View Full Version : Blood angels 2350 points

Lord of the Dead
09-10-2012, 09:09 AM
Please tell me what you think!

2 Captains 135 each
w/plasma pistols, power sword and melta bombs

4 assulat marines units 10 man each 255 each
Sergant plasma pistol, power weapon and melta bombs
7 w/ bolter pistols and chain swords
2 w/plasma pistol
these four units w/jumppacks

1 standard land raider
1 land raider crusader
both with extra armour

2 assuat marine units going in them w/backpacks

I'm new to the game and any input would help out greatly.

09-10-2012, 10:16 AM
First, welcome to 40k and BoLS!

For your list then. First thing is, don't waste points on upgrades that won't see enough use. Plasma pistols come to mind - all your units with these will be aiming for combat rather than shooting, and 12" is too short of a range to be effective otherwise. Stick to bolt pistols and save over 200 points all told.

You'll likely want a sanguinary priest in each unit (or at least in enough to get a good feel no pain coverage).

Land raiders are too expensive to really run two. If you want one, stick to a crusader and run terminators (thunder hammer/storm shield) inside with a character (ideally librarian with prescience or combat combination of BA powers).

Either consider swapping the captains for other characters (librarians or other) or, for gear, lose the pistol/sword and swap to hammer/shield in terminator armour and shove with termies in land raider. This way he actually hurts things and doesn't die too easily.

You'll want to add some fire support too. Predators with autocannon/lascannon sponsoons or heavy bolter sponsoons or storm ravens with plasma cannon/heavy bolters work well - raven could replace the land raider as your 'assault vehicle' too if you so wished.

09-10-2012, 11:34 AM
Please tell me what you think!

Will do

2 Captains 135 each
w/plasma pistols, power sword and melta bombs

Conventional wisdom is that Blood Angels captains are underpowered, and I in this case, I agree with the conventional wisdom. Blood Angels captains lack a lot of the wargear and options - for example, the rule that makes bikers scoring, or the option for artificer armor - that make 'nilla captains powerful. They aren't bad, just... a missed opportunity. Blood Angels librarians and reclusiarchs are more powerful, and both of them have special Blood Angels options that make them much more fun and flavorful as well.

4 assulat marines units 10 man each 255 each
Sergant plasma pistol, power weapon and melta bombs
7 w/ bolter pistols and chain swords
2 w/plasma pistol
these four units w/jumppacks

I second Seirin's comments that as you want to get these bad boys into combat ASAP, don't waste time on special weapons. However, I think meltaguns are the exception to the rule. Dropping a squad of Assault marines into melta range, shooting at some vehicle's rear armor, is a time honored and powerful trick, and isn't to be under-estimated.

1 standard land raider
1 land raider crusader
both with extra armour

2 assuat marine units going in them w/backpacks

Two land raiders is... a lot of land raider. It also means you're missing out on the Blood Angels' most awesome flyer, the stormraven. Also, assault marines really aren't tasty enough an option to bother giving this much protection to.

In addition to swapping up the weapons on your assault marines and putting in some more powerful/exciting HQ options, I'd recommend picking a more powerful hammer unit. Sanguinary guard is great, especially after the changes to the way power weapons work. They work well led by a librarian. Death company is also great and extremely killy, especially led by a reclusiarch or chaplain. For the less Blood Angels specific options, assault terminators are a good hammer unit.

Finally, Seirin is absolutely correct that fire support is a must. I use razorbacks with assault cannons (they're super cheap when you use them as dedicated transports for backpack-less assault marines, and they can also hold objectives!) and a squad of devs in a lascannon razorback, myself, but I've also seen predators, Baal predators, and landspeeders used in this role.

And finally... I know you're new to this game, so you should know that 2350 is a weird points level. I've never heard of anyone playing a game at that level. It's also an extremely large game for a newbie to start with. I'd recommend playing your first few games at 1500, 1000, or even 750 or 500 to learn the rules and get used to your army.

