View Full Version : WarHammermans Works

09-09-2012, 06:33 AM
Hello all you lovely BOLS-Sers

Here is where I'm going to post my W.I.P. shots of my projects.

Right now, its my Dark Angels Detachment - for my Red Scorpions Army.

So here we go:

Belial: Since Belial does not have his own model, and I do want one in my army so I made this one up. I largely kept the Dark Vengeance guy the same, but swapped out the sword (I liked the spiked hook sword better)

Upgraded Deathwing Terminator Squad
Terminator Sarge: This model was a test. I used the Assault Terminator Sargent Shield, Hammer, and such, based on a Deathwing Terminator body from DV. I went out to try to swap the arms (he's left handed). I do really like his accessories at the belt. I'll be adding some kind of cool "Topper" once I find the one that speaks to me (Most likely some great huge Dark Angels wings - Deathwing icon if I can find one I like)

09-09-2012, 06:34 AM
Terminator Solar: Seeing the Sunburst image all over the sprue's I decided to add to this guy. By this time I was running low on Terminator Shoulder Pads (especially Deathwing / Dark Angels ones) so I added a terminator bit to the blank shoulder pad to add something to it. Kept the sunburst theme in "topper" an shield.

Terminator A: This terminator was the first to be converted. Did the arms swap, and used the bits from the assault terminator box to make the shoulder pads. Turned out "All business" cause he's looking over the edge of his shield (made sure not to cover his face) Most likely candidate to be upgraded to the Apothecary. The arm is open enough, and his backback is lacking 'flare'

Terminator B: This guy has a great pose. Once I get my hands on a Cyclone Missile Launcher, I'll be adding it to this guy. That would make him nice and blocky, only adding to his look. Since he's special, I gave him the "Script" Shoulderpad.

09-09-2012, 06:34 AM
Terminator Banner: This one was made largely from the bits in the Veterans box- the Dark Angels Legs, the shoulerpad, the DA "Rope Shield" Also used the 'cyber eye' head. Being this is the Upgraded Deathwing Terminator Squad, I was able to add a banner carrier. So I did. I made sure to use the terminator body that had the 'large flat' on the back, to properly mount that banner.

09-09-2012, 06:35 AM
Dark Angel Command Squad
Veteran Champion: This is the Champion I made. Bolt Pistol, Power Weapon, Combat Shield. This guy has has a lot of mixed bits: DV "Finned" head, the DV librarians sword (love the decorative squiggles), the detailed combat veterans shield, the "Crested" shoulder pad, and a decorative chest while fully robed. I even gave him the "Trophy" backpack.

09-09-2012, 06:36 AM
Veteran Plasma Gunner: Again, this guy was assembled in a mixed way. Since 2 guys in a command squad can take plasma cannons, I took that option. The plasmagun was independent, so I had to modify it to be carried like this. Added the spiked shoulder pad and the Dark Angels one on the other side. Added a really nice angel topper - chose the one w/ the shield cause he's in a more "Defensive" position, compared to the other plasmagun veteran.

John Woo Veteran: The other plasmagun veteran. I had used the plsamagun from the D.V box - which is HORRIBLY Cast (the gun and the shoulderpad are one piece, and its blended together very badly.) So i covered that up w/ a bit of cloth. Good ol' Plasma pistol, added another DA angel on his belt. And then on the top I added the "aggressive angel" topper - cause this guy is clearly more aggressive then the other plasmagun guy. Keeps the two 'similar but different'

09-09-2012, 06:36 AM
Veteran Apothecary: While incomplete, this was a good start. The Apothecary was given a power weapon (REALLY cool Power Maul), a Plasma Pistol. He'll get his Apothecary gear soon (spotlight and such on the backpack, and the gene-seed collector will go on the back of the power-maul arm). Gave him a more bare chest to have him stand out a little more (which, also caused me to build a neck extender under his head to get it not sunken). Added a loincloth to the front to ad more detail in that area. Being the Apoth, he was also given a "Reliquary" backpack.

Veteran Banner: This guy was given some of the best bits. The super-detailed banner to start, cause he's the Veteran Squad banner carrier, power sword, and a plasma pistol. Gave him and aggressive face, and selected the backpack w/ the skulls to show his 'veteran amongst veterans' look, plus the sword on the back is well-aligned with the banner. Was given two really nice shouler pads.

More to come as bits and bobs and tanks arrive.

09-10-2012, 06:09 AM
While waiting for my parts to come in (namely all the cool stuff I want for my Dark Angels Razorback), I took the time to improve some of the figures that I have, using some of the cooler bits in I had.

