View Full Version : Clone Field Errata?

Archon Charybdis
09-01-2012, 08:44 PM
Okay, it might just be because I'm tired and my brain is mushy, but I can't make anything meaningful of the 6th ed errata for the Clone Field. After telling you to roll the D3 it says:

"The result is the number of hits upon the bearer that he may completely nullify in that fight sub-phase, just before the roll To-Wound."

The thing is, the phrase "hits upon the bearer" is meaningless; you can't single out IC's anymore, you hit the entire unit and then you might allocate wounds to the model with the Clone Field. However, it's clearly NOT saying you allocate the wounds and then nullify d3 of them. Is there something I'm missing here?

09-01-2012, 09:23 PM
I don't think it's meaningless, it's just something that only happens in a challenge. I don't think the challenge rules ever quite specify that challenger and challengee can only hit each other, but they do specify that challenger and challengee can only "strike blows against one another," which I think we're justified in reading to mean that they allocate attacks and roll to hit as if they were each a one-model unit (e.g., if a WS5 warboss is leading a mob of 30 WS2 gretchin and 3 WS4 runtherds, and the warboss is in a challenge with a WS4 space marine sergeant, the sergeant would allocate his attacks, and roll to hit, as if he were fighting a unit whose majority WS was 5, would he not?).