View Full Version : New Guard Conversion Parts

09-01-2012, 04:36 AM
Hi all,

Victoria Miniatures kindly sent over a few of their recent releases for us to have a look at, we've taken loads of photos & size comparisons which you can find at the following link:

Guard Conversion Parts on Graven Games (http://gravengames.co.uk/guard-conversion-parts-review/)

There are some really cool pieces which will be especially useful to Warhammer 40k Imperial Guard players or similar armies.

http://gravengames.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/Victoria-Miniatures-Guard-Conversion-Parts-1-300x225.jpg (http://gravengames.co.uk/guard-conversion-parts-review/)

We personally plan to use the Cthood Heads to make a small Genestealer cult, and the Penal Guard as an Imperial Penal Legion, is anyone else doing the same or found other ways to use these parts?