This one got a better looking shoulder pad, and a censor. I feel this only added to his overall appearance. I still need to clean off the "Sprue Spurr" on the new shoulder pad (but I wanted to get the photo taken while it was light)

This one got a large censor added to him, and I modified the backpack to add a couple lanterns (I'll be trying some OSL from those later.) What you don't see is that i used some greenstuff to fill in the gap where his arm met his body.

A censor was added to his left hip - thanks to the rope chord on the other side, together they give this great illusion of motion (more to see of that in the future).

And last, but certainly not least here a large censor was added to the back of his belt- since he's the Champion, i figured the large one was most fitting.

Well, that's all I got for the time being. I'll soon be getting all I need for that razorback; (main kit, ForgeWorld doors, extra plasma guns, and Cities of Death bits). Once the razorback is done, I'll be able to set the Dark Angels aside (until its time for things to be set on proper bases) and get onto my main force: Red Scorpions!

09-11-2012, 08:58 PM
Another day, another update =D

Here I have a couple small updates, and one bigger one.

So, lets begin!

Here I added a small blade to Belial's storm bolter. Saw it on a different storm bolter, and I wanted it here. Adds in a little more difference and draws the blade and bolter together more.

Here is the Terminator Sargent. Being that he was the only one without any kind of 'top' accessory, I had to fix that to make him fit in better. So I added a right-huge Dark Angel angel, and also added a small topper to his hammer. All the better IMO

.... of course, I had to choose the 1 camera angle to just highlight my cheaty hand swap >_<

And now, for the BIG NEWS!



To make the med-kit/seed collector thing to fit and look right (and stand out properly) I had to move his Storm Shield around. So, here I moved it to the other arm (strapped in like a buckler.) It'll be tied into the same power source as the hammer. Changed to the "Big Skull" storm shield too.

09-14-2012, 10:40 PM
Well, I was able to have a rather productive day!

So, here is what I was able to get done.

I was able to get my hands on the appropriate apothecary bits, to finally get my Veteran Apothecary done. I wasn't able to use the old arm, and so I modded the weapon to fit to scale. I like how this turned out in the end =D

Secondly, I after a LOT of work (trade and bribery) i was able to get my hands on a Cyclone Missile Launcher (actually, it was just e-bay lol. Came in the mail today ^_^)

So here he is, and I say he's looking fantastic.

And along with the Cyclone Missiles, my ForgeWorld order came in the mail.
Along with some ForgeWorld doors (see below) I actually got my Culln!
Decided to go w/ the Terminator Head, cause I wanted to give the feel of toughness - and I like the terminator head more.

09-14-2012, 10:41 PM
And now, last but not least - and so far my favorite...
My Dark Angels Veteran Command Squad Razorback
With Lascannon and (not yet finished) Twin-linked Plasmagun. {the plasmaguns will be available to me in ~12 hours}

09-14-2012, 10:42 PM
And for those interested in the back:

Here is a closer, un-cluttered look at the Lascannon
I greenstuffed the hole closed, and added a few bits and bobs to cover up the side. There are some big Dark Angels icons on those bits, and the other side of the cannon.
I wanna get a slice of plasticard and cover that side up, but its still a WIP.

09-15-2012, 06:39 PM
Well, another day and another delivery.

Today the PlasmaGuns for the Twin-Linked Plasmaguns arrived! So I glued them up, and got them in place.

Now, my Dark Angels Veteran Command Squad's Razorback is now completely built!

Take a look!

Now, its just a matter of time to wait for Red Scorp stuff to come in, and be built.

(and for those curious: Sweet Potatoes, and a laptop bag)

09-15-2012, 06:56 PM
some very ornate looking dark angels there, and a very gothic razorback, great ideas

09-15-2012, 08:12 PM
some very ornate looking dark angels there, and a very gothic razorback, great ideas

Thank you. This is just a Dark Angels detachment - and they would be done sooner, and easier, then my Red Scorps... those will be taking some ForgeWorld delivery time to get here >_<
But I wanted to get these done - to get something done n_n And paint them up while I wait for my scorps to be delivered.

09-16-2012, 05:14 AM
yeah, Forgeworld can take quite a while unfortunately, but at least they are worth waiting for, that is something to focus on :p

09-16-2012, 05:58 AM
yeah, Forgeworld can take quite a while unfortunately, but at least they are worth waiting for, that is something to focus on :p

Oh yes, definitely! Totally worth it!

