View Full Version : [3000] Chaos Space Marines + Orks Allies

09-07-2012, 12:31 AM

World Eaters

Overall Theme Performance:
1 Wins, 0 Draws, 0 Losses

List Performance:
1 Wins, 0 Draws, 0 Losses

3000 Pts - Chaos Marines Roster - World Eaters

1 Kharn the Betrayer, 165 pts ( Warlord)
1 Daemon Prince, 140 pts (Wings; Mark of Khorne)
1 Daemon Prince, 140 pts (Wings; Mark of Khorne)
1 Chaos Lord, 155 pts (Jump Pack; Melta Bombs; Mark of Khorne; Lightning Claws (pair))

9 Khorne Berzerkers, 290 pts
1 Skull Champion (Power Fist)
1 Rhino (Dozer Blade; Twin-Linked Bolter)
9 Khorne Berzerkers, 290 pts
1 Skull Champion (Power Fist)
1 Rhino (Dozer Blade; Twin-Linked Bolter)
9 Khorne Berzerkers, 290 pts
1 Skull Champion (Power Fist)
1 Rhino (Dozer Blade; Twin-Linked Bolter)
9 Khorne Berzerkers, 290 pts
1 Skull Champion (Power Fist)
1 Rhino (Dozer Blade; Twin-Linked Bolter)
9 Khorne Berzerkers, 229 pts
1 Rhino (Dozer Blade; Twin-Linked Bolter)

1 Warboss (HQ) [Orks], 105 pts (Attack Squig; Bosspole; Power Klaw)
1 Warboss (HQ) [Orks], 65 pts (Big Choppa)

19 Boyz (Troops) [Orks], 160 pts
1 Boyz Nob [Orks] (Bosspole; Power Klaw)
19 Boyz (Troops) [Orks], 160 pts
1 Boyz Nob [Orks] (Bosspole; Power Klaw)
19 Boyz (Troops) [Orks], 160 pts
1 Boyz Nob [Orks] (Bosspole; Power Klaw)
19 Boyz (Troops) [Orks], 160 pts
1 Boyz Nob [Orks] (Bosspole; Power Klaw)

1 Aegis Defence Lines, 100 pts
1 Gun Emplacement (Quad-gun)
1 Aegis Defence Lines, 100 pts
1 Gun Emplacement (Quad-gun)

Total Roster Cost: 2999

So i had this idea to make an army of World Eaters and it just seems like the most suitable ally would be Orks...lots and lots of Orks. To create a large melee force where each model has 4 attacks or more when assaulting. And just toss them one after the other at my opponents.

I played this list against a double detachment of Tzeentch. I set up my defense lines to form up a layered 'road' and then had my rhinos drive right through it receiving cover and breaching the enemy lines by turn 2 safely full of khorne berkers with daemon princes and lord flying behind them as well. Meanwhile the Orks sat on the objectives while one other unit of them ran behind my vanguard.

Needless to say Tzeentch didn't have enough bullets to take everything down before getting bogged in combat by the prince and lord, and a roadblock of rhinos that i built up in turn 2 while i disembarked my guys and waited to charge in turn 3. Declaring challenges protected me and delayed combat long enough to allow all my khorne berserkers to get in there turn 3 and just slaughter large units of thousand sons by the end of turn 3, i had annihilated 3 units of thousand sons and only lost 1 daemon prince some rhinos, very few orks (defiler battlecannons) and a very small amount of khorne berserkers.

Turn 4 I got in there and took out 2 predators, 1 defiler and basically owned my opponent's deployment zone with about 30+ khorne berserkers, a prince and kharne the betrayer that was engaged with the last remaining troop choice my opponent had and eager to declare a challenge to keep them preoccupied for my force to get up there.

My opponent conceded top of turn 4.

Things that earned me the win

1. Defense lines = these things are AWESOME! I've been using them in every game after not using them in my first game (Tyranids can't shoot guns as far as im aware) and they are just great defensively and the quad gun is great. In this game I shot down 2 hellblades with my Orks manning the quad guns! lol hitting on 5s with twin-linked weapons isnt all that bad specially when your packing 2 quad guns and have the opponent really busy with a massive force charging into their lines.

2. Nightfighting = the new night fighting rules are so great i love them. Very strategic measures to make the most of them must be taken, premeasuring before game is a must.

3. Rhinos moving in the shooting phase. They got there really really fast. Great for melee armies.

4. Challenges! These are useful when you need to keep a unit busy, if the opponent declines u at least get to ignore their usually strongest model in the unit which is a great thing.

5. Fearless. Tarpitting 4th edition style is back with a vengeance!

6. Allies. Oh lord facing a crap load of berserkres is tough for most armies...but also having to deal with over 80 Boyz with power klaw nobz backing them up will break many spirits.

09-07-2012, 01:25 AM
dude this list looks amazing.... i cant think of a 3000 point SW list that wouldnt have trouble with it!! post some pics of the entire force!!