View Full Version : New HH book - White Scars.

09-07-2012, 09:12 AM

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
09-07-2012, 09:27 AM
Awesome, my Birthday is the 23rd so I'm definitely getting a copy. :D

Well played Black Library, that's a MUCH better way of running the Ltd Edition Novellas.

09-07-2012, 09:40 AM
Yes please Forge World! :D


09-07-2012, 01:13 PM
Yay to a new limited edition and the White Scars, but I'm not sure about the ordering system, i liked the properly limited ones, sorted out the true nerds form the casual fanbois.

09-07-2012, 04:51 PM
Seems also that we will have another Wolves´s saga?


09-07-2012, 05:05 PM
Yay to a new limited edition and the White Scars, but I'm not sure about the ordering system, i liked the properly limited ones, sorted out the true nerds form the casual fanbois.

Agreed! Being a proper nerd aint easy.

09-08-2012, 07:05 AM
Still waiting for a Blood Angels limited edition :(

Reckon we should start to see some of the first limited novellas appearing in normal print soon for those of us who missed them at least according to something i read a while back. I think it was a black library Q&A somewhere. Anybody else see or remember what I am thinking off? Or am I imagining it lol?

Nice to see some White Scars heresy love. Would still like to see a full length book for them though.

09-09-2012, 04:26 AM
IIRC there was a 2 year exclusivity period on some of the limited editions, so they may put them in an omnibus edition when that expires.

09-10-2012, 04:44 AM
Still waiting for a Blood Angels limited edition :(

Reckon we should start to see some of the first limited novellas appearing in normal print soon for those of us who missed them at least according to something i read a while back. I think it was a black library Q&A somewhere. Anybody else see or remember what I am thinking off? Or am I imagining it lol?

Nice to see some White Scars heresy love. Would still like to see a full length book for them though.

Given their role in the Siege of Terra, we surely must see several full-length books on them before too long - GW will have to cover their actions during the Seige itself and I can't see them missing the opportunity to do several preceding books too.

It might be that the authors chosen to do HH novels have preferred to do other Legions to date or whatever grand plan GW has for the HH series doesn't draw in the White Scars until later on, in the same way that we've only just seen the first full-length Blood Angels Novel.

I'm fairly sure I remember reading somewhere that Black Library would eventually put the limited editions into future collections but I can't find where I read that either! What I'd really like to see is a print collection of some of the audio only stories.