- 1 Loth + Squad: The squad will be fitted to bikes as my RS Command Squad.
- 1 Apothecary Set: These 2 dudes plus the 2 GW ones is enough for all my RS Needs. =D (3 tac and 1 command)
- 3 Veterans pack: to become my Tac Squad guys.
- 3 Red Scorp Rino Doors: for my 3 Razorbacks (RS Razorbacks will be modeled similarly as above, but not "Gothic" but w/ a guy outside workin the TL-PG)
- 1 Red Scorp Symbols: For added flare
- 1 Red Scorp Marines Shoulderpads: For the Apothecaries, and for backup.

09-16-2012, 06:30 AM
I do like the marine accessory stuff they do, I am hoping there will be good variety when the horus heresy series kicks off. I am waiting for iron warriors shoulder pads personally, and any other bits they might bring out, which I would imagine to be book 2, rumoured to be by the end of this year.
Their space marine characters are awesome, Loth looks fantastic, and the Minotaurs character just makes me want a Minotaurs army, easily the best space marine model I have ever seen, for me.
Sounds like a good basis for an army anyway, why did you decide to ally red scorpions and dark angels?

09-16-2012, 06:47 AM
.... I am in Dark Angel heaven... I love some of the poses you have got going there with the Thunderhammer Termies. My squad of Thunderhammer Termies are all in various battle poses. Loving that Razorback.....

09-16-2012, 04:33 PM
.... I am in Dark Angel heaven... I love some of the poses you have got going there with the Thunderhammer Termies. My squad of Thunderhammer Termies are all in various battle poses. Loving that Razorback.....

Thank you. =D
The cyclone termy is my fave so far. Though Sargent Southpaw is fun too.
And I really like how my Razorback came out. It was either this way, or spin the plate so the gun was more forward and move the 'building parts' forward to be more centered, but that would cover the front gun and would not allow for my current 'dude working the twin-linked plasma's" I got going on.

10-04-2012, 09:10 PM
Well everyone, its no secret that I'm not the biggest fan of painting.

So here we go!

Here is the first figure I've ever painted entirely on my own, unassisted, and without feedback, etc.
So yeah - my first truely solo paintjob.


I know I need to work on the eyes more.

Now, here is why I'm really posting.
Here is my Veteran, with Plasmagun. What would you all would do:
I need assistance with what to make the shoulder & Hand pads for the gun.
And what should I do with that idol on his pack. First thought is robe-colored wings with green robes - or perhaps green wings with robes colored robes? Not sure- really NEED some feedback.


And for those of you wondering, here is what the plasma Coils will look like (and in those divots at the front of the gun):

Thank you everyone!

10-05-2012, 12:14 AM
Well, another night of progress! =D

First off, I am very excited to say that my MicroArt Studio "Urban Fight" Bases are in. So start seeing those around soon!

So, here are the main infantry bases. Lots of good debris and broken up ground.
This will be fun =D

Here are the Terminator bases. Lots of great options here, and that big gnarly one in the center I think I'll give to Culln. Yeah...Culln.

And of couse, Biker Bases.
These sweet things are gunna be well loved. The one front an center will be for my Bike Captain n_n

10-05-2012, 12:21 AM
And here we have it... my first figure for this army. A Dark Angels Veteran, with Plasmagun.

10-05-2012, 12:59 PM
Well, another day
Another exactly 1 figure painted!

And, cause I love my Group Shots

There we go!

10-06-2012, 08:49 PM
Another day, another figure!

Today its the Company Champion!
Since he was not the same as the plasmagun guys, I had to do a log of "Figuring Out" of how to do things.

While some parts I already knew what I wanted - the gold trophy blade, the red gun case, the blue power lines, etc... there was a lot that I didn't really know what to do, until I did it. The biggest example of this, was those head wings. I can't tell you how many times I nearly painted them something else - even considered black for a bit there. But in the end, I settled on my rarely used pot of Gehenna Gold, with a nuln oil wash. And I'm rather happy with the result. Its clearly still gold, but different enough from the rest.


And here we have a group shot of my 3 finished Veterans.

10-08-2012, 05:59 PM
Well - another day.
Another figure!

This is the Dark Angels Veteran Apothecary. Since he cannot stand on his own, I cheaply used some tape to set him on a stand long enough for him to be photographed.

Here we see his apothecary gear - the reducer and narla-thinggy - plus the red helix.

Here we see his reliquary backpack, and the blue coloring I used as medical stuff -which is the same blue as plasma coils.

