View Full Version : 1500 Nid list for upcoming Tournamount

09-09-2012, 12:12 AM

Hive Tyrant (Wings,x2 devourers,Biomancy) 260

Hive tyrant (as above)260

Tervigon(scything talons,purchased max pschic powers for Biomancy) 195

Tervigon(as above) 195

10 termagants 50

10 termagants 50

20 hormagaunts(toxin sacs) 160

Fast Attack
Harpy (venom cannon & cluster spines) 170

Harpy (barbed strangler & cluster spines) 160

1500pts even

I've tried the list in a few games with buds & in done very well. My question for all of you is it good enough for an upcoming 1500 pt tournamount that i would like to attend? Please be honest I'll be grateful

09-09-2012, 06:50 AM
My honest thoughts are 'Not bad'. No glaring weaknesses but not perfect either. Not entirely sure how the harpies would hold up against other options (Ymgarl stealers etc) but otherwise can't suggest much.

09-09-2012, 10:40 PM
Drop 1 power from each of the tervigons and 5 Hormoguants and upgrade both harpy's to trygon's.

If you have the model's I would consider dropping the remaining 15 8 point hormogants for 17 X Gargoyles with toxin sacks.

Gargoyles are better in neraly every case, they are faster and more importantly they provide cover for your comsterous creatures.

If you run the list this way you might also want to try running one tervigon with basic powers for the FNP play. It definitely helps my big nasties stay alive longer.

09-10-2012, 12:58 AM
What do you want the Hormagaunts to do? I haven't found small bugs to be very effective in 6th, they're just too vulnerable, especially in smallish squads like this by themselves. Every time someone shoots at them, you're taking casualties from the front and getting pushed farther away from the enemy, and Overwatch can pretty easily kill enough models to push you out of assault range.

I'd put Crushing claws, adrenal glands, and toxin sacs on your Tervigons, and advance them with a wall of spawned gaunts to do what your hormagaunts would. Regular gaunts with poison and furious charge from having momma nearby can do a surprising amount of damage. Crushing claws are pretty much a must, with those and Warp Speed the tervigon can get up to 9 S10 smash attacks on the charge, and becomes a BEAST in CC.

I agree with Wicked that a Trygon would go over well, I'd swap out the stranglethorn harpy for a big, threatening CC beast to draw some fire.

I would also put Hive Commander on your Warlord tyrant for the 2+ turn 2 reserves. Deep strike with all 3 FMCs and the trygon, load the board with close threats early on to take heat off your tervigons. Most opponents won't have enough guns to focus fire enough of your bugs down in time, you can tie up the heaviest hitting things on the board and then your tervigons and a wave of gaunts will march up and sweep everything away.

1500 Pts - Tyranids Roster

HQ: Hive Tyrant (1#, 285 pts)
1 Hive Tyrant @ 285 pts (Flying Monstrous Creature (Character); Bonded Exoskeleton; Synapse Creature; Psyker (1); Shadow in the Warp; Bulky; Deep Strike; TL Devourer w/Brainleech Worms x2; Warlord; Hive Commander; Wings; Leech Essence; Paroxysm)

HQ: Hive Tyrant (1#, 260 pts)
1 Hive Tyrant @ 260 pts (Flying Monstrous Creature (Character); Bonded Exoskeleton; Synapse Creature; Psyker (1); Shadow in the Warp; Bulky; Deep Strike; TL Devourer w/Brainleech Worms x2; Wings; Leech Essence; Paroxysm)

Troops: Termagant Brood (10#, 50 pts)
10 Termagant Brood @ 50 pts (Infantry; Chitin; Claws & Teeth; Fleshborer; Instinctive Behaviour - Lurk; Move Through Cover)

Troops: Termagant Brood (10#, 50 pts)
10 Termagant Brood @ 50 pts (Infantry; Chitin; Claws & Teeth; Fleshborer; Instinctive Behaviour - Lurk; Move Through Cover)

Troops: Tervigon (1#, 235 pts)
1 Tervigon @ 235 pts (Monstrous Creature (Character); Bonded Exoskeleton; Claws & Teeth; Stinger Salvo; Synapse Creature; Brood Progenitor; Psyker (1); Shadow in the Warp; Spawn Termagants; Crushing Claws; Fear; Feel No Pain; Furious Charge; Hammer of Wrath; Move Through Cover; Relentless; Smash; Adrenal Glands; Toxin Sacs; Dominion; Catalyst; Onslaught)

Troops: Tervigon (1#, 235 pts)
1 Tervigon @ 235 pts (Monstrous Creature (Character); Bonded Exoskeleton; Claws & Teeth; Stinger Salvo; Synapse Creature; Brood Progenitor; Psyker (1); Shadow in the Warp; Spawn Termagants; Crushing Claws; Fear; Feel No Pain; Furious Charge; Hammer of Wrath; Move Through Cover; Relentless; Smash; Adrenal Glands; Toxin Sacs; Dominion; Catalyst; Onslaught)

Fast Attack: Harpy (1#, 170 pts)
1 Harpy @ 170 pts (Flying Monstrous Creature; Hardened Carapace; Scything Talons; Spore Mine Cysts; Wings; Instinctive Behaviour - Lurk; Fearless; Sonic Screech; TL Heavy Venom Cannon; Bulky; Deep Strike; Fear; Hammer of Wrath; Move Through Cover; Relentless; Smash; Vector Strike; Cluster Spines)

Heavy Support: Trygon (1#, 210 pts)
1 Trygon @ 210 pts (Monstrous Creature; 2x Scything Talons; Bio-electric Pulse; Bonded Exoskeleton; Instinctive Behaviour - Feed; Deep Strike; Fearless; Fleet; Subterranean Assault; Fear; Hammer of Wrath; Move Through Cover; Relentless; Smash; Toxin Sacs)

Total Roster Cost: 1495