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View Full Version : New Space Marine Box

10-04-2009, 07:21 AM
Another preview from the GW Christmass catalogue:
a new space marine box is coming out.

It's content should be:
15 marines
5 scout


10-04-2009, 07:25 AM
Thats bit of a strange box set to be releasing, oh well I suppose it could be handy.

10-04-2009, 10:09 AM
15 marines... I hope that's not saying 15 tactical marines? I could understand 10 tactical marines plus 5 devastators or assault marines. But three combat squads?

Depending on what the 15 marines exactly are, I'm probably going to buy it.

10-04-2009, 10:54 AM
How much?

10-04-2009, 11:52 AM
battleforce replacement?

10-04-2009, 12:04 PM
Nothing on the website.....

10-04-2009, 01:42 PM
From reading that, it is the current box, minus 5 Assault Marines, plus a Predator.

Seems odd to release a new box for such a minor change... doesnt it?

10-04-2009, 02:04 PM
I kinda hope this box isn't a replacement battleforce, but an alternate one. I myself always wanted to make a Space Marine armored theme chapter, and this box allows for that.

10-04-2009, 04:06 PM
On a second thought, this kinda sounds like "Okay, so, people don't buy enough predators since 5th edition C:SM... let's include them in the battleforce". Or alternativly: ".... in a cheap special deal for christmas."

10-04-2009, 04:45 PM
If that's their reasoning, then I'd have to wonder... why they haven't released a new Sisters item in ages... Oh yes, I feel the love.

10-04-2009, 06:26 PM
Keep in mind if you dont want the pred you can always convert it into something else. Melissia, it could be an Immolator or Rhino!

10-04-2009, 07:11 PM
Interesting. Any more info in this x-mas catalog?

Drew da Destroya
10-04-2009, 10:00 PM
Melissia, I think GW is releasing a new Sisters battleforce. It'll be 20 tactical marines, Vulkan Hes'tan, and a copy of Codex: Space Marines. GW thinks that one Burny army is good enough, I guess.


10-05-2009, 06:54 AM
Keep in mind if you dont want the pred you can always convert it into something else. Melissia, it could be an Immolator or Rhino!

Not without forgeworld rhino doors and/or the immolator parts.

10-05-2009, 08:30 AM
Not without forgeworld rhino doors and/or the immolator parts.

Yeah, I guess you DO need the immolator parts. Do you not use the extra bits from the kit for the doors?

I actually used one of the top pieces to make a really neat looking Dark Angels Whirlwind.

10-05-2009, 08:33 AM
Repressors are just so much cooler than rhinos for Sisters, the only downside being that you really need to get the spaced armour and forgeworld doors for them to look amazing and that starts to get expensive.

And if you end up playing with someone who won't let you use the forgeworld rules then you can just "counts as" rhino them since they're about the same size

Lord Azaghul
10-05-2009, 09:06 AM
If that's their reasoning, then I'd have to wonder... why they haven't released a new Sisters item in ages... Oh yes, I feel the love.

Because people don't buy sisters anyway! :D

10-05-2009, 09:35 AM
If that's their reasoning, then I'd have to wonder... why they haven't released a new Sisters item in ages... Oh yes, I feel the love.

Two different things. I meant a single item which doesn't sell as well as before in an all-around best-selling army. You're talking about an entire army. No, I'm not arguing that sisters need more love, in fact I'd love to see a new Sisters range. It's just apples and eggs, so I don't see why my logic should be faulted. Putting a not really popular item into a discount battleforce is a economical way to get rid of that stock faster.

10-05-2009, 10:46 AM
Putting a not really popular item into a discount battleforce is a economical way to get rid of that stock faster.
No Sisters battleforce exists.

To elaborate: The price of metal models is one reason that people shy away from the army. A battleforce put together at a discount would alleviate this and entice people to buy the battleforce. It needn't be big, for that matter maybe it's just a starting kit of two squads, a squad of seraphim, and a Canoness.

Get a couple of these and some rhinos and you could quite possibly have a decent 1500 point army, getting people into the army.

10-05-2009, 11:58 AM
Anyone Remember when you used to be able to get a squad and thier transport for a discounted price?

Tacticals + Rhino, etc.

