View Full Version : Path of the Outcast - Mini Review

09-04-2012, 09:18 AM
Just cos I've written one for all the other books in the series, figured i'd do this too

Path of the Outcast (spoiler free part)

As a final part of the Eldar trilogy this book finishes off the story that Warrior and Seer started. But seeing as they all run simultaneous, this doesn't really add much to the other all storyline, instead adding specific information on why some things happened.

Aradaryan is a better lead character than Korandaril was, so is a definant improvement to Warrior, but hes stick a bit of a ego tripping ***, making Thirianna still my favourite character of the all 3 books

Aradryan, falling out of favour of the Path system chooses to leave the Craftworld and explore the universe as a outcast. We see him serving as a Ranger, fighting on the same Ork occupied Exodite world as the other 2 books.

As an Eldar player we learn a lot about the background of the Eldar race. Theres a lot of information about the Outcasts (obviously) but Exodites are looked at in more detail than previous books. Fan of the Harlequins will be happy as they get some good attention, as do the Dark Eldar, but obviously not as much as they did in their own Path book (Renegade). Theres even some stuff about the Eye of Terror and a look at the fall in there...as well as another city hub built in the webway. A neutral ground between all Eldars

Overall, the book is a very enjoyable affair and offers a lot more action than its predecessors' and Eldar fans won't be disappointed by the extra information it brings about their background

Not as good as Seer in my eyes, but thats just my preference in main characters. Aradryan definently learns more by the story ends and advances more as a character than his friends.

7/10 in arbritary rating units :P

Now highlight below for spoilers!

- The Solitaire is awesome. He wipes the floor with a Greater Demon of Slanesh during their expedition to the Crone Worlds in the Eye of Terror
-Speaking of which - They make an expedition to one of the Crone Worlds in the eye of Terror to collect Eldar Sprit Stones. Spirit stones aren't just stones. They're fossilised spirits of the Eldar that died during the fall.
- The crone world shows the power of the Eldar race. The whole planet is one palace. Forget the emperors palace covering a continent. One Eldar's palace covered an ENTIRE PLANET. It shows the arrogance and power of the race.
- Aradryan eventually gives up the Outcast path, and rises to a Corsair prince. It is his actions that bring the Doom of the Imperium down on the craftworld
- Yet the Eldar remain as emo as ever. The final pages show how that the Path system and peoples plans and actions have actually caused everything. Without Thirianna warning Aradryan about the attack, it would have never happened....

09-04-2012, 10:21 AM
Hehe, you mean Path of the Outcast.:p

Which reminds me, I still need to read it.

09-04-2012, 10:28 AM
I read Path of the Seer first and am now almost finished with Path of the Warrior. Didn't realize there was an order but it doesn't seem to matter. I definitely think Thirianna's a better protagonist but they are both good books.

09-04-2012, 10:53 AM
Hehe, you mean Path of the Outcast.:p

Which reminds me, I still need to read it.

Eeeeep. you are indeed right. How did I screw that up? Can I get a Mod in here to change that :P

I read Path of the Seer first and am now almost finished with Path of the Warrior. Didn't realize there was an order but it doesn't seem to matter. I definitely think Thirianna's a better protagonist but they are both good books.

The good thing about them is they're 3 sides of the same story. Outcast definently finishes the story, so I think that must be read last, but the other 2 are pretty interchangable

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
09-04-2012, 11:29 AM
Luckily I was here to stop you from being a stupid. I should slap you for your negligence. :p

I freakin' loved Outcast, but Aradryan was not better than Korlandril, Aradryan was a wimp and a deserter.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
09-10-2012, 07:00 AM
Also, the Sons of Orar have earned my eternal scorn. Jus' sayin'.

09-12-2012, 07:54 AM
Sweet, although it don't take much to improve on korlandril that guy is a first class tool.

09-12-2012, 08:05 AM
Korandaril. Not a great character, who then gets replaced by a even more unlikable flat character halfway through the book.

Off topic a touch, just looked up Path of the Incubi on BL to get an idea when. Got this nice little teaser;

The eternal city of Commorragh has been cast into turmoil by the Dysjunction, a cataclysmic disturbance in the very fabric of its existence. As the streets are inundated with horrors from beyond the veil, Supreme Overlord Asdrubael Vect battles to keep his enemies in check and maintain his stranglehold over the riven city. Kabal turns upon kabal, archon against archon as the fires of hell are unleashed. Redemption for Commorragh rests in the hands of a disgraced incubus warrior wrongly accused of triggering the Dysjunction itself. His efforts to reclaim his lost honour could save the city or damn it forever – assuming it can survive the daemonic invasion and the archons’ deadly battles for supremacy.

Should be good. Could be lots of Morr and Vect....

Feb 2013

09-12-2012, 08:11 AM
I read half of Path of the Outcast before bed last night, really enjoying it so far though Aradryan is an arse. Thirianna still strikes me as the only vaguely sensible one.

09-12-2012, 08:18 AM
Arad and Koran suffer the same personality flaw - Arrogance. Koran's literally destroys him, wheras Arad brings huge ruin down. Can see it as a parellel to the Ancient Eldar, whos arrogance brings down the entire race.

Thiri is definently the level headed one, and she is in the position of Seer, a leader, representing the future of the race.

Or am i reading too much depth in :P

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
09-12-2012, 08:19 AM
I agree.

Aradryan is cool for like a chapter and that's it, and he still screws up.

09-12-2012, 08:20 AM
Nope that is pretty much my reading of it too. Korlandril is arrogant and lacks self awareness, Aradryan is arrogant like only a bored rich kid can be while Thirianna is actually trying to take control of her life and accomplish things both for herself and her Craftworld.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
09-12-2012, 08:22 AM
I would say something there EG but that would contain HUGE spoilers. :p

09-12-2012, 02:59 PM
You know, I liked the Exarch that korlandril became. I think he had more common sense then all the others combined.