View Full Version : Deepstriking Necrons Destroyers/Wraiths/Destroyer Lord

09-01-2012, 11:25 PM
Alright so this just occurred to me and I am unsure as to how many of you are aware of this, but jump infantry can deepstrike and according to the 6th edition rulebook, so this means that your wraiths, destroyers and Praetorians can deepstrike onto the board from reserves.

So now what I was think is that with destroyers especially you could take a full squad of regular destroyers and deepstrike them in range of say a heavy weapons squad or something and vaporize it before it can react. Since its a quick 4.44 meq wounds.

Also something pretty nasty is this means you can start your destroyer lord in reserves with a squad of deathmarks, deepstrike in (potentially on your opponents turn), rapid fire with preferred enemy and hunters from hyperspace so anything that doesn't wound gets re-rolled, and then either hide the destroyer lord if he can't assault or break off the destroyer lord and cause havoc already in your opponents face.

Also means that your wraiths can start a lot closer to your opponent, giving him less time to deal with them. And if what I think about transdimensional beamers is correct (in that they ignore invulnerable saves, instantly kill ignoring eternal warrior, and ignore feel no pain. I have a thread up in the rules section about this) then there may be both a reason to buy the upgrade and to turn it into a very quick and effective counter to tough units.

Just my thoughts on how to make the already deadly necrons even deadlier in different ways in the glorious edition that 6th is.

09-02-2012, 10:29 AM
Your right. Can't belive you are just learning this. :P

09-08-2012, 04:01 PM
only problem is mishapping :)

09-09-2012, 04:09 AM
Deepstriking destroyers does sound like a semi-decent plan for allowing them to alpha strike, especially if you are going second. Also, keep in mind, you can't assault out of deep strike or move, so if you attach a Destroyer lord to a deathmark squad, its going to be attached until your following turn... Not that that is a bad thing though, destroyer lords work quite well for tanking shots ultimately increasing your unit's survivability. Also keep in mind, since the wraiths count as having moved when they come in via deepstrike, they cannot fire the Transdimensional beamer... So it's still not the best idea to take one.

One last thing... Jump infantry were able to deep strike in 5th edition, and Im pretty sure they could in 4th too. (my 4th edition rule book is in storage so I can't double check) It's just one of those rules that is often overlooked.