop saying ace now...

Amazing paint job. :)

09-11-2012, 12:05 PM
well cool! is that metallic blue! its a great colour and the weathering is amazing too!

09-11-2012, 12:20 PM
The highlights are a mix of VMC French blue and VMC aluminium, 3:1 ish

And thanks :)

09-11-2012, 01:49 PM
I reiterate what TDA said. This is brilliant looking! Don't sell yourself short, the paint job (at least as far as these photos are concerned) looks very clean. I'd proudly display it in my army showcase!

09-11-2012, 03:41 PM
Absolutely Stonking!

Obviously, the base still needs some love, but it s great to see metallics that aren't simply silver, gold or bronze! Throw in the fact that you've got a fairly heavilly weathered vehicle without just resorting to chipped paint showing the metal underneath and you are very much on to a winner!

I may very well be stealing this idea for my Dakkajet!