Lord of the Dead
09-10-2012, 01:05 PM
2350 was just something i threw together! Also thank you for the warm welcome!

1 Librarian in terminator armour w/ storm bolter 130
with honour guard 160
Assualt squads
w/ the basics 190
i like the idea of throwing in a meltagun or would melta bombs w/ the sergeant be enough for armour?
or should i go with both 10 points for meltagun 5 for melta bombs? if i take both I'm still saving 50 p per unit.

these next ones are some other ideas i had also.

Devastator squad 10 man uint 275
Sgt w/storm bolter
4 lascannons yes i now their exspensive but great range and power.. not a big fan of missile launchers

Stormraven 200 or 230
Plasma cannons
and are hurricane bolters worth the extra 30 points?

3 land speeders 300
assault cannon

09-10-2012, 01:31 PM
Thanks for taking our advice to heart!

I can't stress enough, though, that you're asking for trouble by making random lists. You're just going to confuse yourself and get used to the wrong way of thinking about making lists in 40k.

Here's one way to think about it: the biggest the list, the easier it is to make. The smaller the list, the harder it is to make it effective at killing things, claiming objectives, and generally winning you games. By starting off your 40k experience by making huge lists that you are unlikely to ever use - let alone now, when you are just learning the rules - you aren't doing yourself any favors. It's easy to make a list with tons of fun toys - stormravens and lascannons and a trio of landspeeders with all the trimmings! - when you give yourself 2350 points to play with. But most games are going to be played between 2000 and 1500. That's between three and eight hundred points that you will need to cut, and because you're asking for advice on huge, awkward lists, you won't know how to do it.

Here's a good - I think - example of a 1500 point Blood Angels list.

• Librarian w/Jump Pack

• Sanguinary Guard w/2 Infernus Pistols, 1 Power Fist
• Furioso Dreadnought w/Blood Fists (Meltagun & Storm Bolter), Searchlight

• 10 Assault Marines (Jump) w/2 Meltaguns, Sergeant w/Power Fist
• 5 Assault Marines (Foot) w/Meltagun, Sergeant w/Hand Flamer Power Weapon, Meltabombs in a Razorback w/Heavy Flamers
• 5 Assault Marines (Foot) w/Meltagun, Sergeant w/Hand Flamer Power Weapon, Meltabombs in a Razorback w/Heavy Flamers

Heavy Support
• 5 Devastators w/2 Missile Launchers, 2 Lascannons in a Razorback w/Lascannons
• Stormraven w/Assault Cannons and Multi-Meltas, Searchlight

At 1500 points, I have to make some hard choices. I can't just put in everything that looks cool. I've got some troops choices, some elites, some jump stuff, and some mech stuff. I've got a lot of close combat - I am playing Blood Angels, after all - but I've also got some fire support.

This list isn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination. I'm considering dropping the Furioso, for example, because of how much more fragile walkers became in this edition, and I'm still torn about what my hammer unit should be. That said, I think this is an example of the tough choices you need to make to create an effective list, and why you should be making smaller, more reasonable lists if you want to really learn how list-building works.

Lord of the Dead
09-10-2012, 01:59 PM
i've been playing around with the army list after you said everything and your right! it's hard to balance everything, with a little work and a few games under my belt i think i can get the hang of it. theres just so many units that i would like to feild! i'll keep working on it and thanks again for the help.

09-10-2012, 05:08 PM
Try playing grey knights... Its hell trying to field units you like just 'cus you like them. But back on topic.

Not a fan of Sanguinary guard after the 6th edition power weapon nerf, but thats just me.

On ravens, storm bolters ARE worth it if you kit your raven up to charge close, otherwise no. As for speeders, 2 heavy bolters or 2 multi meltas are generally the most cost effective combination, the former in your army for fire support.

Melta guns and bombs together is my take as you can try killing vehicles at range, but still have the umph in combat too.

10 man devastators aren't great, stick to 5~6 and don't bother upgrading the sgt.

For the rest, I'd agree with Electric.