View Full Version : 3 GK lists to look over

09-06-2012, 11:07 PM
Let me know what you think for each.

2000 Pts - Grey Knights Roster

1 Grey Knight Grand Master, 190 pts (Infantry (Character); Empyrean Brain Mines; Master-craft Nemesis Weapon(s)

1 Terminator Justicar Warding Stave
2 Terminators hammer
2 Terminators Halberd
1 Terminator Brotherhood Banner

Grey Knight Strike Squad
2 Psycannon

Grey Knight Strike Squad
2 Psycannon

1 Nemesis Dreadknight, Heavy Incinerator; Nemesis Greatsword

1 Nemesis Dreadknight, Heavy Incinerator; Nemesis Daemonhammer

1 Vindicare Assassin

1 Dreadnought ( Psybolt Ammunition; Twin-Linked Autocannon; Twin-Linked Autocannon)

1 Paladin Squad,
1 Apothecary (Warding Stave)
1 Paladin ( Brotherhood Banner)
2 Paladin (Halberd)
2 Paladin (hammer)

2000 Pts - Grey Knights Roster

1 Grey Knight Brother-Captain, Empyrean Brain Mines; Psybolt Ammunition; Master-craft Nemesis Weapon(s);

1 Grey Knight Terminator Squad Psybolt Ammunition
1 Terminator Justicar Warding Stave
2 Terminators hammer
2 Terminators Halberd
1 Terminator Brotherhood Banner

Grey Knight Strike Squad
2 Psycannon
Grey Knight Strike Squad
2 Psycannon

1 Nemesis Dreadknight, Heavy Incinerator; Nemesis Daemonhammer

1 Dreadnought ( Psybolt Ammunition; Twin-Linked Autocannon; Twin-Linked Autocannon)

Stormraven Gunship Typhoon Missile Launcher; Twin-Linked Plasma Cannon

1 Paladin Squad,
1 Apothecary (Warding Stave)
1 Paladin ( Brotherhood Banner)
2 Paladin (Halberd)
2 Paladin (hammer)

2000 Pts - Grey Knights Roster

1 Grey Knight Grand Master Empyrean Brain Mines; Master-craft Nemesis Weapon(s
1 Grey Knight Terminator Squad, Psybolt Ammunition
1 Terminator Justicar Nemesis Warding Stave)
3 Terminators Nemesis Force Halberd
3 Terminators Daemonhammer
2 Terminators Psycannon; Nemesis Force Halberd
1 Terminator Brotherhood Banner

Grey Knight Strike Squad
2 Psycannon
1 Razorback Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter

Grey Knight Strike Squad
2 Psycannon
1 Razorback Twin-Linked Lascannon

1 Nemesis Dreadknight, Heavy Incinerator; Nemesis Greatsword

1 Nemesis Dreadknight, Heavy Incinerator; Nemesis Daemonhammer

1 Dreadnought Psybolt Ammunition; Twin-Linked Autocannon; Twin-Linked Autocannon)

1 Venerable Dreadnought Nemesis Doomfist with Storm Bolter; Plasma Cannon

09-07-2012, 10:01 PM
First list.

GM is ok I guess, but fairly meh. Grenades make him much more effective, and no real point master crafting a sword.

No psycannon in terminators = mortal sin. Also banner in less than 8~ models isn't as effective as it could be.

Strikes need transports, and a hammer per squad doesn't go amiss.

Hammer on dreadknights is bleh - fists already put you S10. Sword actually drops you to S6 so you're losing a lot there too.

Too many points sunk into the paladins, and make them almost a 'must use' unit for unyielding anvil, decreasing the utility of the grand master.

Too many points sunk into the wrong places and absolute lack of in-game mobility make this list pretty flawed.

List 2.

Brother captains are crap, and psybolt isn't worth it. Grand master or librarian or broke.

Strikes, same as list 1.

Dreadknight, same as list 1.

Paladins, same as list 1.

Stormravens work best in pairs, although the setup is damn useful for fire-support.

Mostly the same critique as list 1.

List 3.

Grand master: same as list 1

Strikes: Transports are good, however razors limit you to having 2 5-man squads walking it. Either swap to rhinos or use 3 squads of 5~6 in razors. Heavy bolters or assault cannons with psybolt should be your ONLY choices here.

Dreadknights: same as list 1

Ven dread: if its not autocannon'ing, don't bother.

The strongest of the 3, but still lacking a lot for mobility and point efficiency.

For general rules.
.Stay away from paladins unless playing draigo.
.Assume most of your army is going to be shooting, so play more guns over heavy combat gears
.Stay mobile
.One solid combat unit is generally enough
.Grey knights are only as tough as marines, that's all. Chant it and know it.
.Psybolt ammo for 10 squads, no lower
.Banner in 7~8+, no lower

Build around a core of 3~4 strike squads in razors (can replace with terminators) and a grand master/librarian, ideally with 2~ autocannon dreads, then add the shiny stuff. Your lists just don't have enough models on the table, and grey knights are already a small and elitist army without adding too many frills.

One thing in your favor though is you don't seem to have the usual problem of thinking GK are a combat army. Lol.

09-08-2012, 12:08 AM
actually with the new FAQ Greatsword is Str 10 now... wow just got a lot better.

09-08-2012, 10:50 AM
My mistake there. The rest stands however, and I'll still stand by the sword being too many points for a model that'll get shot to death before combat more times than not.