View Full Version : Hammer of Wrath, and Other Special Rules.

Diagnosis Ninja
09-09-2012, 01:47 AM
Does Hammer of Wrath interact with other special rules? I was looking at Triarch Praetorians, who have Void Blades reading:

"A Voidblade is a close combat weapon with the Rending and Entropic Strike special rules."

Hammer of Wrath says that the attack is made at basic strength, AP -, but doesn't make mention of other special rules. Is it assumed that Hammer of Wrath is a replacement for your close combat weapon, or do these special rules pass over to it? Rending and Entropic strike don't modify strength.

So far, I've erred on the side of caution, and not made any attempts to use it like this, but it was just something I had thought about the other day.

09-09-2012, 02:45 AM
No other special rules. HoW is a Str: as user AP - attack, nothing more, nothing less. It's not a normal close combat attack, and it does not give you permission to use your weapon's special rules for the attack.

Which kind of sucks, but whatever. HoW is conceptually cool, just not very good, kind of like Ramming and Tank Shock. I want to be able to ram vehicles and cause massive fiery explosions, or crush entire squads beneath my treads, but at best you can hope to strip a hull point or make a few guys run away. They're cool, and certainly useful in the right circumstances, just underwhelming.

09-09-2012, 02:47 AM
Does Hammer of Wrath interact with other special rules? I was looking at Triarch Praetorians, who have Void Blades reading:

"A Voidblade is a close combat weapon with the Rending and Entropic Strike special rules."

Hammer of Wrath says that the attack is made at basic strength, AP -, but doesn't make mention of other special rules. Is it assumed that Hammer of Wrath is a replacement for your close combat weapon, or do these special rules pass over to it? Rending and Entropic strike don't modify strength.

So far, I've erred on the side of caution, and not made any attempts to use it like this, but it was just something I had thought about the other day.

Per the new Rulebook FAQ, the answer is no. You don't get to use any special rules or weapons in conjunction with Hammer of Wrath.

09-09-2012, 02:49 AM
No other special rules. HoW is a Str: as user AP - attack, nothing more, nothing less. It's not a normal close combat attack, and it does not give you permission to use your weapon's special rules for the attack.

Which kind of sucks, but whatever. HoW is conceptually cool, just not very good, kind of like Ramming and Tank Shock. I want to be able to ram vehicles and cause massive fiery explosions, or crush entire squads beneath my treads, but at best you can hope to strip a hull point or make a few guys run away. They're cool, and certainly useful in the right circumstances, just underwhelming.

It's funny if you use it with a Wraithlord though. S10 base is awesome; I've seem someone's Captain suffer instant death because he didn't bother to do a LoS roll (he assumed he'd pass his +2 Armour save I guess).

09-09-2012, 02:50 AM
Does Hammer of Wrath interact with other special rules? I was looking at Triarch Praetorians, who have Void Blades reading:

"A Voidblade is a close combat weapon with the Rending and Entropic Strike special rules."

Hammer of Wrath says that the attack is made at basic strength, AP -, but doesn't make mention of other special rules. Is it assumed that Hammer of Wrath is a replacement for your close combat weapon, or do these special rules pass over to it? Rending and Entropic strike don't modify strength.

So far, I've erred on the side of caution, and not made any attempts to use it like this, but it was just something I had thought about the other day.

Hammer of wrath attack represents their bulk slamming into the enemy. Also It is a HoW attack not a close combat attack. So it doesn't use your weapons.

Diagnosis Ninja
09-09-2012, 02:54 AM
Per the new Rulebook FAQ, the answer is no. You don't get to use any special rules or weapons in conjunction with Hammer of Wrath.
Huh, I tried using the search function in my PDF reader to look for Hammer of Wrath, but it didn't turn up. Hammer only turned up Warhammer40,000 at the bottom of each page.

Cheers guys.

09-09-2012, 03:10 AM
Huh, I tried using the search function in my PDF reader to look for Hammer of Wrath, but it didn't turn up. Hammer only turned up Warhammer40,000 at the bottom of each page.

Cheers guys.
fourth page, second question down on the left:
Q: When a model makes a Vector Strike or Hammer of Wrath, do these attacks benefit from any special rules (such as Furious Charge, Poisoned or Rending), or any weapons or other wargear it is equipped with? (p37/43)
A: No.

Per the new Rulebook FAQ, the answer is no. You don't get to use any special rules or weapons in conjunction with Hammer of Wrath.

Unless you're Baron Sathonyx.

Q: Does Baron Sathonyx’ Custom Skyboard add +2 Strength to his Hammer of Wrath attacks? (p48)
A: Yes.

09-09-2012, 10:21 AM
Hammer of wrath attack represents their bulk slamming into the enemy. Also It is a HoW attack not a close combat attack. So it doesn't use your weapons.

GCsmith is correct. You have played the Video Game "Space Marine" correct? When you have the Jump Pack on, and you come smashing down from the skies. That's the Hammer of Wrath attack. You're not using your weapons. You're using your momentum and bulk to 'hammer' your opponent!

09-09-2012, 01:19 PM
GCsmith is correct. You have played the Video Game "Space Marine" correct? When you have the Jump Pack on, and you come smashing down from the skies. That's the Hammer of Wrath attack. You're not using your weapons. You're using your momentum and bulk to 'hammer' your opponent!

Yea your special rules have to say otherwise. Like the demon chariot, says specifically what it does on hammer of wrath attacks. Otherwise they are just Str x, Ap -.

09-09-2012, 03:29 PM
baron sathonyx can hit you with his sky board on hammer of wrath per FAQ it's pretty funny

09-09-2012, 03:46 PM
wraithlords get HoW?

09-09-2012, 04:04 PM
Jump units, Bikes, and Monstrous Creatures all get HoW. Too bad for MCs that it's only a single hit with no AP. MCs should get like D6 hits or something.

09-09-2012, 04:36 PM
ah thats right i forgot MC got it. oh well, better than nothing i guess.