Speaking of plasma coils, here we see his plasma pistol- and my favorite shoulder pad. Makes me think he's more of a traveling apothecary and currently is workin' the Dark Angels.

Full group shot impending!
When I get all 5 dudes done.

10-08-2012, 06:02 PM
he needs a wagon and a horse to pull him round, and a top hat, then he can be a travelling apothecary. also though, you are not allowed to actually take any feel no pain rolls, because he is a quack.

10-08-2012, 07:22 PM
he needs a wagon and a horse to pull him round, and a top hat, then he can be a travelling apothecary. also though, you are not allowed to actually take any feel no pain rolls, because he is a quack.


Reminds me of a unit my friend made for his Imp-Guard army. It was a "Trauma Team" - a doctor and 3 assistant's (or nurses). The doc gives FNP at 6, but each assistant lowers the FNP number by 1. They move as a group, but the group is an independent character. It was kinda neat n_n

10-20-2012, 05:06 PM
Well, sorry for the delay.
Had to run out to Utah for a job opportunity.
Turns out, its not for me. No hard feelings however!

So, but when I got back I had a great big ol' box of bits from Forge World!! n_____n

And I got to work.

Here is the first of many Red Scorpions!

Red Scorpions Captain, with "Relic Blade", Storm Shield, Digital Weapons, and Artificer Armor. The packs are holding the assault grenades.

01-12-2013, 09:53 PM
Hello everyone!

I know its been a while, but now I'm back!!

Here is the latest shots I've made... for my old Tau army!

This is an allied detachment of Space Marines for Tau. So, these ones have gotten some Tau bits here or there n_n

This is one of 4 Heavy Bolter "Tauvestators".

Tauvestator Sarge, with a (not 100% trusted) Combi-Plasma, and Signum (with Tau bits)

This is one more guy in the Tauvestator squad. He'll be manning the guns at the Aegis Defense Line.

And here we have a Scout, but instead of his normal Heavy Bolter he's been issued a Burst Cannon - but they load it with Bolter rounds.

01-21-2013, 07:30 AM
Finally got that Dark Angels Veteran Razorback painted up.
Las/Plas all the way.


01-24-2013, 07:30 AM
Well everyone!

Time for an update on the ACTUAL Red Scorpions!

Got the first Tac Squad in from my good friend Dan!

As you can see, this is a 'standard' 10-man squad. The special weapon selected is a Plasmagun, and the Heavy weapon selected is the Missile Launcher. I believe this combo gives flexability, and punch.

However, I am sure you've noticed that there is NO Sargent, and instead there is an Apothecary. That is, for the sake of Red Scorpions, NORMAL! =D
Yup, chapter tactics say "hey, for (X) amount of points, you can swap your Sargent for an Apothecary!" - which is awesome.
If you bring Culln (which I did) - you can do so for free!

So, lets take a closer look!

Well, that's all for now. Keep an eye out for more!

01-26-2013, 07:30 PM
When I got the pack for the city parts, i saw that along with the walls and things- i saw that it came with a large Lamp Post.

So, as a lark I decided to try it out. And to my surprise, it fit! So - i decided "Oh why the hell not?" and painted it up!

And so... THIS!

01-27-2013, 05:26 AM
Nice work overall, but I don't like the lamp post. The rest all look like characterful additions and suit the theme of the model really well. The post just looks like an unnecessarily gangly addition and completely extraneous addition. I'd put the original hatch back in.

02-12-2013, 06:58 AM
Hey there folks!

Been workin' on some ForgeWorld stuff lately. Should have more then this for you soon (soon as I get new glue)- but wanted to share these first!

Here we have a Red Scorpion Venerable Dreadnought

Other then a few bits and bobs (searchlight, smoke launcher, banner/flag/pole) he's all ready to be painted.

Here's a closer look at his sexy, sexy plasma cannon of his.

02-12-2013, 06:59 AM
And now for something different:

This bad boy is amazing. Easy to build.

Awesome thing in profile, but you can also see the Forge World doors here.

And here is a close up of the other Forge World door, and the targeter.

That's it for now!
More to come!

02-12-2013, 07:10 AM
That is a big *** Plasma Cannon. Love it! Look forward to seeing it painted...

02-23-2013, 11:14 AM
Hey there everyone.

Just posting an update on stuff. Should have more to show after the weekend ^_^


Propogating the positioning of the Searchlights and Smoke Launchers with the Razorbacks I made a bit back =D

02-23-2013, 12:20 PM
Awesome! :D

02-24-2013, 10:44 PM


First up, there is the amazing RAZORBACKS!

