View Full Version : Dark Eldar Power from Pain Question

09-08-2012, 08:01 PM
Couple of questions:

if you kill a necron lord or cryptek and he gets back up do you still get the pain token? further do you get another pain token when you knock em down the 2nd time? Obviously in this case the necron gets up at the end of the phase

If you kill any model that gets back up, St. Celestine for example, do you just keep getting more pain tokens every time you knock her back down? In this case Celestine gets up on the sisters players next turn so its slightly different from the above.

I think theres a grey knight model that gets back up too although everyone just runs Draigo so I have never seen it in play.

09-08-2012, 08:25 PM
I guess it depends on the wording of Power from Pain and the rules in question. Does power from pain give you tokens when the model/unit hits the last wound? Or removed as casualties? Do the necron lords/st celestine/grey knights whatshisface/Commissar Yarrick get removed from play, removed as casualty, etc before the rolls for coming back or after?

I've usually played it that my opponent keeps getting pain tokens every time Yarrick drops, but I haven't bothered actually looking up the rule.

Archon Charybdis
09-08-2012, 08:31 PM
Check the FAQ, it's covered.

09-08-2012, 09:25 PM
yep your right, I guess celestine will never confer a pain token, but the others can

Q: When does a unit with Power from Pain gain a pain token for
destroying a model/unit with the ability to return to play? (p25)
A: The model/unit must be completely destroyed so the unit
will only gain a pain token once the model/unit is completely
removed from play.