Wish we could get those back for Christmas.

10-05-2009, 01:34 PM
Seems like a neat box. The current SM battle force is one of the only ones that I actually like tho at the moment but if they replaced it with this I guess I would be ok with it since I wanted to try some non baal predators in my list.

10-06-2009, 12:24 AM
Utterly dependant on the price. Already got more than enough marines to paint up but extra vehicles at bargain prices are always welcome.

10-06-2009, 01:07 AM
Well the value of those models individually would be £85+ depending if its a tactical squad+ combat squad, more if devestator/assault. So going by the other battleforce prices I would expect it to be £55-£70, anymore than that and it isn't really worth it.

10-06-2009, 04:55 AM
Hopefully this comes through, as I was planning on getting a couple of tactical squads with rhinos and a couple of predators :P

the one
10-06-2009, 07:50 AM
Anyone Remember when you used to be able to get a squad and thier transport for a discounted price?

Tacticals + Rhino, etc.

Wish we could get those back for Christmas.

That was a combat squad and razorback. Not as good.

Maybe it is normal marines and it'll become £60 (Don't know $) like the empire one.

10-06-2009, 07:59 AM
To elaborate: The price of metal models is one reason that people shy away from the army. A battleforce put together at a discount would alleviate this and entice people to buy the battleforce. It needn't be big, for that matter maybe it's just a starting kit of two squads, a squad of seraphim, and a Canoness.

Actually why I never started a WH army: To expensive and hard to convert with an all metal model range. However GW doesn't seem to want to put together metal battleforce boxes either.

10-06-2009, 02:58 PM
See, you're still right, but I still don't see how this hurts my approach on why GW does a Space Marine Battleforce like that, which was the original question. Yes, a battleforce for the sisters would help the army out and make it more popular. Yes, I share your opinion that GW should do one, as they have a special place in my heart, too.
But it's also far from a secret that their decisions are aimed at short-term sales of plastic, wether we like that or not. Space Marines sell great. The Predator not so well since 5th ED (assumption nr. 1 on my side). So they make him part of a discount battleforce to get rid of more Predator units (assumption nr. 2). Why they don't do that for the Sisters army as a whole? Perhaps they're not even interested in pushing their sales and popularity before a plastic-heavy re-release. Maybe they just don't care. Maybe they shy away from a too havy battleforce with too much metal in it because of logistics. Maybe they assume it still won't sell to the crwod they just re-educated to love the plastic.

Good decision? I'm right with you, don't think so. Typical for GW? Hell yes. Come on, the favoring of marines is not exactly breaking news. I'm not saying I like how they handle the sisters, the whole Predator thing just makes sense to me from a GW perspective. And by that I mean their typical Marine-friendly sellout attitude.

10-12-2009, 09:29 AM
I was in GW and they're apparently releasing a boxed set for the SW with 2x wolf squads, 5x scoutns and a drop pod for $90 ... may already be up on the website

10-12-2009, 12:23 PM
I will get one if it comes out... I just hope that the molds line up better than on the standard Battleforce. I looked at that last night and it is going to be weeks before I can paint them because of all of the sculpting and scraping I will have to do to make them look right!

Brass Scorpion
10-12-2009, 12:31 PM
In the past, "Mega-force" boxes have been $175 US. The box is on the list I've posted in other threads, like the one on Indomitable Fortress. Here's the info again from http://www.gamingfigures.com/

"We all know that November sees the release of the new Skaven army book and new range of figures.

But did you also know that Games Workshop are planning some Warhammer 40000 releases and re-releases.

Re-releases include: The Imperial Sector(£48.95), The Imperial Strongpoint(£53.85) and the Space Marine Megaforce(£97.85 contents as yet unknown).

New release include: Ork Megaforce(£97.85 contents unknown) and the Fortress of Redemption(£58.70).

Yes folks, GW are releasing the Dark Angels Fortress as pictured in the Planetstrike codex.

Warhammer releases include the Empire Brigade and a Orc & Goblin Brigade(£97.85 each)

The release date for the above items has been confirmed as the 28th November. All prices shown above are Games Workshop RRP's. These models will be in the advanced order section as soon as we have confirmation of quantities available to us."