02-24-2013, 10:45 PM
And the new, amazing, PREDATOR EXECUTIONER!

02-24-2013, 10:46 PM
And then the newly painted Infantry!

02-24-2013, 10:46 PM

All of these were painted by Blood Art Studio's! PROPS TO THEM!
110% props!

02-25-2013, 05:46 AM
I would have thought them a little sloppy and bland for something from a studio. I'd definitely suggest going around the red scorpion symbols and the inner edges of the shoulder pads with a fine paint brush and some thin black paint to neaten them up and give a bit more definition. The subtle highlights on the greys are quite good though.

06-14-2013, 12:27 AM
Hey there everyone - I know its been a LONG time since I posted.
been workin' out some things.

Here we have a WIP shot of my Red Scorpions. Been a while since I posted anything, and really wanted to show what I'd done so far.
On the left we have my Command Squad of bikers, my Land Raider Achilles, the ForgeWorld Dreadnought, some random marines to thr right - and closest to the camera is my Culln!


06-18-2013, 06:01 AM
Did someone say... close ups?!

Here is a pic of the Command Squad, on Bikes. Still not 100%, and I've gotta swap out the storm shield on the Apothecary - but...

And another one I'm very much enjoying: Culln!
In his custom Terminator armor, showing off that Master-Crafted Storm Bolter.

Again, its another W.I.P pic, but still.
I've got to put a Searchlight and his Banner on him still...

And everyones favorite: LAND RAIDER
- with Whirlwind Missile Launcher on it!!!
(with expending more points can get it Skyfire/Intercept!)

More pic's to come as I get closer and closer to completion (and better pix once they are 100% done ^_^)
- Hammerman

06-20-2013, 09:05 PM
Well everyone, my Tau are done (except for basing).

Time to share!

here are my DevastaTau's.

And the scouts I made up. Stealth cloaks, and one has a Burstfire cannon ... with Hellfire rounds =D

06-20-2013, 09:06 PM
And here is some drones!

And here is a Kroot Shaper, and Commander Shadowsun!

06-20-2013, 09:07 PM
And my personal favorite...

Some call him Heretic.

Others call him Gui'Vesa'o
The Terminator armored, Ly'sand'O - or Commander Surefire.

While his armor may have once been a relic of an earlier age, its been upgraded. At one point the warrior inside had his armor partially destroyed when he first resisted the Tau - but he had learned of his errors, when his armor and body was rebuilt.

Commander Surefire had lead the humans of this world once before, and sill does so - but for the Tau Empire, and not the Human Empire.

His left side had nearly been destroyed by a Fusion Blaster during the initial conflict. Thankfully, his arm was easily replaced.

And his armor was a little harder to repair, but replacement parts from battle suits were found. A shiled drone was affected to replace the "Storm Shield" he once carried, and a new advanced Battlesuit head was added to his armor.

The weapon he used, a Thunder Hammer it is called - was undamaged in the attack.

His armor was cleansed if its former symbols; they were only relics of an empire he no longer served. Instead, the commander now bears the symbol of his sept: Ksi'm'yen.

It may have at one time been taken by stealth and guile by Commander Shadowsun - during the third circle of expansion. But now, it is held by is former human inhabitants.

For those that know Commander Surefire, they know he favors a strong defense.

He does what he can to bolster the defenses of his men, fortifying their bases, and offering to stand in front to take fire.

Those around him and link into the advanced tech of his suit, and their aim is only increased. He favors boosting the devastating power of the Heavy Bolter best.

06-21-2013, 04:44 AM
good stuff, like the bike command squad, expensive and nasty. and tau puns...

06-21-2013, 08:02 AM
good stuff, like the bike command squad, expensive and nasty. and tau puns...

Yeah, that bike command squad brings that armies 5th apothecary with them.
And yeah, i really like the combo of Bike and Lightning Claw =D

LOL Tau Puns. They rock don't they? =D

05-21-2014, 08:05 PM
Greetings all!

I bring to you.... an unholy abomination, born out of necessity!

A few years back I used IA3 and created for myself some Gui'vesa.
As time passed they got less good and less cool.

So I am converting them up to full on Fire Warriors! =D

However, now that I have this conversion.... the Devilfish just didn't seem to fit them.

SO I bring to you...

https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/t1.0-9/10388122_10152136516420197_921137966427491178_n.jp g
aka "Bullhead"

With magnets, this can be a Devilfish, a Hammerhead, or a Sky-ray =D

05-22-2014, 06:24 PM
Oh! and some more (tiny cellphone) pix!
