View Full Version : Dredd. It's a Winner!

Mr Mystery
09-09-2012, 02:15 AM
So, went to see this yesterday. And it is awesome!

You seriously cannot compare the Sylvester Stallone version to this. They are so radically different in every way. Dredd is actually Dredd. Megacity One isn't quite as styled as either the comics or the previous film, but it is instantly believable.

Everything about Dredd is simply spot on. They don't worry too much about following a historical plot line, and they have concentrated far more on the feel than the look, but it works so well. Little nods to those in the know without requiring a knowledge of the comics to make sense of the films (Chopper graffiti, mention of Fergee Memorial Day Riots etc).

And in the UK, it's an 18 rated. And I have to say it is well deserving of it. The violence is visceral, and they don't shy away from the sheer brutality of living in a Megacity. It gets across the sheer inevitability of Megacity justice, and Dredd in particular.

Seriously. Do yourselves (and indeed the makers) a favour and go see this film. I guarantee you won't regret it, and the makers of this film fully deserve a hit movie!

09-09-2012, 04:23 AM
I second this - saw it last night. It was the best live action (ie non cgi) 3D film I have seen. Dredd/urban very good. Only complaint was the difference between comics, where everything (buildings, city, guns, cars) is futuristic whereas this is not the case in the film.

But then considering if this is my only complaint and I am a well known pedant then actually it was pretty awesome overall.

09-09-2012, 04:44 AM
As I can't find anywhere near me showing it in 2D I shall not be watching it. So many people do not want 3D, so only releasing it in 3D is commercial suicide. There will be a lot of folk like me who wanted to see it but won't because of this idiotic decision.

09-09-2012, 04:47 AM
Wildey - I agree on 3d, it narks me, the glasses dull everything, my eyes are not 20/20 and I don't think this helps. However it really is worth a look - this is a good exception.

09-09-2012, 04:52 AM
I would like to try, but won't on a) point of principle and b) it hurts my eyes and makes watching a film a terrible experience that I will regret having paid (extra) for. I shall wait until it comes out on DVD, where it will no doubt look crappy as they try to render it back into 2D because no one owns a 3D TV. Stupid, stupid decision.

Mr Mystery
09-09-2012, 04:52 AM
It was also shot in 3d, rather than being ropey after filming add on. The 3d really, really works. And either I was seeing it in a really good screen, but my eyes, and my blindo chum's eyes were fine!

Go. See it.

As for the city not matching the comics....they still capture the feel! This is a suitably brutal film!