View Full Version : Latest Army Builder file has Disclaimer

09-06-2012, 11:55 PM
New ab40k Army Builder file comes with the following disclaimer.
Seems like they are covering themselves from the GW IPHammer. I for one hope this is enough!

Important Disclaimer
The data file you are about to open was created by volunteers, neither employed by nor affiliated with Lone Wolf Development, LLC. The data file authors work without compensation and have made this data file available for non-commercial purposes only. The data files are provided solely for the purposes of enhancing your enjoyment of Games Workshop's products, including but not limited to evaluation, educational purposes, and providing legitimate purchasers of the original copyrighted works with a less cumbersome means to play Warhammer, Warhammer 40k and other Games Workshop games. No challenge to Games Workshop's copyrights is intended, and the authors have taken pains to include only so much of the game mechanics as will allow users of the Army Builder(R) Brand of roster creation software to create rosters more efficiently than they otherwise could when armed with paper, pencil and a pocket calculator. You will not find game rules in these data files, and thus you will not be able to play Warhammer, Warhammer 40k and other Games Workshop games unless you have obtained the corresponding rule books. If you do not legally own a copy of the appropriate rule book(s) you are instructed to discontinue your use of these data files and delete them immediately following your evaluation and/or critique of the game system. These data files are not endorsed by Games Workshop. Games Workshop trademarks as used herein refer to Games Workshop's products and no affiliation with Games Workshop is implied or should be assumed. Your use of this data file is at your own risk and all warranties are explicitly disclaimed. Clicking "OK" below indicates your acceptance of these terms.

09-07-2012, 01:44 AM
It seems like it covers the bases

09-07-2012, 06:15 AM
If it worked with more list building software it may have more credibility, but it does look like they have tried to cover their arses quite well.

09-07-2012, 06:34 AM
If it worked with more list building software it may have more credibility, but it does look like they have tried to cover their arses quite well.

Just make sure you own all the codecii referenced, no problems :cool:

09-07-2012, 08:09 AM
I don't know, I suspect that it would not really be suffucient. It's like all these sites saying that they are just a useful peer to peer file sharing tool and because they say that people shouldn't use them to break the law, its not their fault everyone uses it to share copyrighted files.

In practice though I can't see the profit for GW in chasing after them as long as they are careful with the amount of information replicated, so as not to be a substitution for the codices (or other books) themselves. Given the effort it takes for the massively larger Music and Film industry to shut down a pirate bay equivalent, which is more obviously infringing than this, I can't see it being worth their while.

09-07-2012, 08:20 AM
Its a strange one, and I believe a lot will be detrmined about what "rules" are included in the updates, the stats for the various minatures (less points) are available online via the gw website, but for a lot of things it might be a case of Shokk Attack Gun (see C:O ppXX).

The issue is with GW is if they don't chase the product then you have issues with them defending their IP. Also, we don't know what GW are actually doing on the whole digital scene. Lest we not forget that if GW sees a company doing something it likes it will acquire them, like Sabertooth games, or the paint company (hence the new line of paints).

Mr. Furious
09-10-2012, 04:45 AM
I've noticed that much of the information that used to be included on the Army Builder printed lists(rules, spell features & etc) are now replaced with "See codex page xx" or "See WH40k rule book page xx). It definitely forces you to own the codex. It slows things down a bit but if it allows Lone Wolf to keep the updates coming, I don't mind at all.

09-10-2012, 04:50 AM
You *could* always edit the game data file, produced by the 3rd parties in no way associated with Lone Wolf, to include the details of the reference files, for your own personal use. Obviously, if you were to give that personalised list to someone else then you'd be in breach of the personal use of that data, like in a tournament where you exchange lists and could face legal challenges.

Chris Copeland
09-10-2012, 06:35 PM
You *could* always edit the game data file, produced by the 3rd parties in no way associated with Lone Wolf, to include the details of the reference files, for your own personal use. Obviously, if you were to give that personalised list to someone else then you'd be in breach of the personal use of that data, like in a tournament where you exchange lists and could face legal challenges.

Do you actually believe that? Is that what the law says where you live? Here in America we have what is called "Fair Use." Here we can make mix tapes (or CDs), make backup copies of our books and software, and all other kinds of things without breaking any kind of laws nor infringing upon anyone's IP. Is it REALLY as you describe where you live or are you (perhaps) mistaken about what you can do where you live? I am being neither ironic nor sarcastic when I ask this. I am genuinely surprised (and concerned) to find that American laws and British laws are SO different. If what you present is true I feel bad for my British brethren... Cope