View Full Version : Lots of Blood - Blood Ravens w/Blood Angels Allies (1500 Points)

09-05-2012, 01:07 PM
Main Detachment

• Librarian w/Storm Bolter, Terminator Armor

• 5 Terminators (1 Chain Fist, 1 Assault Cannon)

• 10 Tactical Marines (1 Plasma Gun, 1 Plasma Cannon, Sergeant w/Power Weapon, Meltabombs) in a Drop Pod
• 5 Scouts w/Camo Cloaks (4 Sniper Rifles, Sergeant w/Teleport Homer)
• 5 Scouts w/Camo Cloaks (1 Missile Launcher, Sergeant w/Teleport Homer)

Heavy Support
• Predator w/Autcannon, Heavy Bolter Sponsons

Allied Detachment

• Reclusiarch w/Jump Pack

• 5 Death Company w/Bolt Pistol, Chainsword, Jump Pack (1 Hand Flamer, 1 Power Fist)

Heavy Support
• Stormraven w/Assault Cannons, Multi-Meltas, Extra Armor

I think this list has the potential to be a lot of fun. My Blood Ravens are meant to be a dynamic fire support force. I can start the deployment process with my predator hiding behind cover, then infiltrate my scouts into cover in position to harass the enemy with snipers and missiles. The tactical squad can likewise react to my opponent's deployment choices by deploying via drop pod. The teleport homers on the scouts mean that I can use them to ensure that my librarian and terminators arrive on target to deliver 12 shots - 4 of them strength 6 and rending - into an opponent's flank or a vehicle's rear armor.

My Blood Angels, on the other hand, are all about the stormraven: zooming in, blasting enemy flyers out of the sky, and delivering my reclusiarch-boosted death company into close combat. Thanks to the stormraven, I think my death company stands a good chance of surviving long enough to come to grips with their opponent. Since they have jump packs, I can also have them leap out the side of the stormraven, if need be.

Anyway, I'd love your feedback. Perhaps I can't figure out how to use Blood Angels on their own, but in this role, as backup, I think they can definitely excel.